role Sewered yar i i UCTION----One of the first pub- nt at the lege, ' lic acts esus was el cut for hay three for the pure service of his 0 for eleven successive, F's . Going up to Jerusalem at : oY out. e- gE The: first] Aves eas ae Sled with the resto: ne this year, therefore, is the, te restoration u Is Tourth ter of fact, i h went on in the Temple crop obtained from the He and with fierce gestures of in-| } fled feath.: One seeding. The average yield of Souris: a he drove the traders from' AD" gq six 8 3 z' hay per acre per annum from the the - holy precincts, declaring that overthrow of or » | eleven years of this test was slightly| God's house was net. to be turned into we an empori or market. This act of 18:1 In another experiment of thirty- zeal for 's house Jrovoked the des four seeded in the spring of aug jie Jomonstrascs of th dows, wie : authority 1,4 very 1922, the yield: of lay from he lg Point Ts for Xing upon him had still another meaning, the first cutting of this Jenr wag of the port iB of the customary | Wor d® 21, 22. Jesus, says the evangel- | the Variegated type ages. Jesus answered, "Destroy jo¢ vag' aking of his own coming | this temp ght bottle when wanted. * One application, if thorough, will destroy lice on the birds and remain effec. | tive long enough to get many of the | parasites that hatch later. There are three of application in com. mon use; all are "pinch method" commonly flocks. It consists of the application of the sodium flour- ide powder directly to the skin and feathers of the bird, the operator tak- ing up what he can hold between the thumb and forefinger and app! t| , The Common a..a..a has variegated e, and in three days I will godsn an resurrection, the destruc. 0% Bowers of different densities and the raise it up." The evangelist says that tion and restoration of "the temple of Variegated alfalfa has violet, green, | these words of Christ referred to his his body." 'This was not understood hn dis- blue and 'yellow of various blends, resurrection, that in fact She Jefurs, of the time, but in later years the pase 18 more prevalent in' the later which can be seen when the blossoms, rection proved the validity of ® words came back to the minds of the hatches than in the winter or early are fully opened, claim to assume control ot the nati: disci os, and Jecams a new Teasn spring' Y 5 utions of worship e for be "the scripture an "Sour milk has proved very effective| Several car loads of seed of high; Gog, In future, not the material Cif of Totus. P a for baby chicks, not only because of quality of Variegated alfalfa have Temple, but Christ himself, would be We see by this lesson that Jesus n. produced an +| the centre of worship, the means a loved and valued the r: s service | its food value, but hecause jis a Seen a ou. "eld for sead pur. f hip, th nd ed the religiou i preventive of this disease. If in - to sour um perman- : ne Rast s the sphere of man's approach to God. of the temple. He wished it\to be a Peel county alone. Also in a number ganate is used in the drinking water , underside of each wing, and below the cent. It takes ten pinches of the chemical to cover the bird by this method and skilled operators can handle sixty birds an hour. The dusting method of applying sodium flouride is by mixing with a filler material, as flour, or tale, or plaster, to make four times the bulk of the insecticide, and then apply by shaker or blower duster to the ruf- fled feathers of the bird. Greater speed in treating the birds is secured at a greater expenditure of chmical. dipping method of applying sodium flouride can be oracticed dur- ing the summer and early autumn Season when there is ample warmth and sunlight to dry wet birds. The bath is prepared in a wooden tub and consists of one ounce of commercial sodium flouride to a gallon of warm water. Sufficient quantity should be mixed to handle the work at hand. Five gallons of the solution will do for 100 birds. The birds to be treat. ed are placed in the dip for twenty seconds and just before removal the head is soused and the bird taken out and allowed to drain. The dip should be body heat for fowl, about 170 deg., and the work done on a quiet, bright day, when it is warm enough to dry the birds quickly. There are a number of other meth- ods that have proved to be highly effi- cient, among which the carbolic acid, gasoline and plaster of Paris mixture is coming into general use. This dust- ing powder is prepared by mixing 3 parts gasoline, one part eirbolic acid (90 per cent. pure), and stirring in enough plaster of Paris to take up all moisture. It ig applied as a dust- ing powder with a shaker or by hand, A medicated dust wallow beneath the shade in the poultry yard or within the shelter of the building is a great aid in keeping the louse popu- lation down. A box partly filled with fine road dust to which tobacco dust has been added at the rate of one to onlsmall parasite, snd the 'squalidus, a Jone. slender, yellowish colored lotise. a 3 frequently Infested ea three Species-- L CHRIST THE REFORMER OF WORSHIP, house of prayer for the people of God. of other counties seed of the Varie- 18-17. | He knew also that, even n if t were do- f alfalfa is being pro- be, i h stro even e ple fron ee She Shicis ave hushed Sued yes a 5 yout 5 Te Pasover 5 vA of the ri ' the holy work of God would make its a ce, most of the ppearan TL onth Nisan, the day preceding our Bo on, a new temple would be raised When the Drain Clogs. Good Friday, and "lasted for over a to God's praise. The piel of Shia ia chicks will be saved. ; The other day the kitchen sink drain/ Week. Jerusalem at Passover was the atlgin Jnd history ou 0 Chyistian Wg 2 > been coming 4 Eo aieh clogged, and not having the usual type Shronged wily Algrims courts of the e Promptly marked and should not be| °f fOr¢e pump on hand, it was neces- Temp These pou poaver is the principal thing in the emple were the scene of a busy traf- [i used in the breeding pens. sary to improvise one for the purpose, fic, ine from 'down rus baculus, Goudodes damvicornis, The farmer must be ever on the alert. He is a man of all work, a sort of Jack of all trades. His busi- ness as it must generally be conduct- ed these modern days has various ramifications. No longer can the man nel to rest that part of h lies above his ears, the circumstance that In Jerusalem at the present day, some also a variety of crops, and not| portions of the yolk which must be| We didn't have to use the pail, ring their own animals for sacrifice, ing the Roman, Orthodox Greek, Ar- food requirements, insect pests, and hours, and in many. cases nos until and a half thick, boring one hole clear shot. fuother Sireimstancs f3 Savor erstitious objects. Hatred and stri any plant or tree or flower is often absorbed rapidly, and this mt, over the end of a small bicyele pump. fie of perfection requir Pera? If Christians all remembeted providing the plunger leathers venient to buy only such as had al-' Father who is in heaven. their control. And when we come toh Above all, take the proper precau- the pump barrel cut into the wood, extensive traffic was that the temple- PR living 'om e to-dey. Tne mobo parasites, internal and external dis- ener ariel 1s véspon bie for Sue cu fargo circle of rubber was then Jou, vag obliged fo templo-currency. icnic is a ey 3 rat wile Tanke of or bankers, who made a considerable MAnY, but to others a poor excuse for drinking water. The poultry raiser bottom. The sink was filled half full! Soncern. these . dayalin the country. To Jngw aud do the am nessed in the temple courts, the Jostl-, day by visiting the distant temple at | oo oventive measures which are at! immerse barrel with water. Then the, 4 greater variety of machinery than pair Tie wong thing is the rice up and the handle forced down. Water shargin, b Sh ndiumisd worldlinees, of benefit and of happiness. And, best modern diversified f: ing remedies to baby chicks, since | "of the farm are being done by ma-|calls insistently for eternal vigilance. en Big a or Bok POR Be onl uli pump on'and raising his arm, he forthwith World, with his teaching. The pubHe ps the chicks so| --D: of merchandise ™ bration, any place or time where fo and work of the church of God. 1 : : f the Christian churches, represent- 'teeming with bacterial life. We must , When chicks are hatched, they have! °F ©18¢ put a slop pail underneath. ms found it inconvenient to of the , : 8 1 1 1 fy obliged to pur-|menian and other creeds, are disgrac- fine of them but has 4 te story of Sbsorbed. For this reason they should Whig 1h id ond Shout pied oe nh a dealers on the ed by the sale of relics and other up its own which has to' pl not be fed sooner than forty-eight | ' | between the different denominations through the centre and another half, he altar had to be too often finds a place. This would diseases. These. may seem trivial! sixty hours after hatching. If fed too fit tightly mals offered on r things, but the success or failure of | soon after hatching, the yolk is not' through large enough to ghtly passed by the priests as satisfying Er? 2 Christians all remembered entirely dependent upon a knowledge about digestive troubles, often pre- 3 Hire pump barrel would do just as by the Law; consequently it was con-| Jomple for the pure worship of our of these things and of the me of dispos Ing the chicks to white diarr. are tight By making the hole slight-| ready been licensed for the i APPLICATION. live stock there is a whole new list of| Ap, ly smaller, the threads on the end of A third circumstance explaining the| p ... Assembly. The need of this ve things to learn. Balanced rations,! tions right at the start to prevent the ing x Hane tion due of a half. shekel, which SYEY le car has changed family habits. The disease, which is re ible for one £ ' Jew was 2 pay ann ri Sunde oor substitute for eases and how to prevent and treat » A large circle of rubber was then ; im temple ey: Sunday eh nd now we hays r : 4 them. 4 business, Potassium permanganate A tacked about the sides of the Ord nary Loney ney by. exchangers, the radio, a boon and a blessing sts little and is to use in the| edges into temp y things that are full of absorbing in- pired es Tor pe In wood disk. A hole was cut in the og ied All this ac. Absence from evenin prorhip. Jesus farm. terest revenue by brokerage. & t to church. And he observed the for him who aspires to do things ho fails, jo sale {hes Simple prosas. of water, the lower end of the pump! counts for the scenes which Jesus wit. helpful customs of the religion of his ; TL x mechanic, Few |right thing at the right time and to : immersed and the handle raised. This os animals, he J un) do by visiting the distant temple ut occupations ci i with know how and when to prevent or re- ee St ellos, 5 Teod. rubber was pressed about the drain | #eemly chaffering, the iniquitous over- sociations he found much of interest : rtunity to reach More success. There is no time to loaf or isn't compressible and the clog was t 'the desecration of God's holy |°f all, he found opperth iy to Teach / and more of the pl operations! sleep on the job. It is this job that| caustic and Britating ae eg may do} ot very tight. It came out the first py oy making a whip of cords, | great numbers from all p : do: time rth . gg ; igs rt. "Make not my market, the dudtion ga e, She sin} - art, riotic Sud Sore wil be ne as septic and a tonic which will tons Wp hand Sony ter cases of this kind. Sleared, hour he "said, "an house! f8ir, the race track, pa Hie smeral health of ed great crowds gather, is a challenging that they will be able to fight off the Bands Check Tussock Moths. | 11. curist aE NEW CENTRE OF BPIRIT-| oh hortunity to Christian workers, to : The tussock moth is a midsummer UAL WORSHIP, 13.32, | meet and mingle with people, and to seek and to find ways and means of honoring him who sald, "Ye are my witnesses," ' TRAINING OUR CHILDREN How to Keep Children Happy and Contented During Hot six Is very useful and relieves the Weather. old hen of many an itch, « ------------ nts. fn cts BY ETHEL CL ARK BICKEL. Green Feed in Late Summer. flower guide. They also love to k Although green or succulent feed is track of the birds they see on eac always to be desired in any poultry trip, and are fairly ecstatic if they ration, there seems to be some justifi- are treated to a song by an indigo cation for paying particular attention bunting or brown thrasher. They vie to this matter during late summer, with each other in the length of their when much of the natural vegetation lists of quails, bobolinks, and scarlet| jg go dry and tough as to render it tanagers, as' wlll as numerous other unpalatable. birds they never seen in town. One of the reasons why green feed The summer months go all too fast |g so essential is to be found in the for the family interested In nature|faot that most sorts contain vitamin study. Needless to say, however, it B, which is necessary to normal health may be continued throughout the year. and activity, A deficiency of this For the Web oles; he Dargen Bird Titamin brings about a condition Book for Children," publis| y own as polyneurttts, the most delightful and Jelptal of tle, Brown & Cos is & delight. Betty| Tt ig pointed out that polyneuritis summer pastimes. In pader 1 on loves the stories which Jenny Wren may develop in a mature cockerel in the most joy out of it, one shou 21 told to Peter Rabbit, better even than | ag short a time as three weeks if he to the woods often; two or jhiee ou - fay tales. is fed exclusively on degerminated ings a week are none too many. Ol In order to make my children com-| corn. The corn germ is relatively ever, ans rp Jedy Sis hl yard, | fortable in hot weather, I dress them rich in the B vitamin, as are also the ard, if n \ » . a. Te many trees, we frequently, simply, bathe them frequently and en germs of other coreals, such as wheat, Vs. 18-22. The traders were taken | best of Shade trem ib ad orchards and, surprise, but presently the Jews, | Bon doa a in auch larger | 300OY by the open rebuke levelle eighty hens competed in the Egg-'than normal Loot s and if neglect laying Contests conducted by the Do-| may do great injury. The female minion Experimental Farms in the moth is unable to fly and must crawl first three years of operation. These! to any tree upon which she lays her contests include the Canadian Contest! 3 for the whole of Canada, carried on After the eggs hatch, the young at Ottawa, and provincial contests caterpillars may crawl from tree to conducted at an Experimental Farm tree and infest a large area. These « | OF Station in each of thé provinces. facts are taken advantage of in fight- '| The number. of birds entered as ing the insect, weil as the average yield per hen, in-| Trees that are free from the co- creased with each succeeding contest. | coms of the moth may be kept clean "| The first year 1,610 birds gave an by banding the trunks with some : average of 112.6; the second year 2,- sticky. material that will prevent 1d, that next time the proper proportion 480 yielded an average of 134.6; and either the adult moths or the cater. , ? Jf another recipe has| for the third year, namely, 1921-22, [pillars from reaching the branches, and a dish much| 2,600 birds yielded an average of, Sticky fly paper may be tied around yo. - i liked by all, make a comment to that| 146.8 eggs per bird. The average cost! the trunk or a band of o special pre- p an ice cream effect on the margin of the book. . |of the eggs produced was approxl-| paration may be smeared directly on get one a little larger than "What 'ately 25 cents per. dozen for the! the trunks, required for the family so three years. fe a, Soihes he freezerful These contests are associated with A Rainy-Day Job. hen a freezer is purchased the Record of Performance for poul-| 4 goog rainy-day job for these days r on the an to clean up the apple-storage house ; side, it try, which grants Fogistzation to birds! 4 ; extra work | lots rters of a cup of granulated sugar, that lay, in 12 mon 8, 200 or more| Throw out evel that might ed and i Rig have ® stir well, a a ad is dis-| eggs weighing at least wonton pure moldy; EE room hd rs Wo. openings in Solved, add about two teaspoonsful of | ounces to the dozen. Males are also, thoroughly; open all the windows and freezer. One near| Vanilla extract and freeze, No de-| eligible for registrations if" they are air it well. Then make up some good vetting] finite : ¢| the. sons or grandsons of Whitewash and give the whole inter- females and otherwise meet for a thorough dose of that. | requirements. And in this general clean-up don't Sinn er Egg-Laying Contest Results. Six thousand, six hundred and Jamaica was originally named Xay- {maca, meaning "Land of Wood and Water." oriole!" exclaimed Betty's aunt. "'Scuse me, Aunty, but it isn't an oriole, it's a redstart," returned Betty after a momentary glance upward. Betty was, at that time, only a trifle over four years old. | "Oh, look, dear, see that lovely 3 I have repeated my little girl's re- mark merely to illustrate what I have tried to do for my little folks during the summer months, namely, to teach them to know and love God's wonder- ful out-of-doors. made by freezing a cream that has! Nature study with one's children is been sweetened and flavored, - To a quart of thin cream add three- the ze-| oats and barley. on the contests, 2 Bilin So According to the B "of, Ottawa, 28 per cont, ulture at hens overlook the storage p purpose everything packages ackages. If one using new barrels or new boxes fight B 1 ight. But very uen secondhand packs es for | courage them to nap during the hot- have as BABY as ix or Singl' season | test nee, of the day, allowing them to 'birds nesting in a . gt bl ve a feeding table for them, remain up later in the evening when : iit is cool. Proper clothing in summer Jehichshe shildren kpep supplied Vion! makes a world of difference in chil- crumbs; 5 | dren's dispositions. I find that my lit- delicacies. There is also . Selakine {tle folks are happiest when clothed in pedestal, The cardin he Bl at. | coveralls," boys and girls alike. Ar- orloles, phoebes, oodpec fs, 2 r.| toyed in these simple garments, they birds, Tnrushes ands phing perl can get the most out of their life in rows daily, d children never tire of watching them. an unknown vsitor ar- ing the summer, 1 "Oh, * ---- ae. inn g yer und out 'what it fal Engine's Firing Order, | doe Dletite of 1 \s df pane An Eng ones to know without g 5 flock' of Seley. 8 du ing ovis red of will be all one uses e storage. | discarded ~ When green' feed is short on 'the range, so that the chickens are not, likely to eat enough to maintain the necessary vitamin supply, it js im. portant that the grain and mash mix. tures be made up of something other than degerminated grains and by- products, or that a special supply of green feed be secured, She. She is the canny one who sings Of little things, Of little things. Ot linen counted carefully, Letters dispatched deliberately, Slow figures added manfully; The stitch in time on a torn glove, Wood piled upon a tended stove, Books read with eyes that do not rove.