: : : by fen 7 Harwell of Oshawa. : Sualifcations N Nevegsary for sa 5 ls Mi = s bv vonztegs g 50 ee, Call of Sonetess Ho ols and awarding of of Prive by Secretary of Religious Edu. i tio "The Value of a" Sunday School Survey: Bringing the Sunday School to th ; manly and th Communy to he Som This stock i is of the very best material, School," Rev. R. A, Delve, - Il made. Round Table Conference led by Mr. Samuel. = mig and we Im armer. A great opportunity for EVENING SESSION Chairman--Rev. J. M. Kenny securing good Harness at the very lowest price. 6.45 Music and song service led by Manchester Orchestra. Come in and see what we have that/f you need. Come early. JOHN ROLPH 7.30 "A Message to. our District Forces", Rew PORT PERRY 750 R. G. Carruthers, Chairman of District. ~ We have added the P. D. M. C Stranded Don't be Deceived all the leading shades, as well as Clark's Artisal i Rope Silks in all colors. Sho 0a Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves at Special Prices. This Glove is fin¢ quality washable aerial, so soft Bnighy Self "self folored d raised silk points on back, fastened with two dome 'clasps, Sand "and Black. This is a good-85c. value. Special price aloa Tair, Seagrave Choir, Offering. 8.00 "What tq Teach", Miss May Madden. 8.20 Manchester Orchest tra 8.30 = Address, "The Relation of Children to the Church, by Rev. Wm. Higgs. Seagrave Choir. Closing Exercises, Rev. W. M. Leigh The aim of the Committee is to have each Sunday School represented by the Superintendent and teaching staff. The Secretary of Religious Education will award a Tarbell's Teachers' Guide ONTARIO 9.00 for 1925 to the Superintendent of school having the largest percentage session. pete.) R. G. CARRUTHERS of staff at afternoon (Prince Albert appointment not to com- Chairman of District EDWIN F. SWAYNE, Sec' Y Religious Education --_------------ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Russell Brent, deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 56, of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of On- tario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all ereditors and others having claims against the estate of John Russell Brent, late of ot the Townshi ip. of East in the County of Ontario, Farmer, who died on or about the * 10th day of May A.D. 1924, are, on or before the Sixth day of December A.D. 1924, to send by ost, prepaid, to Wm. H. Harris, solicitor for rude Bren, wiminltoaris of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their elaine, a t of their d the pature of the securities (if oT held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid said Gertrude Brent wil proceed to distribute the assets deceased among the partie entitled"thereto haxing regard to such claims of which notice have been given as above re- quired, and the said Gertrude Brent will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by Wm. H. has at the time of such distribu Dated at Prion Perry, hig this 4th day of November A.D. 1 WM. H. lS, Sol'r for Admx., FOR SALE A complete set of moulds for mak- ing wax flowers, along with a lot of colored wax and tube paints. Will be sold reasonably, Apply at Star J Office. QO SMITH & SMITH Lindsay, Ont. Land Surveyors and Engineers, Surveying and Municipal Engineer- ing, Sewerage, Desiunes, Roadways. DR. J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store PORT PERRY. ONTARIO Use "Want Ads." Port Perry, Ont. They pay YOU. Port Perry Dominion Store Look, Watch and Grab Here Bargain | for this Week - Men's , regular $20. 00. To go at less 'thon cost $14. 2. 100% pure wool pallovers, from $2. 75 to $3. 4. Cold Weather is COMING Barqa SECON [alls in STOVES We have several used stoves in good condition, at reasonable prices. It will pay intending purchasers of stoves to see these. Is Your Heating Problem Solved? WE SPECIALIZE IN STOVES |: AND FURNACES. Carnegie Hardware Company Hardware--F urnaces--Plumbing. Telephone 61 Port Perry :: Ontario «| floors, straw house 20 The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, > palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you want it good. rE MacGREGOR will do the rest. Ring up Ph Ladies' Cashmere 'Hose at Cut Prices. ll This is a clearing lot of Plain and Ribbed: Hose, small ots of this year's selling. Colors Black, Brown, Heather and Grey. Reg, price $1, clearing price 89e¢. pr. Women's Extra Heavy Silk Hose for winter wear, black only. Sizes 9 to | BROCK BROS. & €0. PORT PERRY Real Estate Morley Campbell's List PORT PERRY Bell Phone 183, W to ed lies wre hard it is the tithe be bay real gatas, | There are vw A omes and farm pro er pero You could not build Buy nie 6 roomed house, Id I good balance at 5%. L100 145 acres, all orkanl th 'eon. | of bok Reach, jo pens he Somed 40 x 50. m, ley and drive s Li fl gr This is a wondanful Al oo $9,500. $2,000 well, L lnrgo stable' anh hen ERE. Sv ar Service Svat Fact is, t anywher find rere are over 2,000 Sei ~ vice Stations in Canada showing a sign similar to the one above.-- . In practic every city, town or lias, one can obtain efficient Chevrol