connneninesinrnne.o 18 22¢. Cocoa, per 1b large tin ..... age ar 88S i... .......: 04.2 tins for Ble. hite Tapioca, per Ib ....... llc. Dar INC 2 tins Brooms, 5 strings vv Eine sis van 45c. # A 1 1b bag be. ¥ PE NaPa ap oe! +++. 4 for 23c. y Prun jv nE he Tor Oe, Pinetree Matches ..............8 for 27c. H hotes Butter, toy pails il Interlake Toilet Paper ..........3 for 25c. # De Luxe J dda y el Split Peas ..................2 Ibs for 15¢. § Compbell's Tomato Soup ..,.....2 for 27c. Pot Barley........s vv: ..2 Ibs for 15c. § Chicken Hadide, per tin ..............26c. Christie's Soda Wafers ..... .+.2 pkgs 29c. § JAMES McKEE & Supra Sore, St. Charles Building, Port Perry. 1s | ABLACK BUSINESS Roger's D. L. & Ww. a Cement ANDLED | COAL Agents WHITE Susquehana 2000LBS-/ TON COAL DISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON LIME WOOD When you are in need of Fuel give us a call. We always have a supply on hand of SCRANTON HARD COAL--all required sizes. SOLVAY COKE--Nut and Pea sizes. SOFT COAL--for domestic use. STEAM COAL WOOD--Body Hardwood, Hardwood Slabs, Soft Wood Slabs. QUALITY AND SERVICE: Our policy is to handle only the best grades obtainable, and give prompt and careful attention to all orders. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. CG. W. PYATT Yard Phone 94 Uptown Office 233 iScugog and its Environs (Continued from front page) township whose names are worthy of mention we can at present mention only two John Foy and W. E. Yarnold. John Foy was appointed Clerk and Treasurer of this muni- cipality at the first meeting of the Council in February, 1856. In fact his appointment was the first item of business transacted by the newly elected council of the newly organized township. 3 'Mr. Foy held the office of clerk for just about fifty years from ; 'his appointment until his death, at the age of seventy-six years i and ten months, in 1905. He came to this locality from Prince 'Edward County and lived after coming here where Middleton 'Collins lives at present. Those who remember him speak highly of his good qualities. They speak of him as a clever man, well posted in his business, and as one who served his community faithfully and well in the that he occupied so long. Mr. Yarnold is worthy of mention here on account of the service he rendered this township as land-surveyor. The follow- ing sketch of Mr. Yarnold is copied from the pages of the North Ontario Observer. It was written in 1906. "W. E. Yarnold, Esq., O.L.S., was born in England, and when quite young came to this country with his father. ne was educated at the Simcoe County Grammar School, con- ducted by the late Frederick Gore, of Trinity College, Dublin. ~ After finishing his education he was articled as a student to Rankin & Robinson, Provincial Land Surveyors, of To- during the term was engaged in the Government sur- townships in the County of Grey. 854 he obtained his diploma as a Provincial Land Sur- d began the 6 practics of his profession in Prince 'Ontario, and has been a resident of the county up to time, the Inst Yeury four years of .which has been et of County Surveyor for a number of | e he pacity of engineer to mine or ten town- lately completed the survey of a drain Act seven and one half miles in ties of Medonte and eral important railways Brookfield Cheese, per I .............86¢ Tree Ripe Pears, ......::........2 for 27c. 'Shelled Cao, a 1 Fry's Cocos, Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes ....2 for 23c. -Grapenuts, per pkg. .................17¢ Fancy Blue Rose Rice i Washing Soda Crystals ..... SEEN ITT Soft Coal | AN AZ es SOLVAY COKE bag "asiiead Sa vai 1 T0 ei. ieini. 2le anchurian halves 1b bbc. vee ost ..2 Ibs for 21c. ...2 for 1bc. SON - | Phone 152 | CARD OF THANKS To the electors of Scugog Township: I wish to thank the electors of Scugog for their support in returning me to office in our Municipal Council, and shall do all in my power to merit their confidence. Yours sincerely, RUSSELL HOOD seen (J (Ym CARD OF THANKS To the electors of Scugog Township: I wish to thank all who voted for me at the recent election for their loyal support, and wish to assure the ratepayers that I will give my best service for the welfare of Scugog Island. Wishing all 4 Happy and Prosperous New Year. 2 Yours sincerely, RUSSELL I. CARTER -------- PRINCE ALBERT Mr. George Luke has opened up his wood yard for the season and has a large quantity of logs on hand. Mr. and Mrs, Craig and son who spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. John Fowlie, returned to Palm- erston on Thursday. Mr. Thos. Swift has gone to the shanty for the winter. Mrs. B. Greaves has returned to Raglan school, after spending -the holidays 'at her home hére. With good sleighing the farmers are busy hauling home their winter's The 'attendance at church on Sun- day was fairly good. It takes more than a cold day to stop a real warm hearted church goer. Mr. and Mrs. Wauchope and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Turner, for the holidays. The correspondent wishes one and all a very Prosperous New Year. Word has been received that Mr. Walter Fowlie has arrived in Scot- land safe after a pleasant voyage. Sorry to report that Mrs. John Fowlie and Mrs. Art, Woodley are on the sick list. Miss Alice Wagg spent her holi-] days with her parents in the village. Miss Helen Bunner was in Port Perry on Monday attending the mar- riage of Miss Higgs, and sang "0 Promise Me." Mr. and Mrs. Earl Williams, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Williams, Mr, Norman Heayn, of Bethney, spent the holiday with his parente. The annual school mee was held on Wednesday, Dec. 20th. The an- nual report was given and Mr. Wm; McCrae was elected a trustee in the place of Mr. Ettey, who retired. He was also elected secretary. and Mrs, Till, were Geo. Bond on the ho Mr. Wm. Sellers, Sellers, Uxbridge, were of Mrs. Sellers Sn present time, ANNOUNCEMENT * Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brooks, of i daughter, Mildred D,, to Mr. | keard, New Ont, 3 i | Mr, Roy Scott on Thursday ahd Fri- H | day of last week. | army pals having enlisted together in| § June, 1915, and served as scouts for Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Philip ant Mr. | of Mrs. Red 1 in te ly a he They were three years during the war. ing the holidays with her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Orchard. were at home for New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moon and Mrs. Stanton, of Raglan, spent New Years Mr. and Mrs. C., W. Moon. home of Mr. M. Mark. Mrs. visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. S. Long, Myrtle Station, Toronto over the week end. New Years in Bowmanville. day. end. with Miss Grace Reynolds. ~~ Cephus Sleep, on Wednesday, 12th. home in Omemee, Born--To Mr, and Murs. iinet meme: FARM FOR SALE 150 acres adjoining village of Port Perry, 7 roomed house, bank barn 87 x 40, pig pen, hen house and drive shed. Hydro installed, 1 acres of orchard. Possession March 1st, 1927, Never failing creek. Suitable for dairying or mixed farming. All in good state of repair. * Apply to F. G: McClintock, Port Perry. . 0 is PROPERTIES FOR SALE Brick store on Queen St., 2 slotios with stone basement, well Price for quick sale $900 if -- at nce, 11 acres good market garden land, or chicken ranch, 6 roomed frame house in good repair, stone founda- tion, all newly decorated, also > house, good well, stable drive' house, hen house, garage, all kinds of choice fruit, beautiful situated. Good terms to. suit purchaser. 8 roomed frame house, good stone foundation in good repair, good well, large cement shelf and cistern, newly decorated and painted, in first class repair, good barn, stable cken pen Semeit floor, Forase, acres land, e strawberry all kinds of bed, aspa , etc. Situated in the village ve ttle Britain. For sale very reasonable. Modern, almost new brick house, 6 nice rooms and sun room, garage, open fire] eplace, brick mantle, oak floors and oak trim, divided cellar, beautifully situated' on 'Lilla Street] $2,000 cash, balance easy terms. # Lot 8 in the 3rd of Reach, com- prised of 176 acres Tao or less with 12 acres of mixed tim 'Beahtiful sou stream well fenced and 8 room ed house, cement clad ter in bath ater olalf Miss Dora Orchard has been spend- | § Mr. Edwin Blight and his friend |H at the home 'of the former's parents |H i Hose, Clearing at 39¢c Mr. Ken, Fralick is visiting at the 3 Roy Scott and family are : Mrs. A. Bruce and children were in| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Leask spent Messrs. John and Will Brown of H Toronto were visitors over the holi- 3 Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Frise and Miss i Alma were in Toronto over the week | # The Misses Myrtle and Luella Jef- ; frey, of Scugog, spent the holidays The Ladies' Aid are holding their |§ Jandary meeting at the home of Mrs. : Miss M. Balfour returned on Mon-|§ day from her holidays spent at her | Stewart | § McCoy, on Monday, January 8, 1927, a daughter. ty i This is a mixed lot. "and colors, but not of one kind. Prices range. from $2.35 to $2.75. Sale Price $L 8. Boys' Heavy Ribbed Wool 10. Reg. 60c. and 6 ing at 39¢. Pair. # They come in Black on ly, Fi dar! air, i Women's Wool Gauntlet: Gloves 75c¢. Pr. They come in assorted colors, and would be suitable for skating or sleigh-rid- ing. Regular price $1.00 to $1.50. Sale Price 7bc. Men's Mackenaw Coats $8.50 These Coats are made of an extra heav cloth; seams all double stitched; 4 or, Dark Broken Plaid. Sizes 38 to 46, regular price $10. 00 » Sale Price $8.50. We Have all sizes ; - SATURDAY. JAN. 8th HOOT GIBSON in THE PHANTOM BULLET Two Shows 'Every Saturday Night, : : SATURDAY MATINEE Adults'180. Children 100. BEST PICTURE HOUSE | Tuesd'y St. Lawersnée Grinulated Sugar _ per cwt.--$7.85 st. Lawerence Brown Sugar : te -_ percwt.--36.85 § re t. Lawerence Icing Su, : 3 = Se dor.....29 ] ; 20 Ib. Pail Pure Family Lard ..__4.00 § 3 Cranberries per 1b... ._._.....15 New Dates 2 Ibs... eB} 7 Tomatoes 2tins.........._...... 25 # 1 Sunflower Salmon perftin_..____. 18 Bulk Cocoa, good quality per lb.--.15 Alymer Soups Vegetable le or Tomato Rose Bakin "Powder Lb tins._.. .20 Agents for Butterick | Patterns Zz Every ~ Thurs. : TUESDAY, JAN. 1th ' TOM MIX in 'His! Latest Picture THURSDAY, JAN. 13th CHADWICK PICTURE INC.