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Port Perry Star, 15 Oct 1925, p. 4

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heir 'Meaford, | a visit Mrs. R MeKnight. J Higgs and Mr, Jas. Wad- " Hier the Buy of Quinte of the United Church of at Peterboro. A large contingent "of Port Perry : 'Masonic brethren were in Oshawa on "Monday evening to hear the very ex- cellent 'address by -Rev. Gabriel Mc- 'Guire." © We toret to Toag tat Mes. Jon " McKee had the misfortune to slip on a waxed floor last t Sunday and break her wrist. - Mr. S. Farmer has sold his house on Bigelow St. to Mrs. Brent of Rag- lan. The sale was effected by Messrs. Harris and Christy. ©» Among those' who have returred from "the West are Messrs. Robert Somerville; Melvin Hodgson, William Byers, David Harrington, Frank Al- dred. Miss Jeanetta M. Ross and Mr. R. L. Ross, of Ottawa, spent a few days visiting their sister Mrs. H. R. "Murphy, Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simpson and Miss Bessie, of Renfrew, and Mrs. J. Simpson and Mrs. .C. L. Simpson, of Enfield, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Murphy, Prince Al- bert, recently. * * v A TIP ON RADIO Now that the season for radio is starting again, a word regarding re- generative receiving sets might be in order, A regenerative radio receiving set is one which is wired in such a way that when the detector rheostat is turned on 'too far, it becomes itself a small broadcasting set. - That is, a whistling noise, similar to the whistle heard from a regular. broad- casting set. That is, when the rhe- ostat is turned on too far to be taken care of by the tube, the set sends out from the antenna a whistling noise, similar to the whistle heard from a regular broadcasting atgtion. It is possible a radio set may be turned on too far without the oper- ator having any knowledge that-he is annoying his neighborss, more especially if the set of a one or two tube type. A simple way to test your set, is to tap your finger on the post where the aerial is attached to the set; the rheostat should be turned backward until the "click" disappears. nme (Ypres. PRESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY The 69th anniversary of St. John's Presbyterian Church' was celebrated last Sunday and Monday and was generally conceded to have been one of the most successful in its history. "The Sunday services were conduct- ed by Rev. A."C. Reeves, formerly of Moose Jaw, who preached two inspir- ing sermons. The choir added great- ly to the services by the exceptional music "rendered. both. morning ahd evening. On Monday evening the ladies of the Church served a splendid supper "to a large gathering which later filled the town hall to its full capacity. The concert was thoroughly enjoy- ed by the large audience. Miss Jessie Butt and Jimmie Read made their first appearance in Port Perry "and made a tremendous hit. . i Miss Butt has & splendid contralto "voice and her rendering of some of the old favorites--Scotch and. Irish songs, delighted the audience. Mr. Reid had a choice selection of humor- ous songs all new to Port Perry, and sang thém with a voice that pleased everyone with its range and quality. Particularly delightful were the duets of Miss Butt and Mr. Reid. Mrs. Westlick is well known to Port Perry audiences and added to "her reputation as a pianist. ~~ Mr. Ross Roach, with Miss Merle Rergwon as accompaniste, 'SACRIFICE We do not Intend\to oontinue the wall paper end of this business, therefore, we will sell what we have at COST and below in some lines. I. R. BENTLEY Jeweller and Stationer. » THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. William Higgs, Minister Sunday--Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. J Sunday School at 3 p.m. Y.P.L., Monday at 8 p.m. Next Sunday evening the choir will give a song service. . 8.0 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Pastor. St. John's, Port Perry: Public Worship at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Y.P. S., Monday at 8 p.m. W.M.S. Auxiliary, Thurs., 8.80 p.m, Report of Executive meeting of Lindsay Presbyterial presented. Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m, Thurs, Breadalbane, Utica-- Sunday School at 2 p.m, Public Worship at 8 p.m. * 0 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, October 18--Harvest and Thanksgiving services both morning and evening at 11 a.m. and-7 pms The choir of St. Thomas Church at Brooklin will assist at the morning service. The Anthef, "Thou -Visitest . the Earth" (Caleb Simper) will be rend- ered at both services. The pulpit, the gift of individual members, will be unveiled at the 11 a.m. service. The preacher at both services will be the Rev. S. C. Jarrett. reer (YY (Pores BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reynolds, Ashburn, a daughter -- Georgena 'Burgess. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, at Port Perry, on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1926, a.son--Robert Leslie. rl AY er, DIED Suddenly, at Port Perry, on Tues- day, October 18th, 1925, William Bickell, aged 75 years. Funeral on Thursday, at the family |' residence at 2 p.m, ro -- On MR. WM. PLATTEN, HONORED We clip the following from the "Trustgage" a United States paper. One of the most ssucceasful and 'auspicious events in the social annals of the 'United States. Mortgage and Trust Company was the testimonial dinner given to President John W. 'Platten, by the officers of the Com- pany at the Union League Club. The niversary of the date on which Mr. Platten became. associated with the] Company. "After the dinner Mr. Platten was presented with a beautiful illumin- |' associations the officers had had with Mr, Platten. Perry boy, "The people of Port Perry are al Webster was appo |'the meeting and the following busi- "ness was transacted, Mr. Widden act- | Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. Thursday. | 'occasion marked the twentieth an-| ated address as an appreciation of the |. Mr. Platten was at ono tine a Port, ways pleased to hear that former |! Rev. Mr. Atkinson, Messrs. John In the absence of the President, Mr. inted chairman of ing as secretary. ' The report of the secretary and the 'Treasurer were read and adopted.) The treasurer's report 'was very 'gratifying, the amount collecetd in '1924 amounted to $133.84. Amount sent to head office, $183.00, postage "and money order 31c. leaving a balance in Treasury of 59c. Thé 'members missed their late Treasurer, Mr. Rolph, very dveply and many words of appreciation of his sterling quélities and his faithful. ness to the work of the Bible Society were spoken by all, A 'The following * gentlemen were nominated for the various offices for the coming year subject to the ap- proval of the annual public meeting. President--Rev. 8. C, Jarrett. Treasurer--T. J. Widden Secretary--Will E, Webster. Executive Committeee-- "Anglican Church, Dr. Lundy, Wm. Wilson. Presbyterian Church--Mr, Switzer, Mr. N. Wilkinson. United Church--Mr. J. Doubt, Mr. Norman-Stewart. The annual public meeting will be held in the Parish Hall, of the Church of the Ascension, during the week of October 18th. A prominent clergyman is expected to give an address on the Life of William Tindale, the first translater of the English Testament this year 'being the 400th anniversary of that event, The society wish to thank'the resi- dents of Port Perry for their loyal support in the past and we would ask that this be the banner year. It is the object of the Upper Can- ada Bible Society on this the 400th anniversary of the printing of the first English Testiment - to obtain 400 life members, A life membership can be obtained by the payment of $60 at any time during the year. Any person may 'become a member himself or make a friend one. A small group may com- bine and make one of their number a life member: How many from Port Perry? ree) () (meme. A. GOOD PIECE OF WORK On Sunday evening, October 18th, there will be installed in the Church of the Ascension, a pulpit of, Gothic style which hds been built by Mr. E. Brookes. The work "has been excel- lently done. In addition to the fine craftmanship in joining and wood- working, there are several pieces of woodcarving which harmonize with tirely of oak. It will be dedicated 'next Sunday morning. It is pleasing to know that such a creditable piece of work can be done locally, and Mr. . Brookes is to be Somplimented upon the production. ---- I -- FROM THE NATIONAL DAIRY : SHOW Indianapolis; Oct: 10, '1925 Editor of Port Perry Star: Dear Sir,--I was surprised when in Woodstock, on Monday, to see. them taking up the. street railway |- track and paving where it had been. On inquiring I learned it had run between Ingersoll and Woodstock for 80 years." A new big motor 'bus was there to take its With this going on in many Ameri- can cities it looks as though, whether | you are Grit, Tory or Progressive, | you will have to admit that Druary (was nearer right than Sir. Adam. Some people think that street car extensions in our larger cities are at riiian. Rv: Wien. Hin} the Gothic design. The pulpit is en- dred. 10 and said I w 'the corner marked "Fair Grounds" change for Je. ; In Moose Jaw, Winnipeg and here I | have tried to hire a taxi and they all asked 0c. a mile both ways as soon | as they leave the pavement; and still people use them. One can make good l wages walking at 50c. a mile. Why do. people use them? i ERE R. M. Holtby. J. E. THOMPSON SUCCEEDS * LATE JUDGE McGILLIVRAY James E, Thompson, barriester, of Arnprior, has been appointed senior 'judge of the county court of the County of Ontario, and local judge of the 'High Court Division of the Supreme Court ¢f the Province of Ontario. He succeeds the late Judge T. A. McGillivray. Judge Thompson has practised law in Arnprior for 40 years, ; 0 . SCUGOG SCHOOL FAIR Following is a list of the prize winner at the Scugog School Fair, Six Irish Cobbler Potatoes--1 G.} Shunk. Peck Irish Cobbler. Potatoes--1 -D Lee, 2 Wm. Miller, 3 Howard Lee®4 Geo. Dowson. Six Green Mountain Potatoes-1 Margaret Crozier, 2 Donald Crozier, 8"Percy Jeffrey, " Peck Green Mountains--1" Donald Crozier, 2 Perey Jeffrey, 3 Allin Dow- son, 4 Merlin Dowson. Oats -- 1 Cecil Fralick, &-Gordon Shunk. Sheaf Oats--1 Glen Hood, 2 Ivah Milner, 8 Ralph Milner, 4 Hilda Mil- ner. 5 Marjorie Milner, 6Ceecil Fralick 2 Ivah Milner, 8 Hilda Milner, 4 Ray- mond Fralick. \ Sheaf Wheat-<1 "Wm. Miller, 2 H. Milner, 3 Ralph Milner, 4 Gordon Shunk, 5 Cecil Fralick, 6 Victor Al- Sweet-Corn--1 Geo./Dowson; 2. Wm Miller, 3 : Milton. Demera, :4 P Jeffrey, 5 Lenn Hance, 6 Jean Black. Flint Corn--1 Jean Black, 2 Mal- colm Black, 8 Percy Jeffrey, 4 How- ard Lee, Dent Corn--1 Allin Dowson Mangels, white--1 Clarence Carter, 2 Merlin Dowson, 8 Viola Cherrie Mangels, any variety--1 Ralph Mil- ner, Wm. Miller, 8 Ivah Milner," 4 Clarence Carter, '6 Marjorie "Milner, | 6 Viola Cherrie. . ~ Turnips--1 Mary Cherrie. Turnips, Good Luck--1 Percy Jef-|' frey, 2 Marjorie Milner, 3 Victor Al- dred, 4 Connie Parnden, 5 Allan Al-|' a5 > Table Beets, Detriot--1 Tillie Lee, 2 Luella Jeffrey, 8 Gordon Shunk, 4 Donald Gerrow.- Table Beets, any variety--1 Connie! Farnden, 2 Wm, Sweetman,' 4 Allap Aldred, 5 Clarence Carter, 8 Luella Jeffrey. Table Carrots," Chantenay--1 Ray- mond Fralick, 2 Nellie Joge 3 Hattie Shunk, A Grace Mark, 5 Milton De- mara, = - ; Table Carrot--1 Edna Clark, 2 €. Farnden, 3 Milton Demara, 4 Lavern Martyn, 5 Allan Aldred, 8 L. Burton. ~Paréfips--Helen* Carter « Onions, yellow--1 Viola Cherrie, 2 Mary Cherrie, 8 Vera Farnden, 4 Jennie Leighton, Onions, A.O. Vo--1 Mary Cherrie, 2 Milton Demara, 8 Everett Prentice, 4 Fred Jackson, 5 Hagel Lee, 6 Vera Farnden. Lillian Fralick, H. Doubt, T. J. Widden, and The Hive. to change or 8 izes ou the) Secretary, W. E. Webster. could work it. out for that much ; Just then a street car eame around ie so I got in and made it without a} J! Tomatoes--1 Jean oe 2 George "| Dowson, 3 Als Aldred, "| Martyn. - Sheaf Barley--1 Marjorie. Milnery} CTC Luella Jeffrey, 8 Vera Farnden, 4 Ila Miller, 8 Aileen} Crochet with cotton--1 Zella Hope, 2 Geo, Dowson, 8 Glen Hood, Murray, 5 Hattie Shunk, 5. Mitton Demara. Pears--1 Lillian Fralicky 2 Everett | Prentice. '4 Javan _Cosmos--1. Grace Masks " Asters--1 Leo Burton, Mary Cher-. rie, 3 Lawrence Clark, 4 John Hardy, | Bb Grace Mark. < Zinnias--1 Lavern Martyn, 3 French Marigolds--Luella Jeffrey, Marjorie Wheatley. African Marigolds--I Viola Cher- rie, 2 Jenny Leighton, 8 Merlin Dow- son. Mixed Flowers--1 John Hardy, 2 'Luella Jeffrey, 8 Connie Farnden, 4 Mary Cherrie, «6 Vera Clark, 6 Jean Black. Aster; open --1 Luella Jeffrey, 2 Marjorie Wheatley, 3 Geo. Dowson, 4 'Margaret Black, 5 Jean Black, Bread--Inez Fralick. Plain Cookies--1 Luella Jeffrey, 2 Vera Clark, 8 Edna Clark, 4 Inez Fralick, 5 Margaret Black, 6 Zella Hobe. Plain Cooking, irl under 42-4 Aileen Sweetman, 2 Helen Carter, 3 Connie Farnden. Tea Biseuits--1 Inez Fralick, 2 Jennie Leighton, 83 Marguerite Sweet- man, 4 Mary Cherrie. Layer Cake, light --- Marjorie Black, Luella. Jeffrey, 8 Mary Cherrie; 4 Marjorie Milner; 5 Zella Hope, 6 Inez Fralick. Layer Cake, dark--1 Hilda Milner, 2 Inez Fralick, 8 Gladys Dodsley, 4 Vera Clark, 5 Mary Cherrie. School 'Lunch--1 John Hardy, 2nd Luella Jeffrey. Mixed Pickles--1 Luella. Jeffrey, 2 Della Lee, 8 Ila Reader. "Pickled Beets -- 1 Inez Fralick, 2 Reader, 6 Tillie Lee, 6: Marguerite Sweetman, z Canned Raspberries--1 Hilda Mil ner, 2 Luella Jeffrey, 3 Millie Lee, 4 Zella Hope. / Hand Sewing--1 Connie Farnden, 2 Jennie Leighton, 8 Jean Black, " 'Work Apron--1" Luella Jeffrey, 2 Jennie Leighton, 8 Vera Farnden, 4 Gladys Dodsley, 5 Zella Hope, 6 Edna Clark. Towel--1 Edna Clark, 2 Hilda Mil- ner, 8 Luella Jeffrey. = ner, 8 Luella Jeffrey, 4 Zella Hope. Useful Article--1 Hilda Milner, 2 Luella Jeffrey, 8 Zella Hope, 4 Merlin Dowson. Centrepiece--1 Edna Clark, 2 Inez| Fralick, 3 Luélla Jeffrey, 4 Hilda Milner. 2:Inez Fralick, Knitting--1 Gladys Dodsley. Darning--1 Grace Mark, 2 Jennie Leighton, 8 Flora Miller, 4 Luella Jeffrey, 5 Zella Hope, . i Patching--1 Luella Jeffrey, 2 Con- | nie Farnden, 3 Zella Hope,. 4 Hattie 'Shunk. Weeds--1 Luella Jetrey, 2 Inez lick. Weed seeds--1 Luella Jeffrey. Insects--Luella Jeffrey. Leaves of 25 trees--1 Ila Reader, 2 Luella Jeffrey, 8 Inez Fralick, 4 Hilda Milner, 8 Pred Jackson, 6 R. Milner,» ~~ Pumpkin--1 Raven. Martyn, al Lee, B.P.R. Cockerel--1 I Victor Aldred, 3 Hilda nie Leighton, 5 'Stuart Mark, 6 Dor- TR, Pun +8 Milton. Demera, i Jennie Leighton, 5 Allin Dawson 6 Ray Hope. Walter Hood, 2 Glen Hood, 3 Ray '| mond Fralick, 4 Jennie Leighton, 5 'Milton Demera, 6 Ralph Milner. Hardy: Walter Hood, 8 Earl Dowson, 4 A. Sweetman, 6 Lavern Martyn. Clarence ' Carter, 8 Flora Milner, 4 Margaret Crozier, 5 Luella Jeffrey, 6 Cecil Fralick. 2 Milton Demara, 3 Everett Prentice Fralick, 8 Allan Aldred. lick, 2 Percey Jeffrey, 8 J. Leighton. ~ Public Speaking~Victor: Aldred. 4 Farndon, 2 Inez Fralick, 3 Tillie Lee. S. 8. No. 8, Scugog. Apply to Geo. Barker, Scugog Street, Port Perry. ~~ CHIROPRACTIC 2|J. A. HETHERINGTON Port Perry, Monday,' Wednesday 'and gun No. 12 for sale. Office. A BLACK BUSINESS HANDLED ~~ WHITE--2000 1s. ONE TON of your winter's Coal, now is the time to place your order. At present we- have a good* stock in our shedy as follows shore. prices if wal is, takp. af our sheds. prices as follows: Oe Hope, 2 Sa Pullet--1 Stuart Mark, 2) B.P. Cockerel and 2 Pullets--1 .. Pair Rabbits--1 Glen Hood, 2 John Pair Pigeons--1 Frank Reader, 2 Hen Eggs, brown--1 Hazel Lee, 2 Hen eggs, white--1 Malcolm Black, Beef Calf--1 Victor Aldred, 2 C. Dairy Calf--1 Ralph Milner. - Lamb, long wool--1 Raymond Fra- Public Speaking, girls--1 Vera honl- Batt: baat. Inter: 'hole times MW Pmiisninins, MANGELS FOR SALE ¥ The Drugless Road to Health CHIROPRACTOR Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. EE "GUN FOR SALE Double barrel hammerless Shot Apply at Star ~ Mrs. Spears Dressmaking 'and Hafrwork - Residential Work Marcel Waving, Cutting and Shampooing, Combing made into 'switches." Work called for and 'delivered. Phone 101 r Ts for information. : Si Coal Don't forget if you would be sure 'Nut Coal, large size, $16.00 fon." v Pea Coal; $12.50 ton. : " Solvay Nut Coke, $18.50 ton. Solvay Pea Coke, $1200 Soxt Coal, $12.00 ton Steam Coal, $12.00 ton. ~~ We allow $1.00 per ton off all the WOOD--New - cars have aived 4 Jens | 'up that old suit and Over Tel, Office, Port Pery. ---- re -- "GLASSES When your eyes are not doing their work to suit ou, consult me at A. J. avis' Drug Store on my next visit.. F. E. LUKE, Optometrist. and Optician, - 167 Yonge St, Toronto, (up-stairs) oppessite Simpson's Ww. J COOK REAL ESTATE Box 47, Myrtle Station : Property quickly and satis: factorily bought, sold and ex- 'changed on 'reasonable terms, Large list to select from. Bell Phone 120 r 2 HOUSE FOR RENT On Lilla St., Port Perry, 9 rooms, furnace, hard and soft water, hard- Mis. Frances White, Phone y lS JOHN BELDON LUNDY LDS, D.DS,, DENTAL SURGEON, Graduate of Royal College of 'Dental 'Surgeons and University of Toronto. Office Hours--9 a.m. to 5 p.m. = Evep- ing by appointment = 5 Phones-Office 6812. Residence 6813 Office over Morrison's Drug Store. 3 ply to 196.1%. Overcoats Overcoat A strictly new and up to date line of Overcoats, lined and unlined, and [ can get any- thing want. Prices $15.00 and up. 'Now is_the fme to new Schell on that lady's or man's Fur Lined rib dh = We love to clean and press make it look like new. 'Remodeling, Cleaning, « | Preessing an Repairing. "W. H. DOUBT - = { MERCHANT TAILOR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO" wood floors, stable, good garden. Ap. . ° ts

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