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Port Perry Star, 8 Oct 1925, p. 4

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» THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1925 STAR; Rink Meeting bg was not largely ; former Board of was re-elected, and Mr. M. T. Beare, President. Miss Grace Davis, V. Pres. Mr, Geo. Stone, Sec.-Treas. EE and Keeping Up with the Times-- Mr, I. R. Bentley has installed a neat little electric welder as an accessory to his jewelry repair department. . Mrs. S. Farmer is attending "the Provincial W. C.T. U. Con- _vention at Pembroke as Ontario County delegate. - The Port Perry Star has been appointed District Agent for the Toronto Mail & Empire. We shall be pleased to take your subscrip- "tion to this paper. Call to.see us. Mrs. W. J. Jackson, of Toronto, is visiting with her brother, Mr. D. Corbman. ONIONS FOR SALE--$1.00 per Bus. Apply to Nelson Williams, 148 r 2, Port Perry. a) L. O. L. All members of King Edward L. O. L. No. 223 are requested to be pre- sent at the Lodge Room on Monday, October 12th, at 8 p.m. A Repre- sentaiive of the Grand Lodge of B. N. A. is expected. WM. ETTEY, W. M,, GEO. MORRISH, Sec'y. a ( mi-- RE-OPENING SERVICES Sunday last, October 4th, witnessed the re-opening of our beloved Church after some weeks in the hands of the decorators for redecoration. A hard 'wood, floor being laid in the chancel and Sancturary at the same time. The attendance at the early cele- bration at 8 am. at 11 am, and 7 p.m. was exceptionally good--a wit- ness in itself of the interest taken by the parishers. ~The preacher, Rev. R. T. Simms, gave instructive addresses at the ser- vice. The organist and choir ably ful- filled their tasks in adding to the beauty and solemnity of the occasion. Over $600 has been raised by the members of the congregation--a very creditable showing and one of which we humbly thank God. Besides this amount individual gifts have been given by the members or the Church -- Altar hangings, Offertory Plate, Hymn Books and a Pulpit. The Women's Guild and the Anglican Young People's Association likewise provided Chancel carpet and Chancel Curtains. The improvement in the appear- ance of the Church is admitted by all, the interior having been treated in such a way as to greatly improve the lighting. » The local men, Messrs. E. Brooks, and Powers & MacGregor are to be commended upon the work done by them. --Com. w-- (reer HEIFER LOST Strayed from the premises of J. T. Evans, lot 9, con. 9, East Whitby, about 3 weeks ago, red heifer, 2 yrs. old, white and red. Finder please notify J. T. Evans, Raglan. i APPOINTED CORONER Dr. J. A. Mathers has received notice of his appointment as Coroner for Port Perry and district. rns KY Yrs PRESBYTERIAN SUPPER AND CONCERT Monday, October 12th. Don't fail to hear Jimmie Read and Miss Clara Butt on Mongay night. It is the opinion of the Port Perry Band . 'boys that they put up the best con- cert heard all summer. The concert and supper together only costs 50c. Children 80c. 2 errr ~~ CARD'OF THANKS » ~ Mr. John Palmer and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors PAPRR SACRIFICE ns We do not intend to continue the wall paper end of this business, therefore, we will sell what we have at COST and below in some lines. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pastor--Rev. W. L, Atkinson Aninversary Services on Sunday next at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. conducted by by Rev. A. GC. Reeves, formerly of Moose Jaw, Sask. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Young People's Guild, on Tuesday evening, Oct. 13th, at 8 pm. THE UNITED CHURCH, PORT- PERRY. » Rev. William Higgs, Minister. Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m, Sunday School at 3 p.m. Y. P. L. Monday at 8 p.m. Prayer and Praise Service on Thurs- day, at 8 p.m. The first Conference of the United Church' will be held at Peterboro on October 13th. There promises to be an inspiring gathering of over 600 delegates. Rally Service in the Y.P.L on Monday' was well attended. The ad- dresses of Messrs. Howsam, J. Baird and R. Harris, were goed, as well as the address of Mr, B. Smallman on "Unseen Forces." rd = RTT To i= HH -- his Fun The Women's Missionary ety of the United Church will hold their Rally Day meeting in the schoolroom of the Church on Wednesday, October 14th, at 3 p.m. A good program is being prepared and refreshments will be served: The Rest Fund collection will be taken. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies of the congregation. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Thursday, Evensong at 7 p.m. Friday, A.Y.P.A. at 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 11--Matins and ser- mon at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14--Y.W.A. meet in Parish Hall at 4.15 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 18, Harvest and Thanks- giving servicep both morning and evening, 11 am. and 7 pm. A special for the day is being pro- Deanery Meeting is to be held in Port court, Wexford, Birchcliffe, Markham, Unionville, - Stouffville, Oshawa, Port Book study", Rev. T. G. A. Wright, M.A.,, "Church Finance -- Personal giving", Dr E. W. Gimmill. At 5.30 And, OBSERVE THESE EASY RULES gi Empire, may submit an answers. Bi y nounce- 'Winners and correct list of words, will be Psa he Mal) ang Empire as quickly therealter as it lag 4 woman or child who Mves in td 1 Canada and Toronto, and who is net in the employ of The Any man, remident of 3. Prize Wismers Game ~ ---Win §1, 000 50 GRAND . tons TCE] Ae he 15t. $30.00 | $500.00-+| $1,000.00 2nd Prise '85.00 250.00 500.00 Sed Prize 25.00 250.00 500.00 4th Prize 20.00 150.00 800.00 Sth Prize 15.00 100.00 200.00 6th Prize | 10.00 75.00 § 7th Prise 8.00 | * 50.00 100.00 8th Prize 6.00 $0.00 60.00 9th Prize 5.00 25.00 10th Prise 3.00 20.00 | © 00 12th to 30¢h ; "Prizes, Incl, 2.00 10.00 20.00 21st to 50th % Prizes, Incl. 1.50 7.50 15.00 In the event of a tie for any prize offered the full amount of such prize will be paid to' each tied participant, In former Pictu Pussics senductod by winning $300.00 or more are mob Plead Mitndier Mai 22d 3. All answers be. mailed te C. A. ontgomery, cured from Toronto. 4 All lists of ames should be Boi in § sm Sue nde of the : he and nsecu + Please Take Notice--East York Peed RY eid igri CO RP BR desire to separate sheet. ite any! eo such words as appear in Webster's Dictionary will Do not use hena baolete gouatel. Perry, this year; Wednesday, Oct. 14. a re any raat De ants We are to be honored by the clergy od, and vice versa. and lay representatives of the various $Y ords of ibe Same orem: ans ho. Churches and" Parishes from Agin- Poe Wars' an fe named 'only 'once. e answer ha the laggest and nearest correct list visible objects in nf ploture that 'begin "with the il be awarded First Prize, etc. Neatness, style or no bearing upon deciding the winners. ~~ Ll three weeks. 1 any rate not jater than supper. ~ At 8 p.m., Evening Prayer, Rev. R. A. Armstrong, M.A., of the] Church of Redeemer, Toronto : At 11 a.m. while the Chapter Meet- |. ing is in progress the Ladies will hold: a W.A. round table conference under ~~ PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ~~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES--- The Mall and Empire anywhere in Canada by mail $5.00 per year. | by carrier bey in Ham- You(Ca £ "to \ nWin$1 000 The *"T™ Word Ploture Puzzle Game is a campaign in a single subscription to win a te increase the popularity of The Mail and Empire. It costs nothing to take part and you do not have to prise. If your "T** Words is awarded First Prize by the judges you will win $30; but if you would like to get more than $38, we are making the following special offer y you can win bigger cash prises by sending ONE or TWO yearly subscriptions te Empite. his. Your own sub: Wi just write on the erder per 'started. and dt will' start: The "Mail and i i mbe: te 1 ering the . - Whithy, Pickering, -Searboro, West peta 0 SPL SGEIP I, SRN ede rons OW: 11 sous wise do the T Word Hill, Uxbridge, Whitby, and Brooklin, beid; nor will prises be a od to more than one of afiy group Pleture Pustle wins First Prize and you Rave sent in Th ill be interesti where twe or more have been working together. arly ri to The Mail and ere wi an interesting program 5. In the event of o tie for aay prize offered, ihe fan $5.00 by» or $6.00 deitvored carrier boy. In ss provided. amount of such prize will be awarded fo each tied participant Debio §350.00; third price $20.00, and so forin (See 1 ble in ad- ize' At 10 am. Holy Communion. At pan oA por your V7 sal orden per ) Devable in ad second column of figures in prize list) : 11 am. Chaptef Meeting. At 12.30 21. All answers will receive the sime consideration regard- al TWO Jourly os ana, to The od A y luch. At 1.30 to 5 p.m., addresses and Joos of whether or not a subscription to The Mail and Empire (new or renewal subscriptions) you will receive discussions. "The development of the -- Three prominent Toronto citizens 1 having no esunaction 500, Jind sy forth. (See third column of figures in spiritual life of our 'boys and girls" with The Mail and Empire ed 1 A re a" Frias Int, is Seb decide. the winners, and participants, by sending in Isn't th Itberal offer? i Rev. Ralph S. Mason. "Prayer answers. agree to accept the decision of the judges as final and TOR HOLA UBORSL OURCE inthe" same Ns a Juanes will meet on October 27th, and an x your answer is qualified by TWO yearly subscrip- ns and you win fourth prise, you will receive $300, and so on down the prise list, * ription will count, or subscriptions to start.at some future date. J when yoti wan! - paper : promptly on that date. fg \ wa This. offer. applies to RURAL ROUTE .pat- rons as well as subscribers living in cities and towns. TT you are already receiving The Mall and Empl ll be a the direction of the Deanery Officer. ~ Your prayers are asked that this jcoming 'conference 'may be richly: blessed. 3 ~ | LARGE COPY OF : 'PUZZLE PICTURE SENT FREE ON REQUEST os wig Nf Port Perry 1 CAFE Meals and Lunches at all hour, Ice Cream Served. Modern Ser Price Reasonable ! Give we trial. We will please you Tobacoo for Sale, | FUEL AND BUILD Two cars of Coal. : Two cars, of Coke. : --2-cars-of Cement. Pine V joint for Let me have yo! doors and sash. a oC 8th, 1925, p Yours truly, 3 10. 1x 8 and 10 hemlock. frost. Will make them to order. | e siding and plain boards. - oe : | How Important is Optometry? = Se i net.injure your lawn or driveway. i | Port Perry Coal Yard. - Its Value to the Public - By I. R. Bentley Investigation has proved that about half the population would be bene- fited by the, services of the Opto- a s ; The Optometrist doesnot prescribe for: diseased conditions of the eyes? No, though he is often able to de- them and may recommend that the patient 'consult a physician. Errors of vision are often present when the patient is not aware'of it? Yes, they are otfen responsible for much distress without the patient re- cognizing the cause. To be continued. een (Qe ; GUN FOR SALE Double barrel hammerless shot gun No. 12 for sale. Apply at Star Office, ! 3 mean (pms. ST LAWRENCE APPLES for sale cheap, good quality, at the orchard, lot 9, con. 2, Reach. Apply Arthur Orchard, Phone 119 r 2. ---- (ern "MRS. JOHN PALMER _ There died in Port Perry, on Satur- day, October 8rd, 1295, one of the most respected of our citizens, Sarah Blanchard, wife of Mr. John Palmer. Deceased was born in. Whitby. Tp., in 1847, Mrs, Palmer was a Christian pression in little daily acts of kind- ness, and constant neighborliness. 'When sickness or trouble came in the homes of neighbors, Mrs. Palmer lend a helping hand. Naturally she had many friends who will sincerely mourn "her death. = The" world" can never have too many characters' such 'as Mrs. Palmer. To the bereaved family we eXtend our- sympathy, --- loss, her husband, six sons and three daughters, W. H. Palmer, of Oshawa; Walter of Midland; George of Peter- boro; Thomas and Lewis of Port Perry; Norman of Sonya; Mrs. Geo. Reader, Peterboro; and Mrs. Thomas Stewart, of Port Perry; also a brother Mr. Georgé Blanchard of St. Thomas, and one sister, Mrs. Robert Noble; of Whitby. Mrs. Palmer. is also survived by thirty grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren, most of whom were at the funeral. . The funeral took place on Monday last'and was conducted by Rev. Wm. 'Higgs. Interment was made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. Her six sons were pallbearers, and her six grandsons, flower bearers. Scranton Coal A BLACK BUSINESS HANDLED WHITE--2000 bs. ONE TON Don't forget if you would be sure of your winter's Coal, now is the time to place your order. we have a good stock in our sheds, as follows Nut Coal, large size, $16.00 ton. Pea Coal, $12.50 ton. Solvay Nut Coke, $13.50 ton. Solvay Pea Coke, $12.00 Soft Coal, $12.00 ton Steam Coal, $12.00 ton. - We allow $1.00 per ton off all the above prices if coal is taken at our sheds. : . WOOD--New cars have arrived, prices as follows: moa Body Hardwood, $4.00 % cord - Hardwood Slabs, $3.60 % cord Hemlock Slabs, $8.00 % cord Lime and Cement also, on hand. your orders. Our truck Phones -- ESS Optometry | F woman whose Christianity found ex- could always be depended upon to] Mrs. Palmer leaves to mourn hers Raines, Port Perry; Mrs. Ephriam | At present | . Wie eat ne an 8, also m LW We should be pleased to haveyou call and see our ; WE-DO"ALL OUR OWN WORK Cleaning and Préssing i Done... : "oe W. T. Rodman "Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office, Port Perry fe Lia * When your eyes are not doing their work to suit you, consult me at A. J. avis' Drug Store, on my next visit. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist ri and Optician, ii 167 Yonge St. Toronto, (up-stairs) oppossite Simpson's W. J COOK REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle' Statien Property quickly and satis- faetorily' bought, "sold and' ex. changed on reasonable terms, Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 HOUSE FOR RENT On Lilla St., Port Perry, 9 rooms, furnace,» hard and soft water, hard- wood 'floors, 'stable; good garden, Ap- ply to Mrs. Frances . White, Phone 196 r 6. tL JOHN EELLON LUNDY LDS, DDS, » DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto { Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evep- i ing by appointment Phpnes-Offi¢e 68 r 2. Residence 68r 3 Office over Morrison's Drie Store. * Overcoats Overcoats A strictly new and up to date line of Overcoats, lined and unlined, and I can get any- thing want. Prices $15.00 and up. Now is the time to get a new Schell on that lady's or man's Fur Lined Overcoat. We love to clean and press up that old suit and make it look like new. Chane W. H. DOUBT f MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO NIAGARA Peaches » and all other Fruits in Season at lowest market prices Remodelling, C Preessing an R HA ned. have bought

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