Orr Browne and Mrs. C Pty have just returned n a motor trip to Madison- " Kathleen Meharry, of was the guest of Mrs. , last week. Irs. Sing, (nee Agnes Brown) ancouver, and son, are the ests of Mrs. A. W. Allin, and friends in town. Mrs. D. M. McKinley, Orillia, i 8, Miting wa Mr. and Mrs. A W. Alli #Mr. " Mrs. Vansick, of Mount Carmel, Penn., are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ~ Carnochan, Reach Tp. Mr. Wm. Carnochan, of Dor- 'set, Muskoksg, was a recent guest of Mr. Thos. Carnochan. + Mr, and Miss Morphy, of Hamilton, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mcintyre. The following former resi- dents of Port Perry motored here on Friday of last week to visit old friends in town: Mrs. C. W. Jones, Miss Dora Jones, Mrs. C. F. Hunt, and Gordon Jones, of Bancroft, Ont., also Prof. Geo. Jones, and his son George Jones, Jr. They had a pleasant visit and met many friends and former acquaint- ances, Mr. Ross Roach has had a new hardwood floor put in at the pool room, which makes a decided improvement. He has also made many other necessary improve- ments, and some time ago added another new table. Mr. Richard Kemp, of Iona, Mich., and Mrs. S. Holman, of Brooklin, have been visiting with relatives in town. Mrs. R. J. Brown, Oshawa, Mrs. T. J. McConnell, Canning- ton, Mrs. Russell Dean, Burke- ton, spent the last three weeks, 'alternately, looking after their * mother, Mrs. W. H.Clark, who has been very sick, but at time of writing is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Siberry, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~H. Clar' Master Tom McGlynn is home from Toronto. Mrs. G. W. Schell has just re- ceived a shipment of school sup- Plies, "Mr. Andy Campbell has re- turned from a trip to the West. TMr.and Mrs. Garbutt, of Osh- awa, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Simmons and Miss Catherine Simmons piso Mrs. Maybe, motored from elon Falls and spent Sunday we Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Smith. " Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White and friends of Oshawa, were the 8 of Mrs. S. Farmer, on inday. led a pew gasoline pump. Rev. Wm. Higgs was in Port Wednesday of this week. A number from here attended Oshawa Fair on i) Wednesday 'spite of the rain Se IRURYIRLY (3 1 Kaki mal ne "ANNUAL K MEETING On Sr a number the faithful supporters of the e presént at the annual g in the Town Hall. The Statement showed the mem- | is holidaying iaptsog, To W. aterman Pen and a GENUINE LR Wahl Eversharp Pencil | Come in and we will show you what we . have in these lines. Spectacles repaired, and broken glasses duplicated' Leave your Watch or * Clock with I. R. Bentley * Jeweller .and Optometrist 1924, are: be or I} aay of Sej by post, pre- AND ba send solicitor, ata 15 Real, oe their Marcombe names and dresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their "a state- ment of their accounts and nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the last aforesaid the said executors pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the titled thereto having. regard oi ta i ereto havi ly such 'cl oe: notice shall Church Directory PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTES A. E. Thornley, M.A., Minister Public Worship, Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 8 p.m. Communion service will be held on Sunday, September 21, at 11 am. Preparatory service the preceeding Friday evening which will take the place of the Thursday night prayer meeting of that week. Plans are being made for the holding of anniversary services on the 2nd Sunday in October. The Whitby Presbytery which met here last Tuesday gave forth no uncertain sound in its. recognition of the benefits of the O. T. A. and its détermination to supoprt the same in the pre- sent campaign. Supported by delegates from W.M.S. Presbyterial the Presby- tery pledged itself to strenuous effort to raise its allocation of $11250.00 for the missionary budget. The request of the Nestleton congregation to be transferred to Peterboro Presbytery and at- tached to the allied congrega- tions of Bethany, Ballyduff and Janetville was favorably recom: mended for final action by the Synod which meets on the 23rd inst in Toronto. ee METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Higgs, Minister. Sunday, September 14th, 11 a.m--The minister, 3-p-m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.~--The minister. The attendance last Sunday at both Church services and the Sunday School was goode The number receiving the sacrament was larger than usual. The President of the Brother- hood calls for a meeting of the class on Sunday, September 21, at 3 pm.. Let as many as pos- sible be on hand and make this first meeting after the vacation a real rally. The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. will'be held in the Ladies' Parlor of the Church, on Wednesday, September 17th at 3 pm. A program of short in- teresting papers on Missionary work in Japan will be given by eight of the members. . This be- ing the first meeting since the holidays, a good attendance is looked for. TTRoNTA NYA Friends of a John McTag- gart will be pleased to know he .| is improving slowly. Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. Allen and son were visiting Mrs. Jno. Mac- Kinnon, on Sunday. : 'Miss E. Wi by 2% Mr. and Mrs. R.land: daughter have been EL as above and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons whose , claim. or claims notice shall not have been received by Wm. H. Harris at the time of such distri- bution. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 9th day of A t AD. 1 1924, jad HARRIS, Solicitor ye Executors, Port Perry, Ontario. iat i AWARDED GOLD MEDAL Mr. F. A. Kent was awarded a gold medal at the Canadian National Exhibition in recogni- tion of the outstanding merit of his floral display, although his exhibit was not in competition. ------O Denn It will soon be here, of course you meet your friends at one of Ontario's greatest Fairs,-- The Lindsay Central Exhibition. The best horse races in the district September 17, 18, 19 and 20, BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Jas, Hall, of Toronto, spent the week end with her son Mr. Robert Hall. : The members of the Victorian Women's Institute intend send- ing a collection of fruit to the who wish to give are asked to kindly leave their donation at the home of Mrs. John Wright, before the last of September. The annual meeting of the W. '1'Y. P. A, of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Smith Bros. on Thursday even- ing of this week. Rev. Mr. Swan of Toronto, is expected to be present and assist in organiz~ ing the work for the present year. Rev. and Mrs. M. Sanderson have been visiting with their parents. The monthly meeting of the W.A. of the Anglican Church will be held at the home of Mrs. S. McLaughlin on Friday even- ing the 12th inst. Don't forget the School Fair to be held on the Agricultural Grounds on Tuesday, 16th inst. Cafateria supper will be served by the W. M. 8. of the Union |/ Church and in the evening at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Victorian Women's Institute, a play entitled "Bread on the Water" will be put on in the Armouries by the young people of Pleasant Point, Children 15e. We are Miss_Babb as teacher of is at Lindsay Central Fair, on | Admission to Play, adults 26c. the Li Class which ed with endid at- Good town property--7 roomed frame house on Union Avenue, % acre land, some truit, stable, good water. house, barn 46x82, stoné s Berry. © rice. pb ie cash, Boanee, my ae Bg. Good for garden or acres, on Simcoe Sires Shicks Pi corporation of Port Pi Perzy; 8 ed frame house in g: ood Jepair, all sy newly decorated ort pain and out, good stable, drive od Inside and garage, new hen R house, Jomo ch ghoics truit, good water, nicely si Price $3200. Terms: to pa os, Cheap home with conveniences-- Two lots on Lilla street, two blocks from Town '7 roomed frame house pewly decorated, with all|. Hydro lights, good hard and soft water. Loublé. 'garage, hen house, some small fruit, apples and pl good garden. ' Price $1600. sos Cash, balance 'on mortgage at 5% % A very cheap hom lot on Rosa sf good 6 Foomted house, stone foundation, cement cistern in cellar, good well, 8 some small ra, Price $1000. $400 cash, halame,; mortgage at b per 'cent, . This property is in good repair--38%. acres good garden land, 8 roomed frame Bouse 6, Stlble drive shed and{ Jarage rd and" soft of Sa in ouse, hard, volts Hyp. ae Jor 220 Sick Children's Hospital, All| An ideal place--nine acres more or less of good land, stone Sellar, new barn with stabling, two os did" Bons in ul shade ase, fences. $4000. As mi cash as dg A real Farm 2 acre farm, well fenced, good water, comfort- able farm house, good ' hardwood | f eds Tih This is the time to buy property, while prices are low. ""g00DE" ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS ALL KINDS OF NDI Daily Star and _Toronte hkl 1 2 STORE OPE Nice Line Fanoy "Bell Prone 0; So. 'Miss Estelle aa Piano and Vocal Bell Phone 31 CARTAGE .LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. i RELIABLE SERVICE F. R. BENNETT 'Union Ave, Port Perry. Phone 210 May 29 A HIGH GRADE SCHOOL i Invites the patronage of those who desire to get'the best traimn- ing for choice business positions. 3 Write today . for catalogue. " Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. * C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and : properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshaws, Ont. Phone 101 REAL "ES TATE Box 47, rtle Station icy ad satis- c Large fist to select: from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 " Public Buildings | Miss Madeline C Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn PIANO AND VIOLIN Bel1®hone 1697 2 Port Perry OC hednsaHaniidon PALMER GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR M3 RAL I RETR _PORT PERRY : OFFICE HOURS 3-5 & 7-8 P.M. ord, rbot Ho Hn Bag iA 6l1r2, SugraveR®. and ex-|- o i Sn a T. C. Mud A OCM Teacher Piano an eory. Pupils prepared for sxamination, Nov. 1 Phone 116 r 32 mes | Advertise --It § piv. -- -- SH MR. AND MRS. W.A. CHRISTY CELEBRATE THEIR SILVER WEDDING, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Christy, a and their Silver Wedding 6th, at Th idulocombe' Port Berry. | * Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Homer White Rev. and Mrs. Higgs, Mr. and Mrs. ro Christy were y 'surprised to have Yi then 37 P Anti I 8] ye and Mrs. Anglin, their dadghter Frances and son James and Mr, risty, motored from Montreal 'to be present red Tom Montreal Mr. Bell is a noted tenor solo-{ church in Port Perry Dominion Store "HELD |LARGEST CLEARING SALE EVER HERE We are Slaaring Summer and Fall Come and Grab * the Bargains. ile Uommonces Sept. n, oo ntinues to Sept. 20 ALIX. 'GILBOORD Brygecis Phone 177. We pay Ready-to-wear vos» and Shoes top prices for new laid eggs Whatever i you need for your HORSES 'one |In 'the way of