ee Oe The Scugog Chapter, LO.D.E. will hold a May-time Dance in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on May 30th. Will the members of the Chapter please accept this invitation. A fee of 26c. will be charged for the gallery. ' ee) Oe DIED At Edmonton, on Saturday, May 17th, 1924, Robinson McGill, formerly of Port Perry. The body will be brought to Janetville, arriving on Friday. The funeral service will be held at the home of Mrs. McGill's sister, Mrs. W. J. Peel, on Saturday, May 24th at 2 p.m. ate 0 Oma. At Raglan, on Monday, May 19th, 1924, Berta Pearl Brent, in her 30th year. el) OO eins HOME MADE COOKING The W.C.T.U. will hold a sale of home-made cooking in the Public Library, on Friday afternoon, May 28. A choice variety of pies, cakes, etc. will be offered for sale. seme) (mmm SAVED FROM FIRE The prompt use of chemical fire extinguishers saved the residence of Mr. E. A. Walker from fire on Tues- day morning. The chimney caught fire, and the adjoining roof under- neath began to burn. After the alarm was rung in chemical extinguishers were on hand in a few minutes, and in a short time the fire was under control with out serious damage from either fire or water. ----) (meni HORTICULTURAL PREMIUMS NOW READY The Dahlia and Gladioli premiums may now be secured by members if they will call at Davis' Drug Store. am------)() -------- PAID WEEKLY Goode's Creamery announces that cheques for butter fat will be paid to patrons each week now. Sling popes MANCHESTER Miss Bagshaw, of Toronto, has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. W. F. Walk- er, for a few days. i) Orsini W. C. T. U. NOTICE The regular meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held in the Presbyterian Church' on Wednesday afternoon, May 28th, at 3 p.m. This will be the annual meeting and a good attend- ance is requested. A good program will be provided. The W.C.T.U. are having a sale of Home-made Cooking at the Public Library on May 23rd from 4 to 6. Meat stews are to be recommended, provided they are thoroughly cooked and the fat removed. They may be made from the cheaper cuts of meat with potatoes and other vegetables. | Shell frames, (nose bridge Bargains and sides i. 6.50 1 shell frames, gold mounts, Regular $6.00 for $4.50. We also have other bar- gains in optical good s. It would pay you to take ad- vantage of this sale as it closes on May 31st. mmr (Qin We make you watch run on time.. All repairs fully guaranteed. I. R.BENTLEY JEWELLER & OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT, DOMINION LIFE INSURANCE Reuben 8, Tindall has opened an office in the Ebbels Block, Port Perry. If you are interested in Life Insur- ance, a post card will bring full in- formation. 29 re UH Save Wednesday evening, May 28, to hear Whitby Minstrels. ----e Omit OBITUARY The Late Mary Rogers The quiet little churchyard sur- rounding the Friends' meeting house in Mariposa, and in their quaint, sweet old way of expressing it, "on 6th day, the 9th of 5th month," the remains of Mary Rogers, relict of the late William Rogers who died in 1895, were laid at rest along with those who sleep - until the trumpet shall sound. Although it rained all afternoon, friends from far and near, 'came to pay their final tribute of respect to one whose life, for over 103 years had left its impress, on the com- munity where she lived. Mary Rogers who was a daughter of John Cruess and sister of J. S. Cruess M.P.P., was born in Bradford and came to Mariposa in 1885, and, having the rare distinction of having lived well past the century mark has seen wonderful changes in Mariposa since she came into the virgin forest, and riding horseback, following the blazed trees, left by the surveyers as she rode out to Pudy's Mill, to get the needed supplies from the little store on the bank of the Scugog River, where the town of Lindsay now stands. That courage, faith and per- severance, and that kindly considera- tion for the welfare of others remain- ed with her until the last moment, when her spirit took its flight. The services were conducted in the home by Rev. Dr. Morrow, of Oak- wood, énd in the meeting house by Dri Morrow and Louise Richardson-of Pickering, a minister of the Society of Friends, and the beautiful, simple, but impressive service was in keeping with the life and character of her who now sleeps with loved ones gone be- fore. There were eight children of whom soups. I" Clear soups have no food value but d six are living. Mrs. Agnes Weldon, meat. soups to 'which vegetables and g Lindsay; James Rogers, Michigan; barley or rice are added, are useful food. Thick soups, especially those 'made from peas or beans with the ad. | dition of milk, are both cheap and nourishing and may be used to re- place meat and eggs in the diet. VEGETABLES. | ers, on the homestead; pCoady, Alberta; Susanna Moase, of Port Perry. The two who have pas- David Rogers, Mariposa; Elihu Rog- Elizabeth sed on before, were John and Hannah. Vegetables are very good for chil- dren. A selection may be made from mashed turnips, mashed car- Sr SS A product of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saskatoon Sunderland: Tim Doyle. : Continued from Front Page "Hail! Royal George, Hail! Soothing Coolidge, McKenzie King, rustling Meighen, But we'd rather twist, Our George's wrist That genial hand In these warm fists, Than shake hands, : With ye all. : We regret exceedingly that Port Perry is so far from St. John, and express the hope that the Board will invite us' to dinner an- nually instead of two and a half dinners in a century and we plan to meet you in person at the next dinner. . Before sitting down may we ask the diners to rise and drink with us, to our guest's health -(it also includes our Board), in the following Toast: Health! to our teacher so blushingly young, Health! to our Math. man so clever, " Here's to Board dainties that tickled out tongue, Health to our Board men forever. ake Three cheers for our teacher Mr. George Stone. After which all sing: "For he's a Jolly Good Fellow." Very sincerely yours, Annie E. Earle, . W. E. Earle Port Perry, May 12th, 1924 Board of Education, Port Perry; RERE A adie Ladies and Gentlemen: I received your very kind invitation to be present at a banquet given in honour of Mr. George Stone. I would have been very happy 'to form one of the company present on such an occasion, but I'am not able to attend. I am very much pleased that the members of the Board ap- preciate Mr. Stone's long and efficient services as teacher in the school and as a citizen of the community. The twenty-six years of happy and harmonious association with Mr. Stone are among the most. pleasant memories of my life-work. 'I have had good opportunities of estimating the value of Mr. Stone's work and I think that the members of the Board honor tp=mselves by recog- nizing such long and faithful service." Mr. Stone has not. only been a faithful teacher but also a most efficient'one, as his pupils fully realize where in colleges and universities they come Jin com- petitibn with pupils prepared in other schools. / Wishing that Mr. Stone may for many years enjoy the rest which he has so well earned. : I am, Yours Sincerely, D. McBride. Toronto, May 15th, 1924 Dear Mr. Farmer, Chairman of Board of Education: : : : I delayed writing you in the hope that I could arrange to be with you on Friday evening. Will you please convey to the Board of Education my re- gret that I cannot be present to assist in doing honour to one who has done so much for education and for the Village of Port Perry. While so many other teachers have come and gone, Mr. Stone has remained, and with Mr. McBride, has maintained the fine traditions of the school. 'I have very dis- tinct memories of the very skilful and thorough manner in which Mr, Stone taught mathematics, and of the wholesome discipline' he always maintained in his classes, and I appreciate now more than I did then the great services of such a teacher. ads 2 I hope Mr. Stone will be spared for many years to'enjoy a well earned leisure. Yours sincerely, Geo, M. Jones. ¥ Winnipeg, May 12th, 1924 Chairman Board of Education, Port Perry; Dear Sir:--I am in receipt of the invitation to the dinner to be given in honor of Mr. George Stone, and have delayed replying in the hope that it might be possible for me to be present to do honor to one whom I learned to respect and love forty years ago--a love and respect which has deepened with the passing of tim | of ~ AsTam wing and bald, have since Em To the fact that th Ne Mehr excell Sn ~ - give absolute satisfaction. DISTRIBUTORS---Port Perry: Hogg & Lytle. Uxbridge: W. S. Lapp, e and the| B por rye letter I am wondering many like my. i ay' the receipt "Ph ie invita-| 'were privi<| lives under ton : Specials Tailor-Made Suit at $30.00 A nice line of Ready-Made Cloth- ing to clear at cost. From $15.00 £6$20.00 An excellent line of Shirts, Ties, Caps We shall be glad to show them to you, W. H. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOS From motor car, between Port Perry and Lindsay, bundle of bed linen and blankets. Reward. Finder notify: C.. Austin, 179 Glendonwynne Road, Toronto, _ ' A ABA TRA FURR AE AIT WANTED Girl for Lunch Counter, also cook. Apply to Ruddy's Restaurant, Port Perry. ROAD CONTRACT LET Work Starts at Once. The contract for the Port Perry Road construction has been let to Messrs. King & Holmes, of Oakville. The road is to be concrete, reinforced where required, Thegwork begins at once and all the local labor possible will be employed. The contract price is $38,500.00. $1.35 per foot frontage, to be paid in ten years. A notice of the con- struction appears on the local page of this issue. FOUND A quantity of money on street in Port Perry. Owner can have same by proving property ahd paying ex- penses. Call at Gerrow's Bakery. nn nti A RA ASAE A ) PALMER GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR HI f | QUEEN Sr. PHONE 180) | (ELVIS "\\/E wish to announce to the pnblic = V. that our sale continues to May 26th, and for May 22, 23 and 24, we are going to have Special Bargains, which will surprise you. Everybody will be able to Dick up a good bar- gain for himself. We are sure that all our customers will be satisfied. If you are satisfied tell your friends and neighbors. If you are not satisfied tell us. We will make you satisfied. ALIX. GILBOORD DRYGOODS, READY-TO-WEAR, BOOTS & SHOES PORT PERRY PHONE 177 $8,600 to be paid by |. the town, which will give a tax of | Stationery, Glassware, Notions We are now open for business in the Feonard Block, Port Perry, and shall carry a nice line of Stationery, Glassware, Notions, etec., ete. * GOODE ICE CREAM ICE Cones and Fancy Dishes DRINKS Bottled or from . : MRS. G. W. SCHELL, PORT PERRY the Cooler.