1 be Taq to show Boel ; them to ) you. and own no pay rent all ot the A TN cha] mes can be owned ) ; i : : H. DOUBT (sii, i, iE 2 Gea | 0 50 yard Striped Shaker CHANT TAILOR | you can ed be ms | ine built. pline or | ug Se and dark P Y. ONT 0 about the place 8 yourself. ) ne. Sa ly on i il ) , y : J line. Lets it over ver. the literature. 3 tone foundation, mew| § = ; Madeline Cockburn Fe ee "THOS. RAINES & SON Miss Hazel Cockburn | 2:5.) I _ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, * 4 Teashers of non, clos 5 pba Cl DLL Ll PIANG AND VIOLIN | schools nd chu fi Fie yi ACEC 5 CE Bell Phone 1692 «Port Peny | go0d town property~--T'roothed frame : Bh WP. | Eon t only, Rugs, in goa medium colo pultable fog d house on Union Avenue, %- acre 7 : ese rugs are well known and 'the price LOST jand, some rit stable, Jood water. be : | ! 7 rice as much cash as pos- By Il go Lost at the Fair Grounds, or be- ible, balance secured by mortgage € ki = + Sie 9x 1. Regular price tween there and Pine Point, a mink | at 5%. bE . Hl a 1Ze 9 X Regu price eaperine, on Fair Day. Finder please | A good farm property--Lot thirteen, | > notify the Staf Office. Reward. ellie of and el ators etn : Remnants o 4 yard wide] A J use, rn 40xdz, stone 8 es, " : i] ends run from ya Ss yal wir Eoin Is Your Heating | a 1) Jarts to 2h gusts lng. Reg 'and 12 feet long, 10 inches wide, Half| balance, mortgage at 5% %. price of new; better than new bought | Good for g arden or chickens--b% ? : WALL PAPERS fxm acres, on Simcoe street just outside Saay. corporation of Port Perry; 8 room. L TO blem Sol V ed? il This week we will put on sale a good 'assortment of f kitchen, dining. room and J. T. Henderson, Prince Albert.| od frame house in all newly decorated go ite bedroom papers at good reducti 3 and out, good stable, drive shed and Kitchen papers, reg. 165 and 17¢., to" at 12¢. roll: CARTAGE Sra esd war mialy sons | WI SPECI ALIZE IN STOVES|| Ding Room or Rall papent} in good tapestry patterns, in al the leading shides, LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE. Chasen 3200, Terms: $0 uit puss d values. price 2c, So tomas | AND FURNACES. ff prom posi sige nd Qs pom ro. oto 1. rol Phone 210 May 29 EB newly decorated, with all Wh | Standard Designer Patterns Kept in Stook. ie BE oo en you need anything|| M ] M 11 ; some me smal ui sph es hay Shouse: : -- Holo a ) ge Ra on miner oi of this kind, call at our store. | BROCK BROS. & CO. P ORT P ERRY very cheap hom ua acre or Theory. : : : fbi | BISIEERERFVERYTHING IN KITCHEN: pe Bell Telephone 17. some small fruit. Price $1000, DR. J. A. MURRAY, August 21-24 $400 cash, balance, mortgage at 5 : hia groper SIL 32 ih Sood Te UTENSILS Office upstate by Epopard Block 3 acres den" land, Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 Economical ™ Whatever HE So nes pea The Most ouse, electric range wired for 220 i ba mn the World al. : volts Hydro. 9 apple Seas, | e ° ~ . - you need upwrng b, alien infil In. all lines we give good| SMITH & Smith for your "sine ommbacin, of3 od | g@ryice, and our customers find] te seve wi sis YEAR. Sao. the. Clawralet Motor Goof Trice. $3000, Jies0. cash, balance - ' TS ~" | Surveying and Municipal Engineer- . Canada, Limited, put on a unique gasoline HORSES An ideal piacenine saree more or | that it 18 economy to buy from Swe buss Saiv | - FE Seve Sew Wet less of stone cellar, ~ In the way of new. barn with It was then that a Canadian. buile Chseeclr Sedan, Heo EER EAE us, Come in and get acquaint-| W- TE COOK EE SR e Blankets $4000, "As much cash as possible ed with our stock. 2 REAL ™E ST ATE! every on To Casas! ves fou 301° oe East half of lot 18, concession 8, 80 'Box 41, Mya Station - ous Curr Combs ares, which overruns considerably, ; . Brushes etc good fences, seven roomed fume Pyoeg Your Roof Need Attention? (oFroperty quickly and sake: onthe ' - ' y ' You can buy Beit class. water, Samm 3 x Don' : alt: anu winter ime 2 find out he Jour ry on yh Levmas supplied t 1 Stove stables, v roof leaks. Then it is well nigh impossible to fix Large list to select a oy Government highway. ard sunwss.| Come in and talk things over with us NOW. Bell Phone 130 r 3 prices from Government highway and railway, -- W. HARRISON |This is the time to Carnegie Hardware Company Kathleen Leask | Blong Block Port Perry| buy property, while Theory. Hardware--Furnaces-- Plumbing. Te OL I A . ' Repairing promptly done, : ing pro k rices are low. Good work. Prices nable.| P! Telephone 61 if desired. -- Nov. 1 Phone 115 r 3-2 ir Port Perry :: Ontario A D | L ? : ------ |Fresh Shipment t of Ee J Bu IRA Retiring from Business | "sor onmes SETS NOW READY | The undersigned wishes to t Standard Sets that be J is retiring from buisness and new Radiolas are read Lathe last| has a large stock of d in Radio that Sly revolu-| ar MADE § everything that has gone be- | ! jaehievements you ha e been 8 so selective out