- 25--Whitby at Jan. 26--Port | Perry at ir Jan. 28--Lindsay at Markham Feb. 1--Port Perry at Stouffville Feb. 1--Markham at Whitby ~ Feb, 4--Stouffville at Markham, mmeneen (J) (penis. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Pastor, 8t. John's Church, Port Perry 'and family, of ' Crosier, wife and i Stouffville, Wes. Crosier, and family, Seagrave, A. G. c, wife and family, of Utica, Mrs. . Bichell and little Rosie, of Port "Perry, all spent New Years, with MF, and Mrs. W. W, Crosier. 'Mr. Nevin Horn, of Saskatoon, is visiting friends in. Port erry 2nd vicinity, Miss Florence Graham of Oakwood - spent Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Town. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Y P. Guild, Mon., at 8 p.m, a.m, Breadalbane Church, Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Beare and sons Jack and Lorne, and Mr, and Mrs, D. Boe, all spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. I. Waldron, of Queensville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Town were in 'worship at 8 p.m, held the same afternoon at 8 pm. Jan, 9--Public worship at 11 am. Prayer meeting, Thur., at 7.30 p.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per, on Sunday, January 16th at 11] Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. Friday at 1 pm. The annual meeting will be #r . 'Alger by a majority of 1125. interment will be made at Pine Grove January 7th. Funeral Private. Whitby on New Years attending the wedding of their nephew, Mr. Nor- man Gillespie. Mr, Hugh Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Beare and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe, spent New Years with Mr. and D. Boe. Mr. Clifford L. Vickery was home for New Years. "Mr. and Mrs. A.-D, Peters will spend the winter in Florida. They start on their journey there in about two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sweetman and Mr. Earl Sweetman are visiting in Toronto. Miss M. B. Ratley, of wore, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Blight. In the fatal railway crash of the Florida train which occurred just be- fore Christmas, Mrs. Hardy (a cousin of Mr, Geo. Jackson) lost her two small children--they were killed in- stantly. Mrs, Hardy is known to some of our Port Perry citizens who will sympathize with her in her ter- rible loss. Mr. Clarense McKinnon, Detroit, was in town for New Years. Miss Amy Beare, of Toronto, was home for the week end. Mr, John McClintock, of Toronto, spent the week end with his father. Mr. Morley Doubt, Mr. Karl Doubt, Mr. Reg. Doubt, were in town on New Years. sere 0) (ences. OSHAWA ELECTIONS Mr. R. D. Preston was re-elected Mayor of Oshawa, defeating 0. M. The new council which the citizens elected either by reason of a paucity of nominations or by reason of ballot- ing will thus be: Mayor--Robert D. Preston. Ward one--Aldermen George W. Hart, Sam Jackson and Wm. Good- child. Ward two--Aldermen Ernie Mark, A. D. J. Swanson and Murray Miller. Ward three-- Aldermen Johnston, Bradley and Morris. Ward four -- Aldermen Macdonald and Perry. Ward five--Aldermen Harman, FE. Jackson and Schell. : Board of Education--A. E. Garbett, T. B. Mitchell, E. L. Vickery, Geo. B. Norris, H, S. Smith, A. F Annis, Dr. F. J. Donavan, E. W. Drew, A. W. Bell. Stirling, ee OOO DIED At Stamford, New York, Mrs. W. R. Gillespie, formerly of Port Perry, on Tuesday, January 4th, 1927. The '| Mellow and Forbes Nasmith, equal; notify Austin Franklin, Port Perry, | Cheap to right party, See A. D. Peters, or Phone 234, Port Perry. The ladies will serve tea at the close eee 0 0 Oe TAKE NOTICE buying goods has a written order. (signed) B, Bushby. good condition, also bedrom suite. Cheap for cash. Apply at Star Office a ens CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday next, Jan. 9--Evensong and sermon at 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 p.m, p.m. in hall. Thursday--Being The Epiphany, Evensong and sermon at 7.30 p.m. PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL The results of the recent examina- tions are as follows: Names in order of merit. Form IV Honours--Ralph Wallace, Satisfactory -- Grace MacMillan, Jean Coates, Sadie Hortop, Winni- fred Owen, Ethel Tumomnds, Fgances Norene Cawker, Grace Rundle, Mar- garet Forman, Form III Satisfactory-- Norma Armstrong, Helen Lucas, Robert Brown, Jean Cawker, Form II Honours--Hilda King Satisfactory--Helen Vickery, Ivan Wallace, Dorothea Nasmith, Hilda Milner, William Grant, Inez Fralick, Irva Nott. In percentage on the aggregate Helen Vickery stood first and Hilda King, second. Form I Honours--Douglas Nhsmith. Satisfactory--Harley Balfour, Bert Wanamaker, Edith ucas, David Walker, Donald Boynton. In percentage on the aggregate Lillian Murphy stood first and Doug- las Nasmith second. Thos. H. Follick, Principal L O.D. E. The nomination meeting of Scugog Chapter 1.0.D.E., took place in their rooms on Monday, January 8rd. There was a good attendance and the nominations were brisk and busi- ness-like» Several were nominated for all the offices and a list will be posted at A. J. Davis' Drugstore for the next two weeks. Those not wish- ing to stand for office will please notify the nominations committee, in writing, on or before the 17th of 'Jan- uary, 1927, Nominations Committee-- Mrs, S. Farmer, Mrs. J. Nasmith, Mrs. J. W. Crozier, Mrs. H, H. Stone, Mrs. R. Archer. Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Friday, i phone 109 r 1-4. nO Oe TO LET Furnished house for the winter. ------0 0 Orne of the annual meeting. A good at- "| tendance is requested. . The undersigned will not be re- sponsible for the payment of goods ordered in his name,.unless the person Tre g00 will commence a series of sermons FOR SALE on "The Letters to the Seven Bell Organ, light oak piano case in Churches." The first sermon will be Wednesday--Junior W. A,, at 4.15} ness in November last. Mr. Roberts is lg rato we il done at vey Markham in an Intermediate O.H.A. | hockey game by the score of 6 to 4. The game was fast ¥nd hard fought throughout. Whitby had a shade the better of the play, but Markham got the breaks. The teams were on even terms until the last period when the home team-forged ahead. The Crosby boys were the pick of the local team while Hall and Bundy played the best game for Whitby. ; Whitby--Goal, Hawes; defense, Morrish, Hall; centre, -Rice; wings, Bundy, Sleitholm; subs, Ross and Barclay. Markham--Goal, Lunau; defense, Robb, "Reesor; centre, Cowie; wings, D. Crosby, H. Crosby; subs, Andrews and Johnson. o. ; Urine THE UNITED CHURCH _ Bring your watch, clock 1 jewellery re- piirte to us--work done. Son, 2 gp Turkey, mal ackson. Turkey, Hl I. R. BENTLEY |. Rev. William Higgs, Minister. Jan, 9--Public Worship at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Y. P. L., Monday, at 7.30 p.m Prayer service, Thurs., at 7.30 pm. The minister, next Sunday an explanataion of the series to be followed and a general introduction to the study of the Book of Revela- tion. Subject for evening:--"The Way You Look Determines What You See" The Bible studies for the next two months at the weekly prayer service will be the "Parables of Jesus." PRINCE ALBERT Sunday School at 2 p.m. Worship at 8 p.m. en) (eee: CUMMINGS-McKNIGHT A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized by Rev. Mr. Quaife, of Zephyr, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McKnight, of Scott Tp., on Wednesday, Dec. 29th, 1926, when their only daughter Vivian M. was united in marriage to Hugh J. Cumming, of Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cumming, Reach Tp. Fol- lowing the wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Cumimng will reside in Detroit. Public re QO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Port Perry, Reach & Scugog Agricultural Society will be held at the Office of |, the Town Treasurer, on Thursday, January 20th, 1927, at 2 pm. All members are urged to attend important meeting. --------e Oe TAXES Council meets next Monday even- ing, and it is hoped that the new Council will look"into the matter of arranging the Municipal Assessment in such a way that in 1928 it will be possible to collect the taxes in July and December, instead of November and Di as at p Such a plan should make it easier for the payment of taxes and effect a saving of $200 or $300 per year in interest for the municipality. reece) (Were. RECEIVED A CRATE OF ORANGES Mr. Will Roberts was the recipient of a fine crate of oranges recently. They came from the Elks Lodge at Long Branch, Calif., and were sent to him as being the person farthest away from that place who reported hearing the Elks Concert of Foolish- has a Fada Radio and is successful in locating quite distant stations. An- othef long distance concert was that ----O OO heard by him from Port au Prince, . LOST Haiti, West Indies. A of black and tan hounds, on AE MAL % bla Answer to the| NOTICE RE HAY BAILING | names of Ranger and Laddie. Please] We the undersigned have agreed to raise the price of baling hay from $1.50 to $1.75 per ton and from $1.75 to $2.00 per ton for baling straw. _ L. G. DUFF ~ ee 928-:1 Mrs, ONell {2 Mrs. Frank Crosier, 8 Mrs. Robt.| female--1 Mrs. Robert, 4] Jackson, 2 Mrs. O'Neill, 8 Mrs. Frank Display of Geese--Mrs. R. Jackson Pair Geese--1 Mr. R. Jackson, 2° Mrs. N. Taylor, 8 Miss C. Crozier. Optometrist Bapiy of Dui--tie. R. Jaioon Jeweller and Stationer |; ye pram. Crozier, 8 N. Taylor, 'PORT PERRY Display of Chickens--=1 Mrs, Robt. Jackson, 2 Mrs. D. M, Jackson. at THE AUR AURA LE LEE Store SPECIALS for SATURDAY. only Navel Oranges, choice ones re . per doz. 70c. pecial per doz. Mixed Nuts, reg. per Ib. 25c. Special per lb. Bananas, nice and ripe per doz. WE ALSO OFFER California lettuce and celery at very reasonable price WE SELL FOR LESS D. CORBMAN, Port Perry 60c. 20c. 40c. You've heard about it= 'we have it Let usshow you the Model 35--¢he sensation of the year, everywhere. No one but Atwater Kent could havepros. duced such a set as this-- ONE Dial operation sockets for six tubes 'shielded, compact, goldcrimmed. cabinet, with battery cable attached for such a low price as this! : NOW you can have a first-class radio re ceiver--an Atwater Kent, with ONE Dial-- at 2 Prive 8 Onsiuber woul! hraastyon their end of the net for the first i of the next period. Roach, Boe and Welsh" were a particularly effective forward line in this regard, Pugh broke away and drilled a hot one past Rickey to tie the score. Port Perry worked hard. Lehman, a namesake of Hughie Lehman the famous pro goaltender for Chicago, stopped a lot of hard shots and one lucky one which Walters bounced off his ankle. The second period ended in a tie. : Welsh, the Sunderland veteran started the last period at left wing for Port Perry and scarcely had play 'started when he took a pass from Walters and drove a hard shot into Lehman's pads which Walters shoved in with his stick. The ice was be- coming quite heavy and the inex- perienced Stouffville players did not 'have the ability around the nets to tie up the score. The Stouffville team are young and all reputed elegible for Junior hockey. They have a particularly good goal tender and a nice defense man in or, Port Perry showed much Port Perry bottled Stouffville into fou should order SUIT + line of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. ll be visage] 12] ve you see our "We Do All Our Own Work. Merchant Tailor COMING ort 'better form than in their game with Lindsay. Walters was the outstand- ing man on the ice but all the other boys backed him up and worked hard. Coach Jackson has been urging the boys to use e_combination and his. in-* structions are bearing fruit, i The writer did not see the game in Markham, which they won 6-4 but we understand it was a good game. | The line up: Stouffville--goal, Lehman; defense, Reesor and Todd; wings, Pugh and Clendenning; centre, Lewis; Lehman and Gayman. ' Port Perry--goal, Deshane; defense Raines and Jackson; wings, Mac- Gregor, Boe; centre, Walters, subs, Roach and Welsh. Referee, Norman Albert. ge | The League Standing: wey Won Lost' Lindsay' i... Ati dacs 2 0 Markham: ".......;....... 2 1 Whitby: o.oo ids vas 12% Port Perry 1. 2 Stouffville 0 2 HAY PRESS AND TRACTOR FOR SALE Power International Hay Press and Fordson Tractor. Outfit includes set extra heavy Toboccan sleighs, drive _| belt and runners for tractor. ~All in first class running shape, Easy terms. Perrry. 4 subs, Apply to Lorne G. Duff, R.R.2, Port OF Jon Blk, Port Perry, store, Thursday, 16. He has been coming here for over 25 years. "Don't forget the date. F. E. Luke (Upstairs opposite Simpson's) 163-167 YONGE ST. TORONTO A Graduate Optomerist _is here wend your 'worvice--' .and no fee is charged for examination or advice >» W. A HARE Optomerist ; 3 King Street, Oshawa every iis i See 'our NO iva , Cleaning 'and Pressing Done. W. T. Rodman Over Tel. Office Port Perry Da