© from ©6137 Be "The output of Ue con- fe Sern fuetcuted ueasly oleh bat Stike 5 which was very satisfactory" 1 art hit of 1927 wae the rally of holesale prices in Many and June, ier a steady decline lasting 'more than. 8 year." 'During the last' week 'or' two there | many reassuring indica "sdtistactory business condi: most sections of the country. d trend noticeable a month a : ay Jo he Muiniatration, Employment' throughout the Do-| 'miujon -at the 'beginning of July, 'was 848. ithe highest on record. The Dominion Bureau of Statistics received repofts workers, or | 866 more than on Juae This in brought the index "number to 10 4, as compared with 205.9 in the préceding month, and with 303 7 at the beginning of July, 1926. General improvement was regjatered in ail industries except logging, which, Wie The Manitoba Free Press, in a report : Eaubilhod, sites oAhat urg o weeks very sul t : "progreas has been made by all 'grains. t Hel. Honsewifo--"Why don't you try : working it Jou are hungry?" Tramp--"I did once, madam, but it The publication' of the note from: ment. Stations 3 use the St. Lawrence Se point in other issues itn the United States, such as those the Prime Minister of Canada refusing raised by our tariffs or the drainage for the present to enter into negotia- tions over a convention for the execu- '(tion of the St. Lawrence waterway "canal controversy. And there have been fears lest. the United States gain too much control over Canada's, na: project is a sharp reminder that the, tional river highway, famous proposal is, 'after all, an in-| VIOW (ternational affair, It 'isa point which | seems 'sometimes to. be overlooked by the American proponents of the plan. 'When, after a long series of studles the extending back over many years, the second 'point engineering board fially brought in its favorable report at ithe end of last year, and when Mr. Hoover, a8. chairman of the American advisory | commission' on 'the economic and na- tional aspects of the project, had pre; sented thia report to the President with the recommendation that an agreement should at once be negotiat- 8, employing. £96,956. | government, | out the ed with Canada it Bestied that the | project dine hefty? od re support | of the West' and t except one thing--the opinion in Can- It was noticed that the reception of Mr. Hoover's report in Canada was not enthusiastic, Mr. King's Liberal government, which had just extricated itself from disaster, found its most solid support in Quebec Provinee, and | Quebec has consistently opposed a pro- ject which is thought to threaten "the Supremacy of /its chief city. It has even been argued thet the Canadian could not legally carry tion without the assent of the vi joint engineering board was divided as between the American and Canadian representatives, and that the Canadian 'advisory commission, unlike the SL ['American one, had failed to bring in its ; Bank Debits Increase n estimated that approxi- ) harvesters from eastern Canada an, the Pacific coast will be re- by Western Canada to garner r's crop, debits during the: first halt of}: rrent year were $16,018,000,000, mpared with $14,541,000,000 in nding period of 1926, an Tease 0.2 per cent. The advance Quebec and Ontario 19.5 per cent, and 11.5 Difficiilties were emphasized; report. Bi was sala that Ouarie could find tej 01 Se oe a much bet-| eavier crops than in 1926. railroads, which v 000° bushels of gras an annually trom the | . vorable. At the time Mont-, | real newspapers pointed out'that the The Bt. Lawrence canal is an inter natiohal 'project, containing the seeds |™® of 'difficulty which International pro- jects frequently do contain. When the Canadian advisory commission has reported we shall have a better under- standipg of their importance, but in the mean time we must not forget that this is a joint enterprise with an- -other nation and that in.prosecuting it the other nation's wishes will. always have to be studied. --N.Y. Herald- Tribune, | i pees Lonely Places pse themshere andth ere. High on a hill, * But 'halt revealed alm and serenely 3 ] flash uwittly ww, a onely spot - {Is unaware how fortunate {ts lot. ~ Wood Seaturgs 'only ¥ukow its charm nd mystery, ag definitely, No humas eve will ever all its "beauty When winter wraps the earth ~ In \ Tie wis of white, in forests call me through al, Th 2 the night, Midsummer moons oft point a finger ..« "Where A Nfted wing dlone firs sultry afr. Elle awake and, through the darkness, visions steal Of cliffs whose coolness human hands will never feel, The dawn intrigues me. 'Safe from alten view, : The modest. woodland flowers are filled with dew, The twilight 'hour which veils the | "flaming 'west, - {Enchants with thoughts of every hid- "den. nest. | and when rain falls I turn from near- by faces, {My heart goes. questink far {o Jonely places. ¥ --Kalfus Gurtz Gusling. meneame. A girl in Hamilton, Ont. has never been absent or tardy from school in 14 years. There's a girl who will 2 a-- 'A mixed metaphor is forgivable, but beware of slang.--Dr. J. Herbert . Principal of Erasmus High Canadian 'opinion seems to 'have been! wing more cautious. Since on atch after a full meal eves. on the speaker. "Art who?" Ante "I'm: going to 'get married, ma' am," said the 'colored ¢hore man. "You are?" '1 Hope it's & good match, Sam." "It's a fine fch, ma'am. Bhe has four houses." "Four houses. What kind?" "Where she does the washin', Mal eh "That nephews yours who has Just come: home from college----" we began. "She is so smart," replied Farmer Flumblegate, "that he shows symptoms of being able to make his own living even if he has been to col- lege." "Two men were having an argument as to 'their respective strength, "Why," said' the 'first, "every morning before breakfast I get a bucket and pull up 90 gallons of water from the well." "That's nothing," retorted the otter "1 get: 8; oat every morning and pull up 'the -- A man charged "with throwing a book at an official Ii a public library was dismissed with a caution. The trate evidently considered the library was: Tey 0 get. thé book back anyhow. First Tramp (reading .an old news- paper)--"Here's a story about a cove who did no work for thirty years." Second Tramp (wearily)--"0Oh, don't talk shop." Notice posted in. a Swiss hotel-- "Strange gentlemen will to, please not to dress for dinner," ®s this costume flutters the souls of the maid folk and no work is resulted. Fouled, Hum asked." NO BETTER MEDICINE Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Own Tablets. A medicine for the baby or. growing child-Lone that the mother can feel lassured 1s absolutely safe 'as well as efficient--is found in Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country, These mothers have found by actual experience that there is no other medicine for little ones to equal them. Once a mother has used them for her childrerNshe will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, Tancock Island; N.8., writes: "I have ten children, the baby being just six months old. I have used Baby's Own Tablets for them for the pakt 20 years and can.truthfully say that I'know of no better medicine for little ones. I always keep & box of advise gll other mo to do #0." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed up- on receipt of price, 25 cents per nox, by The Dr. Williams' Medi¢ine Co. Brockville, Ont. 3 etl, Mr. Tightfist--""And go you are the, noble fellow who rescued my wife from In front of the electric car at the risk of your lite? Take this am thing spot' where the groom had just fipish. 'cine. FOR LITTLE ONES Ridge; when, the Tablets in the house and would. Guns Replace Wedding ; Bo oS Rovizen Wedding ols || place of the conventional wedding | bells when Miss Viola Hamilton, of Oshawa, and Bert M. Robinson, of 'Edmonton, were married recently in front of the Banff. Gun Club House, The happy couple had plinned to be married in the evening but en- thusiastic marksmen attending the Alberta Trap shooting championships refused to be denied and fired volley after volley In honor of the couple, who drove immediately to the Banff Springs Hotel for their hosieymoon. The ceremony: took place on the very ed a ru of 25 straight targets. = WEAK AND NERVOUS| "The Condition of a P'. E. I. Lady 'Who Again Rejoices in Good Health "I can most heartily recommend Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills to all weak people," says Mrs. Augustin Arsen. ault, Wellington Station, P.E.I. ""Be- fore I began their use I was very weak and nervous. I had always worked hard, with no thought of my health, until suddenly my strength left me. I began to feel tired and de- pressed, and did not sleep well at night, feeling just as tired In the morning as when I went to bed at night. I began to feel di d when I would think of the work neces- sary for mé to do. I got some medi cine from the doctor whom I consult. ed, but it did not appear to meet my cise as I showed no improvement while taking it. 'Then a neighbor ad- vised 'me to try Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills and I got a supply of this medi 1 very soon found they were hélping me, and I' continued their use' until I was well again, and | bave been strong and well ever kince." Dr. Willlams' Pink Pilis do one thing--and do it well. They build wp, purify and enrich the blood, and as the blood supplies the whole body, new life is-given to the entirs system. Better sleep, steady nerves, finproved appetite, increased vigor--all these ean-be yours by taking Dr. Willinbs' Pink Pills. Begin to-day. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mall, post paid, at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. a A New Story of The Ypres Salient Told in "The | Battle Book" | Here i8 a little story of the Ypres Salient which probably few persons have ever heard: -- Only the Ladderiin the Way.. Dad~"You wait tovise:n lite, don't you, my boy? What's standing be-. tween you and the top of the ladder; ' I'd like to know?" Son" (sadly) -- "Only the dad." ladder, ere eerie. Minard's Liniment relleves Backache. "The fact that economy is being achieved for the future is no guaran- tee that excessive charges have been made in the past.,"--Winston Church- fll. "Are you a doctor?" she asked the young man at the soda fountain, "No, madam," he replied, "I'm just a fis. sisfan." Why Gum-Dipped | Mileage Costs Less "Per Mile' The demand from car owners for Fire. stone Gum-Dipped Tires has given | Firestone Dealers a large increase in | volume that enables them to sell these tires to you at the lowest prices in the history of the industry. The Firestone Balloon Tread, scien tifically designed three years ago; and unchanged today has the wear-resisting qualities that give thousands of extra miles. This tread must be placed on a carcass "In June, 1916, work had begin on the deep galleries that led ultimately | to the great mines under the Meseines | in the Petit Bois, and enemy blow destroyed 160 feet of the gallery, "Twelve men were entombed, and, the reserve party labored under great | difficulty for ten days to dreak out and | make & new gallery. When at last they got througiy they discovered the | bodies of the imprisoned® men, who | had collected near the block to listen for sounds of rescu¢ work, and had all been suffocated, as this point, hap- pening to be the lowest, was a pit of foul air. "But one man, a miner by trade; had stayed in a higher part of the gallery, and be was found alive. He owed his life to finding half a pint of water in a bottle, which he kept taking into his mouth and returning to the flask." This incident, with 200 pages of others, ig told in "The Battle Book of Ypres," compiled by Miss Beatrice Price, with the assistance of Lieut. General Bir William Pulteney, and a foreword by. Field-Marsial Lord Pl- mer, The volume is published "as a memorial book of. Ypres in furtherance of the aime of the Ypres League." No such record has been made be- solution which not only saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord, but unifies sidewalls with carcass, elimin- ating any possibility of + under the extreme flexing of low- 'The Firestone Dealer in tin your locality Dinping EE tread, Di other advantages Gum-Dipped Tires can give. See in today. FIRESTONE TIRE a) RUI OF CANADA LI Hamilton, -- MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tivestone co. ete tp -------- eer Firestone-Builds the Only Gum- Dipped Tires -------------------------------------------------- Headache Neuralgia Colds Pain Neuritis Toothache Les ety jE » gl Lp etter only. FE ie tion, : § oe Onta; I do not lke at all such trimming of a horse's tail. It reminds me of a woman with bobbed hair--King George V. 4 Girls want to marry men who are reliable, safe, and cautious. The aif ficulty is to get that type to propose. BOOK AN CEREREE SENTennRQUEST t to do Tells cause of cancer and wha for pain, blending, odor. odor, ete. o Wet fo Yor ¢ eos a Ser pols Canetr 1 Tavita Sin Campers. A reliable. firstaid remedy In the woods, for burns, bruises, cuts and wounds. yl 1" xn rd PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Hll-' ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetablg Colpound Barrington, N. S,~*T had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. . I would have to go to bed every oath and nothing would do me ood: 4 husband and my father di Bia worl for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in Ye Dajier about Lydia E. Pinkham's Yegetabh le Compound, and then got 8 little book about tron h the mail and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottl nd then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all my work and am able to go out around more. I tell my friends it tit ia Lydia E, Pinkbam"s Veg- ctable und that makes me feel sowell."" : VicTOR RICHARDSON, | Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. -- *'I took four bottles of Lydfa E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my pack and the weakness from which I suffered for five years after my boy was born, After taking the Vegetable Compound and usin; Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it."-- Mrs. F.JOHNECN, 4 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. © Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Lumbago + Rheumatism "DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART"