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Port Perry Star, 4 Aug 1927, p. 7

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"case, in the opinion of most people An this country, is véry good indeed, and It has been well presented at neva. 'Some further 'efforts are 'clearly needed to' lift it above -the accidents of narrow controversy. The opportunity is now given to present dt to the world in all its simplicity and ~ cogency and with full' authority of the "Bri vernmeunt. . It would be a it this could 'be done be: tish delegation goes. back Maxims Sf Cruisers The Mail says: "No doubt re- Ea throughout the Geneva discussions has "been the persistence of the States to define the maxima of cruisers _ without laying down the humbers it is ~ proposed to build in each class. The British Government insists that parity Liteen the United States and Great Britain' must: mot be 'fixed in such Way.as to prevent the maintenance by Great Britain of defensive 5000-ton cruisers in a number sufficient. to sate "guard the Empire's trade routes. "Thus, should the United States per- sis in its 'desire to utilize the whole of its tonnage quota for the construc tion of '10,000-ton :cruigers, Great Britain \would he prepared to. accept parity on the principle of that level, though ks 10 intention of b "offensive hb up to that number, bat in this event it would need to be recognized by the United States apart © from thegs that Great Britain would . require a further number of smalled defensive vessels." hen = All Agrees a hanmoitious agrée: - Heving that Lord Cecil and Mr, ~~ Dridgeman will return wi x nt. Failure of the conference gretted here, but ess in some quartirs, r © blame 5 come, to 1a e ambitions of the toluia 'agreater navy." loves. 'the "baffling 's 1s the present | ts | conference. it Ge tremity'of a large and valuabls coal- the north 'and 'west for an unknown distance. Coal is known to occur from Crabbes River to Elat Bay Brook. The clue to the structure of this field lay in the initial 'discovery. The coal seams that outcrop ad 'various places along the banks of the: chois River, are all parts of one and the same great seam. A little pa- tience expended in careful and sys- tematic observation of the strike and of gue of the strata, clearly establishes this point at the outset. After this it is a simple matter to gain clear idezs as to the trend of [ the other seams in the field. DECLARES New York Screen News Man presses Views at 2 utimi Chicoutimi, Que---D#:laring him- self to be still convinced that traces of Nungesser and Coli, the French aviators who attempted on May 9 last to fly westward across the Atlantic, will yet ba found in Northern Quebec, ! H W. Smith, New York screen-news man, returned to Chicoutimi recently' following a week's search of the dis-! trict. He was accompanied by a con-, frere, 1. O'Reilly and twd Indians, Gagnon and Bacon... 4 _ It'was Gagnon and Bacon who, sev eral days ago, were evedited with say- | ing that they had not only seen but had actually touched a white airplane' which was lying in' the bush about a! week's journey distant from Chicou- timi, Smith and O'Reilly eet out with the Ind'ans to reach this place on] ly 12, but apparently they had rot ound it, for yesterday none 'of ; made mention of this feature of their trib ; The expedition was hampared by in- tensely warm weather, by black flies, by intermittent rains, winds and ficld whieh extends from this area to| Middle Bara-| dip of 'the rocks, as well as the order] - . FLIERS * QUEBEC WOODS, I than in Canada, discussed the need " 'Ihe represented, he said, had an out: {put of $40,000,000 annually and em- ployed 15,000 persons in 2,500 farm when they essay' a trans-atlantic fi well, LEFT, and Tully, RIGHT, and HIGH DUTY ASKED ON MAPLE SUGAR Vermont F ariners Say Imipotts From Canada Are Curb- ing Their Business Washington -- Vermont wants a higher fariff rate on maple sugar, An investigation was instituted by the United States Tarif Commission upon application of the Cary Maple Syrup Company of St. Johnsbury, Vt. George C. Cary of this firm testified that six cents a pound on sugar and four cents on syrup would be agree- able to him. This is an increase of two cents a pound on sugar, but Mr; Cary sald that the ultimate consumer would not have to bear the burden. A group of farmers, inchiding George M. Jones and Mrs. M. C. Monahan, both of Vermont, and Q. R.. Ogg, of the Vermont Farm Federation Bureau, urged the higher duty = Both | Mr. Jones" and Mrs, Monahan tcok is So with the commissioner's account- ing methods. Hrs. Monahan said that the. Vermont maple growing industry. was facing extinction. 'Thig could be avolded only by giving them protec- tion against imported . sugars and syrups. Mr. Jones, who said that labor cond. tions are better in the United States | for higher duties. The industry that (homes. His Industry, so far as labor was concerned, is as large as the Gen- 'eral Electric Company i Schenectady, | N.Y, he asserted. . ' England, Inset in the lower half of the trey will fly. At the LOWER LEFT is Capt. D. A. Harding, of | Our §tatesmen should on no account tolerate that these initial offorts at TO PILOT PLANE IN LONDON-TO:LONDON VENTURE ght from London, Ontarioto London, ! algo of the Stihech monoplane which | Camp Borden, i flight. -- NE G for Columbia. X tage, foreign agencies and Canadian shipping firma are endeavoring 'te establish girect routes, They are anxious to havo it made known that Montreal 'shippers and thoss in other Canadian centros will in future find groater all-Canacian facilities for carrying caygoos southward. Recently tho S.S. Wilston laft Mon treal with Canadian cement and mer- chanding bound for the Latin-Amer- ican countrica. Another beat iy now being loaded here with grain flour, machinery and rubber gosds bound ------ | NEW. FORCES FOR EMPIRE FIGHTING Barracks and Drill Grounds for Destroyers of In- ! . Y The hap ABOVE shows the route which Captaing W. R. Maxwell and' and at the LOWER RIGHT, Lt, James D. Vance, who wera the second choice : 4 'menis, as pilGis for the venture. "T. B. Tully, of the "Ontario government. alr Bervice, will follow of the committee In charge of flight aTrang : In the CENTRE is Charles Burns of Low map are photographs of Capts Max- purse for the. flight. Maxwell and Tully Fave now to await the Onlario : ' k overnment's permission to leave their Torest Patrol Posts while making the n, Ontario, donor of the $26,000 chad J. Nugent Harris Of London, England, instrumental in founding the Women's Institute in Great Britain, who. is visiting Toronto. At was In 1915 that Mr, Harris helped to. introduce the movement in Eng- land, where it has since. attained a membership of 300,000 with 4,000 branches. -------- German Officers in Briain Berlin Vorwaerts: (The German Sociaist paper 1s susplelous because German officers attended the British air manoeuvres). Meanwhile Italian military authorities are .préparing all sorts of projects relative to aviation. M. Balbo has visited Berlin, It is therefore correct to say Maat British, German and Italian military authori ties are working together. This fact has mo immediate significance, but it hel should d the at- EE amen N------ BRITAIN NAMES ACTING PREMIER Act in Stanley Baldwin's Absence in Canada London--Sir Austen Chamberlain, it | Prince of Wales. since he joined the Ceongervatives have | ship and mow account for the solatium ! days session before vacation. tive, it is recalled, seceded criginalpolitical faith two years ago. | ister during Mr Baldwin's absence to avoid passing the Chancellor of the Exchequer over. re fri 'The Bolshevist Menace Lousanne Gazette: (Bolshevist pro- paganda has made dt very clear that the Soviet hope to attain their ends by civil war), Never has soclety been more exactly warned than ours of the danger which threatens it and of the tention et resporsible publice men. collaboration between the armies of 'three Powers should end by dragging these same Powers into stricter solid- larity, 'This move ehould mefther end in a united front against the Soviets in an aggravation of France-Cer- | reldtions. we 5 are island nations drawing untries for a considerable. heir normal needs. The of their sea routes ie {the Adriatic here yesterday denied on | that he had abandoned hope -| ning the American cup. means which are going to be used to bring about #ts destruction. After this, it seems strange that intelligent people should go to cuch lengths to help the Bolshevists in their designs. The League of Nations wants to see them seated at their conferences and is sending them appcals couched in enticing terms; governments open 'thelr territortes to them; and tho pacifists of the entire world obstinate- ly continue to believe in their ap- proaching conversion which is to be the prelude to universal reconcilia tion, . Liverpool--Sir Thomas Licpton, the famous yachtsman, arriving on of win- HAs CANADA' the ada, The fact is that Ma. Churchill's United States earmarks on their way t political past is regarded as tco through that country's ports to South! When it is thought that a parasite kaleidoscopic to justify his election and Central America. There are soma as head of ths government so soon, ! direct routes to a few South American He began his career as a Conserva- countries, authorities say, such as to the from Halifax and from Vuneocuver to Liberals, and™ only reverted .to his the Argentine and other republics. 5 GOODS OSE LOSE IDENTITY: Sir - Austett- Chamberlain: to Shipments té South America | | Via U.S.A. Arrive | "American" A common complaint among mer- Argentine lose their is now authoritatively announced, will chants and consular agents in Canada ' insectaries, a) 3 8 n . " i ni i act as Prime Minister during Stanley | is that goods destined for South Am | serve stock" or insects, and ths othar, Baldwin's absence in Canada with tho erican countries other than Brazil and | which has walls of fine gauze and a ¥ | identity | roof of vitaglass to transmit This means the temporary eclipsa | through being shipped via New York! ultra-viclet rays of tha sun, hs for of Winston Churchill, whose speeches and other United States ports. sect Parasites London. -- Barracks and drill grounds have Laan erected at Farn- ham Royal, Buckinghamshire, Eng- land, for the latest additions to tho fighting forces and defenders of the Empire. An expeditionary force is beiny sent to Canada to do battle with the earwig ani codling moth. Entomology has, with the aid of a grant from ths Empire Marketing Board established n zoo for paracis-a and expert entomologists ard going to scek out the natural en>mies of the various pests which infest tho live- stock and crops of the Empirs. In rome cases it may be nececrarv to broed a new stoek, or evolve.a d!ffen j ent type of parasite, and completely equippdd research laboratories have been installed, In ths extensive gardens at Farn- ham Royal thers are as many. differ- ent plants and trees as it is compat- ible with tho climata to grow, and amid theo, which act as a breedinz ground for the insects, are two lange One is for a general "re- tha the use cf insects which are beinz Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela! specially studied. brought him into. the running ss a are especially affectad, it is declared potential successor for "the Premier- by authorities in Montreal, The explanation offered is that lose their tags Apart from these lines, with limit- So ccnsiderable is the position Mr. ed ports of call, goods must at present Churchill has attained, however, that, be shipped through the United States it was until recently expected that and be, as in most cases, either not the veteran Karl of Balfour would recorded at all as exports, or elss con- have to be brought in as Prime Min. fused with American shipments. In an effort to offset this disadvan- Teh Hapetul| he is to receive of leading the House goods, though duly tagged and record- | to the fighting front. of Commons during the remajning few cd as Canadian when they leave Can- | with an ultra-viclet ray lamp, there and acquire are several vitaglass cases in which | tions, are removed. Nothing is left to chance, and every insect is put through its paces, £5 to speak, before it is doclded to send it In a room lit ars specimens of the various pests, has been found for a certain pest, it is put into the samo case, and its fighting tactics can be watched at close quarters. There is little risk, therefore, that parasitas will be ex- ported that are unfit for their job. This is the only institution of its kind in the Empire, and it is claimed that this method of tackling-the pests is more efficient than spraying them, for once the right kind of parasites are introduced they will wage a con- tinual warfare, until the destructive ircects are annihilated. etch GERMANS SIGN JAPANESE PACT Treaty Removes Barriers Against Reich Exports-- Silk Trade Benefits Berlin.--The &igring of the mcet- favored naticn t:caty between Japan end Germany by Baron Tanaka ard Dr. Solf, Gérman Ambassador to Tokyo, which has taken throes years of ardusus labor to draw up, caused unqualified gratification here, While the text of the treaty will be published only in some woeks' time, it is already known that many advantages accrue. The barriars agaiast the majority of German exports, including . the much opposed dyes, against emigra- tion ahd German consular =restric- n The treaty has spacial importance for! the German textile, agtomobile and glass. indus- { tries; also for soaps and perfumes. Japan, 'on the other hand, owing bo St P y Its Germany, whare . hil 4 14 mai

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