has : y, October 15th. ' Upon this ion the Port Perry Band will and 4 'musical program will be n in Addition tothe speaking. : Toronto, October 6, 1024 . Wm. Higgs, Port Perrry, Dear Mr, Higgs: In accordance with 'your request for a meeting on the 16th, we have booked Mrs. Needham, who was announced for the 8th and Mr. J. M. Connor. Mr. Connor is one of our most ef- fective speakers thoroughly posted on every phase of the work. Mrs. Needham is equally well qualified so that they should together give you a first class program. Yours sincerely, Jno. Bailey, Sec'y. en} isn Rev. W. L. L. Lawrence M.A., of Toronto, will deliver an address in the Town Hall, on November 6th, in Deal Wit Doing business with us "means you get reliable' Jewellry, Silverware and Optical Goods. V What we sell is 5 1 and can be Lk soot, Reliable goods at re-: liable prices. : Bring your watch, clock and jewellry and optical repairs tous. Everything guaranteed. I. R. Bentley Jeweller and Optometrist connection with the D stration of King Edward L. O. L No. 223, s rere OO T. STEWART'S BARN BURNED In the severe electric storm on Sunday night, Mr. T. Stewart's barn, at the westerly limits of the Corpor- ation, was struck by lightning and totally destroyed by fire. Mr. Stew- art also lost a quantity of feed, some implements, 3 pigs and some hens. We are sorry to learn of his loss. sim nmi OPERATION SUCCESSFUL Mr. John Doubt underwent an oper- ation for the removal of a cataract from one of his eyes on Monday last. Latest reports are that he stood the operation well, and that there is every reason to believe that it will prove successful. We, hope so. aera) nmin ENTERTAINED THE BAND The Port Perry Band travelled to Seven Mile Island on Sunday after- noon last and spent a most enjoyable time as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilsogs The members of the Band were shown over the beautiful grounds and home and a very pleas- ant social hour was spent with music- al selections by 'the band. Refresh- ments were served, The kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- son is very greatly appreciated by the Bandsmen. eter} () (Frans FIFTH OF NOVEMBER Remember the Demonstration un- der the auspices of King Edward L. _ O.L. 223, on Wednesday, November 5th. Torch light procession headed by the Port Perry Band, and bonfire at the Waterfront, after which the public are cordially invited to a meet- ing in the Town Hall, when Rev. W.L. ~~; Lawrence, M.A. of Toronto, De- , puty Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ontario West, will deliver an address oggreat interest to all Protestant ~Brishers. Other musical numbers by local talent and addresses by promi- nent citizens will constitute the even- ings program. All are welcome. No charge. © Watch these columns and bills for further 'details. HONEY FOR SALE . W. H. Doubt, Port Perry LEAVES PORT PERRY After a number of years' activity _ in the musical circles of Port Perry, il Miss Estelle Bull has decided to give 'up her work here, and for the present is living at her home in Bloomfield. Miss Bull has taken a very promi- nent and efficient part in the musical of the town and was always will- 'to render capable assistance in t programs for musical the Church Directory PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTES A. E. Thornley, M.A., Minister Public Worship, Sunday, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. _ Sabbath School at 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 8 p.m. Sunday, October 12th. The Methodist Church has very courteously withdrawn their services next Sunday night because of our an- niversary services. In order that our Methodist friends may hear Mr. Maxwell of Oshawa, we have arrang- ed that he will take the evening in- stead of the morning service. He can only be with us for one of the services, 'We are hoping for favor- able weather and a good attendance at both the Sunday services and the Monday night fowl supper and con- cert. Rev. Mr. Walker whose anniversary services we conducted at Ballyduff last Sunday and who took our ser- vices in Port Perry is in high favor with his people. Eight years ago when he was inducted as their min- ister they were on the Augmentation Fund. They are nw self-supporting. The Church at Ballyduff has been »e- cently repaired and redecorated-We were greeted with a full house both afternoon and evening. Last Friday night the minister preached. for Mr, Turkington at his preparatory services in Whitby. We were unfortunate enough to loose en- route or- have taken from our Star car a spare tire and demountable rim, We are having inconnection with our prayer meeting on next Thursday night a joint g of the i and officers and teachers of the Sun- day school. Important business re- quires that as far as possible all should be present. We are pleased to learn thaf our Anglican friends have secured a set- tled clergyman and take this oppor- tunity of bidding him" welcome to our town and community. OO METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Higgs, Minister. Sunday, October 12th. 11 a.m~--The Minister. 2.30 p.m.~--Sunday School and Brotherhood. - 7 p.m.--Seryice withdrawn. Y.P. League will meet next Tues- day, October 14th, at 8 p.m. Junior League, meets on Friday, October 17th, at 4.16 p.ou Everybody is welcome to the F P, S. Convention for this district, in the Church, Friday October 10th, at 2 p.m and evening session at 7.30. At the evening meeting interest addresses will be given by R West, China, rH The finnual Bazaar given by the | will be held on Friday, October 31st. | = The Attorney-General of that province . ~--who is the official administrator of the Government Liquor Control Act--said in a recent : "The greatest boo of all are the brewers and export dealers". . Dr. A. E. Cooke, of Vancouver, in The Canadian Congregationalist, asserts: "The Government controls neither the manu- facture, importation, transportation, nor exportation of liquor. The distillers and brewers control all these, and the Govern ment simply acts as one of their sales agents, controlling about 50 per cent. of the retail end of the trade. The whiskey ring and the bootleggers control the rest." Manitobs Sick of "Control" in Less Thana Year Eleven months after Manitoba adopted its government control system, an open- minded investigator of conditions in that province, sums up the situation in these words: ] "I leave Manitoba impressed with the evidence that both wets and drys are dis- satisfied with the government control tem--the wets because there is no legal sale of beer by the glass and because there is some delay and trouble in getting hard stuff, and the drys BECAUSE BOOT: LEGGING AND DRUNKENNESS HAVE GREATLY INCREASED." The same neutral authority declares: "There is no dispute in Winnipeg about bootlegging. Everybody--drys, wets, moderationists, police, government business men, professional men and round- ers--tell the same story. The unanimous verdict during the week of August 24th, when I was in Winni- peg, was that bootleg. ging was being carried on on a tremendous wide open, that the hotelmen had no're- perance Act 2 Toronto Street, Toronto Are you in favour bf the cen tisuance of The Ontario Tem. Has Higher Hopes Ontario citizens do NOT want THIS ce Act, the Outirie Plebiscite Committee asks, with every ence, Ontario citizens give the Government an unmistakeable mandate on October 23rd. The Ontario Plebiscite Committee G. B. Nicholson, Chairman 22 w °| Ladies' CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION {9 PEERLESS JUBILEE SINGERS In the Methodist Church 'at Port Perry, on Friday evening, October 8, the Peerless Jubilee Singers gave a very attractive concert. ' They are pleasing performers, eight in number, all of whom'are possessed of voices of good quality. Their program is varied and attractive. The young lady who presided at the piano was a brilliant performance. The sopranoy and basso singers receievd hearty encores, the male quartette was much appreciated and the troupe numbers were well executed. resane) (P (Pirie. OLD ENGLAND LODGE, S. O. E. CELEBRATE % On Tuesday: evening, Old England Lodge, Sons of England, held a meeting in their rooms, it being the 46th anniversary of the opening of | the Lodge at Port Perry, as well as 60th anniversary of the foiinding of the order at Toronto. There FARM WANTED Have good cash payment, to p down on a farm of from acres of good potato land, 'not ticular about. real good buildings price 1dw. Would consider la farm if prices reasonable. Aj OO P LOST vr (Fa On Sunday last between Port Perry and Fred Raines' property, (eon. 7,| mall Reach), handbag, containing green purse and sum of money, also. pair of ladies' glasses. Finder please notify Mrs. Kirley, Port Perry, Bell -} Phone 8r 4. HOUND LOST Black and tan female hound, an- swers to the name of "Jeff"; lost just north of Seagrave, on Saturday, 20th of Sept. Suitable reward. Anyone found detaining this animal will be prosecuted. Finder please notify Thos. Watts, Box 485, Oshawa. een (YH (Prrtnrn TRUCK SERVICE On or about October 6th, the under- signed will start a motor truck ser- vice between Port Perry and Toronto. Cattle, hogs, and general marchandise accepted. Telephone 201 Port Perry. Further particulars next week. = " NORMAN EWERS. W. A. HARE Eyesight Specialist Phone 838 ght Oshawa, Ont, At McKee's Jewelry Store, on October 16th . \ - I -------------------- SS C. C.Stenhouse ~~ ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public Buildings properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont, aw e Port Perry Dominion Store' Bargains for the end of the week. Men's Suits to clear the lot Men's Suits, reg. $25.00 to clea Men's Raincoats to clear the lot, reg. reg. $28.00 for $16.95 lear $17.9\ 4 12.50 for $8.95 Men's Raincoats, reg: $10.00 for $7.76 ; Men's Sweaters, all wool, from $2.50 to $56.50 . Young Men's all wool pullovers, good bargain at $2.49 leated flannel dresses $6.26 Ladies' flannel dresses $4.76 " We have a lot of fresh Fall and Wifiter goods. Call and see them, a ALIX: GILBOORD Drygoods Phone 177. Ready-to-wear Boots We pay top prices for new laid eggs | The Standard Garage Has installed a new VISIBLE, air ~ operated GASOLINE PUMP he gets every cent's OF. x vov oe