Leask for the north country on to enjoy some deer hunting. and Mrs. F, W, McIntyre were Hamilton for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McClintock 'were in Toronto for the holiday. A number of our citizens will be leaving shortly to spend the winter in Florida, including Mr, and Mrs, W. H. McCaw, and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nasmith and children. Mreand Mrs. J. C. Dunlop, of Cold- water spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs.6. R, Davey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nott and family of Brampton, was in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, of To- ronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. McMillan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J.-Goudy, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. | hy Mr. John Raines who is attending Normal School at Peterboro, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Raines. Miss * Penhall is spending a few days witn triends in 'Loronto. Mr. Wm: McCulloch has moved to Toronto and will spend the winter there. Mrs. Wm. Saunders, of Toronto, spent the holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. R. Town. Mr. Norman Heayn, of Campbell- ford, motored and spent 'I'hanks- giving with his parents Mr. and Mrs. RK. Heayn, of Prince Albert. Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Bunner and family spent several days in Prince Albert last week. ® Mr. and Mrs, A. M. Gimble, and family of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Davey, on Mon- day. ---- Qs ENTERTAINMENT The Public School is preparing for a Grand Concert in the Town Hall, on the evenings of November 28 and 29, 1924. A new operetta, new songs, folk dances, hédlth plays and a patriotic exercise--a full evening of pleasure with the children. The net proceeds of concert is devoted to the funds of the school. in mses HARVEY-FOLLICK A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized on Saturday, November 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. H. Follick, Port Perry, when their only daughter, Lillian Mary Beatrice, be- came the bride of Rev. Linden Clarke Harvey, M.A, B.D., elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Harvey of Exter. Rev. Prof. McLaughlin, of Victoria College, Toronto, officiated, assisted by Rev. Wm. Higgs, of Port Perry. The bride, who was given away by her father, was unattended, and was at- tired in a gown of white satin brocade with long veil and orange blossoms, ,and carried a shower bouquet /of |: Ophelia roses, lily of the valley and mdiden-hair fern, Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Miss Gladys Harvey, sister-of the groom, and during the signing of the register Mr. Gordon Schroeder of Toronto, sang. After a short motor trip the . happy couple will reside in the par- sonage at West Lorne, LP A not good clocks at various : prices, Everyone guar: now to buy your Christmas presents while stocks are full, ivin ou a goo ging y, iol laid away on small deposit now. See us if you want any- thing repaired. I. R. Bentley Jeweller and Optometrist MARRIED Harvey-Foltfck--At the home of the bride's parents on "Saturday, Nov. 8th, 1024, by Rev. Prof. McLaughlin, of Victoria College, assisted by Rev. Wm. Higgs, Lillian Mary Follick, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Follick, to Rev. Linden Clarke Har- vey, of West Lorne, Ont. easton} (ements UNION SERVICE A delightful union Armistice Ser- vice was held in the Methodist Church last Sunday morning--Presbytérian, Anglican and Methodist people all taking part, The address was de- livered by Rev. 8. C. Jarrett, Rector of the Church of the Ascension, and his thought was most timely and elo- quently expressed. The congregation was large and inspiring. Scugog Chapter of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, under whose auspices the service was held, attended in a body. It is a very fine thing to hold these union services, and cultivate the community spirit, BCEAO ar DIED In Toronto, on Friday, November 7th, 1924, Margaret J. Harper, {torm- erly of Scugog.) The funeral was held at the re- sidence of her brother, Mr. Chas Harper, 215 Mutual Street, on Mon- day, 10th inst. Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. 00g NOVEMBER BOWLING An unusual event took place in Port Perry on Thanksgiving Day, when three teams came over from Uxbridge and played a friendly bowling match, The final results were 6 points in favor of Port Perry, the score being 77-71. The games by rounds gave the following scores: ---- First Round Port: Perry Purdy, 8 =Mellow, 10 Jeffrey, 9 Uxbridge McNab, 9 on Miller, 8 Kennedy, 156 Second Round McNab, 8 ; Miller, 2 Kennedy, 7 Mellow, 8 Jeffrey, 10 { Purdy, 3 Third Round : Jeffrey, 14 Miller, 7 Purdy, 7 Kennedy, 11 Mellow, 8 The lawn was in good condition and the game was greatly enjoyed for the weather was remarkably mild for November. So far as we know McNab, 9 outside teams played in Port Perry. this is the latest bowling match with ' Missionary % Lodge of Ontario West, and Rev. W. A. Morrison, Past Grand Chaplain, Royal 'Black Knights - of British America. ' Reeve Philip Figary presided. Rev. Mr, Lawrence gave a stirring address in which he gave reasons for the need .of the Orange Order and commended its work to the young 'men as being worthy of their best consideration and support. The officers and members of King Edward L. O. L. No. 228 wish to ex- press their thanks to all who con- tributed to the success of this Fifth of November celebration. - Church Directory PRESBYTERIAN «CHURCH ES A. E. Thornley, M.A., Minister The _illystrated lecture on "Japan given last Thursday night under the auspices of the local branch of the Bible Society was both interesting and instructive and merited a larger hearing. Mrs. N. Wilkinson, Mrs. E. A. Walker and Miss C. McPhail are the collectors from our congregation Port Perry's contribution last year was $135.00. The Mission Band Birthday Party given last Friday night was nicely conceived, well carried out and thoroughly enjoyed by those present. As one result they will have $23.00 to add to their misionary enterprises. The * splendid attendance at the Armistice Day memorial service last Sunday morning "shows that. the sacrifices of the war have nbt been forgotten. Rev. Mr, Jarrett's ad- dress was excellent as was also the music rendered by the Methodist choir. © The community is under re- newed obligation to the I. 0. D. E. * | under whose auspices the service was held. The addition of two violins played by Miss Louise Carnegie and Miss Marion Goode was a pleasing ad- dition to our Sunday School musie last Sunday. A selfdenial week in the interest of the deficit of our missionary bud- church from November 2nd to No- vember 9th. In view of so many other appeals being made at that time St. John's congregation, Port Perry, postponed their observance of it until the wek ending November 23. Dn ---- METHODIST CHURCH November 16th ~~ 11 am.--The minister, "= * 8 pm--=, 8. and Brotherhood ' Y. P. L. on Monday at 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting on Thursday at 7.30 Choir practice at 8.30-on Thursday evening. Jr. League, Friday at 4.30 p.m, The Centenary of Missions held in Massey Hall, Toronto, last week was an inspiring assembly of hundreds of laymen and ministers, to celebrate one hundred years of progress since thé organization of the Methodist y at Hallowell Conference, August, 1824, and the Ladies' Aid Bazaar. -------- 0 On, ACCIDENT AT MANCHESTER On Monday. evening an accident Deputy Grand Master, Grand Orange A get was observed throughout the the 5th of December | ry "here yi you i afer 0) 'Terrific Criticism. The criticism'of Mr. MacDonald from party is' terrific. The left wing is chiefly' shipbuilders and a few intel 3 "Bolsheviks." Tey W want M he is moving. He has a oN achion hasn't it. What it will d chief supporters told me t built under it as the Tories built. Thi A : houses. That is one of the interesting things a about fo 4 land. Conditions there are so bad, and private en OWS. in some instances, has so lamentably Py that all parties have been ¥orced to recognize the necessity of certain und: ings. But they den't can it "socializir They call it "subsidizing." Words don't matter. The is that when necessity presses about so hard, people move! That makes more trouble for Mr. MacDonald. within his own party say he is doing nothing that in principle differs from what the old parties have already done; that he . has broken and apparently intends to break no new ' ground ; that he is not a singer tadical nor: even a democrat at all: My own feeling is that such criticism goes too far. One may Safely Jassuine that Mr. MacDonald is doing what he believes ~ to But the London intellectuals do ot stop, An Oxford man who has suffered for his humani that he knew to a certainty that MacDonald broke the "un- authorized" underground and tram strikes by threatening to place technical men from the navy in the power house. "You watch that man," he said. "He will do something like' this some day and that will be the end of him. The Labor party will then know him what he is and turn upon - him." ) Nor does criticism stop there nor does it end with the "Bolsheviks". Everybody in the Labor Party, as far as I could discover, is disgusted because the: ministers of the labor government have fallen for the court stuff. MacDonald they can understand." But to see an old-timer like Sidney Webb don kree breeches and-lash on a sword makes them angry. It was suggested that perhaps this was all a mere matter of strategy born of desire not to slap anybody's feelings in the face. This suggestion was accepted only in part, I Ald told that there are members of the Labor government--parti larly those who have risen from the ranks--who imply eat ent this stuff alive because they like it. And their A i told--how they do fall! But not much harder, I was informed, than their husbands. One of 'the horny sons of toil who now sits in the cabinet is frequently seen motoring with "the Prince of Wales. When the Prince want to take a little and wonders who, of all his friends, would be the most lightful motoring companion; Labor minister and out they At Buckingham Palace You read of a garden party at Buchingham Palace; the King's town residence, or at Windsor, a few miles out 'of London. . The King walks conversing nonchalantly with a gentleman Jo, 2 a few years ago, was perhaps driving a truck or clerk- One of the chief members of the Cabinet formerly conducted a stationery store in Glasgow. And ithe : ing in a store. Queen? With. whan is she taking as she: + over the lawn? Why to no one else than the wifeofa L pl minister who, day-before yesterday, as it seems, was boiling potatoes with their jackets on and frying fish for er Fate Labor minister. » What will come of the present Labor government, the best informed do not know. e grin thing that seems certain is that it will stay until its opponents believe it is in bad shape 10 go to the country for another election. The judgment of this writer is that what ever Mr. Mac Donald may or may not do with regard to the domestic af- fairs of the British Isles, he represents an improvement upon all recent prime ministers in what seems likely to be his foreign policies. He is something of a pacifier--a distributor of oil upon the troubled waters. He may well be Alii By for this quality if for no other. And he cannot be as bad men in his own party paint him. Nobody could be. "It is an odd fact, but one hears more praise of the La government outside of the Labor party than in it. The Con- Er Tap mf Le de ly as a Ww! p 0 ni ow times 1» members in th e of Comm program under wa = Jarliament yet, but he is Going Tis Sy 808. Critics convictions told me RR.2 Seagrave, Phone 1281.6, he has somebody phone to tis 5 "Our royal family is very site," one of them said to me. ¥ GASOLINE ENGINE ror SALE 'Gilson, 6 h.p, nearly new, in® first class condition. Apply -M. Mahafly, C. C. Stenhouse ARCHITECT Houses, Stores and Public Buildings properly designed and supervised. Cnion Bank Building, . " HONEY FOR SALE w. H. Doub, ie Oshawa, Ont. | Phone 101 r 2-3, Port Perry. ED A hustler, with car, to take up at- tractive, profitable line that is in demand. Must be reliable, Proven 18 . | worthy man for a high-class proposi- . * | tion. No: capital required. Just an. honest, live. wire. . Apply to Greene - Music Coy Petorhoro, y The undersigned will pig 106. for each duck band given to him or left at the Star Ofes, Port Perry. wis 4 At the present time I am tricking stock to Toronto and will continue do so until bad roads render 'shall ing stock in car Joad lots, "| co-operative system. In this way Fis : * 1 shall be able to take continual of your stock shipments. rs EWERS, Bell Phone 201 Port Perry. W. J. . COOK REAL E ESTATE - Box 47, Myrtle Station aly and satis