ery Department with the dr of Trimmed Hats for to the minute in style. holiday wear. Every trim is different hw, TOR stripes and plaids in | and in the varied selection you can rest Bemains open all he Tear ind be cleared out at assured that your individual taste can J] | Demand for our graduates far "be satisfied. greater than our supply. . Writs : today for free catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, = patterns : ith the Deltor. ~ | m---- the Deltor money § WAI vain? es Ww. 1 COOK saved vet on material, cach | Women's Broadcloth Shirtwaists REALE ET ATE Box i Myrtle Station proc ; : ot and the amature § These Waists are made of the popular broadcloth in (oEroperty' quickly and sakl- _ o_ can use it successfully t0 8 White and Ecru. The 2 . y are made up in tailored style J |changed on reasonable terms *D E LTOR make ie thelr own wn clotfies. with double lounge cuffs and short tuxeda collar. Size Bell Phone 120 r 8 Port Perry for # EE -------------- | OE you from 50%to Butterick Patterns & 'Butterick Fashion E34 to 40. : Price $3.50 JOHN BELDON LUNDY logan Books. : : n , Dey WJ dh material § : DEVTAL SURGEON -- Graduate of Royal College of Dental Sale of Fancy Voile | s : : . fe i Men's Outing Shirts | Gabardine Coats | |n... 52 sommes ses 49c. Yard $2.2 5 $ 22.00 Office over Morrison's Drug Store. ' We have about 200 yards of Fancy § Goode's Creamery Voile and Organdie in white and colored § Men's Outing Shirts, made of basket Men's Shower Proof Coats, made of at Port Perry unds with pretty floral patterns. The # weave cloth in fawn shade. Has but- | all wool Gabardine in Fawn shade with JJ |18 paying 30c. per Ib. for butter gro! pretty p H . : fat. You can save labor and males . regular prices of these goods were T5¢. §# toned down attached collar and wrist- -| belts,lash or straight pockets and notch- more money 'by sending your and $1.00. # band cuff. Comes in sizes 144 to 16. ed lapel collar. Sizes 36 to 40. cream to B UTTE RICK DEPARTMENT 3 . Clearing price yard 490. § Price each $2.25 Price $22.00 Port Perry Creamery Allan Goode. Proprietor. $3 ettt ites eat ist heed dete rittitieieee 8 00000000000 000000000000080000000000800800004 rc BEmmnm 3 33 FHEEPLPP PEPE HE EEE HEHE EEE ee Don't forget that the Chautauqua y ' La ; f will be here on July 10th. Secure Summer 5 Butterick ; F - Ww M C I N } R E June Delineator your tickets early. Better than ever. : BY iv ! \ Si for the Chauta d get Quarterly 25c¢. : ; ., . - . Yor techos ily, A the week. Op Remember you can spend the 24th at Blackstock and have a good time, Stop ! Look ! Listen ! a good supper and a good laugh. 2 Sport at 2.30, supper at 6to 8, and a Bar gains at Seagrave. Store Pocket good program at 8. Come and bring friends. < used as a bank has many dis Yous en Canned Tomatoes... 20c. Canned Peas 15 GQ advantages. COOK'S BOTTLING WORKS cannes Oar; b 13%. Jasndry Ton hg ars. 256. 8% & Money carried in it is easy to erg Bove' ie pre' O}-et. Saap, Bars 0s 2 4 spend on trifles or may be lost Claus Children's Stockings 15c. pair. production of "High Class Soft d, or stolen. Drinks. The following recently pub- When in heed of Seed Corn, Mangle and Turnip See Weekly deposits ht ar Savings. Back Toho Tot pire ma ire of Maen Bran, Shorts, Flour and Chop, give us a call. ; in tent of their productions: Dry Ginger will accumulate rapidly. Ale, Lemon Sour, Birch Beer, Smile, Small or large accounts are welcome Orange, Cream "Soda, Sarsaparills, WESLEY CROSIER THE C ANADIAN B ANK Champagne Cider, Root Beer, pues, : , Crush, Brewed Ginger Beer, Special ercha OF COMMERCE oi i it Behind the Wheel General Merchant, Seagrave Goptal Pu Up gioooogee a Port Pergy Branch E. B. Walker, Manages Bill with his "Bachelor" Trims the i thi las ter VX : h President. The Home Series on the local Bowl- ing Green was played Tuesday even- At first glance; you will certainly appreciate / _ when W. Graham started out with - the smart lines, the attractive finish and I t e a win against Jno. Nasmith, with a beautiful appointments of this McLaughlin- ncrease E. H. Gerrow & Son . |i' Sov af th new Buick. - . . ° . ] and enthusiasm is to be counted on . ' or e coming season. ~ You can't really know this fine car, b- Bowever; Milk 3 Y ield Don t forget our Good Bread : Where Te other twelve skips. until you have sat behind the wheel. ; , : and Pastr y. COMING--Eyesight Specialist Dr. F. Sie Ld i. E. Luke, Optometrist, of 167 Yonge 1 vefeltthesu erabundant power; EE that your dairy herd is in good ' . . ate ot A Davie 'and unusual riding comfort; | condition when yeu tre es 'Wedding Cakes a Specialty. [5 nea, mmm, oy "the ease of control, ay {ti roads i i» : to build fesh snd not fo make milk, : . Bod, Glasses §f required at right : is afforded y the teste SE Eeaivs Aor ms wor os st City Dairy Ice Cream mo he ie 3 en perfectly balanced Served at the Store, or supplied os i fa i The Go t Pear on a in Bricks or Bulk. siring trees planted in front of their 5 idences should speak to Chief of Schumacher greedily : fos D Nesbitt. When the town plants a =t1%re is HO waste. i Ite jo SOFT DRINKS tree for a citizen, the citizen should and milk-p ing : at least water and mulch it the first right proportions. year. E H. GERROW & SON, --------F---- PORT PERRY, ONT. ICE CREAM by GO TO SELF-QILING-- SELF-REGULATING With the Strongest Tower Built Sundaes and all inde Fancy Dishes NEILSONS' Delicions Te