Were most discussed. The | Sven In the stings held at Wembley extended 'water-powers of Ni ad the third to visit Bwitzerland, Southe) pre- 'and have served to ad- yertise Canada as never before, In like manner Canada held an outstand- © Isg place at the World Power Con- ference. Canada's great resources and striking achievements In this field were worthily presented by the Cana. dian delegation. In this body in ad: vince, the Hydre-Electric Power Com- ission, of Ontario, the Nova Scotia + ference . ready A fon, and most of the larger power corporations, were repre- sented by their leading engineers. These gentlemen by careful prepara- tion made the Canadian power situa- houses have for the first time development and prosperity will. de- mn cheap power and that if the of the development. of Cana a number of Sra have al- sent representatives to y 5 This is more of a practical joke than a trick, but it is a stunt that {8 not only very little known but is well worth knowing. When the conversation swings to mather matics, the trickster says: "1 can take 9 from 6, 10 from § and 50 from 40--and have six left." A catch is suspected 'and a catch i it 1s. The {illustration shows how 'the trick may be done, ° (Olip this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) y You Set. There was a young fellow named West, Who went to the country to rest, But a farmer named Snapper, Had a daughter, a flapper, Now the strain on his system's a test. ir-Boys and Their : Punishments. The restless choir-boy is often the best singer; as the inhumanly well-be- haved youngster is often devoid of initiative, musical or otherwise. The writer well remembers the choir-mas- ter of his own chorister days who, to his sorrow, sat immediately 'behind him in the choirstalls, This gentle- man had a difficulty of speech which prevented him from pronouncing the word "ears" as it deserves. This must have been a sore trial to him, for the word was constantly on his lips. At frequent intervals during the services, at all events, the boy sitting in [ront of him would hear a loud stage-whis- per, angrily tuned, saying: "I'll box your-years with a book." It became "| a famous phrase among the boys--and sometimes it wae translated, painfully for' them, Into action. But even this, strely, was a less embarraseing pun- {ishment for a choirboy than that de- vised by a clergyman who, in the counse of his sermon, stepped from the | pulpit, drew forth from the choir an 1 youth, took him into the pul- pit and stood him in the face of the congregation through the remainder of the sermon. That was indeed a ox picture itself, the mov- died. urious to the eyesight of y were more in a sti fy ill-ventilated pi house of age. Less than could with better advantage be taken exclusively | up: with walking or playing® in the _ {four per cent. had been | 'bottle-fed. It is obviously a fact that |fresh air. It is interesting in this re- x | feeding is the vogue in Minne-| gard to note that half of the mothers ap 5 and is one reason for their low {interviewed in Minneapolis did not al- baby death rate. : low their children of pre-school age to On making inquiries irito the habits |go to the movies, while 115 children of the kindergartners, it was found were reported as attending moving that one of the worst habits was the! picture shows weekly, unregulated use of candy and sweets.| When the question of discipline was One-third of the mothers reported that considered, it was*found that 603 fam- they allowed their children to eat!ilies reported they trained their chil- candy and. sweets as they pleased. |dren through interest; 284 trained! More than a fourth drank tea or cof- | through punishment, and 193 by cor- | ee at home and one-fifth of the chil- | porate punishment, or in other words, dren' did not get enough milk. Only iby beating or Whipping. | ten per cent. rted their children! "Of the group of 1,000 children ex-| were not" al "candy or sweets. |amined, 416 had defective teeth. The The. habits, and especially the eating next most frequent defect was en- habits of many of the children, were 'larged tonsils and adenoids. RHEUMATIC PEOPLE | CONSTIPATED CHILDREY CAN NOW FIND RELIEF, corsuoason one ne most com child suffering from it positively can. | not thrive. To keep the little one well | By Driving the Poisonous Acid the bowels must be kept regular and From the System. the stomach sweet. To do this noth-} ing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. Rheumatism attacks people when | They are a mild but thorough laxa- the blood is thin and watery, or tive; are pleasant to take and can be charged with impurities, thus setting! given to the newborn babe with per- up inflammation of the muscles and | fect safety. Thousands of mothers use Joints. Cold, wet weather or sharp no other medicine for their little ones winds may start the pains, but the but Baby's Own Tablets. They are cause {s rooted in the blood and to get | sold by medicine dealers or by mail relief it must be treated through the |at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil blood. As a blood builder and nerve! liams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. tonic Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are un- surpassd, and for that reason do not fail to give relief to rheumatic suffer- ers when given a fair trial. Among the rheumatic sufferers who have proved the great value of this medi- the latter is that of engraving mottoes cine is Mrs, Simeon J. Tatton, Indian | 87d Proverbs on lovers' rings. Rings Head, Sask, who says:--"For over | thus engraved were formerly clled | two years I was an intense sufferer "posy rings," and some of the inscrip- from rheumatism and until I began the | HONS Were very quaint, use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills no| For instance, how would the follow. | treatment that I took helped me any. | 08 appeal to the "modern miss": | The trouble grew so bad that I could "My love is fixt, I will not range, ! not move around {he house without |! ke my choice too well to change." help, and finally I had to give up and| AmODE the many other mottoes, &o to bed. Words cannot tell how which adorned the rings of old-time much I suffered, and I could not bear | l0Vers were: to have anyone come near me. Finally |, 'In, thes, my choice, 1 do: rejoice" one of my neighbors strongly urged This and the giver are thine forever, me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and "Of all the rest I love thee best," 'God I decided to do so. In the course of a | 107 Me appointed thee," "I joy In thee, few weeks I could feel an improve- doy thou in me," and "Providence ment, and 1 was able to get up. I kept divine hath made thee mine. on taking the pills until all traces of Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. i the trouble were gone, and I could; tempter again do my housework, feeling like Fulfilment. a new person, Three years have pass-| We cannot kindle when we will ed since that and there has never been | The fire that in the heart resides, the flightest return of the trouble, 80 | The spirit bloweth and is still, | that I feel safe in saying that the re- In mystery our soul abides: lief brought by this medicine is per-| But tasks in hours of insight willed | manent." Can be through hours of gloom ful You can get the pills from your filled. druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box 'from The Dr. Willlams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. saa Ge mirare The World's Populatiion. Fifty years ago France, with 38 mil- ulous in Dems: ih ® ho ou We do not eat enough fruit or drink| next with 87 millions, and Britain | enough milk, according to one medical third with" 80 millions, whilst the | expert. Spinach is specially valuable United States had a population two! 0 children. = millions-Jess than France. | A great change has taken place since, and from being first France is! now last in point of population. Her present population is only a million | in excess of what it was fifty years ago, whilst Germany's 87 millions have | become 64, the United Kingdom's 30 millions have become 49, and. the United States' 36 have actually be. come 110 millions, 3 | Since 1800 America has multiplied its population by 22, and since 1850, that is to say, in 75 years, she has mul- tipliéd her population by 6%. The population of the whole world is ---------------- Rhymes on Rings. While some old customs are dying out, others are being revived. "Among --Matthew Arnold. Avold loss when sending money by majl--Use Dominion Express Money Orders----the safe, convenient, inexpen- sive way. S BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN m| Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are ting the genuine Bayer product proved safe and prescribed by physicians 24 years-for Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of this-- "Tobacco of Quality" ' . Manufactured by IMPERIAL TOBACCO CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Homeward. Across the meadow comes the night Like tides from out the sea To break upon the twilight's shore With murmuring harmony. A good test of a man is the way he gpends his money. __ Classified Advertisements 1 ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN 4 and light sewing at home, whole And o'er the roads through dusk and | OF spare time; good pay; work sent dew any distance, charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National From fields where toil is done, he workerw Of the day return Manufacturing Co., Montreal. With toll's contentment won. LADIES ONLY. They hasten where, like harbor lights 0 UR aS RLET w ADEs The sailors love and know, velope, free. Casi y Bright through the shadows cheerily Per xte asier 2428, Montreal. The home lights gleam and glow! HOME STUDY = Arthur Wallace Peach. | SHORTHAND OR BOOKKEEPING +) taught In twenty home lessons. The salt in the ocean is sufficient to| Proficiency guaranteed. Diploma given. Empire Business College," 346 cover 700,000 square miles of land to| Broadview Ave, Toronto. BOILER URINE. Water tube type, 126 h.p., in good con- dition, also a large amount of plumb | | Clear, Bright and Beautiful ing, lighting and heating equipment. | | Write Murine Co.,Chicago, forEyeCareBook Will sell entire or In part at great S sacrifice because of alterations to our property. Real Estates Corporation, eT 5 Limited, Top Floor, 78 West Adelaide T Street, Toronto. Telephone Eigin 8101. WANTED | EVERY WAY FULL RIGGED After Taking Lydia E. Pink- SHIP MODELS ham's Vegetable Compound Ingomar, N. 8.--*I took your medi. 44nd dussHiption and. Lull particulars to cine for a run-down condition and inward L. COSTELLO troubles. Ihad pains Jn m right side , 80, bad at times that 1 could not wa 78 We Ragiaids Si. Toronte any distance. I saw about Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the aw rs and have Saker five bottled of i am better every way Bu rns ! you 'can use my letter to help other Apply Minard's at once. It dyson N. Yrs. Avira M. Perry, acts as a counter irritant and : Nervous Breakdown Relieved | gives quick relief. Toronto, Ontario, -- 'It is pretty hard to explain your feel ngs in nervous troubles. I Telt low spirited, had pains in my head and eyes, always crying, and did not want to go anywhere. T do knitting and fancy work, and I woul get table after a few minutes o work. [havebeen in Canada five years and have been this way ever since 1 came. I am taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I sleep better -- it seems to make me eat, I must say I am feeling more jolly. I have great faith in in your medicine because of what it has done for my husband's gister and she recommended it to me."" --Mrs, A. SmiTH, 10 Burleigh Avenue, Todmorden, Toronto, Ontario. All druggists sell this dependable med- icine, and women suffering from these troubles so common to their sex shoul give it a trial now. IR l | Red, Swollen and Sore. Cuticura Heals. "1 had my trouble It took the form Toothache ' Lumbago' Neuritis Rheumatism