THE NEW SERIES TAR CAR The New Series Star Car has distinction of a type all its own that makes an imme- diate impression. By the distinguishing radiator design you will recognize the New Star Car models wherever you see them 'Drop in and let me show you the "Toronto" Pump Line, . THOS. RAINES & SON * PORT PERRY, ONT. The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything' you want in choice, clean, palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it geod BERT MacGREGOR Will do the rest Ring up Phone 72. X P "heavy eo, ox double stitched. Regular $2.50, Sale P * Men's Oxfords at a saving. Soles, rubber heels Colors Blk an : 50 to $6.00. Clearin, 10 Pei Cent. ai on all Tennis and White Canvas Shoes. Girls' Chocolate and Blaei Dor. Lula Oxfords and Street, Shoes, 'sizes 100 Regular $2.75, Sale Price $1.75 pair. Ladies' Oxfords and Street Shoes in Dongola: and Patent Leather. This is a clean up of all our better fades of shoes. All sizes, 8 to 64. : v Regular prices $3.50 and $4.50, Clearing price $2.95. ~~ Ladies' Cotton Hose in plain and ribbed. Colors Black, Brown and White : + Regular price 80c. pair, Sale price 22. pair. | es 30 Remnants at Yj to 1; off 30 ~The lot consists of Shaker Flannels, Linings, Voiles, Ginghams and Cot- tons, Lengths run from 3 to 24 yards - Pongee Silk at 8c. yard, 1 piece of Pongee Silk in natural shade. This silk is suitable for making men's shirts, children's dresses or under- as the leaders in refinement and quality ol wear. - Regular $L00 value Sale Price 85c. yard. among all cars in the low price field. Carnegie Hardware Co. Although introduced only last year, the original Star Car has demonstrated its Hardware--F urnaces-- Plumbing. Telephone 61 merits in the service of our 120,000 own- ers all over the world. Let us give you a demonstration of the New Star Car. We are prepared to make repairs on any make of car or radio battery. Why send your battery away when you can have it done at home cheaper, and you See our showing of SUMMER Trouserings in Striped and White F el and' TN. Duck. ; MCLAUGHLIN-BUICK SPECIAL SIX 25-25 WE CARRY --_---- We can supply An excellent line of| ~ T PORT PERRY DOMINION you with STORE Stoves or Furnaces| 3. Sa Bargains for the end of this week them to you. Men's Summer Underwear, good quality; Tog Toc sth $1.29 S oO that you Tr h ome W. H. DOUBT Men's Summer Combinations, good quality, regular $1.39 Cut Price 2 Suits for $2.49 MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, "ONTARIO don't have to wait. Give us a trial and be convinced. STANDARD GARAGE Port Perry, Ont. Winter is coming! BUT HE New Special Six is essen- tially McLaughlin-Buick in character and performance. The same body lines, the same . motor and chassis construction, the same mechanical excellences that characterize the McLaugh= lin-Buick Master Six are embodied "in this Special Six, while the Master Six is longer and larger. the two models are identical in mechanical design. Four "wheel Brakes and tom. Pressure ites, of ¢ course. 5 y "were able to secure our bargains which were advertised, so we * have decided to give the same bargains next Saturday night, and we hope that it will be a fine night, so that you may come in to Men's Felt Hats, reg. $3. and $4.50, Cut Price $1.99 and $2.99 ma y be war Sg Cut Price $1.15 : % ' On account of the rain last Saturday night, not many people Seagog, County of Ontario. * ~ Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered fo get your share of the bargains on Saturday, August 28rd. We the ons mentioned in section you with suits and boots for your boys and clothes and boots | IMMA LL ET. We gladly quote prices. section to be so transmitted or your girls. Call in before school starts, and see the prices and ; : delivered, 3 the isis nde pur- 4 at PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE, before yqu do your \ pe bd id ct, of sl Hove : Assessment Roll of the said Men's nice Velour Caps, reg. $2. 00, Cut Price $1.59 Pure Linen Table Cloth, 66 in. wide, heavy weight, reg. $1.29 VOTERS' LIST, 1924 N OW Muncipality of the Township of . * . ; 0 wish to announce that we are getting in our Fall and Winter 18 the time to consider the 9 of the Ontario Voters' which will be sold at very reasonable prices, We can sup- Act, the copies required by said fe have a strong aged horse for sale at a very reasonable aid | ey as we have no further use for him. |Carnegie. Hardware Company)t Suits, "ap pegtom lor} Phone 177 i as ES ~ lec-| Port Perry