5 "harm to your itl inside, my lente e - wall her aaiing through "can lw lized gauz shnbye, baby; it wiggio\and; HY fromine that looks like a ng Is near you germ. s-- ) "There Is a Difference. : Te "How many £6col nds are there: Li aia kind do you mean, & Fh » known. "Through 1 take or with me now, go where I their use many weak, ailing wives and |; ] ¥ Tow health and M rome, mr ant _abiding-place, my |. = eng @n example of this MT8.} _pyisaneth C, Adams in h ©. Adums in The Monitor; --"While nursing my Th Rea MARCH WEATH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY o_o Mo Te antiquated tgs just outside 'the gates of a One of the sisters had a carefully guarded recipe for con- real Siute on ance! these. waite ~ fectionery of superior quality. In a gn i sh minutes?' __ microscopfe kitchen behind the proper Au NE aventions » a | rundown, very weak and nervous. My head ached all the time and I was not able fo do my work. I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and began HEALTH GLASS. ARR LARS SUBSTITUTE FOR $= poultry houses. bot edu; speeds. growth, Soest Delivered 450 square cries initio salesroom Miss Caroline Ca 4 ZAR 'Mam... {using th a, and. What a blessing they om on fred asd od stirred, whilo the more B8 "Pop, what do ve mean when ve | dozen boxes I Toit pa Tvaed a alt On Account of the Very Sudden ee businesslike Miss Henrietta under-| = d speak of an average man?" i and y : He y Ee FARTCU LARA took to buy supplies and dispense the| CARNIVAL ANO TWEATA/cAL _ .| "An average man, my son, ls ome bY thelr continued use fora While| (yo ooe in Temperature. : Aly Connaught Laserataren Vaivesly. of fresh-made chocolates across the tiny| I who isn't half as geod as his wife poxae entirely restored to my former oy ee A iat counter. Tho reputation of Miss Caro- Cosy | thinks he is before she marries him, | = than pena. 1 uke pe Our Canadian March weather--one ANTARD PISTON WINGR FT ROWE CTL line's confections got abroad and one FOR FREE. OGUE nor half so bad as she. thinks he ia|g (SREHENTNE BF Willams PKlday bright, but sloppy, the next bius- too EHS nl Mt EIA. rat . 'day an order came from the Castle, MALLABAR > ey | Afterward" Yoicur aE. io oy a pa ay | 1e7Y and cold--is extremely hard on A Toronte That must have been a stirring day I-| |} yopoNTO AMD WINNIPEG" -- medicine dealer or by mail at bo conte | Children. Conditions make it neces: REPAIR YOUR OWN TIRES AND TUBES. deed, "58 SPADINA = Haken The truth hurts, and so would you box tion The Dr. a Medlcitie | ™0Y. for the mother to keep the little ITH OUR OUTFIT YOU CAN MAKE A » A Royal Insignia. : if you were stretched as much. Co Brite Ort ams' Medicine | ones indoors. They are often confined armAtiont opalr. without: any Heat Br: 00, p n TY ---- 2 + " to overheated, badly ventilated rooms Rubber boots, hot water bottles, gloves and orer- 2 bn tres Ah VS mime {i paprened, _EASTER NOVEL "Brederen, we must do something to A M =» : and catch colds which rack thelr Shaes Sth tod Ba hes By x had found evident gin tion In Mise Comtestisnarsc The il Tatest In remedy the Status Quo," sald a negro | atter of Choice. whole system, To guard against these largest Oarages snd Repair Shops Money back fo Caroline's very special candies, sent One confestioner nt 0 on sight. oun preacher to his congregation. Which do you choose? To adhere to]c0lds and to keep the baby well till guarentee, Send money order. YUL-COLD: NIZE, wi the better, brighter days come along, a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stom- the disinclination of the average man and woman to discuss cancer, refuse to learn the facts about it and not be in a position to help yourself and your Vige- Admiral Sir Michael H. Hodges Who is now second in command of the British fleet in Be | Mediterranean. down a lafge royal emblem for the (| ui "mae te om operation. . ier Saat Jones, what us Go States space over the hitherto quite un-] Ast new. Dowt dda. Sent $2.00 | Rs a a ith - adorned doorway, with its curious old || .» ™" RY, NY Oder, sali the preach- ad ' M.D. NERS, 13. WA Yes Y, TORONTO er, "am Latin for do niess 'we's In." knob and iron foot-scraper. After that - : : : : the Cameron sisters could rightfully call themselves ' Purveyors to Her Majesty. All on account of a tasty chocolate drop, {Soon everyone at the Castle and In tho great houses round about got to asking for Miss Caroline's creams and . caramel fillings and told their friends about then, e picked up 'way be- yond the dream the maiden sisters might have had when a pert into . business on Castle Hill. Chocolates just out of their bright tins appeared G the day. they were made-at state ban- "a quets, and Vietoria's children and ¢ grandchildren--ag her great and great- + gveat-grandchildren now do, looked for them at parties and in their Christmas 1; stockings. Popular Goodies, Queen Alexandra carried on the tra i dition of Cameron sweets for the 'Windsor household, and Queen Mary has always been a regular customer. Several times a week, when In resi dence on the hill, she walks through the park and across the highway to the "diminutive blue-curtalned shop to make personal selection from the howls and gay colored boxes so tidily arranged by Miss Heorletta. Miss Lan Datoline. customarily Beeps fn. the + & somewhat bent Ifttle ii dressed in the styles of two generations ago, but occasionally she slips off her apron and; bringing with her the fragrance of vanilla and bub- bling chocolate, leaves the kitchen to greet the gracious wife of her eove- relgn. Or perhaps it is the future King she comes in {Ocurtsey to, and he may be telling them he's off for a world| voyage and wants their neat parcels to follow him at stated intervals. In the Prince of Wales' luggage there fs 5 always sure to be a box or twe-of his |" favorite mixture--the sweets he and his. brotbers and sister were brought ; : up on. there is not an establishment that re- (i more intimate and personal pat- 5 oh Sha art of the Knee Tani lly {han this one which bears over its fsomely doorway the simple whitelet- tered: sign offering home-made choco- ee 3 Dea Dating to 1006 mer) De. Tin Held "Ancient and peculiar," which is its ecclesiastical ~~ fair enough descripition of the Dean- = - ery of Bocking, Essex. It has just come into the limelight, due to the| "pending resignation of the Rev. "F;] E. aster, rector of Hadleigh, Suffolk. that be jointly held b; . rector titular dean, and'the death or Ea fice A Handful of "Royal Quality" BABY CHICKS Born to Live and Lay IS WORTH A YARDFUL OF THE CHEAP VARIETY THEY are bred mostly from flocks mated with Record of Performance Males, -- ancestry proved to be heavy THEY are strong, rous Canadian chicks, from Canadian flocks, bred to Bard vigorous profitably in this climate. . THEY are sold ander 8 TWO-FOLD.GUARANTER, us to Or LIVE A Aya T oe an additiona WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. THE CANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY, EIMITED 147 King Street East "HAMILTON, ONTARIO "Les" Booth, "In the whole of the British Bmpire| tion, seems af the hel; Jieally helpless Even my wrists and Canadian Farmer Tells His Experience widely knoun 'man for 20 , suffered nn ule us, credits new to ow ah Tos? re aia 18 » Thou s popularly non i A Bg has ; sioped She post Ee Tacs but ured before then is best words. "For twen arms, shoulders, back is | with rheumatism," said God in he own ran the farm. I was prac- swell up go that I couldn't mo. 1 dreaded bed os my name. I time, oi ie - no rest, but Jay Pere in agony, SET ~Wou seize me po pr , and a sick pi friends should the need arise? Or to ascertain the few proven items about cancer and thus help prevent your- self and your friends being listed as one of the victims? We know very little about cancer, but one polgt we do know--4t is cur- able if treated promptly. To ensure early treatment, we must know the signals whi¢h nature uses to warn use of danger. A lump on the lip of a man, any unusual discharge, a sore on the skin which will not heal, a lump on the female breast, attacks of so-called indigestion--these are all signs which we should not take the responsibility of disregarding. The only person who can say whether they may safely be overlooked is your doctor, Just count the number of people you know who have suffered from cancer and you will realize how urgent is th need to learn all you can about it. Men who have given years to fits study state that, whereas it is In thelr power to cure the large majority of cancers, they are only able to apply the neces- sary treatment in about ten per cent. Why? The some reason Is given wherever you go--*I did not see the patient early enough." Nobody knows how many cases of cancer are in Ontario at present, but everybody Is aroused by the fact that "this Province lost three thousand of her people from this cause in 1926. Yet the cancer situation is not hope- less. Prevention of constipation is one means in our hands to aid the pre- vention of cancer. The danger signals listed above are not dificult to ob- serve and each means "See the doctor" immediately it is found; this is the one powerful weapon in our hand against cancer ---- early diagnosis and early treatment. Sd rhs dt ore it and have a Ta Syrup ie a . Any dru ost potions 158542 Country of Centenarians. Bpedn is the land of centenarians. The latest oficial census states that 364 persons (ninety-six men and 258 women) have reached the age of 100; seventy-five men and 204 women are more than 100 years old, and a num- bar have reached 110 years, "There are 22,150 men and 36,294 wo- nen more than eighty years old. It will be seen that women are long- er lived than men. Even Madrid, which has the reputation of being unhealthy, has twenty-four women and eleven men who are more than 100 years old. Minard's Ciniment Yor rheumatism. And He Was. The English actor, Mr, Lawson Butt, who has recently returned home from America, tells a good story of an ex- perience that befell him while a guest at the Los Angeles Athletic Club, A good-looking," bright-eyed young 'man came up to him and claimed to bave met him befare. "Don't you remember me, Mr. Butt?" he sald. "We both app d 'in the same melodrama on the other side," Butt, who hadn't the faintest idea who the fellow was, asked him what he was doing in Hollywood. "You hope to become a second Charlie Chaplin, I suppose?" Bt re marked. | __The other smiled. 'quietly. And he was! "I am Charlie Chaplin," he replied "lof "Pape's Diapepsin" . tion is gona! flatulence, misery from a ry acid stomach ends, ach sweet and his bowels working re- gularly. Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels and thus relieve colds and simple fevers and keep baby fit. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wililams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. AP God's Work and Fellow Workmen. When St. Paul tells us in one breath that we are "God's husbandry, God's building, God's , fellow work- ers," his mixed figure of speech shows that he is making a transition from one train of thought to another, and secking a mode of expression that will enable him to describe God's processes in human life in terms at Punished Witn Rest. For stealing to buy a dance dress, an English girl was sentenced 'to go to ed at 10 o'clock every night for three "Buckley's" to ein] chitis and nll Throat, Chest and Lung troubles, It's instant, pleasant, guaranteed. You'll years, photographed in the daytime. ¥ ONLY $35.00 The tdeal Mandy Farm Mixer, mixes concrete, mortar, fertilizer, or washes roots. It can be used on the farm the year round. It saves 20 per cent. in cement apd 75 per sent. in labor. A Place For One On Every Farm. Send for Bulletin No. 126, LONDON CONCRETE MACHINERY CO. LYD. 100 Kitehoner Ave. London, Canada By the aid of plates sensitive to the invisible infra-red light, stars may be er once active and passive on our own part. Metaphors drawn from agrl- culture and from nature were not the ones he cared for. He journeyed through the most inspiring scenery, and if it ever made any deep impres- | sion on his mind his letters do not show it. He has two brief references to gardening or farming, but mostly he talks in terms of constructive power and of qualities of human life. When we consider human life and the world of which it is a part, we are confronted with the fact of in- completeness. We live in an unfinish- ed world. There are deserts to be reclaimed, mountain. torrents to be harnessed, directed and controlled, canals to be digged acréss more than one isthmus, and new regions of power to be occupied and directed. Nor has it all been a failure, Wher- ever there is a rose with more than five petals, God has had help. Wher- ever iron floats and dirigibles heavier than air ride the storm, God's law has not been overridden but interpreted and made available, ; But higher and finer are the effects of God's co-operation with man in the building of character... Gad can make innocence, but strong manly or wo-| manly character is a joint product. The human heart there becomes more than a building raised by a divine architect, or a field passively receiv- ing what is wrought upon or sowed within it. Jt has had its own share in the happy result. This is a view of life which thrills with a noble self-respect. Men and women are builders. What 'is best in human characters is there because God and man have wrought fogether to have it so. And the completed product is a temple for the indwelling of God. "For the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." Keep Minard's Liniment In the stable. A clock made entirely of straw, even to the wheels, weights, and pen- dulum, has been constructed by a skilled clockmaker. F STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU | Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Pape's Diapepsin" As soon &% you eat a tablet or two your indiges: | ; palpitation, or any Correct your Somash and digestion | "for a few cents. oped pain, heartburn, | Fach package guar: | BUNIONS: SNES py 00 Foot Sr Ws © STOP FALLING HAIR with Minard"s. It the growth of the balr. dandruff. Fa Asso stimulates Stops <I» | mreEal powers n the very first . Acts lis oy proves is BUCKL) pa , "COSTIVE BOWI BOWELS, HEADACHE, COLDS TAKE "CASCARETS" No Headache, Sour + Stomach, or Constipation by morning Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongué, Bad Colds, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head: aches come from a torpid Hyver and clogged bowels, which cause your stom- ach to become filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments Mke garbage In a swill barrel, That's the first step to untold misery---indiges- tion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible und nauseating. A Casearet tonight will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep--a 10-cent box from your druggist will kecp you feel- ing good for months. Millions of men and women take an Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach; liver and bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget the childrén--their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. Dissolve two "BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN" in four tablespoonfuls of water and gargle thoroughly. Swallow, some of the oe rinse the mouth. Repeal gargle every two hours if necessary. This is an effective gargle _ by millions and prescribed by p Joma 'by druggist. Don't