| m---------------- We sell ie you want in choice, "clean, paisiable, nutritious and satisfying meats. Ifyou want it geod Tat < BERT _MacGREGOR Tools County Roads 4 Fuel ceries, Flour, Seeds 'and Rubbers : of our Reindeer Flour. It makes great bread. om pL $4.75 per cwt. Our grocery stock is always complete. 'Almost anything © _ you need in this line oe can get here. have a few pairs of heavy rubbers left which we are _ b sell dot rather than Sony them over. This is your opportunity Our stock of Clover and Field Seeds are all in now. If 6 bu sou will be sure of gettng what you want. : Kido you any ore and it may. save you money. F. McCLINT 'OCK - ; _PoRT PERRY, ONT. ur sand fect vy Bune, you. ill be leased. 579.62 8795.64 | reads in part "Shall be equally represented in the Senate as fol- 6716.64 918.14 $07,807.35 sewed 554.26 Machinery, Suburban Road... 169.16 84.11 Office expenses, County Road 141683 Office Exp. Buburban Road . 8.60 | Gounty Road Com +5.» T8748 Suburban Commission ... .. Membership, Good Roads Asso. 15.00 Debentures redeemed . . 9451.47 Insurance of Roads a rah 872.80 Workmen's Compensation ....122.92 Interest on loans Interest on loans, Suburban Total = Luis iis $118,115,80 + ee Or MARQONS TAKE LEAGUE : LEADERSHIP Listent All you fans and fanettes; If you will tilt your old hat carrier this way I will endeavour to give you an earful of what took place up at the old ice pond last Thursday night. 199.81 | Before I tell you about the conflict, I would ask you all to kindly overlook my failure in not getting out our 'weekly epistle to 'the rookies. The reason was | was Sending a conven. "| tion of cub reporters in Gossiper's "| Alley which proved so interesting | that I failed to get my afoge mention- ed epistle ready in time. for last weeks paper. There is one thing I would like to tell those that are cur- jous and those that would like to #! know that it is mot my old friend Jawn Harris who has been dishing out this applesauce, I have heard John's name connected with the writ- ing of this so after; that I thought I had better come to his defence before he heard it himself. I will reveal to you his real moni And any ma! a in this « eclared by the Queen's Most Excellent 7 and ih, the advice and consent of the Lords Spirit- , in this present Parliament 'by nd 'Authority of the same. says "The Provision of this Act referred to Her Ma- en extend also to the Heirs and Successors of Her Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great eland. extracts point clearly to the fact that the British erica Act cannot be changed without the consent of the the British Parliament. This fact should always be r in the discussions that are sure to arise, and have 'arisen. regarding Canada and the B. N. ; on 9 reads: "The executive Government and Authority ot and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen" (and, of course her successors.) These sections appear in the Division of the Act entitled "Executive Power." The next division deals with the Senate. See. 22, sub-sec. 3, Fy Senat ew Brunswick 12 Senators." A Senator shall be of the full age of thirty years: a natural born subject naturalized in the usual way; possessed of property to the amount of $4,000 over and above his debts and liabilities; and shall be a resident of the Province for which he is appointed. The Senator shall hold his place in the Senate for life. One division takes up the "House of Commons" and appor- tions the 'membership of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New lows: Ontaric 24 Senators, Quebec 24 Senators, Nova Scotia 12 Ors, bership is distinctly stated--Quebec 65, Nova Scotia 19, New 'Brunswick 15. The case of Ontario is stated as follows: "Ontario shall be divided into Counties, ridings of Counties, Cities, parts of Cities, and Towns enumerated in the First Schedule of this Act, each' whereof shall be an Electorial District, each such dis- trict as numbered in that schedule beine entitled to return one Member. A significant section regarding the powers of legislation in the House of Commons read as follows: Distribution of Legislative Powers--Powers of Parliament. 91. It shall be lawful for the Queen, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order and good Government of Canada, in relation to all matters not coming within the classes of Subjects by this Act assigned exclusively to the Legislatures of the Provinces; and for greater Certainty, but not so as to restrict the Generality of the foregoing terms of this section, it is hereby declared that (notwithstanding anything in this Act) the pido A Legislative Authority of the Parliament of Canada extends to all matters coming within the classes of subjects next hereinafter enumer- ated; that is to say: 1.The Public Debt and Property. 2. The Regulation of Trade and Commerce, ; 8. The raiging of Money by a mode or system of taxation. 4, The borrowing of money on the Public Credit. 6. Postal Service. 6. The Census and Statistics. 7." Militia, Military and Naval Service, and Defence. 8. The fixing of and providing for the salaries and Allowances of Civil and other Officers of the Government of Canada. 9. Beacons, Buoys, Lighthouses, and Sable Island. 10. Navigation and Shipping. 11. Quarantine and the Establishment and Maintenance of Marine Hospitals. 12. Sea Coast and Inland Fisheries. 18. Ferries between a Province and any British or Foreign Country or between two provinces. 14. Currency and Coinage. 15. Banking, Poa: of Banks, and the issue of Paper y Money. 16. Saving Banks. 17. Weights and Measures. 18. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes. 19. Interest. . 91. Benkra Ruler iy I 1 solvency. 2 Patents of Inventions and Discovery. 24, 2. Cope and Lands Ane. for the Indians. ens. 25. 6. Marriage and Di 7 2 The eminal Lav oy except the Gotan of Courts of Criminal ial Jurisdiction, but including the Procedure in Cri matters. 28. The Establshm, nt, Maintenance and Management of Peni- "tentiaries, - ? clagses of ects as are expregsly excepted in the : " a ube classes of subjects by fis act assign- the Legislatures of the neces. Md re ae Leg the Classes of Subjects enumer- magter igi? not be deemed to come within the Class gh hen of Bubjects b Nature Somprising in the Enumer- the by this A Act assigried exclusively | recommended, this fence to be erect-| . = tha year : at Minimum Cost, AAT Deposit Box in the nearest branch of the Standard ing the whereabouts of your valuables ~~ JEN while. permitting free axcess to them by you or a duly authorized person at any time during banking hours. The cost is less than one cent per day; the value received is an inestim- Brunswick. In the case of the three lattér Provinces the mem-| - . able sense PED DID DID ED DD ED em of security. STAN DARD. BANK pitals. 8. Municipal institutions in order to the raising of a Municipal purposes. the following classes,-- Provinces. h and including procedure 16. Generally all matters of in the Province. COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS AT ADJOURNED SESSION The County Council on Wednesday morning 'adopted a report presented by the Committee on Agriculture re- commending annual grant to the Ag- cultural representative W. M. Cros- kery, and to various agricultural so- cieties and Plowmen's Associations in the County as follows: South Ont. Agri. Soc., Oshawa $200. Brooklin Agricultural Society .$150. Port Perry Agricultural Society $176 Uxbridge Agricultural Society $175. Scott Agricultural Society ....$150. Brock Agricultural Society ....$175. Rama Agricultural Society ....$125. North Ontario Agri. Society, (Beaverton) The statutory grant of $500.00 was made to Mr, Croskery. The latter also secured a grant of $300,00 for Rural School Fairs, Grants of $150.00 each was made to the North and South Ontario Plow- | men's Associations. The following were appointed to the County Advisory Board Commit- tee on agriculture for two years at the rate of $3.00 per day and mileage of 10 cents per mile each way, R. B. Smith, East Whitby; John Scott, Pickering; Cooke Ashenhurst, Ux- bridge; G. A. Heron, Brock; H. R. Doble, Mara; Lorne Hagshaw, Scott. The report of the Committee on County Property and Gaol Manage. provide more room in the surrogate Court office, a dust proof steel filing system would be placed on the west side of the vault. Dust-proof filing cases were also recommended. The committee recommended that three dormer windows be placed in the roof of the House of Refuge, thereby making the rooms better ven- tilated and allowing more light for the aged inmates. This suggestion, it may be noted, was made two weeks ago by Dr. Lavery, the manager. The purchase of 50 rods of wire fence and 80 steel posts for fencing purposes at the Houde of Refuge was PORT PERRY BRANCH <2 cetiaion, Branches also at Blackstock, Little Britain, Nestleton Station, le Muitainy ment recommended that in order to || Manager tions in and for the Province, other than Marine Hos- the Province. 9. Shop, Saloon, Tavern, Auctioneer, and other Licenses in revenue for Provincial, Local, or 10. Local works and undertakings other than such as are of a. Lines of steam or other ships, railways, canals, tele- graphs, and other works and undertakings the province with any.other or others of the provinces, or extending beyond the limits of the Province. b. Lines of steam ships between the provinces and any British or foreign country. c. Such works as, although wholly situate within she Province, are before or after their execution declared by the Parliament of Canada to be for the general advant- age of Canada or for the advantage of two or more of the 11. The incorporation of Companies with Provincial Objects. 12. The solemnization of Marriage in the Province. 18. Property and civil rights in the Province. 14. The Administration of Justice in the Province, including the constitution, maintenance and organization of Pro- vincial Courts, both of civil and of criminal jurisdiction, in civil matters in th 15. The imposition of punishment of Fine, Penalty, or Im- prisonment for enforcing any law of the Province made in relation to any matters coming within any of the classes of subjects enumerated in this section. a merely local or private nature mrss Yemenite The entire report was adopted with out amendment. To Attend Convention Roy Park, a member of the Educa- tional Committee, was appointed to attend the annual convention of the Ontario Educational Association, The other delegates appointed two weeks ago by the Council are W, C. Pollard, and Inspector Hutchison. Equalization Committee On motion of Byron Stiver of Scott, the Warden appointed the following special committee to equalize the county assessment for 1928: George Sweetman, Scugog; W.,8. Croxall, of Whitby Township; G. M. Forsyth, Pickering; Byron Stiver, Scott; and -| W. C. Pollard, Uxbridge. In introducing his motion Mr. Sti- ver pointed out that in former years * this committee was appointed at the June session, and as it had to make its report at this session, Counell business was considerably held up. Mr. Stiver's motion as adopted means that the committee is named five months earlier and provides that it will meet to prepare its report one day before the June session opens. Seek Hospital Grant A deputation from the Oshawa Hospital Board, comprising G. D. and the difficulty in financing so an institution. The Hospital got than former years, but Couneil asked to be more generous this year. The chairman admitted when asked by John Ross, Thorah, that there was