Milinery this year is s well pec zens of dainty models of it hats---all smart styles, 2) riced. Besides these there are distinctive and y models artistically prepared from exclusive models imported from New York and Paris, "WOMEN'S NEW SPRING COATS We are shoving, this week, our range of new Spring Coats. The new materials are plain cloth in navy blue, also smart styles in tweeds. As everything ot to an early spring we she an early selection of your Spring Coat while the assortment is at tS est lace Trimmed Silk Lingerie NEW SPRING TOGGERY 1 feature of our O display is our es oak oan et he slips For Men and Young Men Young Men's First Long ji Boomer, vests, daintily trimmed with lace. Sets can be had i in colors to match. « . Paat Suits $16.50 - Spud Opening Week vn ong pant AT . . T Hol fancy tweed in Grey and 92 Bod ingnam 34 $30. vd Te a atterns. Smartly. asted glish Gingham 32in, [| Comes in many different indouble breasted e «in neat checked designs in i over pat- : i. Good range in, wide of colors. wis m ae per yd. 20c, yarns. e! ial Value in Underwear Crepe . 27c.peryard The he width of this crepe. is 27 to 30 in. & Bihite Prin Hl ange chi 2 pasierns printed in rasting Brown tailor style. Men's Spring Overcoats $20.00 Men's Spring Overcoats of fancy tweeds and all wool cravenette in Grey and Fawn shades. Price $20.00 Big range_ a MEN*S SP R1 CAPS in ght LR tweeds, well made and satin lin Prices $1.75 to $2. 75 PORT PERRY ONTARIO special price 43e. eggs that were there by right, the end of a larger egg showing through the bottom of the nest, an egg that had no business there. Having read about the warbler as we have already stated, we understood at once the meaning of the egg showing through the bottom of the nest. It had been forsted upon the diligent little warbler by that duty-shrinker the cow-bird. But the warbler had had recourse to her old strategy and had built a second bottom in the nest that covered the intruder's egg and almost hid it from view. A few days later we took another peep when lo! there was another cow-bird's egg. We came to the conclusion that it the warbler tinued buildi in the nest she would soon be crowded out so we decided to assist her by throwing the intruder out. Not long after, on looking out of the window that is directly about the bush where the nest was, we were dis- agreeably surprised to see the war- blers tearing their nest to pieces. At first we thought they were just mad at the cow-bird, but soon we found there was purpose and method 'in their madness. When we saw them carrying loads of stuff from the old nest away to the rose bushes that they had recently abandoned. By and by in the bushes close by the drive-way we saw the daintiest little nest, "a beautiful and compact structure." In course of time there were three pretty little eggs in the nest, and then--another intruder. We took a chance on offending the Rev, W. L, Atkinson, Minister. St. John's Church, Port Perry for 1927." Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at p.m. Y. P, Society, Monday, at 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs, at 7.30 p.m. Breadalbane Church, Utica Sunday School at 2 p.m. Public Worship at 8 p.m. C. E. Society, Wednesday at 8 p.m, ere Perens. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday next, Evensong and sermon at 7 p.m. . Sunday School at 8 p.m. Thursday, Evensong and sermon at 7.30 pm. Subject "Deborah" Monday, March 21, Young People's Guild at 7.08 p.m. Tuesday, W. A. at 8 p.m, Wednesday, Junior W. A. at 4.15. rrr YY THE AGRICULTURAL COURSE The agricultrual course was very well attended, and some really ex- cellent lectures = were delivered. Those who were able to be present were delighted at the practical value of the information given. At a later date we hope to be able to give an outline of some of the lectures. a nto TOOK HONOURS At the Ontario Ladies' College at Whitby, Miss Eva Blakely, of Saint- field, took 90% (1st class honors) in her recent Primary Theory examina- tions. Miss Annie Gordon is her teacher, Blues BLONG BLOCK Let Us Make Your Spring Suit or Overcoat With the arrival of New Spring Goods we are able to show a nice variety to choose from. Fancy Worsteds You will find our prices are right, tion guaranteed. PRESSING AND DRY CLEANING DONE W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR Irish Tweeds Satisfac- PORT PERRY Look! shades and patterns that only $1.59. prices. Phone 177 "PORT PERRY DOMINION STORE + Here we are again with only a few of the bargains we have for this week. Next week we shall have a lot more. This Spring and Summer we have, and will have a good selection of dressgoods --best quality, nicest Port Perry has ever seen, Watch our bargains every week. It will pay you to do it. For This Week We Offer Good Gingham, 38 inches wide, for only 19¢. yard. Nice patterns, good weight Chintz, 38 inch, only 28¢c yd. Cotton Taffeta, nicest patterns and Shades, only 39¢ yd. All kinds of nice Crepes, only 46c. yi Men's Good Black Overalls, special El for this week Men's Good Work Shirts, good make, double yoke, 89c. Men's Rubber Boots, guaranteed for good wear, $3.85. Boys' Rubber Boots, only $2.75 pair. Don't forget to watch our bargains, as we will have something good and new every week at very reasonable ALIX. GILBOORD - Port Perry po * The Best the Meat Market Affords Cheap for Cash Phone Your Orders for Quick Delivery no Cawker Bros. is here | --at your orvive- and no fee is examination or advice W. A HARE Optomerist 3 King Street, Oshawa or Fond Blk, Port Perry, every THURSDAY HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY PARLOR We specialize in all styles of Ladies' and Children's hair cutting. Marcel Waving, Curling, Shampooing and all scalp treatment, etc. Hair combings made inte switches and curls. Have a Covabob made from your long hair. Mrs. Spears Blong Block The Creamery is paying 4lc, 44c, and 45¢ for Butter Fat. You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY Goode Bres., Proprietors -------------- FOR SALE Four grade cows, clyde gelding, 7 years, colt rising two. Apply to W. J. Mitchell, R.R.4, Port Perry, phone 168 r 1.1. CHIROPRACTIC The Drugless Road to Health J. A. HETHERINGTON CHIROPRACTOR Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to B pm. Office over McKee's Shoe Stove. COMING A, J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry, has arranged with Dr. F. E. Luke, Optometrist, 167 Yonge St, Toronte, to be at his store, Thursday, Feb. 17th. He has been coming here for over 26 years. Don't forget the date. F. E. Luke (Upstairs opposite Simpson's) 163-167 YONGE ST, TORONTO You should order your SUIT NOW See our attractive | ine of OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We will be pleased to have you call and see our We. Do All Our Own Werk. Cleaning gd Pressing Done. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry W. J. COOK Port Perry.