few of hor Mrs. Kiar, who bs bon K's resanad a pr hoe Miss M. Gobbledick, of the T Eaton staff, is holidaying with Mrs. A Shunk; at Boynton fdrm. Mr, Chas. H. Patterson and sons, of Philadelphia, are keeping holiday- -ing at their summer home here: Mr, J. H. Crowle and daughter of "Mount: Albert and Mrs. Flowers and daughters, of Midland, were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Raymer, this week. Mr. Geo. Bond, who was visiting with his daughter, Mrs. Wm, Philips, near Utica, has returned. Mrs. Wm. Jewell, who was holiday- ing in Fenelon Falls, has returned to "the village again. Miss Mary Hill is enrolling a large class of music pupils. Miss - Gertrude Martyn was the guest.of Miss Ettey recently. Miss' Alma McLelland, who has been visiting with her aunt Mrs. Art. Loney, has returned to her home in the City. - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott, Mr. and |, Mrs. Walter Raycraft, all of Chicago, were week end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Roantree and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hardy, of Lindsay and * 'Miss Laura Roantree, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. M. Roantree and son of Ux- bridge, were all week end guests at the home of Mr. Ira Belknap. Messrs Sheriff and Richard Thomp- son left last week for the West. Mr, Jos. Sisson and wife, also Mr. | and Mrs. Belknap motored to Frank- lin, East Durham, on Sunday. ~ Mr. and' Mrs. Chas, Hall were in Brooklin. on Sunday. Miss Snyder, who has been visiting with friends in the village, has re- turngd to her home in Woodbridge. * & number from here were attracted to the big fire at the farm of Mr. L. L. Guy, near Columbus.. Mrs. Reuben Bond has made some extensive repairs to her residence. ; lad to report that Mr. Chas. Hall has recovered from his illness. Mrs. Day, of Toronto, is visiting with: Mrs, D. L. Williams. Mrs. Ed. Williams has been vigit: ing her daughter in-Honeydale. Mrs. Brown has returned to "her home in Dakota, after visiting her sister Mrs. S. Porteous. * Mrs. Geo. Heayn has been visiting in Uxbridge for some time. Mrs. Hubbard has beautified her property with a cement walk. Mrs. C. Reggs and Mrs. Angel of Fergus, are spending their holidays with their sister Mrs. G. Christie. 'Mr. Bruce Snelgrove was-a recent guest of Mr. Alvin Hunter.» Mr. Lyle has gone West for the harvest. Mrs. Robert Balfour is HMdaying at Lake-of-Bays. Mr. Norman Heayn, who has been visiting with his<parents, has return- ed to his work at Campbellford. ~ Mr. and Mrs.- Milton Balfour and family were in the village on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. D. Lyle "were in Greenwood on Sunday: Lv: We ave sorry to report that Mrs. 'Murphy 'is=in poor health." Thréshing is" in ful wing in this district. School. opens on September "1st. Miss Ruth Taylor, of Toronto, has visiting her aunt Mrs. J. Fowlie. 'and Mrs. R. Amery of Toronto, Miss Sadie Playter has burial Lindsay aftér spending her 'holidays | with Her parents at the station. Miss G, Ettey is studying 'mufic in Hs the City. Mrs. Greaves is yi ng 3 Toronto. . A number from this vicinity at- last week. ~ Duchess apple | picking is on wd a good crop is the report, Send in. the names of your guests, Miss Helen Bunner, daughter of the Rev. J. W. Bunner, of Stockdale, won the gold medal offered by the execu- tive of the Ontario Ladies' College for proficiency in music. mee YOO meee BARRED ROCK COCKERELS FOR SALE "Graham "stock, bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, extra good, sisters now laying, 4% months old, $2. up. Apply to Ronald Peel, Port Perry, Ontario. Phone 90 r 1-3, rma sion COW FOR SALE Good butter cow, will sell at rea- sonable rate for quick sale. Apply 'at Star Office. Fall Term Opens Sept Ist. Go LLIOTT 7 All graduates of last seventeen months .have .sécured .employ- ment as well as scores of others. Catalogue Free. W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge "and Alexander Sts. Toronto. Kathleen Leask A. T.CCMand A. OC. M. Teacher. of Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for examination desired. Nov. 1 Phone 115 r 3-2 Buy Your Summer Goods Now: We.are clearing out our line" of Summer Shirts and Caps at greatly reduced prices. We need the money NOW. We have a splendid range of Ready-to-Wear. Our line of cloths. for Tailored Suits is very eomplete. W. H. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Miss Madeline Cockburn Miss Hazel Cockburn Teach PIANO AND VIOLIN Bell Phone 1697.2 |News about Your ¥ tended the Horse Show at Sebogre p nee in your ee and service: Advertising in the Po it : Perry Star will lay the|Over Tel." Office, Port: foundation of such con 5 fidence. Advertising does the 'urday. Mr. Dyer preached in Ux- 1 spade work that leads to bridge on' Sunday morning. and will bigger sales spend this week at his home in Mount It will tell folks aboyt| Albert. He will be in his own pulpit your business, its ser- again on. Sunday, | vice. Leask is not quite so well Mr. It will 'tell them about Ledask's illness has kept him in his the goods you have to|bed for a considerable time now. All offer. . his friends join in" wishing him a swift recovery. Let fous advertising in On Thursday of last week Mr. Jno. the Port P erry Star be a| Rennie; of Wick, met with a very We are sorry to hear that Mr, Wm, Rev. C, E. Dyer was home on Sat: Ht About x Gi ghams, standing invitation to| serious and a very painful accident. |} Be the folissaromnd here. Mr, Rennie had' been driving the As a rule,-- People Shop + Where They Feel They are Welcome. Because-- They Have Been Invited. | Let Each Issue of the Star tell the ~ |People the Weekly horses was knocked down and gun 'Jover by the binder. The ambulanee | was called from Port Perry and Mr. 'Rennie was taken to Toronto as soon as possible, It was found that several his legs were broken in two places. When we think 'of how easily Mr. Rennie Was 'hurt fand how easily any one of us. might have just such an him and thank our Maker, for sparing us. 5 Mr. Geo. Ironside, of New Toronto, came to Greenbank on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. W. Phoenix. Mr, Ironside lived in Greenbank about thirty-five years ago. =~ He is now foreman of a paper mill in West To- ronto. He has been working for. over thirty years in the 'same business. 'Mr. Ironside is a brother to Mrs."W. Bundy; also of Tovabto, " Rev, W. J. Pady, B.A,, of Toronto, préached in the Baptist "Church on Sunday evening and. preaches every night until Friday. ose who met Mr. Pady and who know him best are very much taken with him and with his 'sincerity and his faithfulness to the Truthy Next Sunday the «Annette Street Gospel Truck will visit us, in charge of Mr. Harold Sager, and Greenbank is going to get a real treat: as the Successor to late Dr. 8. J. Mellow Amerie: @vangelistic Bind spends : Port Pi . unday in it. There Office, Queue 6 4 pe Ci choruses and pleasing' gospel numbers - in abundance, featured in the famous = Gospel: Truck servi ~JOHN BELDON LUNDY | soi of Tinien Holmes of Lindsay LDS, DDS, . "| church August 31- DENTAL SURGEON =~ . Graduate of Royal College of Deutal 5, with Rev. G. C. Lamont, B.A, as Surgeons and University of Toromte | special preacher. +This. will be a Office Hours--9 am. to 6 pm. Evep-| grand finale to two oaks of special; ing by appointment Phones-Office 68 r2. Residence 68r8|- Office over Morrison's Drug Store. Business. +The Cost is Very Small. Dr.-J. A. Mathers Physician and Surgeon, aber 4. +| binder and while frying to quiewwthe of his ribs were fractured and one of {fil I accident we feel especially sorry for || Mr, and Mis. Russ, Harper with}. Mr. and Mrs. Jo Sutherland on Sum. | day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Lakey: with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lakey on Sunday. Pos Mr. Jno. Jones and son Jack, and Mr. Harold Aird" left for the last: week, ' ras ehile ; On "Tuesday, = Mr. Ra orse Kiovked some boards' off the well be- a Fri we/hay longing to Mr. Chas: "Lakey and. fell et sistance of about 20. . Nut Coal--$26.00 of the neighbor 'and a block and tackle, it was pulled out in about two, hours, little the worse, except the loss : able. to keep -her 'head a The accident 'was very unft this well supplies the neigl Anniversary services=on September | onto; with Mes andre; 9. Bently, [1 Mrs. Jas Hortop was in Port Perry Yo 'this week. - Carpenter - Bor Estimates given oh new work. _ Repairing done. Charges rea- sonable; Good work. Bell Phone : Bimanton with her Sou oli Mrs 1.) Port Pesry - 3 : : Sonley. 3