with unswerving interests of our ernment departménts Association depends wholly upon vol- untary financial support. ) gi Solve Tr Ri lems of Far North. IHC the I361AtGI anid colder parts of Canada, beyond the influence of rail way; automobile, or horse, the potrer for trav, and transport of supplies throughout the winter months is' fur- plshied by dogs, and dog teams are fre- quently used by officers of the Depart ment of the- [terior in carrying out] POOLS, "patrols, surveys, and other work. ; Four, and 'sometimes. five, dogs con- stitute a team. Thess can pull loads of about tour huadred pounds per team over snow, and much heavier loads across "glare ice. The" dogs are at tached Indian file to the toboggan, the harness consisting of leather collar, saddle, and traces. The lead dog of necessity Has to be an animal of more than usual intelligence as his task is Ao locate and follow a formerly used trial' that 'may be hidden beneath a Tecent fail of snow; to tell, probably "by-instinet, whether the ice underfoot lo: safe or dangerous; and-to'obey the driver's shouts of "mush" (go 'on), "whoa" (6top), "cha" (left), and "hwle' (right). dog nearest the Yohos bog- | # * "gti Is y & Btrong beast, whose! = the toboggan on the | 'ening a trial with his snowshoes, "| The feed of dogs during the working courage of the Canadian people and Setotion'to e' tus 9. Without endowment, or reserve funds, or eny identification with Goy-| or commercial | organizations, the Canadian Forestry «|r "Yes," said the other. father next tine! SP a AIA Unprofitable Research. one day. mouth, old man," sakl one to the other; "Are you feeling seedy?' * "No, not exactly thet," replied hie friend, "but I'll admit I've been wor- ried of late. You remember I hired a man to trace my pedigree?" J "What's the trouble? Hasn't he been succeesful ~~ "Successful!" I should say he Lad!" came the reply in despairing tones. "I'm having to pay him hush money!" Making Sure. The new domestic help was stating the terme on which she would accept ithe situation, "I want twenty dollars a week," she sald, "and I don't wash floors, or clean re & ¢ # "But----" protested the mistress, "Work after ex o'clock" went on ithe woman, steadily. And I want every evening off in the week and a fine re- ference, and ----" L . ; "But surely the reference can walt til you leave us?! broke in the mis tress, hurriedly. "No, 1 want the letter now," replied the new domestic, firmly. "I've tried getting them when I leave, and I've never got a good one yet." IY Nothica Lik) pr 1¢ to Relieve Colds to adopt the hack- "A for apple" sys: Two friends who had not seen each other for somo time met in the street "You're looking rather down in the "> No more conclusive evidence o value of Dr. Wiliams" Pink Pilla European n. ands of weak and suffering people. ~ Try _Dr. Willams' Pink Pills Williams' Medicine Co., Ont. -- ll The Rescue. In an English village where disabled soldiers and saflors do delicately paint: ed work on expensive fabrics, an dvent took place one day which greatly in- terested the men. In one of the big workrooms a pair of sparrows started 'on the busi of hom king®-en' grossing enough to the sparrows, but doubly 86 to the men down below, os beolilly when the little oties urrived," Ope day a great commotion on the part of the parent birds, a frantic twit- tering from two most distressed nest- lings, caused an Investigation: it was discovered that two of the birds had prematurely left th® nest, and were on the sacking, which hung under the nest. ' Work below was stopped while a conclave started. The men were all determined that those birds should be put back, but the place had once been an airplane shed and the roof Was high. Added to that was the fact that not one of these men had a whole set of limbs. Nothing daunted, a lad der 'was fetched, but while there were men who could climb the ladden, it. seemed impossible for any of them to climb and cling on while reaching the be asked for or given, than is found in the above endorsement of this noted physician. Besides this, however, this medicine has enjoyed a | world-wide public confidence for re thi 'a third of w century and/ has brought rellef to thousands and thous- ------ TE. ME 0S 0 them as a tonic if you are not in the Best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and' strong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Brockville, ee, rm -- ay oY Pioture shows Hon, London, P. C. Larkin before leaving for Egypt. PE YC oY A err HIGH COMMISSIONER ON A HOLIDAY and his daughter at Victoria Station, BABY'S WELFARE DURING FEBRUARY Should be Most Carefully Guard- ed by All Mothers. February fs ont of the hardest months of the year on little ones, It Is a month of cold, blustery days that What Education is All About. "Do you care anything about how much you know?" Dr, Arthur H. Suth- erland asks of youth, "A man can be as strong as a horse, Paderewsk!, or his firsts as well as Dempsey, without being any more useful than a stalled fllvver)" Dr, _Suth- erland then comments. ; "Suppose you were brought up in a Square room without windews, and nothing but chest weights on the walle. prevent the mdther taking her baby out for the fresh air so necessary to its welfare, Raby is consequently con- fined to the home. Mope often than | not the rooms are overheated and bad- ! ly ventilated and the Httle one catches | cold or grippe. What is needa to keep ! the baby well is a gentle laxative that | will regulate the stomach and bowels: | banish constipation and indigestion and in this way will either prevent or break up colds and grippe. Such a laxative is found in Baby's Own Tab- lets. Phey are mild but thorough. in action; are absolutely safe and they are guaranteed to contain neither oplates-or other harmful drugs. They never fall to be of benefit to little ones and may be given to éither the new. You'd know nothing about money, or law, or stores, or banks, or factories, or anything else. You wouldn't know the first thing about fitting into this complicated thing we call civilization." No chance to talk with anybody, or read any books.. Always exactly the same kind of food. Then imagine be- Ing pushed out into the world, full own. "You wouldn't know how to talk, or get food, or what an automobile was, or which way It would £0 next, or how to get out of its path You'd know nothing about men or women or the clothes they wore, or what they were made of, or why they wore them. Here are some questions which "The and able to use his fingers as well aa nestlings, In the nest again. Yet impossible as it seemed, it was and finally to place the birds eventually carried out, and presently two happy parent birds chirped out grateful thanke that their family circle born babe or the growing child, dealers in medicine or may be had by mall, post paid, at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Willlams' Médicine Ca,, Brock. ville, Ont. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all You must try RED ANGE teas, but a real diff nce in quality. Now ___. packed in Aluminum, i 001d" may be considered a Inflammation of the nose an tines, digease. » - It would w of pronounced Grippe the heart is dis eased. chial tubes and lung tissues which we may call bronchfal pneumonia." The affection of the heart is really the serious condition; as a rule it pre- sents no symptoms, gives no positive Indication (except some weakness not Properly appreciated) and no physical sign which can be definitely detected. What Lappens? That to a large ex- tent depends upon the patient's con- duct. Even slight exertion may have a serfous effect; not infrequently If the patient indulges in exertion too soon the result is death, Prevention: For the next three months consider the common cold as serious. Symptoms indicating its seri- ousness are frequently wanting, If there {s the slightest sign of anything beyond a sore throat, such as chil, weakness, muscular pains, 'ete, go to bed at once and send for a physician. Stay in bed and undergo treatment until permission is given to get out of bed. Thea stay in the house and keep as quiet as possible until the muscular strength comes back to the system, This 1s the dangerous time when very slight exertion is often followed by a fatal result, Frequently it Is the most energetic. people who go in this way, and we know many of our old friends who were snuffed out by re- turning to work too moon, : --l Buys Village to Train Dogs. Arjun Lalshet, a Hindoo millionaire, American Boy" Suggests you try on yourself. The answers will give you an idea as to whether or not you are making progress in education. "Do you get good marks at school? "Do you feel that your teachers are was coniplete, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, gotten before God." and not one of t is for- la Indians Prominent in Ploughing Matches. "of Holled oat they show a great .! Feeding time comes once a dey, usually in the | evening, when the hungry dogs like children, and bark. delight 8 the driver approaches with the food. : 0 the snow is fairly soft th dogs have little foot trouble, but very hand crust or ice the and tallow, for which | fondness. e delightediy, as | + y. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for AR Canadian rural life. The contest held in the Niagara district fn the autumn of 1928 on the ground where the bat. | tle of Lundy's Lane was fought in 1814 was of a most happy. international character, the descendants of the an- tagonists "of earlier days contesting every foot of the fleld--with ploughs in- stead of muskets and bayonets. There | were many hundreds of conipetitors and every kind of ploughing imple: ment was used from Wooden ploughs drawn by oxen down to the most modern forms, The Intense interest taken ii this fundamental farming operation is con- sidered a most encouraging sign, and |' periodicals, both daily newspapers and agricultural journals, gave the match a | great deal of space and prominence. Viewing it solely from a technical viewpoint, an agricultural journal noted that one of the striking features of this three-day event was the part played by the twenty-eight Indian com- petitors from various Indian reserves, who ploughed with such skill ag to ob- tain good places, one of thelr number carrying off the coveted sweepstakes prize for the best ploughing in stubbl Ploughing matches are a feature of 'down on you? : (If you do, unless you get close to zero in deportment, it is probably because you don't know enough). "Do you like school? | "Do you Itke to read? | "Are you intoerésted In most of 18 i things that your parents talk about? "Have you ever started looking up any particular subject vou happened | to be interested in, like aviation, or lumbering, or automobiles, or boat- butlding, until you found out all you could about {t? "Do you know what helium is? "When you come acros a word you do not understamd, like palimpsest or pompaho, do you look it up?" Are there going to be an, about that y, regrets tomorrow ood meal you're all set to stow » away ton it Better tak gel' Sway {onieh e Seigel's Syrup, Any Can You Read Gestures? " care of her grandmother, Queen Mary, while her father and mother, the Duke nd Duchess of York, are on their Australian tour, recalls the story of an- other Duchess of York who nearly | twenty-six ago also set out for Aus- tralia weeping, Queen, and, like the present duchess, she had her cahin Jeocorated with por- traits and snapshots of her own baby, Princess Mary. Queen Mary hes pro- mised to eend to the Duchess of York photographs every. three weeks. has bought a whole village not far from Baroda, which he proposes to de- to the experiment dogs: to be vegetarians. vote of teaching PRE ema iy Minard's Liniment for animal ailments he Dee ----. ® are rife. The so-called "common throat. With simple treatment the inflamma. 'tion subsides in 4 week or two, In say eight cases out of ten there are no general or 'constitutional symptoms; in the other two, however, serious con. ditions may be found in the bronchial tubes, lung tissue, stomach and intes- nervous system, heart, etc. These are sometimes termed compli cations; it matters little what we call them; 'they are eseentially part of the 1 be well for the public to distinetly that in all cases After careful investigation a tow years ago a committee of dis- tinguished London end Paris physi- clans made the statement: "Report of thirty postmortems showed constant occurrence of dilatation of the heart with myocarditis in the majority of Cases, also inflammation of the bron- IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Pape's Diapepsin" As Boon as you eat a tablet or two of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatn- lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor- rect your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist. Hockey Players] A. rub down -with Minard"s after a strenuous game pre- vents stiffness, g [ray SICK CHILDREN LOVE "CASCARETS" FOR THE BOWELS vy Oathartic" for a cold, sour stomach, consti ipation Get a 10-cont box now. Duke's Australian Tour Re- calls Mother's Trip. Little Princess Rlzabefh, 'in the The other Duchess was the present of Princess Hlizabeth ------ RE "a a Ramsay MacDonald Fewer slogans and recently said, more work," Practice will enable a person to keep his or her features under such perfect control that nothing can be read from them. But Begtures can: never be | wholly controlled. They are part of, our personality. | Scientists say they are the physical! extensfon of mental movements not! exhausted by speech. For example, you | hear that someone has had a bereave- | ment. ~~ Your mind moves, and Sym- This brief statement shows that the | Indians in Ontario, like their brethren in the West, are taking their part in the various activities of the oom. munity. > y % | tance or love. favors, not grudgingly, not ly, but graciously and appre- . Then watch for the first ty to bless the giver ini re- turn, with gratitude or timely assis- Acee, awlew Pp pathetic h follows. And it you! are very sympathetic, fou will make! the gesture of putting yoir hang on| the 'other's shoulder. That fs a har! mon gesture, |... To use gesture reading as an- aid ol Judgment---as, someone is endeavoring to persuade | you to do or bu turés must be Are they natural or artificlal--<cultt. vated--gestures? It : never "time" with = they are int, for instance, when | y something--the ges studied and classified, the latter, they the word or phrase |, to hy dad are perceptibly late. Distrust. those] who make them. = . | bad. It downward lke, | contempt, or lack of sincerity. If up- | ward, lichig and Gestureless They Natural gestures may be | , they reveal honesty of speech. ©88 persons are usually clever, © good, Joyal friends, = Linlment, Which strikes us as a pretty good § nervés shattered that I j © a et GP yk - eat and sleep fine and bave nerves as Most of the lis of childhood are caused by a sour, disordered stomach, sluggish 1ivér and constipated bowels. They catch cold easily, become Cross, listless, tongue coated, don't eat or sleep well | and need a gentle cleansing of the bowels--but nauseating dose of ofl into the little one's already sick stomach--it is cruel, ' needless and old-fashioned. & irritable, feverish, restless, don't try to. force a 'd Any child will gladly take Cascarels ' Candy Cathartlc which act gently-- ! never gripe or produce the shghtest uneasiness- though they cleanse the little one's system, sweeten the stom- | ach and put the liver and bowels in a pure, healthy condition, Full directions for children and grown-ups in each package. ; Mothers can rest easy after giving this gentle, thorough laxative which costs only 10 cents a _box at any drug logan. 6tore, i "Worth Mme. Beatrice Charlebois Nerves completely shattered, vigorous and strong, she The two-year ordeal which she fhrough hoforé Tanlac fe to' er anent relief, was recently des scribed by Mme. Beatrieo Clarieboss. of 22 Rose 8t., Ottawa, "What I endured in that time coul not be told," she said. "I was go w oI could hardly walk. My appetite was r and my stomach gave no end of wid Gas and pains would bring on fainting spells. Ey ware go completely umped in fright door #o after t I've gone without eleep, still for even a few in. two ie gay Rie ete my ll could not hold pen to write. its weight in gold" Says Ottawa Matron ; health ruined. Now alert, gives praise to Tanlac ealtiy and st i & up y