a] BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. + Samuel Honeybun, red Engl _ countryman, finds Lh ag foe ob the morning of the death-of rancis Lathrop. Sir Francis' daughter, Margaret; had planned to. freer Ey ' Sir Guy Lathrop against her fath-| er's wish." Sir Guy is suspected of the murder, - He Seaped arrest by going into hiding at Margaret's home. i Adriad for fog pitas detective, emplo y Ma. et, an ally Adela Larkin. Kelas father is a' close friend of the Honeyms.' He is #0 intent on directing puspicion away from his friend that he plans to have Klyne. then posing as Lord Bulpeter, killed by-- | Wilmot, © Honeybun's chauffeur. | Adela. calls on the Honeybuns with a' letter from her uncle, Silas Stampage, ' exposing the fake Lord Bulpeter as a! detective," She finds both Samuel Honeybun and his son, James, at home. They have just read the letter. Jie elder Honeybun turns to Adela, NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. 80 as to hide it. tual," a fragrant breath whispered in: his ear. "Come a little nearer to the lodge. I want the light from the win-' dow to shine upon us. I said I would keep you interested, so we shall have to talk. '1 hope that you will talk tty," Pr will try," was the mejoinder. "But 1 have got to be rude first. 1 shall never make you Lady 'Bulpeter. You are guite clear on that?" "Quite clear. But I am clearer still 'that you will make me something else. Just think how frightful it would have been if the original Sherlock's Watson had been a woman and Sherlock had had to marry her to prevent her from showing him up as a donkey." "So that's the position? Well, let's live up to it." They did, for the space of half an hour, when Adela's cooing dove note changed into the admonitory whisper: "Look out! It's coming." "And le has brought his master's car. That is to take my body away in, It would have been "Father thinks that Mr. Stampage's | a silly thing to leave it lying about the advice is sound." Adela replied. "The sham Lord Bulpeter is evidently dan- gerous and should be dealt with. The details" are for arrangement between Wilmot and myself." "They could not be in more capable hands," purred Mr. Honeybum: "Wil- mot is probably in the stable yard, Jem, take Miss Larkin round, will you, and then come back to me." So Adela found herself trotting at the heels of a surly young man who --novel experience--evidently didn't like her, Wilmot was discovered in the extemporized garage, lying on his "back under the car. It was a claret- colored ear, not a yellow one, she was quick to note. Wilmot scrambled to his feet. "Miss Larkin desires a few words with you," 'said Mr. James Honeybun. "We want you to carry out whatever she suggests. =e + Left alone ' with ' Wilmot, Adela studied the atrocious countenance with the keen scrutiny of a student 'in anatomy. Cunning and cruelty wére stamped on it and Adela "rejoiced, thosé being the qualities she needed for Her project. "Wilmot, you don't feel friendly to- wards. Miss Lathrop's private detec- tive?" she began. "I was sure of that. He has been close to your tracks more than once lately, I happen to know." "So do 1," growled the chauffeur, road. And so untidy." It will be seen that for a man about to make the supreme sacrifice," as the special correspondents used to call it, the gentleman who had borrowed Lord Bulpeter's plumes was in flippant mood. The car slid quietly to a full stop, with its bonnet pointing to the closed lodge gates, and the driver got down as though to open-them. But as he passed the couple who had spent the i ; : 5 if 5e 2 £3 {he g £ 4 i "his lamp, drew the cur- tain over the diamond-paned window and looked an unspoken question at his "We will prop him up in that chair, have him howling for help if I have to hurt him a little" "Thivd degree, mister?" said Stur. man. "What in the name of Moses might, that be?" "It is an American invention used by the detectives of the new world for extorting confessions from crooks," was the reply. "By word and deed they make the créok so uncomfortable that, to escape further torment, he talks, That js the way I propose to deal with Mr, Wilmot." Now it so happened that Mr, Wil- mot hdd been in America, and that without having to brave the terrors of Ellis Island. He had been born in "God's Own Country," end he had signalized his American citizenship by serving a term of imprisonment in a prison. "None knew better than he what the third degree meant, and if his mouth was gagged his ears were not. His eyes goggled at the speaker in dumb horror, : "Put a match to the kindling on your hearth, Sturman," the master of need to heat the poker, judging by the obstinate glint in our friend's eye." But the mere' threat had done its work. The sweating wretch in the chair contrived in dumb show to indi- coercive measures would not be nec- essary. "So much the better for you," said the representative of Lord Bulpeter. "And justeto test you let me ask you this. Were you instigated to murder me by Miss Adela Larkin?" (To be continued.) a * The North Star in History. The most cursory reader of history must know thdt from prehistoric eras before Time's dates, the North Star was the Star of Destiny. You cannot réad history and not that, When men moved with herds and tents up from Ur of Shinar Plains guided by the stars in night travel over the hot deésert--what compass guided them over the chartless sands to Babylon, from Babylon to Nineveh, north 'and northwest to Palestine and Egypt and Greece and Rome? When the nurnle ceremonies ordered. "I shall probably| cate that he would be good and that] Bool sails of Tyre blew to the winds oves | | oo # b A SMART TWO-PIECE SUIT. This atjractive two-piece suit for young boy will be found very. ple. to fashion yet a decidedly smart style. The tunic is quite plain and has a V-neck opening over a shield. Contrasting material is effee- tively used to make the shaped collar, patch-pocket, and cuffs finishing the long sleeves, The side-closing trousers are of the same material as the tunic, No. 1499 is in sizes 2, 4 and 6 years. Size 4 years requires 1% yards 36- inch material, or 1% yards b4-inch, and % yard 86-inch contrasting. Price 20 cents the pattern. The secret of distinctive dress Hes in good taste rather than a lavish ex- penditure of money, Every woman should want to make her own clothes, and the home, dressmaker will find the designs illustrated in our new Fashion ok to be practical and simple, yet maintaining the spirit of the mode of the moment. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. ; HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain. ly, giving number and size of such pattérys as you want. Enclose 20¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept. Wilson Publishing Co., 78 West Ade. laide St. Tororto. Patterns sent by return mail. | Giving, your best throughout the pase. '| This is success: the love of triende to «wing Pd 3 a ; To taste m0 pleasure that may toad to. /| To. take no profit. from the hand of | ~ can, pt But still through, good or ill. to play} --Hdgar,A. Guest. |. tm up vo) Laughing and singing whensoe'se-you |. LL AY us i SELL a But welling bravely: thupugh fhe rainy | Neither decetved by flattery hor by | But by a fair fight 'win or lose the game; To get from. life such triumphs as you the man, : ee fe iis 3 A Wise Policy. , When a high-salaried executive lef! the employ of the Marshall Field store, some one asked Mr. Shedd, the presi dent of the firm, what he was going to do, 'Hire another office boy," he said, Promoting all along thé line and fill- ing in the vacancy at the bottom was his policy, and he found that it helped to keep his business prosperous and the morale of the staff high. ERT TR, we know it all that counts. Electric Motors bores, $12, or $58, $80, $145, - $178, 150, ured used | All for Hydro '26-cyele now | current Ho22E volt, now | © {ott Eleatric Cb new used § 316 Grey St, London Ont. [they come in style. It doesn't take money--just a few cents worth of dye. Get out your old, dull or faded gar- ments 'now---to-morrow you'll have a closet full of fashionable clothes! ors. Dye your curtains, 2 ds, too, Gly It's. what we learn:after we think gettoate. tints. A paar erwenr veal dye, Use original Diamond Dyes, Diamond Dyes Cyclopedia; simple di- rections, wonderful suggestions, for actual' plece-goods color samples. Or big, illustrated Book Color Craft free, if you write DIAMOND DYES; ] Dept. N2, Windsor; Ontario." Diam oud Opes exposure to any strong light. If glasses are needed for any purpose. {they should be worn at the movies, and it is a good plan to close the eyes 41f the picture is unsteady or shown so [fapidly as to cause distress... ..o. 'It must be remembered that glasses alone will not bring about the desired results, As many contributing causes to eyestrain as possible should be weeded out," thereby permitting the minimum amount. of faulty vision to exist. Care should be taken to pro- vide the best possible schoolroom Hghting, both natural and artificial Light from the windows should be con. * trolled by shades, and the finish on the desk tops should be dull in order to avoid unnecessary glave. Blacks boards should be placed so that they receive a good 'light--never between nor under windows. It is highly im. portant to use proper book type, All school-hooks should be printed in large, clear type on dull paper, ; Better Lighting In Theatres, Nmprovements should not end in the schoof§, but Should be extended to the theatres. There is much room for im- provement of conditions even in our best "theatres. It has been demon. strated that darkness such as we 'usually find in the movie theatre is: not ry to the ful show- ing of the pictures. The front part of ~ the theatre near the screen should he dark. If the light were Increased gradually from the front to the back part of the theatre it would be much eagler for the observers, and the visual' result would be just as satisfactory. Wear all the new shades as quick as Perfect résults right over other ool hangings, Al easy, If you use FREE now, from your druggist: the Ask Make it NEW for 15 cts! TT ST ------ While such lighting is difficult of ac- complishment in theatres already built, it can be done. . It these measures are taken to elim- Save Money snd Beautify the Home \ Grow Your Own ; 'Vegetables and Flowers inate eyestrain, together with regular peripdic eye examinations; a big step = will have been taken toward the con-. ; servation of the eyesight of our future citizens. pnt, wal CA . Rural Sanitation. By C. W. Peterson. : The best "country deetor" that nine ceds ivory rowlacks with silver: prows west \ che out of ten farmers should call are the = = "He topped up by taking the girl out of my custody the other day." | "I"Bbeard 'of that," replied Adela, leaving it to be inferred that she had been"told by the Honeybuns. "He is + doubly dangerdus since he humbugged Inspector Roake into taking him on as en amateur helper." "Has he done that? me," said Wilmot. "Yes, he is" masquerading as a nobleman called Lord Bulpeter: Here! read this letter from my unele to Mr. Larkin." Mentioning that he was "no scholar," Wilmot spelled through Mr. 8 's ing, his bestial mouth a © "That's a bit of all right," was his comment. "His lordship is simply That's néws to "Look out! Tt's coming!" msking- for it. 1 em glad that your talent has been recognized, miss, and that you are in charge. You want/ What's the ideal" think." I have al ced operations by flirting self-styled Lord Bulpeter." better fitted for the game," out "of 'your; hand, gored the. too me to TAY them and a ray from the lodge window drew a flicker from 'the steel in his assailant's own thigh. At the same moment three men, one of them the "nobleman" whom he had I{been incited to kill, flung themselves on him from behind. They bound him hand and foot none too gently, and without regard to his self-infl the | wound, of which they (were as igriorant. The le n the case had singly Jaded day pleasant half hour he swerved towards | bin] WH in of Empire? ho| 1 looked w and west to the Pillars of Hercules, what star guided them over the chart. less seas where the Mediterranean opened out to & wild unknown world peopled by dragons? And when rough sailor pirates from the Tribe of Dan fled from slavery by Persian and Greek conqueror up. to the northwest coast of Burope in elipshod craft so frail the hull had "to be "trussed" round and round by ropes till Ireland was reach- ed, or Cornwall, whence came the tin of Cathage traffic, or Lug (London), where blue-eyed slaves. from Crete could be bought--what star pointed "| their prows over the billows, which geographers said would roll them over a flat earth into the abyss of eternity? And when the navigators defying the geographers sét out.from | Porfugd! 4nd Spain and England, and later from Boston, to circumnavigate prophets had sung, "His dominion should extend from the rivers to the ends of the sea" 'and the Gentiles should enter into the heritage of God --what star proved better than a pilot compass that jumped to magnetic variations? i of the Rockies. lakes mirrored whi Todt lomless Again the sky-blue te peaks above, and in blurred picture | With its trouble. i the = globe--thé globe of which the! Again 1 was back on the east side 4 Hubby--"You say that. (ress cost $60.00. Where do they get the right to charge so much for such a small affair?" ' : anada which should be an'assurance § oft e quality and service that we give. Write for our 112 page Catalogue Jou A: Bruce & Co, Limied | age farm home, according to U.S; HAMILTON Enablihed 1850 onTariO f well drilier and the plumber, according to A. W. Rothwell, one of the leading sanitary engineers of the U.S.A. In recent statement on rural health he is quoted as saying: 'The country cemeteries are silent accusers of the unsanitary, wasteful and wife-killing water system. enjoyed" by the aver- Cen- sus figures that show that'nine out of ten farm homes are still without ning water in the home, though of St biles and teleph are found in ~ Wifey--"It's merely a Gover charge." -------- 3 For Celds--Minard's Liniment. Anite Canada a World Leader. i In 1026, United States and Canadian' I newsprint 'mills 'were producing 294, 000 tons Of newsprint per month, an {increase of approximately 509% over 11920." It is of interest to note that this éxpansion 'in the Industry. has taken place almost entirely. in' Canada, her average monthly production i fig from 72,840 tons {n 1920 fo 'tons in 1926. ws wa as, largest producer of newsf put of Can 163,414 the world's | nt, the out- ot Canadian mills having exceeded | we {that of the United S "a wide | uns an T i Its superior strength, ordinary flours. Itis pe: for -- 50.the one Such diseases as typhoid and others that come .from contaminated water supplies, as well as diseases griginat- ing with constipation, are practically | all dye to-impure water supply for the home and the carrying fn of water is used. Deaths nearly 100 per cent. of some sections, Pet