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Port Perry Star, 22 May 1924, p. 3

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DPOPErty; almost: from the 'first: di {and have picked couldn't find three' {active children in all Detroit. 'They| eat ravenously, the 'color of health has returned to their cheeks, and they Ct r---- ; arti February issue of Good Housekeeping, "Shall We Teach! Religion in School?" 'The article was extensively reviewed in a later issue' of the Literary Digest, The gist of the article was that school childrén' are prone 'to petty dishones-| ties, 'not only in school work but out- side of school. - In thé tests made, groups of Boy Scouts showed the high est scores for homesty. Tell. your| troop about this.+ Tell them about the | "Campaign for Honor and Honesty" Just now/being tried 'out'in a number campaign is 'the result-of a nono of experimenting to dis- a omy A dozen'Is a lot to manage." [A SPLEXDID LAXATIVE FOR THE' BABY seriously worried | Thelr stomachs were up- lin play or.anytning else: "They began to eat and sleep better _of Tanlac, "woke up my appetite, systein so that the boils: went-away, and behing of the 20 alnosic: 1 trial 'and found it wonderful," and it anyone doubts "our Siemon they din]. write 'personally, «We Set of being without Tanlae. Tahlac is for sale by all good drug. gists! Accept no substitute, - Over 1} 40 Million bottles sold. * resin. "Tanlac Vegetable Pills, for consti- manufacturers of TANLAC. "rd rather Have my husband than dozen others." 'think that's- where you're wise; al EASY TRICKS A Parlor Iusion A trick, very pobulat with stage mifgicians, - may 'be performed in any parlor and has the appearance of being 'a' far more elaborate trick than most amateur tricksters at- tempt. Three pieces of tissue paper; red, white and blue are shown. The sleeves are'rolled up and the hands' are seen to be empty except for the paper.' 'Thé papers are set on fire and while they 'are burning the 'trickster crushes them in his cleaned my blood and toned up my |ards ered | man. "We have given Tanlactw fair{De pation, made and recommended by the | doin 8 a e whore of ins '00 often Shel une and Bang in Bs n rroundin and Wirt dct lack" of | HE is shown! welfare' of 'those in rent Turi, thee rae onaaged iu ponding 'lac 98 Interest on the part of the orien In work tk they are A bot! iy as well as to the Juality and quantity of the les pro- ok of interest the health and con- phen and women work, social and 'political unrest and dissatisfaction e wide-spread disturbing and dislocating trade and commerce, and affecting the whole strata of our domestic and national affairs. : That there is a great need for in- tensive work to be done in Ontario in the sphere of Industrial Hygiene is evidenced by industrial reports and 4 statistics. Time lost through disability is a Fron is 'manifested ditions under wi! ¢! red ication of cffort, there hive been] fd a 'searc 8300000 En ret a health of indus: the the - Suitasic is oud of : of In- ere Bosrd of To revent: waste of time and the] Sollected hy results . of ed b: hihi id expe fet a ve pl lants - SF other oo countri his) tion at the' informa EAL RT ee who have 'similar health problems, even' thou on a much smaller scale, to be dealt with. certain information is not at hand, literary research work Hs carried on to gain the information' ished for, while in addition, a ystems fra Hygiene is being ted rt has been made in clinical work ih establishment of an in- only clinic: for diagnosis; by iis of which an investigation is being made as to the prevalence of Toad' isoning in certain trades in Ontario: A demonstration has recent- ly been carried out in Thorold to de- termine the Dassiti Nties of an Indus- trial and Public Health Nurse com- bining hér 'duties so as to make both phases of 'her work 'as effective as sible. Altogether the ' Division of Prdustrial Hygiene is aiming to raise the general standard of health among industrial workers and thereby do its share towards the 'great combined work of all Divisions of the Provincial Board of Health, viz, to improve the race and raise the health standards d' for all cl of the ity. portant feature to be reckoned wi GRLH00D: DANGERS Can Be Avoided by Keeping' the Blood Rich and Pure. The anaemia of ybung girls may be inherited, or it may be caused by bad alr, unsuitable* food, hasty and irre- gular eating, insufficient out-door ex- ercise 'and not enough rest and sleep: It comes on gradually, beginning with languor, indisposition to exertion and a feeling of fatigue. Later comes pal- pitation of the heart and headaches. Cave Which Sings. Most people have heard of the Whis- pering. Gallery which surrounds the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral, London. But few living beyond the borders of the Black Country of England know that there is a Singing Cave in the 'grounds of Dudley Castle. The cave does' not sing, any more than 'the fa- mous gilded gallery whispers; but by some accident in its construction, the sounds of voices ring round its cav- ernous walls and become possessed of such sweetness and power as to make the cave a place of gnchantment. The tomb of the wife of Sulla in the ( which keeps the tobacco in Its original condition _alsoi in 22lb. tins L ) of Canada Limited Let Me Grow Lovely Growing Old. "Let me grow lovely growing old-- So many fine things do; Laces, and ivory, and gold Capital punishment has been abol- ished in Austria, Holland, Norway, Portugal, Italy, Rumania and Sweden. Belf-love is a mote in every man's eye. And silks need not be new; Classified Advertisements "And there is heating in old trees, Old streets a glamour hold; 'Why may not I, as well as thee, Grow lovely, growing old?" --Karle Wilson Boker. P comforter; one dollar. Woollen Mills, Georgetown, Ont. URB, BEAUTIFULLY FLUFFY, carded wool; sample, enough light LADIES ONLY. -- Pm a It's good to prove, in yourself, that not all the good die young. Fortune is like glass--the brighter O velope, free. Casier 2428, UR BOOKLET "LADIES FRIEND" mailed in plain en- ontreal. the glitter the more easily broken. K EE ny UR RB EXE URIN URINE p ANING stor ES ALTHY Mothers" should 'constantly 'be on guard to keep baby's bowels working freely: and his*#tomach sweet, for pine-tenths of the from which little ones suffer are cansed 'by de- rangements of the stomach and | bowels... Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid laxative for the baby. They 'are mild but thorough; contain neith- er 'opiates 'nor narcotics, and are' ab: p-- | solutely guaranteed to be safe and efficient for either the newborn babe or the growing child. By their action hands; extMiguishing the flames. He rubs 'his hands together nd produces trom - the - ashes Roman Campagna, will repeat a line of poetry which takes two and a half seconds to utter, + In a cave in the Pantheon :t Rome the visitor, by only flapping his coat, can create an echo like the report of a big gun; while in the famous Lean- ing Tower of Plsa the sound of musi: cal notes, either sung or played on an instrument, are so repeated and ampli- fled that it almost seems as though an organ were playing. Tennyson wrote his famous lyric, In the majority of cases constipation is rene, and the tomplexion takes hn rt: | off grocuIAh FEIIOWEQNTIOE: Ther treat tittle A voilt sent 18 quite 'easy and simple avoid burning the fingers. Most |yyyijame'. Pink Pills re just the tonic claus let the:papers--each 18 to. remedy this wretched state of 8.5itvle Dieser thali a elgarotie pa. They act directly upon the pér=biurn anti] only. 8 very small | health. They act directly up i: Then thers - | blood, and as it becomes rich and pure strength and activity returns, the You le prepared: for the trick | glow of 'hedith comes fo the cheeks, by being rolled Into a very and' soon 'the trouble will disappear ball. This is pushed {ito one end | and 'good health followi ' Miss Pearl of a box of matches. The | parks; R.R. No. 1, Reaboro, Ont. has CUTICURA Say "Bayer Aspirin' INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross' on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by and to good Scouting. If aeaol 'authorities are concerned about the drive extent of dishonesty among school on the-bowels a ands pupils, indigestion ; Scout 'Code of Sonduet | to. prove itself, | break up colds and simple fevers snd ps period y. The. A 'medi- dealers 'or by mail at 26 cents a Willfams' Medidine Not Considering the Right. Friend--""Did you say you'd rather be right than President?" © old Souk "Nawrathiop "be tight President." box is put easy remch but. Flased-se that the spectators' can- not see the end in which the flag. is hidden. When the magician takes a match out of the box, he closes ft. That forces the handkerchief into one of his palms. The fact that the . same hand holds the papers enables him to keep the hand: closed with- out exeiting suspicion, (OMp this out and paste it. with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) En a : Toleration. "Let me be a little kinder, lét me be a little blinder, > To the faults of those about me; let mé praise a little more, Let me be, when T am weary, just a little bit more cheery; Let me serve a little better those that § I am striving for, Let me be a little braver, when temp- tation 'bids me waver; | Let me-strive alittle harder to be all 4 that I should be: Let me be a little meeker with the brother that is weaker; the| Let me think' more of my Delghbor and a little less of me." proved the value of this medicine, and her statement will polat the way to health to all other weak girls. She says:--"I was very ill with anaemia. 1 could mot sleep at night; my appe: tite wag poor, my face.and lips were very pals and my eyes dull. I got so weak that I could not'go upstairs with- out resting, spells, had no ambition whatever, and did not care to go about. I was In this condition for nearly a year. I had treatment from two doctors; but did not regain my strength, so my mother, who was very uneasy about me, decided I should tpy Dr. Willams' Pink Pills. After using the pills for a while I felt somewhat better, and continued taking them until 1 had used about a dozen boxes; when I was again well and strong. I ean strongly recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the treatment of any suffering from anaemia." You can get these Pilg from any medicine dealer or by nail at 50 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Dm gon cond Tree Doom. To draw sweet sustenance from the earth: devouring: meat that's With casing bark to fit 'one's girth And stand unhoused fn wind, sum, rain-- To! have waved leaves instead 'of hair d a green color for a face; 'to' move through lite elsewhere, But root forever in one place, Ni nw broad; earth-rooted tree! 3 men say, whe stricken sore, shiver a space' I took dizay and fainting |s 0, what'a strange lite thers mist be | . 'they're | "The Splendour Falls," after hearing the famous bugle-echo at Killarney, A bugle blast is echoed and re-echoed from the hills till it sounds as though a hundred bugles were blowing. If the famous Menai Suspension Bridge {is taken down, ag is possible, to be replaced by something more sub- tial; not only will a bridge be des- troyed, but also a famous echo. The sound of a hammer is repeated from each supporting crossbeam in the bridge, and finally from the opposite pier 676 feet away. a ti Keep Minard's Liniment In the hous PE Te na Overheard in An Orchard. Said 'the 'robin to the sparrow: I should really like to know 'Why 'these anxious human beings Rush about and worry so. Said the sparrow to the robin: Friend, I think that it must be That they have no Heavenly Father Such as cares for you and me. --HBlizabeth Chenley. millions and prescribed by phy- sicians for 24 years, Y: ' » Accept only a Bayer package "which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Aldo bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists Aspirin is the' trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- sceticacidester "of Balieylleacld Old: People Bitro-Phosphate ' feeds pl nerves and 'old people need it to make them feel and look younger. It's the one best nerve builder for weak, nerve-ex- hausted men and women and that is why druggists guarantee it. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co. 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont, - DONTWTRY THE El Hi F or Children' sBaths Cuticura Soap is ideal for children because it is so pure and cleansing, and so soothing when the skin ie hot, irritated or rashy. Cuticura Tal. mvera-tag@inst Jno. Nasmith, with a score of 17-8. Several of the new members showed where good material and enthusiasm is to be counted on _| for the coming season. Where were the other twelve skips. SHREREErY Sain COMING--Eyesight Specialist Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, of 167 Yonge St. Toronto, at A. J. Davis' Drug Store, Port Perry, on Thursday, May 22nd. Glasses if required at right prices. r--)Q-- TREES The Council has ordered some trees or street planting and ratepayers de- siring trees planted in front of their residences should speak to Chief Nesbitt. When the town plants a tree for a citizen, the citizen should at least water and mulch it the first year. i Sundaes and all 'kinds' Fane, FOR . CREAM GO TO ONS' Delicio Cream. Dishes made from

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