a feal order under thei! aqx o man of. Helen of abode, gel BU quito oe the blo had studied, together With | yn, 115 own ston ~ thelr present ages. nach. He will ¢ + | that the insect ee the blood There was one entry which puzzled sticking his sucker pump between the Ad ther through the | him a deal, It came, mid- i rway_ his list of eleven lig Bo ag] cells of your skin finally made out. It ran as follows: | walls of your vel fr ; J Christopher Kennedy. Age, 16. Loch| Well, that is exactly what the mos- J ; 5 NE > "| the nearest post office an: SE si ad as ete Glenkells, Private study. | quito must do a he does 3 well, . FALL : . ; Q& ) 'him while he sent his answer. the ET 3 Fi Ee \ ] other' entrants came from | Nevertheless, no student has ever been : RS 0, Pst ; Ta : "sighed ; CHAPTER XXXIV.--(Cont'd.) . door of the back kitchen, steering his | well-known burgh 'or famous parish|able to prove that this 'very evident| fl, | y ? Jock usually worked in the "pen | WO, among the pots and pans. ischools, long celebrated "sending | fact is true. i I -~ on ere on the table open, mo one up lads to the college." But here was renHAdaAY prove : TTT : roam ox parlor of Loch Spender nea, uy th Tascnating voime. | o difieur, | tin most suck Doo) iowneh a ho IR A of drawers and a best bed which re; Kit had it in his hand in a mo.| It may be a practical Jokel® sald iq hen that pipe te #0 small that! § ter 1, tanMaysmepy. , oC after | rnd ALS Ther %!blood can not be forced {hrough ft ii 1 fe | Here is quits an amusing story told « tired itself a8 far as possible into ons Ment. He turned up, passag : corner behind curtains, and .which Passage, and. ever fis heart sank! Wary man-of-law he indited a letter even under pressure... 3 _ Tore completely into his hob-nailed to Christopher Kennedy asking for ES PE, a ; Jen cnpany saled they were ex boots: Ha, could never hope to obtain | particulars and a certificate from his| The sucking pipe of the insect is so GIRLS ATTRACTIVE SUSPEND. His. mother. waa - in: the "habit. of from his poor barren dictionaries, and h minister in lieu of one from|small that a strong microscope is Te- } vLE B 3 E 43 takine Soins dawn as far ae the LY the slow process. of. looking. up, is teacher. He got in reply a neat quired to show the hole through which + BR SKIRT AND BLOUSE. , Fry A OS hh rr ple every word, such a wealth of classical 8nd elerkly letter, which would not|the ,blood undoubtedly passes. Man; A charming frock featuring the' Soor of lore as lay open to the possessor of have disgraced one of his own jun-|can make a pipe just as small, all he | plaited flare at the "sides, which is "1 thick To's ool. Ye micht TALL volume. [iors at te > office an Sh Adiew's has to do is to make a pipe of any size | bound to be @ favorite with girls Mec to oko He sits thewe and | J¢ looked up !me after line, in| as tos a Pi AEH and pull and pull 'on the ends. Fine |whether on a vacation or at 1. | "HEH P- 'which "he hail encountered difflan'tlos CCratcates, one drom. the. pa. "pipes are all made by that process. [Individuality in tasté may be express- | learns a' the day through. Aye, that's . 5 * a ister of St. John's Town, and the other ba : Wont a Greek buik or a Hebrew; I dinna jurtold. Here Shey Were i, Joes, from his own maternal uncle, the Came| - Manutacuirers first make a flue pipefed by Javig the skirt. of one. Color ken what yin o! the twa. Jock is a! |eronian minister: of the Kirk-of-the-| With a fine hole through it. The ends | material, and the blouse of another' 4 ing, fresh end impossible felie-| Ty: > A : . fair neeger at baith languages, and Jen 2EL Cre An C HPO are of Hill in Cairn Edward of this pipe are attached to machinery {hut harmonizing color; Many mothers . h ini | y tare of | p 8 ; oA 8s Jor, Liaitin, Doniinie Mac_Fadyen | ijugions 0 manners and: cqstoms ta 16 ill be oie minister wie Jag which draws it out until the sides have short ends of material in the Lo Noo, come awa He'll be Ts which made his heart flutter to think he will ET i ve Fd Siase in and the hiole 1s of the required | sewing room, .and this model offers in 'the noo, and he'll no lke to think [POY little he knew. | himeeif against all these hcademy fel-|* 1¢ you wish oe apy gmcellent. opportunity to use them. that his learnit buiks hae been dis-|, "hus he stood wrapt and transfixed, ows, I got a wonderful letter about you wish to see exactly how this | The accompanying diagram gives a turbit by the likes o' us!" by the Side of tho bakeboard uncon-|gne applicant--what is his name, yes fs worked take a rubber pipe and very clear outline of 'the frock, and a CL | stretch it. It thé rubber does mot|chart with full directions is included "It's a . $0 hae pet" his scious of all, tit suddenly a tremen-| ves" Mac Walter--John Mac Be : otha Jreveioke a aay, diplomatic dous box on the ear sent him reeling on » break the hole will become so tiny:that | with the pattern. Sizes 8, 10, 12 and doubt, however, that there was & post " The volume was rratched: from his { io | it will no longer be'a hol : : % Av: ally and solenmnly; "I never kenned RIAL : Now the Unlon of Galloway Asso-| it will no longer be a hole. ) 14 years. Size 10 years réquires 2 geript, in" which Major Beith gave Miss that there was sae muckle to be dune band and the flours rolling-pin applied | siations held its' annual meeting in| Man 'cdh make & pipe as small as | yards of '36-inch material for the are in. The secret of Rinso's Hope some {nformation--even if it was a . AEE obi on '+by Miss Helen: "about-Major Johm - "| Hay Beith, CBE, M.C', Who Is known *#|to "millions of readers as Ian Hay. . Major Beth had appealed through the = Press, for money for the Ypres League, LA {the object of which was to help widows." © =~ 'to visit thelr husbands' graves in ¥lan- ders. Mis, Hope wrote to him, telling {him of « widow in whom she was, in- | terested, and asking how she could » cross to France for that purpose, « "My dear lady," replied Major' Beith, ou remind me of the man who ap pealed for funds to help an orphanage, land the only answer he received was' - from a woman who sent him three or- phans!" : Here tho story ends. I have no ; i ly to «his. back. Kits eyes] cansil wer 0 3 before ye could be a minister. I de-|BPTOUSY 8 Thin Bac ¥o8 | Cairn Edward at the time of the ex-| the one used by the mosquito, but he | jumper, and 1 ds for the blouse.| wonderful only another address to write to! clare I'll think mair than ever o' the watered with indignation more than | aminations. And the unfortunates| cannot force blood through it. Blood fs fonpe 20 1% yar lies in these firm, a z 5 -- ; ) Si Paderewskl to be Plain Mister. ~i H v ith pain. Bat louder than the ring-| 3 ta indi Babbath's sermon noo! With pan, a 2- who had their papers to write indited d ? 3 i - ling of h it ear 8hr i {made up of wee egg-shaped bodles| Home sewing brings nice clothes "Oh, Jock is no that length yet, but g of his smitten ear shrilled thethem in the assembly rooms of the called corpuscles. To see them you!within the reach of all, and to follow C indignant voice of Mistress Mac i i the fact js that he's gaun to win & Valter. oo ort fubiinde of pop. | TUS use a very fine microscope, the mode is delightful When it can be. Hn d heap o' siller that's called al. «who do ; / Th traordl thing 1s tha OTUs ai? ye niean, ye ignorant|ping corks, intermittent souhds of e extraordinary thing is-that!done--so-eastly "and -economically by oa ibs oh Siento the best scholar, wratch, ye nameless landlouper, by (revelry, and 'the constant trampling | these corpuscles are so large that they | following the styles pictured in our We Be {t--for his faither is rfectly . able finger-markin' my John's learned bui of innumerable feet in the passages will not pass through the masquito's new Fashion Book. A chart accom- and wullin' to pay for his collegin'-- wi' your great glaury et Did ony- without. sucker-pips -- Hence the quéry -- how panying each pattern shows the ma- forebye his or uncle - Walter (the body ever see the like? A great Cairn Edward itself was new to {'does he do it? 4 terial as it appears when cut out. Ialrd; yo ken) that juist doats on him. muckle nowt like ou, fresh frae the Kit. That is, he had been in the little} = It is supposed, but only supposed Every detail is explained do that the But this bursary is an unco honor, /FT% 10 andi a dear-bocht. bulk like, town on, Sabbaths when. all the shops that the pipe enlarges as the cor; ced sew n make without: and it will be a great feather in Dom. that, and be lookin' -at it as if ye wore their shutter pt tl pass through, the pipe actin ReSparienced somes as info Mac Fadyen's cap. No but what could understand a single word o't!" | Apothecaries' Hall, which had two| "0 ine when a large ball 3 difficulty an attractive dress. - Prico , at. "What need hae ye o' eddication? down, and looked im its staid respon- is & op Tge. ha 'of the book 10 cents the copy. Each land js one of the 'most democratic | passed through it. copy includes one coupon good for | coutitries in the world. Following the Johnggould win; it by himsel'l It will ye. A ey x t ; A Ly a fine thing to gang to Edinbra as| What ye hae to mind is to haud the sibility like a sportive parson who had ; this . gently 5 the First Gallowa® Bursar. -What Pleuch and count the beasts--that will | lost a couple of teeth, and who knows Science knows this must be the'fiye certs in the purchase of any pat- ¢ harmful rubbing. Your armistice, when it become a republic, = think ye o' that for a name?" tak' ye a' your time, my man, = Aye, he ought not to be smiing under the, case, vet the fact cannof be proved be- | tern.: ° es conie snowy white. titles wer abolished, =" : : So the privileged visitant would re-|and I'll promise ye that your maister garish light of day. But Kit had never | cause, in order to s¢e the pump-pipe| 'wow TO ORDER RATTERNS Rinso is made b he, ak "Paderewski, who frequently spends ' tire, awed and full of admiration for |Shall hear this nicht, when he comes seen Cairn Edward on a Monday. And working it must be séen- 'under a ; : f le lay the plea weeks and months at his country place © "that wonnerfu' callant o' Mistress hame; baith-how ye waste his- time that not a common Monday either, but powerful glass and ft 4s a 'dificult Write your name and uddress plain-| of Lux, the largest soap near Cracow, hobnobs with his pea- Mac Walter's." But after she had|and lichtly me, 'his marriet wife, the red-letter day when the Union| ping. to induce a mosquito to pum ly, giving number and size of such! makers in the world." . : Fw Hs : ve | : 5 s oki Ting 1to to pump nl } sant neighbors, many ¢f whom call him FL asced the loaning end, and found Standing there wi' a mock on your of Galloway Societies met in the town is155q out of @ man While the pump of | PALHerns as Jou wgut. Enclose 20¢ in TN TROT + R-44Q ; : erself safe on the broad unprejudiced face. 4 learn ye, my man. Ill gar! and held its great dinner in the even-i yoryices vo ait into thin slices y stamps or coin (cvin preferred; wrap Lever-Brothers Limited, Toronto Jemace: his_first name, or Jan, his King's Highway, she was wont to|Je 'auch. on the wrang side o your ing. boy ¢loWty Eck in Bhs vision | Bled to- apiece of -glass=~ the only it carefully) for each, number, and a SL HE Historic Sites Board Holds | Paderewskl has let it be known that, ~ | notwithstanding the -conferment of knighthood upon him recently by King George, he will continue:in the future Sui to be known as plain mister, monsieur _ ° or herr rwhile away from his native = | Poland. ¥ "At home the great piano virtuoso ~~ ~~ {will be "pan"--the equivalent for mis- 4 ter--to every one, ds in the past. Po- Rs he "ai : r gin 1 bring the roller down on : of tern Dept. Proplitey thint Some Pride ? of tha Ttkie white-washed tow with | method by which th Dipe can be seen. | Sooress Your GrdcE a IRON. would get a sair Joon come." : your sroon!® its smiling shops, broad streets, and. We know this much, that the mos : : But it was not"from thi Kit| It i = ; : rest 5 : q ent F ies in Frames, : i mit ve tt tn Tw ivory down on 1, ing shor, bron, isl 0 SS CLR BRE U0 BS we Boe, Fito wc hy| | Feet Cnet Annual Meeting. : hind their well-polished counters. Red | never know how he Hoes it. return mail. 3 Historic banknotes to the number of | gy, fourth annual meeting of the ee 27,000 have been collected by a'London gor «a Success Points. business man. They studs noes le | 00 PL A MONLEL oe By the Late Viscount Leverhulme. sued in China 600 years ago and a when over one hundred fre v sites "The secret of success Is no fecrat whole series of forged Bank of Eng-| Tht ok ana Hrty 5 ; were reviewed and thirgy-ight of these Jock thrown at his head at all timesq Black Sheds that night. : of the day. It was because he was| "I think I had better gie it up; {carts stood tilted here and there with not allowed to handle or even look at [can never be upsides wi' the like o' their shafts pointing to the sky, to the any of the favorgd student's books. |yon!" he said to the "Orra Man," obsruction of the thoroughfare. A t - - |ceaseiess tide of grey-coaded, irregu-! chanced that on one occasion|" And with copious detail he told his i rl + 4) b¢ d th : and 'ban doin bad Dnt an Bray lion maar i te wonders of th Ama: el Ce Women tak poured ap gro Woo ee Spt Wai is © FC a Fu Ea lr a ee ican book.. The classical master smil- nd" down the one long main 'street. | success? That Is the point. There f8| _'. yandkercpief Worth $30,000, ing of national importance. Brig.-Gen, } adyen's, 08t 'ed a far-off, quiet smile. only one certainty--hard work, self- 5 H. A. Cruikshank, chairman; presid Pe admirable translations and the most| «For once," he said, "Mistress Mae! There Fas quite a sehcqures 8 Che haba copious notes and explanations, 8o|Walter did quite right, If ever I! : Cope det was the soi, 10 NUR fo ich you wih a bookie 7, schvart, the OTIS, Crier ail compet of helps and aids an in| a Two St Ouow it Inthe ack ci BEC =i, nothing whatever to do--which, very hide res Jind then 1 mould im four And in the midst of all this cheer. gacrifice, and service for others." mong the fineries possessed by the ; rifice, rvice © v tos ager Queen Margharita of Italy is [at the meeting and the other members "Believe me, there is much more ndance: money made in doing something better | 8 lace handkerchief 'valued at $30,000. [in atten : - 'Wore; br In, Sayus Fe 3 than ever it was done before than in : Rr Ry CET Ly presen . ghakR & Pr 2 or doing something new--far more." "The tongue is divided. into three re- aie ed " ty nn , Ih ft £3 Ti y t f . . es Some think hard work may kill 'a' @ions of taste, the first of which is' ting Wester Canada; Mr. A Fay naturally, was often just what he did. | pain{" . ful goths nine or ten lads, crammed d Rp i But to Kit Kennedy, trained in the -+gpened Ito he lips with knowledge, anxiously | man. It never did. It is a'good habit, | chiefly sensible to pungent and acid severe school of the classical master, | What ud his TeAeher ean? oo" |wwaited the examination papers which, {15 hard work, and it ls bad-habits that- tastes, the middie portion to.sweefa or | 1%. representing Quencoi ME J. Br to whom lexicon, grammar, gradus,| "Listen, Kit," said the "Orra Man." | "os, (0 Seal their doom. ann -- {amr bitters, which the back is confined oner. n Nao- end dictionary represented all the 1aw («I don't know what Jock Mac Walter | Sit Was early onthe scene. He was Don't Looks "Young men of to-day have a bet. entirely to the flavors of roast meats, ' \ A i ; d Sit and the prophets, this American royal hag learned, but I know what Dominie ones siete 8, [re A nb RF hpi 01d 'Un--"In the matter ofsmarriage tor chance than ever, but the saerifice | butter, ois, a» Sith Diabet revelation. He Mac Fadyen can teach, And--well, £0 at. Loch. Spellanderie, - as ~ his, You hould-1ock before you leap." [1s greater owing to. the opportuniftes| = ~~ © eager oh Mgnia® ae tan mind you your versions and never pass mo hly engagement enabled him to! Young Bach.--"My Motto is: 'Don't for dmusement and self-indulgence." | Our language 'changes.' Pedestrian : Bind open, Tock hod Just oe | nik d you dont do wv She. sxnct do. Hit or miss, he knew. well that he. look and you won't leap.' "Some" say that all the great men |Onge meant one who wglks. Now. it * explaining to his scandalized mother A OD 10S hae wh 5 could not go back there after the died years ago. Don't believe it. There means ors Who 'runs and jum : 4 i : - about the doings of the heathen gods Say eomes, we'll see what we shall "j..,4 revelation that he had secretly For First Ald-- Minard's Liniment. "| are finer young men \n England to-day and rich fatty substances. |" SH et é 3 Thé A B C of good breeding is to work of marking the hist Bee. : If into competition with "oor pikmin ; oy and goddesses. Walter Mae, Walter did evel ut himself into compet Fi ; stig than ever." gi f | Dom! a. Xe "Some mai. about Yat Kit" to his Tato when he provided a for 1% tren t Priveof he First World's Oldest Forest. "Tt 1s capital that is looking for avoid being conspicuous, « ~ of ag wo Waiter bad been saying when mothe home Ss i him Yih his brother nd. "But, at the sight of him among. the, A hundred million years ago, many | YOUng fellows all theitime." |. ite] he 1925 session, the most | 4 and son were called out by a great |ywas for ever passing Syeliander ie. He competitors John Mac Walter nearly millions of years before man himself | "The best chance a young man has : RE einde the. Tallowing: Champlain's stabl d. fell through the floor with astonish-'appeared"on the earth, there grew a in lifels to is abe that Vety moment that Tow onstant Jourhe 2. Loe drove &| ment, with which indignation 'began' forest, near what is now Gilboa, N.Y. | or short of Capital Kit, all unconscious, came in by the | understood to be engaged in extensive SO0 © beat ghrife. Js Pa ihe, Dr. John M. Clarke, New York state| "The fact Is . : dealing transactions, the exact pur-i 18 barre ned, Tneatings tthe 8 va] | Ecologist and paleontologlst, business port of which nobody but himself was 5 Ye Committee are ER nounced this grove the acquainted with. held "that Kit first revealed himself forest. He has resurre He did not personally pay much at: |g" Tival to his mistress's son, [remains in the rocks and tention to Kit, contenting himself | "Kit Kennedy, what are you doing ;ncient trees to have with seeing that he remained on thé'y...% This is reserved for ca: 1i'ates,| modern tree ferns, rob: But he obtained from Kit's gon vou know?" seid John Mac Wal hi tf Afty | ter, coming "the either without splat, yi Aon i 1g, ilumette Island, opposite. "In"all the ups and downs of biel) | ness, Art is the rock under the shadow [of 'which business men revive thef " oss the room to where as to his doings. ps "He's a decent, ceevil eneuch cal- Prep i Rg "ito find wi' him that ye couldna find ; A i' ony ither callant, except tg But Ait ea wish he were a wee mair carefu' aboot «pyinna you worry about me the company he keeps'. i... ihe-suid, Boothingiy.ri i oi _ "Ah!" said Walter Mac Walter, but | ™ "=°* ~~ : ix oF opening with Mistress Mac Wals| "Kee your classic of 8] ng ress Mac fu} €00) 3 i ter E plone, . Te a thought, J er through 3 at com) '.does 1 ol before . you. z yours keep?" op Py 2 Hd fpestions fi "Him?" cried Mistress Mac Walter, in your head, 3 Sarat BULL thy a imeeriore wi him: the p ring aye what He