prices in their advertising, And I also n tha if the prices Sie UNE up they should say so and tell why, if J iw. These times we all have "prices going up on staples, partic- 'ularly, and not a word about it till you reach the store. I am not an advertising expert, but I know what I would like to see in many local papers along that line, and there is a lot of genuine information about goods' and prices every week. Then we should feel better and if we found we were being fairly treated, there would be less sending away. I hear this talked about a lot, so I thought I would write you." ¥ LO 0 THE PRESBYTERY OF WHITBY UNANIMOUS IN FAVOR OF CHURCH UNION. 3 'The Presbytery of Whitby met in "the Fresby.ean Church, Oshawa, on Luesuny, Lecember Yon at 10 am, uempers peoesent: Rev. A, McD. Haug, moueiacor; and messes. D. W. Duss, J. K. Fraser, A. McLellan, J. ¥. Clugswon, J. Ww. Kae, I. J. Maxwell, A. i. ihornley, P, F. Gardiner, J. w. Mcleod, i. iurkingwon, and G. G. Mason, Minister; and Messrs. J. C. Young, W. R. Smith, Dr. McGillivray, John rallister, A. J. Allison, 'Lhomas Mottact and James Waadell, Elaers. Ailer ithe aevouonal exercises were conuucwea by Kev. Mr. Haig, Kev. J. kK, Liaces, or Loullimbus, was eleciea Mvaeraor 01 Lhe rresby.ery. Rev. A. E. 'Inorniey, or rort Perry gave a very interesung and timely fAaaress on "The Unuy of Spirit in the bond of*'eace", which was great- ly appeeciatéd by all present. Rev. Mr. Turking.on was appointed to deliver the opening address at the March meeting or the Presbytery. 'the Clerk reported re Newcastle and Newvonville vacancy, and Rev. lax. Mason ot Bowmanville was ap- poinied interim Moderator. Rev. Geo. C. Piageon, B.A, D.D,, of Toronto, was nominated as Moder- ator of the next Assembly. Messrs. Clugston, Maxwell, Allison and Waddell, were appointed as a Committee to select standing commit- tees and report at the next meeting of the Presbytery. The Church *Union situation as it affected the local charges and the Church - at large was trankly and recly discussed and the following motion was moved and duly seconded. "That the Presbytery of Whitby de- "clare itself in favor of entering the ited Church of Canada" This "motion was carried unanimously. Rev. "Mr. Clugston presented the i Budget Report and members of Pres- bytery reported the condition of the Missionary contributions in their. in- a piividus| congregations. The Presbytery adjourned to meet "Oshawa Presbyterian Church on '2nd Tuesday in March. OF 8.8. NO. 2, SCUGOG months of Sept, Oct, Nov. and Municipal Engineer- rage, Drainage, Roadways. Ey DR. J. A: MURRAY, DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9'a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office over McKee's Shoe Store PORT PERRY. ONTARIO ne i bars. Real Estate Morley Campbell's List PORT PERRY BellPhone 183 W 6 roomed house, % acres land, good well, large stable and hen house, fruit in good repair. Situated on Union Avenue, Price $1,100. - $500 cash, balance at 5%. 145 acres, all workapte, 7th con. Reach, good 8 roomed brick house, barn 58 x 60, stone stable, cement doors, straw house 20 x 30, hay barn 40 x pig pen, new chicken house, and drive shed, all in good repair, Ais 1s a wonaeriul proaucing iarm, all Tor $9,00u. $4,000 cash, balance al b%. 8 roomed frame house, % atre land, £00a Suabie, sume 1ruil, good water, otulldved 10 dhe Village of ou rrovincial Maguway. peauniul snage wees, Au ror $4,000, vaoll, balalice ai 0%. Goud 6 roomed frame house, in Uuca, large woousnea, cistern, sable, uey House, NICE UL OL Aru, 2 ace land, close W school anu couch. Pov, $400 casn, balance at 0%. LuSSESSION any Jame, Por reuwred genueman--l acre good garden sul, ¢ roovlued irae house, Kuod cellar, stone ioundauon, new well ana pump, house in goud re- pair. bouvie garage, new large chicken house, spendid lot of assbried 1ruis, gouu tences, close to school ana courcn. rrice $1100. $0UV cash, balance mortgage at 6% A good tarm properiy--Lot thirteen, CUlPUSEU UL VL acies more or less, Well seliced ald well wawered, 1rame holse, Darn 4uXod, sone suabies, ail al Afar good repair, close w rort rerry. rrice pooul, $100U cash, balance, morgage at 04s Yo. Good ~1or garaen or chickens--b6% acres, on dumcoe streel Just outside corporauon 01 rort rerry; 8 room- ed irame house in good .repair, all newly decoraied and painted inside and out, good stable, drive shed and garage, new hen house, some choice iru, good water, nicely situated. Price $3200, 'terms to suit pur. chaser. A very cheap home--Quarter acre «lot on Rosa street, good 6 roomed house, stone foundation, cement cistern in cellar, good well, stable, some small fruit, Price $1000, $400 cash, balance, mortgage at 6 per cent. This property is in good repair--3% acres good 'garden land, 8 roomed frame house, stable, drive shed and garage, hard and soft water in house, eleciric range wired tor 220 volis 'Hyaro. 9 apple trees, large asparagus bed, all kinds small fruits his his property. is situated on Union are good repair, cellar. $1000 This stock i is s of the very best material, and well made. A great opportunity for . securing good Harness at the very lowest price. Come in and see what we have that . you need. Come early. . JOHN ROLPH PRACTICAL Christmas Gifts | in excellent variety in our stock-- Silverware, Cutlery, Aluminum Ware, Granite Ware, Tin Ware, Electric Irons, Razors, Jackknives, and many other Christmas lines. Children's Toys We have a great range of Toys. Parents are specially invited to come in and see our stock. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT Is Your Heating Problem Solved? ONTARIO AND FURNACES. Carnegie Hardware Company Hardware--Furnaces-- Plumbing. Telephone 61 Port Perry :: Ontario The Peoples' Meat Market We sell everything you want in choice, clean, «palatable, nutritious and satisfying meats. If you wi it good | Hockey Boots for the 7 as ls. Cris (oske) Ba Bals me wn supports. of box ki ed, nd with eo Ce savin | EE en le leather, made wit' ankle | Ladies' Silk Hose make Good Christmas Gifts. We have a good assortment of the "Mercury Line" Full Fashioned Hose = knitted from high grade silk. This number is our best yaloe, Colors Black, White, Sponge, Fawn, and Brown. Prices $1.90 P: air. Girls' all wool Cashmere Hose in Sport Rib style. This is a well made hose manufactured from extra quality yarn, in the attractive Sport Ribbed patterns. Sizes 6 to " as 76c.; Sines 8 " 9%, 8be. Standard Desigans Fate, always kept in an CONSERVATION OF LUMBER The production of newsprint dur- ing the first ten months of 1924 ag-. gregated 1,122,080 tons, as compared | with 732,663 tons in 1920, This con- stitutes 'a heavy drain on our pulp- wood resources; but it is not the only one. During Septemiber, {or instance, Canada exported to the United States in addition to newsprint and other paper; 96,368 cords of pulpwood, val- ved at $1,057,410, and 1,114,438 cwt. of pulpwood, valued at $2,856,371. 1 For the fiscal year ended March 81st last, out of total exports of $1,045. 066, wood sand paper ac- countetd for $278,864,778; To sus- tain, therefore, our trade in forest products' great care will have to be exercised in preserving that source of wealth. The reader has nt to look BRONCHITIS a she Histoty of lumbet | in Michigan | WE SPECIALIZE IN STOVES}: OTL Remedy for - Le HS COLDS] x or end of this-week and alte Egains in Christmas lin