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Port Perry Star, 18 Aug 1927, p. 7

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T F 2d rE iL 3% 2e § a of decorative effect but pro- toot it from the water. An old mend- ed bowl, however, looks better enom- because the paint hides the ny" different 'types of pans and| earthenware dishes can-be ued just attractively sa a wooden bowl. It best to place these in the shade, because - the . water heats Tarte object to a hot] A bath fashioned from a square re pan can be ornamented so Twill Joke 0s thecal fe : he i one gabon wipro Siow jon- gulls. and wood' violets grews--for here was a portion of it that hap- oct lee w and quite moist so low; in fact, that after showers little pools of water Zl awhile before soaking away--a na ol tows Tt was Mh $0 harmonize with the flowers. It was a isi pA sea green inside and "outs! edsign was a simple one, were first painted yellow, utside yellow and violet. The sides melted by the intense heat of burning Turtle, 10, Years Old, Dug Up ig Narth jarth Dakota With : Rocks and Other storic Relics 'ON EXHIBIT IN IN ST. PAUL St. Paul--Fibating rocks ahd a pétri- fled tustle are included in the collec: tion of which have found in | Paul. Minn, The turtle a other articles were: picked up in the proposed Rgosevelt| Park region near Medora, and were described recently by C. R. Stauffer, professor of geology at the 8 University of M ta. "The turtle probably, was s buried ten years ago by hot ashes car ed by the wind from the erupting Eo Mountains," explained Prof, Stauffer. "The fact that the shel] is intact, not die a natural death." He said the floating rocks "were coal mines. | full of gaseous The molfea rock was bubbles which remain- 24 Found|™ fo Lomi placed on exhibition at Bt i indicates that the turtle did | i GR arora notti" but. He's going to buy furniture providin' lie gits the money; he's goin' to git the money providin' he: goes to work; he goes to work providin' there's noth- in' else 'to be: did, providin' the job {suits him. He suttinly is a providah." You can buy a dog with money, but it takes love to put a Jut w vas in fts talk Some' then "vospect no 'creed but "Guess I'll go on a bender," sald the fly starting AToupd the the pretzel. AW absent mitnded ye young physician, courting a girl, ed her two dol lars a visit: ( Wax: dummies in the store windows 'are dumb; but there are dimmer wo- men than wax dummies' who can talk blue streaks: Aud of that 'there's no doubt. " dl Someone says ioe 1» a relic of the dark ages, "Also dark nights. . Mae--"Let's mate for the ental" Sue--""Where shall we lunch?" Mae--"Let's match first." Patient -- "Doctor, how: are, my chances?" Doctor--"0Oh; pretty good, but I wouldn't start reading any continued stories." ------ The story that fishing-worms can sing probably originated from some fisherman who heard a mosquito while he was Wtcng: onthe bait. eens does not always mean con: od as the mass solidified, thus buo; . {nim a dumb en" et. Sometimes it means fignor- barked around their necks: like. cows. y ---- : "Madge 18 'wore on Jack. She calls A "Because she: couldn't' wot «ring a out of him, 1 suppose" y SIR esti is the man "us skeptical of reason as of "How: about. some Casey?" "Oil take &: "of Some. bie, 7 i Ep _| nary relays My gd to discontinue work. | ! Pink Pills were ¢ + Then my eldest "operation performed for left him in a weak- I rome health, that more than satis- obtained by'the use. . The pills have done home than hundreds of more expensive Pink Pills assist di- the lassitude, the pal- 8 houl, shaky Horse pallor e face and lips t are the result of thin, impure blood: get these Pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willian' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. GARY'S HAND WAVES STEEL MILLS START Elbert H. Gary, chairman of the United States Stee] Corporation pass- ed his hand several times over a glass sphere on his desk at 71 Broadway, New York, on June 16 last and a minute quantity of electricity thus released, amplified and transmitted to Pittsburgh, set: in motion' a 700-volt motor-generator used to furnish pow- er for the rolling machinery of the Homestead Works of the Carnegle 'Steel Company. Says "The Iron Trade Review" (Cleveland): ei demonstration was arranged the corporation and the Westing- By Electric Company as a feature of the convention of the iron and steel electrical engineers at Pittsburgh. The delekates visited the Homestead works to witness the spectacular start. "The sphere on Judge Gary's desk was lined with silver and served as cne plate of a condenser. Judge Gary's hand served as the other plate. A gridglow relay, a recent Westing: house devel ted by telegraph line to the Westinghouse works at Newark, interrupted the ~| continuous 42.95 meter wave of the station there. The wave thus Inter- L rupted traveled by air to Pittsburgh, where it was picked up in the Westing- house works at Homewood, amplified, and transmitted by wire to the Home- stead mill. Acting through sensitive relays, the wave then set the gener- ator in motion, "It was sald the grid-glow tube ém- ployed in the de tion was prob- ably the most sensitive device of its kind perfected for practical use, The tube is a relay operated by a emall ycurrent. and controlling' a current of { much greater amplitude. The ord! used 'In electrical engl- neering have an amplifying power of about 10,000, but the tube will amplify 100,000,000 times. It requires about one-billionth of a watt for operation, or about one-fortiéth the energy ex- pended by a fly in Crawling upward one inch' In one second. "The Homestead mill is ove of the »" Fad' ' 7 -- Somme men put' business before pleasure; the wise: ones: put pleasure in: business: Mr. Casey Ci vad ay on To tinre, R ----------_t "He's 8 successful Sarmer* "Yes, ' he's sold his farm to a golt club." Jo make » parson win thing for bid it. 3 b 1 steel works operated by elec- tricity. No less than ten thousand carloads of mate: were. required to 'more than 100,000" horse-power, 61 cranes of from 6 to 275 tons lifting capacity, 8v miles of conduit for elec- tric wiring and 30,000 tons of struct- tural steel," re ire YEE . Customer--" Have you any whis- ky?" Drug Clerk--""No, but we have something just as bad." "Will you promise to marry me?" "No, but Id like to have an option on you till the end of the season!" San Francisco Chronicle: Politics make strange bedfellows, but they 'bunk; 'When electrify it, including 336 motors of | There is some' sifartty- between % 'megt|a surlous visitor hy =n the Be ue, and the Kiwanis Cup 1a the sesdiing Hass. Two years the 'Gladiolus Society a cup to be award ed to the best seedling gladiolus' of outstandiffig merit. This meant that the winner must be a better flower than any on the market at the present time, This stirred up a great deal of in- terest and the rivalry was very keen. Among those entered was one from far off New Zealand. In spite of the high caliber of the enterles, the Judges would npt make an award. The same thing happened at Petbrborough last year and although there was keen disappointment among the exhibtors, it stirred up their blood with the result that this year is going (o see the greatest struggle for this coveted ze. Besides the 225 classes for gladiolus, there are rumerous sections for asters, dahlias and dozens of other fall bloom- ing annuals and perennials. NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS There {8 no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones-- whether it be for the newborn babe or 'the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from oplates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Ont," says: --"We have three fine; healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish constipa- tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi cine Co., Brockville, Ont, Back to work so Boss--""What! soon?" Bill=-"Yes, sir, I gotta rest up from wy vacation!" . DREAESRE AR Minard's Liniment relieves Backache. Down the winding country lane walked a strange trio--a pretty and perfectly composed girl and two men ~--on whose faces could be perceived the influence of the green-eyed mon- ster. ago Hamilton Kiwanis Olub oftared to the Canadian | Suddenly a severe thunder. : the ) West Toronto 9 advantage an eatlier and better-q season. Order your fertiliser now. We Province, ' NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LTD. Ontario AGENTS W. in districts where we are not represented. London Observer (Ind.): At Wash: ington it rested with the United States to lay down the standard for capital ships. At Geneva it rests with Britain to lay down the standard for light cruisers. This follows both from Britain's own dependence on im- ported food and from the world-wide extent of /her Empire. Cruisers are the guaantees of communications and supplies alike, and Britain's needs de termine her requirements. = What: ever they may be, there can be no dis: pute as to th right of the United States to build up to the same level, How far she may care to exercise that right is, of course, a matter for her own people to decide, ---- Dear at Any Price. Bill to Make Boobs Cheaper in Ten: nessee.--Ashville (N. C.) paper. Gover ast THESE two pamphlets, prendre {rom uctual esperience Gov- Stament experts, contain Infomiation of genuine value on-any farm. Er Sserving Fruits and Vege tables iw <o Home' is & 46-page booklet particularly valuable Bt is time. olin goes. very th : hig ints every epartme: cannin ig) Yiciabless Jams, Jellies, pickles, tle the various meth It Sncun many y recommendations niente ful towards better fewer spoilage: Contalas 74 8 " flee ent recipes. Rabbits". hes the real. facts - i enlant th ies cul ar the chaners of in meat and pelts-- lly the best methods 1, eed day. b mar- fou, cur Over 500 other pamphlets on farming poo ri for the 192° fist, Fill in and mail this slip free to PUBLICATIONS BRANCH Department of Agriculture, Ottaws, Ontario, Please send me free pamphlets emt together with list of all fres pamphlets: storm came on. Li vividly an done of the men ci 2. a that he was frightened. "What dre you afraid of?" asked the other man coldly. "I'm as cool as can be," "Of course you are," snapped the first r. "And #t'I were alone 1 should be the same; but I'm afraid for 'Miss Marples in this lightning. She's soon get accustomed to the same | so attractive!" "What {s the new structure you have put up on the hill there?" asked of a: farmer. "Well," replied fhe farmer, "if I find a tenant gt It its a bungalow; if I don't, it's i " ' Headache Neuralgia Colds Pain Neuritis Toothache Rheumatism | | "Classifiod: Advertisements ANE ENTS, EITHER SEX -- WEEKLY oBASY sell Loo PALCO Mazo, to Paint. Sells on demonstra- lon, Free samples. P. A. LEF & CO, Alexandria, Ont. CANG F REReE EREE Boos. Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, otc. Write for © it to-day, mentionirg this paper. Ad Aneigy Jf ini? olla Cancer Hospital A Adan . Hikers. Take a bottle of Minard's in your kit bag. Relieves sore feet. gop i JUNZEDS S| mod CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario. --*1 ; am a tical nurse and | recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetablo Compoti to suffering women. For three months I was almost helpless and could not sit at the table long enovgn to drink a a cup of tea. Many a time my bus- carried me to bed; I would be 80 weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman suffering as I on t better after taking the Vegetable mpound, go he wentand got it for me. When had taken three bottles I was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When I feel any bearing-down pains I always take it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told Hang & a one about it. Any one wanting know more about Lydia E. Pekhins '» Vegetable Com ound, I will gladly, write to her, I can to re: ommend it for r fee) Lowe my life and stren, to it." -- Mra. Bowser, R.R. 1, Minesing, On Do you feel broksn-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? ou have this horrid feeling of fear which some= times comes to women when are not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's etable Compound is excellent to at such a time, It always hel if taken regularly arly ad persion. will reli relieve -- Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fot Lumbago DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | |

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