holidaying | at Lake Rosseau with her ~ brother, Dr. Foot. Mr. and Mrs. John Minty, of Winni- peg, passed through town on their way from the Empire Exhibition. Mr. Minty was a former resident of Port Perry and has been with the T. Eaton Co. Winnipeg, for-over twenty years without a break. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Thorburn and son, of Toronto, Mrs. J. E. Kellum, and son, of Bothwell; spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs, Albert Hall, Mr, and Mrs. Gimble and family of Toronto, and Mr. James Allin, of To- ronto, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Davey. Mr. and Mrs, L. Hurd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurd and family of Oshawa, Mr. D. Macdonald, Mrs. Frank Cassidy and family of Brooklin; Mrs. Enoch Kendall, Utica; Mr, and Mrs. Al Parkins and family, ofKinsale; Mr. and Mrs. N. Prentice and family of Epsom; Mr. and Mrs. E. Tummonds and daughter of Epsom; Mr. and Mrs. H, McMillan, of Greenbank; Mr. and Mrs. M. Prentice and family, Sonya; Mr. and Mrs, J. Medd, attended the Decoroation services at Pine Grove Cemetery and had tea with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Prentice. Miss Florence McLaughlin, of Blackstock, is the guest of Miss Amy Beare. Miss Aleta Ferguson is ill at Port Perry Hospital, put is doing nicely. Master Grant Prentice, of Epsom, and Mildred. Prentice of Sonya, are visiting with Mrs. Geo. Prentice for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Broad and family of Toronto, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ettey. Mr. Ettey is rebuilding another of his greenhouses. Miss V. Cassidy, of Toronto, and Mr. J. J. Cassidy, of Trenton, N.J., have been holidaying with their mother, Mrs. Jno. Cassidy. Mr. S. Mosure is having a sale of his household furniture, and is rent- ing his house to Mr. McIntosh, of Cobourg, who is to be in charge of the mechanical department of the Bell Telephone Company's branch in Port Perry. Mr, Percy Malcolm is being transferred but at time of writ- ing had not been informed as to his /mext station. estan mo Hints VERY SERIOUSLY ILL As we go to press we learn that Mr. Cecil Beare is in a precarious condition following an operation for . appendicitis, The appendix burst be- . fore the operation was performed and Mr. Beare is not expected to live. « m--)() ine. THIS IS CHAUTAUQUA WEEK Dominion .Redpath .Chautauqua .in Port Perry, July 10, 11, 12, and 14. Thursday, July 10th is the opening day of the Dominion Redpath Chau- tauqua in Port Perry. For four days the citizens of Port Perry and the ounding country will have an op- unity of hearing the three speak- ers Geoffrey F. Morgan, Bhaskar livale and Marshall L. Mertins, all national and international fame. 'Marko Company presents "Magic Mystery extraordinary." Con- s by the Plantation Jubilee Sing- g They make the heart glad by what they are, as well as what : they represent. q When selecting that stone it pays to consider the reliability of the dealer. We procure our Diamonds trom one of the oldest established firms in Canada--abso- lutely 'guaranteed. -q May we also supply the wedding ring. * Leave your watch with I. R. Bentley Jeweller and Optometrist The announcement appearg else- where in this issue that Mr. G. D. Conant, of Oshawa, has associated with him in the practice of law, Mr, A. F, Annis, B.A, LLB. The new firm will carry on business in the premises formerly occupied by Mr. Conant, 7% Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa, under the name of Conant and Annis. This enlargement is consonant with the rapid development of Oshawa's b and prof 1 offices and with her new status as a city. Mr, Conant has been in practice for 12 years and the rapid growth of his practice has made this change neces- sary. Mr. Annis is a graduate of the University of Toronto and of Osgoode Hall Law School, and has more re- cently been connected with the large city office of McLaughlin, John- ston, Moorhead, Macaulay and Sin- clair, He bears a name well known throughout South Ontario and Darl- ington. He is a son of A. W. Annis, of Tyrone and a grandson of Levi Annis, of Darlington. FRA DONATIONS 'RECEIVED The Boy Scouts Association wish to acknowledge donations from, Miss I. Glasgow, Dr. R. Archer, Dr. David Archer, W, A. Beatty and Miss E. Christie. ; op JAMIESON-HOUGHTON Christ Church, Westlock, was the scene of a very quiet but pretty wed- ding when the Rev. Everard Edmonds united in marriage Miss Adeline Houghton, daughter of Mrs. Hough- ton and the late J. E. Houghton, of Toronto, and Mr. George Jamieson, of Westlock. The wedding music was played by Mr. Mellor-Langdale, L.R. AM, AR.CN. The bride who enter- ed on the arm of Mr. C. Melvin Scott, who also gave her in marriage, looked charming in her wedding gown of sand canton crepe with moss trims mings with which she wore a beauti- ful hat to match and carried a bridal bouquet of mauve sweet peas and carnaations. _ After the ceremony the party drove to the Macdonald Hotel where the wedding luncheon was seryed at a table . prettily decorated with pink carnations and roses. Among those present were Mrs, W. Jamieson, Sr., mother of the groom and Mrs. Jamie- son, Jr, of Calgary, Miss Heppy Houghton, Mr. and Mrs. C, Melvin Scott, Master Bobbie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Satchwell, Mr, E. J. Holland, Miss Catherine Stewart, Mr. Gordon Matthew and Mr. J. E. Hunter, Later in the afternoon the happy couple left by motor for Banff, the bride travelling in a smart blue and grey sport suit with: hat to match. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson will reside in Westlock where Mr. Jamieson is a member of the firm of Jamieson & Hunter, hardware. DIED At Whitby, on Thursday, July 3, 1 Mr. sell Wilson), in his Jn Interment was i able music and the Port Perry added considerably to the attractive- ness of the parade. Rev. Wm. Higgs, the Methodist choir and organist and the Port Pegy Band. e000 WANTED--a pair of hand sheep shears. Apply at Star Office, pO W.-C. T. Us * The following officers were elected at the last meeting of the loos) w.C. ~U President--Mrs. Geo. Davey. 1st Vice President--Mrs. Geo. Rose. 2nd. Vive President--Mrs. S. Baird 8rd. Vice President--Mrs. Jno. Swan. Cor. Secretary--Mrs. E. Walker. Rec. Secretary--Mrs. S. McMillan, Treasurer--Miss .E. McDermott. Mrs. Geo. Davey gave an excellent report of the recent County Conven- tion at this meeting. ° en () () (pees IN MEMORIAM In ever loving memory of my hus- band, Samuel Baird, who went home on July 9th, 1918; also my dear mother, who died November 18, 1912, and my father who died May 27, 1917. For them no more are life's vain hopes and fears, From earthly troubles they have found release, For them no suffering, grief nor "tears, But rest, eternal rest, and joy and peace. Sadly missed by Mrs. S. Baird, : and son Joseph. eee) (J reine: SCUGOG The congregation met in the Centre Church to bid farewell to their min= ister, Rev, Mr. Stainton, Mr. Gordon Ploughman, President of the League, acted as chairman, There was com- munity singing, and the pastor gave an address from Ephesians 6:13. "Wherefore take unto you. the whole Armour of God." He spoke with power as he always does. Miss Edna Reader, representing the Head; Miss Alice Mark representing the Centre, and Mrs. Clarence Hood, representing the Foot, took charge of the meeting and Mrs W. T. Samells read the following address while the young ladies presented gifts from the congregations: ot. Dear Mr. and Mrs, Stainton and Miss Ashton: We a few of your many friends of Scugog Island, have met together to- night to give you a little remembrance to show you that we have appreciated your kindness to us during your stay here. We regret very much your go- ing; but 'we know our loss will be other's gain, and if God wills it so we must abide by His will, We pre- gent to you these small tokens with our best wishes for a prosperous and happy life and may they bring to you kind thoughts of Scugog. We a band of your friends most true, Have banded ourselves together around you; We all feel the same sorrow «today, We sorrow because you are going away. We sincerely hope you will come back again To share with us our sorrow and pain, And influence for good the girls and boys, way. able isle Aud Che Pt Ee Buia Y Votes of thanks were accorded to}. the home of Mr. W. And help uy) to. walk in the namow Tor "the Weckend. or the week-en Sy wasn't time in which _to write. And then she thought of o the tele hone -- tance! What an pone Dy In pwanty minutes she knew the Smarts would come '-- delighted to -- and what train they would be on. Splendid! "= and she ordered some extra su from her r in town to be oY express that night! ad What a pleasant week: she will Fea ~-- thanks to lang Distance! PROSPECT The annual garden party héld at the beautiful home of Mr. George Smith was a great success. The re- ceipts were well over $200. The members of the Prospect Church ap- preciate the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Smith in opening up their home for this" big occasion, The Warden, Mr. Geo, McMillan, was the chairman of the evening. Mrs. Muir and Mr. Harley Wilson spent the week end at the home of Mr. C. Wilson, Mr. A. Gilroy has purchased a new Superior Chevrolet. Mr. W. Blatch 'and family were guests at the home of Mr, J. Wilson on Sunday. On account of the Decoration Ser- vice, there was no service in the Church here on Sunday. meee (YY (peer. RAGLAN Miss Verna Dring, of Toronto, spent a week at her home here. A number from here attended the Decoration. Services at Pine Grove Cemetery last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hughson and son Lloyd, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, Wm. Brent. Mr. Ross Foxy of Toronto, is visit- ing at the home of Mr. C. Brawn. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dring are on a motor trip to Owen Sound. Congratulations to Master Lloyd Th who passed with h in' his first year at Oshawa High School. Mr. Bruce Reesor spent a day last week in the city of Toronto. Many from here attended "the An- niversary Services at Columbus on Sunday and Mohday. Mrs. J. R. Brent and family spent the week end at the home of Mr. R. Coates, Shirley. : Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hodgson, and daughter Doris, spent Sunday at n. A number of farmers in this Yieinity have started haying. > 'was no service in our Chitreh on S! ' on account of the Colum- bus anniversary. w "A few from here attended the Pro- A. J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry, has arranged with Dr. F. E. Luke OPTOMETRIST 167 Yonge St., Toronto, to be at his store Thursday, July 17. STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Fresh Strawberries for sale at the Club House, Scugog. Ring Phone 7. eens) 0) (Pm. STOVES FOR SALE Two stoves, as good as new. One Imperial Oxford, 6 hole, one Canada pride. Apply Geo. Collins, Box 110, Port Perry. -~ ree (YH scorers MANCHESTER GARDEN PARTY The date of the Manchester Garden Party has been set for July 26th, and is to be held at the home of Mr. Jos. Strong, on the Port Perry-Manchester Road. There will he an excellent 'supper and a splendid program given by Duncan Cowan, the Misses Browns- combe, Uxbridge a the Port Perry Bapd. "Miss Estelle Bull Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 81 STRAWBERRIES =~ Mr. Geo, Raines is prepared to fll ig orders for fresh strawberries. your order in early. COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE ~ Apply to Chas. Wells, - 'RR, Port J Pen, Bell Phone 189r2-8. ee 000 'LUMBER FOR R SALE Maple, 0 tinch thick, assorted - 18, a lumber ;also some cedar tim sleepers. A pure bred Angus bul sale. Apply Earl Tumm: onds, Phone 118 r 2-1, Port Perry. . re ie ; BABY CHICKS FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorns, Barred Ply- mouth Rocks and White Wyandottes, Day old chicks, 16e. each; week old chicks, 20c. each. Hatches ready June 26th and July 8th. "White Pekin and Péncilled Indian: Runner Duck- lings, be. each; ready July 14th. Not less than 25 birds in a shipment. FRED E. WILKINSON, Brooklin, Phone 8212, 3 L | Got he Fac AboutYourEyes About the most Sommon of all Chi neglect is abuse of the eyes. If your eyes tire, readin : blurs, or you suffer wi Fes. you should' have 'VE YOUR EYES EXAMINED NOW. 'We can give you eye comfort W. A. HARE Eyesight Specialist At McKee's Jewelry Store, July 17th. ws -- goods, which will be sold at. first quality and wear good. able the longer you deal Men's Felt Hats, clearing at $1.99, Men's Straw Hats, $1.85. * Men's Caps, 49¢. and $1.29. We av al Larned grand lessons of spect Garden Garden Party last week. Mey Our centre counter will a - will commence on July 10th and continue until duly 26th. Many ion that it pays to deal at the Port Perry x to deal with the Port Perry Dominion Sto! 2nd--Our f not satisfactory to the cus deal with us; the more sat Men's Working Straw Hats, 2 for the. : Men's Summer Combination Underwear, $1.86. nderwear, jon Stare, and and 'MID-SUMMER CLEARING 10 to We wish to announce to the public th dit ee # are going to have a Big leon See of e goods will be cleared o ot Spectai 'Bargains (hat will be oid or half pi oh EE nd prices ae are very le, There are many more roy, ofaction you will have. - We are Here are a few of the Sale articles and they ar e absolutely first Men's 'Suits; beautiful quality, to clear at $16.95 "Ladies Blue Print House Ladies) Corsets \at very Gowns,