, : may Further announcement £50 L 0. D. E. el 0. 0. F. will meet on Wed- evening h inst. instead of (Thanksgiving.) TWO FIRES ON SATURDAY ~~ Two serious fire reported on Saturday last at Port Perry and dis- _ trict.. About eight o'clock on Satur- day night a fire alarm was sent that Mr. Thomas Brent's barn was on fire and in a very few minutes the whole structure was a burning mass fanned by a strong south wind which carried sparks for blocks, but at the same time blew the heat and ks from Mr, Brent's residence was only some thirty feet from the barn. All the stock was taken out in time, and the loss will amount to about $2,000, partly covered by in- surance, The other fire resulted in the total destruction of the L.O.L. Hall at Purple Hill. In this instance the fire wil started from a spark of a thresh- ing engine which ignited some grass about the hall. The volunteer fire- men devoted their efforts to the pro- tection of a nearby barn, and did not notice the blaze at the hall until it was beyond their control; The build- ing was a wooden structure valued at $1,500. ------() (msn: CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, November 9th 11 a.m. service withdrawn owing to I1O.D.E. Memorial Service in the Methodist Church at 11 a.m. Service at 3 p.m. Baptism by appointment Sunday afternoons, November 11th 11 atm. service with the observance of the 3 minute silence. At 8 pm, the A.Y.P.A, will meet in the Parish Hall. The Rector will speak on the work and object of the Association, The Church Bazaar held under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild and the A.Y.P.A, turned out to be one of the most successful held by that body. After expenses were deducted from the total amoupt raised we are glad to relate about $300 were cleared. The result was a worthy ending to the work done by the undefatigable ladies who for some time past have been working perseveringly to the end attained. " The stalls numbering twelve in all, namely the fancy stall, sample stall and the candy stall were tastefully decorated, and the orange tree was a huge delight to the little ones. All praise is due tothe ladies who worked streniously hard in the basement of the hall where a sumpt- ious repast was in readiness to ap- pease the aching void of man. The musical items also provided pleasure, thé recitations especially so. Lim- ited space forbids the mention of names who participated in the great event but we take occasion to thank one and all who either gave price or time. The public also are to be thanked for so generously supporting the occasion . Last, but not least, the men deserve our appreciation in the part played by them. One thought that is forced upon one's mind 'is "What great things can be wrought" when we are all of one mind and co-workers together unto Him, Lucky number 66 kindly let Mrs. Lundy know in order to obtain the in. trophy. J. C. JARRETT, Rector. Havel ou bought an ala lye 'clock yet? If not we have several good clocks at. various es Everyone guar- anteed. "Prepare now to buy your Christmas presents while stocks are full giving you a good choice. : 'Articles laid away on small deposit now. See us if you want any- thing repaired. I. R. Bentley Jeweller and Optometrist Mr, and Mrs. Henry Doubt leave | for England this week where they expect to remain for about a year. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rose leave this week to spend the winter in Toronto. Their address will be 50 Elgin Ave. | Lelie dope IN MEMORIAM Whitfield--In loving memory of my | dear husband, John Whitfield, who passed away, November 6th, 1923. Just one year ago today since dear John was called away i He always wished he might go first, I little thought when he was gone That I would be left to mourn alone. His lonely wife and mother, emt () (J (Pomme DIED In Oakville, on Monday, November 8rd, 1924, Johnson Hughson, in his 83rd year, Burial at Prince Albert | on Thursday, November 6th. At Blackstock, on Friday, October | 31st, 1924, Albert Henry, aged 64 OO UXBRIDGE The John Peel Chapter of the 1.0. D.E. have made arrangements for the | showing 'of the famous film "Robin Hood" in the Strand Theatre, Ux- | bridge, on Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- | day and Saturday, November 12, 13, 14, and 15. Reserved seat plan will open at Pollock's Drug Store, Usx- bridge, on Saturday, November 8th at 12 o'clock, noon. Reserved seats 47c plus tax 8c. Rush seats 33c. plus tax 2c. | | | | | years. | | | tna) (Yee WHERE WE GET POPPIES An additional incentive for the! Poppy Campaign of 1924 is the fact | that again this year the Dominion | Command of the G.W.V.A. has made | arrangements with the Department of Soldiers Civil Re-establishment | for the manufacture of all Poppies | by our disabled comrades in the Vet- | craft Shops and by increasing the sale of poppies, we will be assisting | in providing employment for these men and their dependents. All the poppies will be stamped 'Veteraft Product' indicating that they are made by disabled men, and no person ought to refuse to buy a poppy. -- POs BARRED ROCK PULLETS 25 nearly full grown pullets at 75c, each. Apply Mrs. Maitland, Phone 153 2-3, R.R4, Port Perry. 'Glasses that will End ; Your Troubles How iiany Objects in This Picture Begin With the Letter "B"? The above picture contains a number of objects beginning with the letter "B". Just take a good look at the picture--there are all sorts of things that begin with the letter "B'--like "buggy", "baby" and so forth. Nothing ig hidden; you don't have to turn the picture upside Make a list of all the .objects in the picture the names of which begin with the letter "B". the whole family join in--see who can find the most. Don't miss any. awarded for the fifty best list of words submitted. The answer having the larg rect list of visible objects shown If this picture starting with the letter "B" will be awarded first prize; second best, second prige, and so forth. Young and Old Join in the Fun The Mail and "Empire announces to-day an- other puzzle game in which all can participate ~--f{rom the tiniest child to grandfather and grandmother, Doorest eyesight can see it. It is a test of skill. Your ability to find "B" words determines the prize you win. Right after supper this evening, gather all the members of your family together; Elve each of«them a pencil and a sheet of paper and see who can find the most "B" Words. You will be surprised to find how large a list of words you can get with a few minutes' study. 'Bit down NOW ana try it--Then, send in your list and try for the big- prized" OBSERVE THESE RULES Amb man, a. resi ana'is employ i Th Mail oye's family, uy. sul 1984 on addressed. to ager, Aah and Erte, OA Mo 8, All lists of names should 3 the only, and mmbered "some 'tall Hight hand Se It you gente tan No object is so small but that the' _ ture Puzzle wi THE PRIZE Winning Answers will receive the cash prizes according to the table below ; ny Prize if No Prise if One Prize if Two Subscriptions You Can Win $1 : THERE ARE THREE $1.000 PR The "B" Word Picture Puszle Ga Increase ad Depularily o of. The Mail x othing to ake part ngle DROIT ation re win, is awarded FIRST, al you can win bi AujacHptiony to The Mi Mi Ph: RE'S. HOW: If your RE to the " FI Re SECOND THI u mire LY in one yearly Sab deere to oe Mi and $5.00 by mal hl or ial Hiitlon Pra wi resaiw Iv boo. nates faad of oo ; fifth prize, i+ ro in prize ior. er and av ol De en tin ta yearly 53 on Wi wil Ent Lot a LOCAL AND LONG 'DISTANCE. RELIABLE SERVICE F. R. BENNETT Union Av Port Perry. Phone 21 : May 29 C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT House; Stores And Public Buildings properly designed and supervised. Union Bank Building, Oshawa, Ont. HONEY FOR SALE W. H. Doubt, Port Perry : DUCK BANDING The undersigned will, pay 10c. for {each duck band given to him or left at the Star Office, Port Perry.' JOHN MURRAY, R. R. 8, Port Perry. . % . 3 Miss Harrison DRESSMAKER Ladies' and Misses' Dresses, Suits "and Coats made to order... Rooms over Morrison's Drug Store, Port Perry. i PARLOR HEATER FOR SALE This stove is in Frat class Condition and' can be Lat: a' bargain, Owner Jeaying town. APH SCHOOL ON FIRE BUT NO HOLIDAY = Prince Albert Public School foot caught fire from a bonfire of leaves | f; on Wednesday; but thesfire was soon ox; a and the pupils returned to Toronto's FS F. E. Luke, to be at his store, Port Perry, at stated periods, which are duly advertised. Watch for our next visit, and if your eyes need attention, call and see us on the advertised day. - Glasses if required --at reasonable rates. "Kathleen Leask : A'T.C.Mand A. OC. M. Teacher of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for sxamination Nov. 1° Phone 116 r 8-2 ~. STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned lot 6, con. b, Cartwright, on or about September 15th, a Cotswold ewe. Owner can have same by proving pro-. perty and paying expenses. « W.:C. ° Ferguson, Blackstock, Phone 196 2-1. HAIR WORK Ladies' hair combings made into switches, also dressmaging and re- modeling done. Apply Mrs. Spears, Phone 101 r 2-3, Port Perry. -------------------------- WANTED A hustler, with car, to take up at- tractive, profitable line that is in big demand. Must be reliable, trust- worthy man for a high-class proposi- tion. No capital required. Just an honest live wire. Apply to Greene Music Co. Peterboro, I -------------------------------- TO THE FARMERS: -- At the present time I am trucking stock to Toronto and will continue to do so until bad roads render this im- possible, After thatl shall be load- ing stock in car load lots, under the co-operative system. In this way I shall be able to take continual care of your stock shipments. 2 i NORMAN EWERS, Belt P Phone 201 - Port Perry. W. JC COOK. REAL ESTATE pion 417, ack Station __ ir joperty qi an i bought, sold and ox on reasonable oly Large lit to to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 - 'RHINO Rubber Footuese i is Value