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Port Perry Star, 7 Jul 1927, p. 3

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thority was kno Every year a ship is sent north to + ater the islands; carrying supplies for 'Government posts, estab- lishing new posts where advisable, and accumulating a great body of Inf . tion ds to the nature and resources of the land and the conditions of naviga- tions, which vary immensely from sea- | son to season, throughout the Arctic. The yearly visit of a ship is looked for- ward to with great delight by the Eskimo, who are entertained on board with mov. ictures and receive med.- "cal attention from the ship's doctor. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in charge of these posts have not only . completely won the confidence of the people but shown all their traditional courage and enterprise on long patrols, covering on One occasion 2,000 miles by, dog-team in the dead of winter, 7) A New ost Last umes & new post was estab- sula, haltway up Lie east of mere Island, and considerably ee north than Btah, - the Danish post in northern Greenland on the opposite shore of Smith Sound; the older posts are at Craig Harbor, in the sou ~Pand and ngnirtung « on the still larger Bafin Island, where the -Hus- son's Bay Company algo has trading ions{ and Dundas Harbor on Devon Island between Bllesmere and Baffin, Each of these has a post office as well ; ## a polices station, 4nd th on Bache erly post of- fice In the world. Every station has |: redio equipment for the reception of messages from the rest of Canada. There is abundance of game--wal- rus, seal, and wild fowl--even at the ; herds of musk ox razing elsewhere; "and coal 1s known to be one of the mineral.re: sources of Franklin District--the name given to the whole archipelago in hou- our of the great explorer who lies there fii an unknown grave. Great additions to our information as| 'to the country and its inhabitants are ~~ expected from the representative of the Mines and Indian Departments who remained on Baffin Land when Inst year's expedition returned, eye en WORKS TO PRODUCE Scheme to Provide One| ~ More Boon for Humanity New York, (U.N. )-- Thomas A. Edi | son I adyise all weak girls corner of the. same | RUBBER paying {Considered In a way' similar to that ained in weight to 114 pounds. For this rea- tay this medicine." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: for 'anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner vousness and stomach trouble. Take them as a tonic and cultivate a resist ance that will keep you 'well and You can get these pills any medicine dealer or by 'mail at 50c a box 'from The Dr, Wil Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. To Catch Flies. "Yes, that baseball manager is very thorough. He even gave each of his players a sheet of fly paper." "What for?" "So they's be able to catch files." . --------pe | eee x Fairly High. Boy--"Have you ever been out in '| rough seas, cap'n?" 3 Old Salt--"Aye, that I have. In one gale I was out in it took two of us to hold the skipper's hat on, an' then the wind blew the anchors of 'is buttons." -------- inns li When zest departs labor becomes dridgery.--Owen D: Young. > in Be ate dan clean All is completely ou can try it Sithout any ek. Order a ] from your grocer. Dee any portion Tob it and if "you are not en! "pleased return it and no. charge will be made, 4 Suoanjul Ba B ds targely on the BE finest W Send 30¢ in stamps for our 70 g mines, | "Some stocks, however, Feflect a de nent Wea ern ae cooks say Purity Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. PURITY FLOUR in producing and dvild- mines must "always be employed by a manufacturer when| contemplating the Installation of al new maching. Will it produce a suf- clent profit over and above its cost | ficient Justification Sor overlookin| the opportunity for to [pecially it the ma price rises be- te justity Paine o it? Shares of mines in iyond what appears to be a reasonable ® the producing stage usually reflect, | point. : A It is too soon in the life of gold mining especially and mining gener ally in the north {and to set a fixed Souutine of future probable returns. h Take McIntyre as an example. The sclalis of capital is 800,000 shares of $5 par tions where the value. The market value $26.00, The ore bodies is of a interest return about 5%per cent. as-|Tegularity Which \petwits close est suming it has a long life ahead of it.| mating of profits, * Should Yield 10-to 12 P.C. Kirkland Lake. | In the north the conditions vary. ning Shek siiould Jie, x Porcupine ore averages to-day around py in ho oy of Investment |$8 to $9 per ton treated. Kirklait bankers, but the market is in this Lake ore averages up to $20 per ton : treated. Others may prove higher or 'case discounting future possibilities Jower.: Certain'it'ia. so far, that. in "because Molntyre a kbown rn, the older producing mines of both earning a net proft of, move 'camps the value of gold content per twice lts present dividend require: ton does mot show any decided ten- ments. A substantial portion of the deficy to decrease 88 greater dopth 1s surplus ja being spent in facilities Xr attained. Mill heads fluctuate as mill 'tion and profits. lia ore reserves are |Caacities vary. To date the regular ,estabifshed to a point which seems to | Producers in ontario show: no signs "Justify such an expenditure. Once its of exhaustion. programme of expenditures is com- Mining Stocks and Rouge. pleted and it has no further antici Several men have sald to me: "I pated occasion for expending these never bought a mining stock and additional profits, it may increase its never will" They have said it with dividend, Furthermore, the in 'the same air of supreme self-satisfac- facilities then available should tend tion as is 'evident in the expression to further increase its profits and al- of the historical cat that swallowed 80 suggest the thought of even great-'.) -- .... er dividends. Therefore, the present | nu. oynerjor attitude adopted is yleld of less than 6 per cont. SESW'. .¢ no same ag that of a lonely justifiable under the circumstances. 'woman, who remarks: "I have never In the case of a mine which has used powder or rouge on my face." not sufficient ore reserves establish- Admitting it is true, it 1s a case of ed, and still more ore indleated to 4 oh4iq tsolation." justify further expansion of its pro-| ye; uGoig" bonds would neither be duction facilities, the indicated life engraved, signed nor paid In Gold of the property should be carefully | lip it the mining industry. x considered in connection with the fn- "yn Tye ag essential as farming. terest return on the investment and ' Gold mining in Canada may have had ample provision made for the Writhng = wat unfortunate past, but its off of the principal before estimating future promises to wipe out all recol- the net interest return. ection of its wild oats period. Many Assuming that one has invested at a wild younger son has turned qut to the "Profit" phase and held through , =" oq rion citizen: to the "Return" phase, all things con "po "wnat has happened "up sidered, it Is usually a safe practice oo, "iyo 1agt ten years, a man ito sell and re-invest unless there is who to-day fails to recognize the pos- at least a 10 per cent. return and a sibilities of gold mining as a means long mine life definitely indicated. iof profitable investment to himself, Opportunity for Re-Investment. i source ot atona) eal Ay the Soun- . try, an € mos ely an The fact That ery Bre non ia of attracting the hardiest type vestment = young immigrants to Canada to solve our problem of getting more productive people to share our taxa- tion and provide traffic for our. rail- roads, is lacking in the spirit national of Canada and Canadians. Tribute to Premier and Minister. Let me pay a tribute to Premier Ferguson and the Fon, Charles Mec- Crea, Minister of Mines for the Pro- vince of Ontario, and their most cap- able staffs, for the indefatigable ef- me they are making to place the ron 2 of Canada's Mining In- dustry before desirable people at the heart of the Empire, and evén unto ithe far-flurfg corners of the world. | And also to our mining capitalists, bankers, engineers and the humble prospector for the courageous devel- opments for which they are respon- sible. As to the future, who can say how great it will be? Certain it is that to date the northland 'offers safety of prineipal and high interest return up- on {nvestment in many of its mines, 1t offers also many opportunities for 14 speculative investment with tremend- th ous possibilities both in dividends and appreciation in value. Should Use Judgment. , a flour Ei Wee. Webel ch, vigorous Thousands of Purity Flour Cook: Book 208 Moatreal. Octews, Suis: Jobs. bo -- Take your time. good mines in the northland after [i | present generation has passed than' dreamed of now. a 5 The great Norsnda. Mine in Que- c was the spectacular discovery of 1924 the most Hupbriant discov. Menitoba' end is now This investment, es: Mothers, do you think it fair to tor 'ture your little ones by forcing them to take ill-tasting oils when they néed a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the child's dread of these medi cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Uwn Tablets are the mod- ern substitute for these Baus doses. They are the very mi the child requires and are so pl nt + to take that they are as easy to ad- minister as a glass of water. They are the perfect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolutely guaranteed- from injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad-tasting remedies can do. In fact they accom- plish more as they do not leave the child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They re- Heve teething pains, banish indiges- tion and constipation, break up colds and simple fevers and promote health- ful, refreshing sleep. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. RN . - S | x Raspberry Mosaic Raspberry mosalc is now| general throughout Canada. In Ontario and Quebec it 1s particularly severe. The symptoms of raspberry mosaic are ap- parent only on the leaves, which show a fine to coarse yellowish-green mot- tling. - That is, the surface of the: leaf shows green and yellowish-green areas of various sizes. The dark green areas are often raised and blisterdike in ap- pearance, giving the leaf a puckered appearance." The leaves however do not wilt and dry up, but the bush as a whole, In time, becomes dwarfed. These symptoms begin to appear early in June and are specially pronounced in the "sucker" growth. ..New Plantings.--The most perman- ent and satisfactory control measures for mosaic and leaf curl begin with the setting out of healthy certified rasp- berry stock. Where such stock has been set out and has been carefully inspected, and diseased bushes rogued during the growing geason, it has been found after three years' experience, 'that only a fraction of one per cent, is now present. Of course where rogu- ing has not been done, mosaic has in- creased to a much greater extent. Therefore in setting out a new planta- tion use only healthy certified stock. Never use doubtful stock from a neigh- bor's plantings just because it costs you nothing. It is false economy. This has been demonstrated time and time again. Our experience with these diseases demonstrates that although certified stock Is the first essential in control, the roguing of diseased bushes during the first two seasons at least, should by no means be neglected. This is particularly true for plantations, set out with certified stock, where only a trace of mosaic will creep in the first year, Therefore during the first sea- son the young plantation should be carefully and systematically inspected ! several times by the grower and all 'diseased plants should be dug out! roots and all, and removed immediate-' ly froth the plantation before the foli- |age has ha time to wilt. In the re moving of the bushes great care should be taken 4o 'see that the diseased bushes are not dragged along the ground, or allowed to brush healthy "Saat, since the aphids which are eding on the diseased plants, may be knocked off and left to infect healthy bushes. During following seasons it is ob- solutely esse to continue careful patch three years' experience has demonstra. | 'ted that it can be done satisfactorily and 'with very little labor, provided the with certified stock. | planting is started Old Plantations.--An old plantation' - containing a rable amount of mosaic should be ploughed up, or pos- sibly let run until a planting comes {nto g. It is not avatlable to attempt to rogue a plan two years of age that has'more than § per cent. A two year old plantation | that has 'a small percentage of Boaale, tation over! 'provision. Nevertheless good Teauits have been iered, anid Joseph recommends a sonnolt % Pl liclty organization to at- publicity in respect to mi- rn tourist travel, trade and gen- + stm of at least £50,000 a year for all trade publicity and a further £50,000 to be subsidized on a pound-for-pound basis by the producers who desire at thélr goods be specially adver tised. k Austrilia House is in direct touch with markets generally, and among the products which have been direct ly benefitted by its operations are driell and canned fruits, butter and cheese. Australia, says Sir Joseph, needs to be more widely known, both in Bri- tain and in the United States (Canada will do well to' follow Sir Joseph's advice). tenn fee rene How to Avoid Cancer That celebrated British surgeon and cancer authority, Dr. Robert Bell, M.D., FRF.PB, &c, voluntarily sacrificed Ais highly lucrative surgical practice when, after long years of exhaustive research and practical experience, he nobly published the following state- ments of vital import to the cancer- stricken civilized world: <"Cancer .is a blood disease and its breeding- ground is the colon. rays nor radium has ever cured or will ever prove of service as a cure for Cancer. From my knowledge of the disease I affirm that the knife has never cured Cancer in a single in- stance; but, on the contrary, has only succeeded in aggravating the disease and adding to the sufferings of the poor patient." Countless thankful patients living to-day mourn the passing in 1926 of the author of the above quoted worde and If Dr. Robert Bell's profoundly considered warning is now heeded, it is possible for the public to render the devastating Cancer 'Scourge a mere matter of history, Civilization's diet is responsible for depriving the public of the abundantly provided organic salts essential to health preservation and 'the substitu- tion of what have been truly described as "foodless foods" which create a superabundance of acids in the human body, resulting in the new practically universal complaint of constipation | that is the inevitable forerunner of Cancer and also of ninety per centum of all clvilization's physical maladies, The active irritants contained in pills, purgatives and laxatives, com- bined with their only partial relief, caused Dr. Robert Bell to soundly condemn their use as being injurious and dangerous. The method of cur- ing constipation without drugs is dis- closed in the las book presened to th writer by Dr. Bell, whose advice i quoted. in the writer's copyrighted dietary which is mailed without charge to every Canadian and American pur- chaser of the English home Cancer treatment. Detailed information con- cerning this treatment is also freely mailed on application to Charles Walter at 61 Brunswick Avenue, To- ropto 4, Ontario, Canada.--(Advt,) rte Smee Carrot, Raisin and Nut Salad To Serve Four Persons Chop raw carrots in a wooden chop- ping bowl, making about 13% cupfuls when chopped. Add % cupful of chop- ped peanuts, and 13% cupful of seed- less raising, whole. Mix, and add salad dressing enough to hold the mix- ture together. Put the combination on lettuce leaves and add a dash of dressing on too. The writer purchases any good mayonnaise dressing and improves it by adding a little cream, pepper and salt, and a few drops of lemon, To make a Russian dressing tomato catch- up must be blended with this. ACE EY Keep Minard's Liniment near at hand. f Why is there no such thing ss a whole day?--Because every day be gins by breaking. The title of a new dance is the!' breezy one of "Beer." = There are sald to be several hops in it. Neither X- SALE 1S. Deaih Rate From and OI Ags Age. 30. i prietaly Gout and Kindred his book are a number of Interesting y 61 Brung ek, 4 ing oth, Ontario Reversed, Magistrate--"You have already ac- knowledged that you assaulted the policeman in. the manner stated." Accused--"Yes." Magistrate--"Then what do you want to do now?" Accused--"Deny it." ee _Classified Advertisements eshed 9 obo Years). New and special lines, big sellers, clusive territory, highest commissions pald, handsome free outfit. Experience not necessary. Write for full partiou- Stone & Wellington, Toronto 2. EE aa A GENTS TO INTRODUCE OUR IM- PROVED utility garment. Clothing £2 perience unnecessary--demonstration Is it--full or part time. R, B. Young, 200 Bay St, Toronto, I IRTHDATE WITH 25C BRINGS Moon Table Analysis. Alexander, 509 6th Ave, Room 901, New York. C A ort Beds om sight Cleans, everything 1 magic. Free samples. A oak Co., i nt. WA STAY BLINDFOLD KNOW FOURSELE, ar YO HOROSCOPE. date, and $1- MC Fg io nak: ysis, i today, hi 0! ASTROLOGY, TH: I8 Square Station, Ew Bo FREE BOOK SENTonREGUESY Tells cause of cancer and what to do Jor * pain, bleeding, odor, ete. Write for to-da. jontioting this paper. Ad. rd diana Cancer Hospital He apolls polis Asthma. Spread Minard's on brown paper and apply to the throat. Also in- hale. Quick relief assured. RIIEEER ona oF pun (EE AVOIDED AN OPERATION Mrs. Dayman Gives Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound the Credit Colborne, Ontario. --~'"When I was first married 1 was very thin and "wr=]weak. The doctor LEH 25% 35° EN BE

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