"We re- ery reliable Pea Coal, $12.50 PER TON. D.L.&W. Scranton Nut, $16.00 ton, D.L.& W. Scranton Stove, $16.00 ton Small Coke, $12.50 Solvay Hard Coke $13.00. a ton. (The faultless fuel.) Kentucky Domestic (Coal only $10. y a ton delivered Dry Hardwood--$4.00 single cd. Dry Mixed Slabs--$3.00 delivered Above prices include delivery in town. St. Mary's Cement, Roger's Waterproof Cement, Lime, and P. FIGARY Bell Phones 94; 214. Port Perry 3 FOR ICE CREAM GO TO RUDDY'S Sundaes and all kinds of Fancy Dishes made from NEILSONS' Delicious Ice Cream. Try Ruddy's 50c. Dinner Largest, assortment of Tobacco d Cigarettes in town. RUDDY'S RESTAURANT Phone 96 CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Council was held on May 5th. with all mem- bers present. Reeve Bruce in the : 'chair, Minutes of last meeting read and . approved. Moved by Coun. Devitt and Edger- ton, that the clerk post up notices requesting persons not to ride bicycles on sidewalks in Blackstock. Communications were read from ¢ ditch opposite L. On motion of Hardware Furnaces--Plumbing." Telephone 61 We carry a complete stock of Moore's Paints. Exceptional good value at $3.75 gal., $1.90 1; gal., $1.00 per quart, 60c. per pint. smh Remember we deliver Coal Oil any place in'town. Just call 61. We will look after the rest. Don't you need a Rake, Spade, Shovel, Trowel, Chalk Line or Cultivator. If you do, call 'and see ours. Carnegie Hardware Company Port Perry :: Ontario CHEVROLET --meets all the Standards by which a car is judged Y whatever standard you judge a car--what- ever qualifications you demand--Chevrolet can meet your closest scrutiny. Chevrolet economy is an established fact. No other car can be run so inexpensively, Chevrolet is the world's lowest-priced, fully-equipped car. Chevrolet dependability is proven by thousands of owners every day, in all kinds of weather, over all kinds of roads. Chevrolet appearance and con- struction set new standards among low-priced cars. Chevrolet Service is the final factor in determin-_ ing the value of the car. Wherever you travel, throug hout the length and breadth of the Domin- fon, Chevrolet service is close at hand. There are Chevrolet Dealers and Service Stations every- where, where you can be sure of getting genuine Chevrolet parts and expert service by men who thoroughly understand the car. Weigh all the evidence carefully --and you will more fully appreciate Chevrolet value. Ask us for a demonstration. Ask us about the GMAC Deferred Payment Plan O18 : now at. very low 5 prices from 2 : Wy HARRISON Blong Block Repairing prom done; Good Spain i Ered Rosson. | Goode's Creamery|| at Port Perry Is paying Sle. 1b. for butter} fat You oan os or and make more money by sending your ocream to ; Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprieter. C. C. Stenhouse * ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public properly designed and 'supervised. | Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teachers of PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 169 r 2 Port Perry. JOHN BELDON_LUNDY L.D.S., D.D.8. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto. ing by appointment. Phones--Office' 68 r 2. Residence68r 3 _ Office over Morrison's Drug Store. TRAINS MANY LEADERS Since 1921 Victoria College, To- ronto, has had 2,400 students in train- ing for the Methodist Ministry, with Union Bank Building, Oshawa, 'Ont. Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Even-|" Port Perry |i During this v i the Cold Sea ded il beautiful, i ; waterproof, and grease proof. 'No fast At regular prices they are b t bi hoy ave good buying 3 5 feet | Size 9x 6 ft. Reg. $ 9.00 | Size 9.3 SH. hee. CHE $11.95 Size 9 x 12 ft, Reg. 318.00 fr i for $ 7.96 8 dozen Window Blinds, colors plain, - low, size 87 in. wide, 72 in. long, reg. 10 dozen Oil yellow, reg 11.25 for § 9.95 5.75 for $13.95 T CUT PRICES en and yel- . value, for 75¢. ue Shades, golois ht d dark, "Hao va ae Solors ght an Eresnnd 15 onefroom of Wall Papers, mostly all iy ves pat- terns. Reg. 85e. for 22. These papers are among our best sellers. Papers suitable for all rooms. Reg. 18¢. papers for 12%c. : Reg. 2c. for 19¢. Reg. 50c. for 3bc. FOR SALE AND WANT ADVERTISEMENTS PAY FOR SALE Indian Motorcycle, looks as good as new, and in good working order. Ap- ply to W. Brimacombe, R.R.1, Sea- grave, Ontario. -- Ole FARM FOR RENT Farm for rent on Scugog Island. Py i March 1st, 1925. For still larger b of students in art. " merce () ( (permet THE WILL TO SAFETY In a thoughtful address delivered before the recent Safety Convention in Toronto, Drv H. J; Cody psed a phrase that will linger in the minds of those who heard him. That phrase was "the will to safety." We have all heard of the "will to safety". and. Dr." Cody's desire was to persuade both management and men to think safety and achieve, The reports Teceived so far in 1924 by the Workmen's - Compensation Board 'indicate that 18,710 accidents have been reported: during the first four months qf 'the year and that the total compensation awarded by the Board in the same period has been $2,071,068.60. This is a very large sum and, with constant desire of 'country to reduce costs, appears Se > -a legitimate | Waterloo contemplates Mrs John Adams, ort Perry, Ont. May 16. particulars apply to Ambleside, R.R.8, BE NOTICE v Don't forget our Vacuum Sweeper to aid you with your spring house cleaning. Only those who used it last year know the hard labor it®saves. It cleans you mattress, walls, and all upholstered furniture, as well as your rugs. A L MeDERMOTT AST] FOR SALE The undersigned has a quantity of hay and a number of cedar posts for sale. Apply to Alex. Lee, phone 115 r 22, or R.R.3 Uxbridge. nen) () (poems WANTED ~ Life Company with Head Office at : 'opening an Agency at Port Perry. One repre- sentative wanted for this locality. Good opportunities for right man, with District Office supervision and Write P, O, Box 175, Waterloo, Ont. Ril KITCHEN STOVE FOR SALE Apply D. A. Lyle, Prince Albert, Phone . 17415. | Phone 32 1-2 May 8 DR. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 am. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY, 'ONTARIO - : -000-- TWO GATES FOR SALE Two iron gates--one larg® and one small--Apply Mrs. Kyle, Port Perry. | wis: ian Sb FOR SALE Yorkshire White brood sow, due May 24. Apply to Joseph McCann, 9th concession East Whitby. AY CARTAGE .LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. RELIABLE SERVICE: ~ ; F. R. BENNETT . Union Ave," Port" Perry. 1 % eA May 29 BABY CHICK FOR SALE ~ 8. C. White Leghorns... ...15c. each Free range stock. Not less than 26 chicks to a ghipment. D WILKINSON; Brooklin, Q#ft. APPLICATION HAS BEEN - ACCEPTED the Centre York" om Court of Revision NOTICE is hereby given that 'the first sitting of the Court of Revision to revise the Assess- ment Roll of the TOWNSHIP OF 8CUGOG + for the year 1924, will be held at the Town Hall, on " SATURDAY, MAY 381, 1924 : at 1.00 pm, All persons inter- ested are required to take notice. THOS. GRAHAM, Clerk, ve -- - ; Cede ause PALMER GRADUATE | CHIROPRACTOR | QUEEN 57. PHONE:180) § PORT PERRY White Wyandottes and B. P. Rocks, | | 20¢. each, Hatches ready weekly. ! The application of the Usbride 4 Le EO An ob