~ FRIDAY SATURDAY 10 pound Granulated Sugar... ...... 0. ii 14.1.2 tins for 27e. B Harvest Raspberry Jam 8's glass ......55¢c. # Robertson's Marmalade ........12 oz 23¢c. @ H. P. Sauce, per bottle ...............26c. "Aunt Dinah Molasses, small ..........11c. Superior Coffee .........1's 65¢c. %'s 33c., Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes .-.2 for 2lc. Post Bran Flakes ..............2 for 26c. Bulk Rolled Oats ...:::.....41bs for 2c: Bassitt's spidci Alleria, p por Hh, Crown Jars ....small $1.05 'medium $1 Extra Heavy Rubber Rings ....8 dozen 2 Heavy Zine Rings, per dozen dae 19 "CIOL, Luis viata viv vis « caDOT Bottle 82. Parowax ............. .... 004.2 for 25¢ § Whole Mixed Pickling Spice ....per 1b 29¢. § Choice Pickling Vinegar, per gallon . ...45¢. P.&G. Soap .......c..i.u....B bars 25c. Castile Soap ..............7 bars for 25c. Superior Pekoe Tea ......1's 65¢c. %'s 83c. Superior Orange Pekoe Tea .......%'s 40c. Kraft Cheese Wadia niewus Mecduper 1b 38e. Sweetheart Peanut Butter, toy pail .. Sherriff's True Vanilla, 1% oz ........28¢c. Oxo Cubes, small 12¢......... +. 23c. . large 2bc. Mack's No-Rub ........: Hawes Floor Wax Liquid Veneer .......4 oz 3c. Gillex, (cash and carry) . Bulk Soap Chips... ......: "visas +2 0f0T 250; vise sade le AD tin 480: 12 oz. 43c. era 340 2 bs for 2c. Extra Value in Brooms, 5 strings Cinna 436; JAMES McKEE & SON § Superior Store, St. Charles Building, Port Perry. Motor Truck Service I have purchased a new truck, and am prepared to do ftrniture moving, and all kinds of trucking. Prompt and careful service given. I. TURNER, The Best the Meat Market Affords Cheap for Cash _Phone Your Orders for Quick Delivery fo Cawker Bros. PRIZE WINNERS AT S8SCUGOG RURAL SCHOOL FAIR Potatoes--@ Irish Cobblers--Fred Jackson, Clifford Red Hatchi Port Perry Onion--any variety named--Fred Jackson, Ivah Milner, Viola Cherrie, Vera Clark, Earl Clark, Hattie Shunk P kin, any variety--Lillian Fra- Ajemian, Tillie Lee, Raymond Fralick Potatoes--Peck Irish Cobblers Herbert Sweetman, Milton Demera Lenn Hance, Fred Jackson, Raymond Fralick. Potatoes--6 Green Mountains-- Margaret Crosier, Milton Demera. Potatoes--Peck Green Mountains-- Margaret Crosier, Amaza Sweetman. Sheaf of Oats--Marjorie Milner, Victor Alldred, Cecil Fralick, Milton Demera. Sheaf of Barley--Ivah Milner, Alan Aldred. Sheaf of Wheat--Ralph Milner, Alan Aldred, Lillian Fralick, Milton Demera, John Hardy. Corn--3 ears Golden Bantam--Les. Burton, Milton Demara, Della Lee," Lenn Hance. Mangels, 3 giant white sugar-- Alan Aldred. Mangels, any variety named-- Amaza Sweetman, Victor Aldred, Alan Aldred, Herbert Sweetman, - Turnips--3 Canadian Gem---Milton Demers, Leonard Hope, Nellie Lee, Viola Cherrie. is y variety, named-- Turnips--an; - Milton Demera, Lavern Martyn, Earl Carter, Tillie Lee, lick, Lavern Martyn. Apples--5 Snows--Luella Plough- man, Cecil Fralick. Apples--b5 Spy--Raymond Fralick, Roy Hope, Luella Ploughman: Apples, Fall Variety--Lenn Hance, Margaret Crozier, Lillian Fralick, Audrey Hood, Luella Ploughman, Alan Aldred, 6 Apples--Winter variety--Luella Ploughman, Lillian Fralick, Alan Ald- red, Lavern Martyn, Victor Aldred. Pears, any variety--Luella Plough- man, Lavern Martyn. Tomatoes, any variety -- Audrey Hood. Cosmos--Viola Cherrie, Roy Dods- ley, Marjorie Milner, Hatchig Aja- mian, Ralph Milner, Ivah Milner. Asters--Viola Cherrie, Geo. Dods- ley, Lillian Fralick. Zinnias--Viola Cherrie, Jno. Hardy, Milton Demera, Jennie Leighton, Lavern Martyn, Vera Clark. Calendula--Viola Cherrie, George Ferrier, Roy Hope, Della Lee, Mixed Flowers--Victor Aldred, Les| Burton, Jennie: Leighton, Norman | Phone 152 | Pint Jelly--Jennie Lolitas Canned Raspberries--Marjorie Mil- ner, Ivah Milner, Vera Clark. Hemstitching-----Vera Clark, Mar- jorie Milner. Hand-made Tea Towel by girl un- der 10--Clara Hardy, Lorna Dawson. Fancy Needlework--Vera Clark, Hattie Shunk. 4 ; Scrap Book--Jennie Leighton, Vera Clark. Collection Insects--Jennie Leighton Collection Weeds--Jennie Leighton Writing, 4th class--Jennie Leigh- ton, Audrey Hood ,Vera Clark, Della- Phone 213, Port Perry|'« Writing, 8rd class--Margaret Cros- ier, Nellie Lee, Lillian Fralick. Writing, 2nd class--Lorna Dawson. Writing, 1st class--Clara Hardy. Carrot, in crayon--Lorna Dawson, Jean Hood, Pen and ink drawing--Margaret Crozier, Lillian Fralick. Health Poster, water colors--Viola Cherrie, Jean Hood. Bow and Arrow--Raymond Fralick Howard Lee, Barred Rock Burton. Barred Rock Pullet--Harold Bur- ton. Barred Rock Trio--Audrey Hood, Glen Hood, Lavern Martyn, Victor Aldred. White Leghorn Trio--Grace Mark. Pair Rabbits--Jennie Leighton, Jno Hardy. Pair Dawson. Beef Calf--Alan Aldred Lamb -- Raymond Fralick, Cecil Fralick. Public Speaking, boys -- Raymond Fralick, Victor Aldred. Flower Judging, girls -- Audrey Hood, Vera Clark, Maizie McArthur, Viola Cherrie, Jennie Leighton, Parade and Drill--1st, S. 8. No. 2, 2nd, 8. 8. No. 8, 8rd, 8. 8. No. 1. School Art Exhibit--S. S. No. 1. School Writing Exhibit--1st, 8. 8. No. 8, 2nd, S. S. No. 1. ee QQ Cockerel--Harold Pigeons--Glen Hood, Earl ronto. Miss Madge th of ons University, Kingston, called 'on "Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Crozier, recently. = Miss A. Thompson is at Queens- ville, visiting with her sister, Mrs. White, who is quite ill. Mrs. Day with Mr. and Mrs. Those Barrett for a few days last week. A number from here attended the Oshawa Fair last week. rate) eens. MYRTLE STATION = _ Miss Vera Cook has returned home after holidaying. in Toronto and De- troit. The Thank Oftering services will be held in Myrtle United Church on October 2nd. Service in the atfer- * noon at 2.30 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. Mr. Dyer of Greenbank. Green- bank choir will also give the music in the afternoon. Service in the evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Bick of Hampton will preach. Brooklin male quartette will assist with the music, : Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hughson and son of Michigan have been visiting Mrs. J. Hughson. The League re-opened 'their meet- ings last week; on Tuesday evening, with Mr, Elmer Cook In charge this week. The school children are making: great preparations for the Brooklin School Fair which will take place on September 30th. Mrs. F. L. Brown entertained the Ladies' Aid of Manchester, Raglan, Prospect and Myrtle, last Wednesday afternoon. A fine program was list- ened to in the house, afterwards a splendid tea was served on the spac- ious lawn which was beautiful with flowers. Watch for the date of the Chicken Pie Supper to be held at Bethel Church (near Shirley) under "the auspices of the Shirley Women's In- stitue. Particulars later, tie (Yims A CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN. * Bowmanville is staging a clean-up campaign, beginning with the redeco- rating of the Post Office. The tourists have brought large. sums of money in Bowmanville and: the town is endeavouring to make the town more attractive in 11928. © rere QQ Ferre PUT LIGHTS ON VEHICLES : 3. A. HETHERINGTON CHIROPRA 'of Whitby, visiting at the home of "In. Port Perry on. Se 4 'Wed nesday and Friday, from 8 to 8 pm. and by appointment. DR. J. A.MURRAY : DENTIST Office upstairs in Block Lebnard Hours 9 a.m. to 6 pam. Phone 93 PORT PERRY - ONTARIO THE EIGHTH sry Mr, Wm. Bowles and Mr. Wm Par- rot deservé credit for the good job they made in building the bridge over| the Nonquon, on the 8th concession. Mrs, Ethel Mitchell visiting with relatives in Manchester recently. / Mr. and Mrs. J. Desmond of Sagi- naw, also Mr. and Mrs. T. Desmond, Wm. Bowlés, on Sunday, Mrs. Wm. Bowles and son Martin have returned home after an' ex- tended visit with Mrs. B. MacKinnon, of Detroit. ) : 'Mr. Starr called on Oshawa friends recently. % Mr. Harry Willis and sisters Ethel f and Amy, also Mr. Thompson and family, called. on'Mr, Victor Willis Bunduys Ea | 1) § SACU BAUE LIST OF ONTARIO COUNTY RURAL SCHOOL FAIR, DATES: Brougham = Jy, Voy i nl anh Pickering i... ivi aly 28th Oshawa esi Brooklin .. Greenbank ; A Pertinent Question A woman, no longer in the blush 1 of her first youth, was trying toover-|" come the reluctance of a little girl to retire for the night. "Being six years old," she said, "you should 80 to bed at six. When you are seven|q you will be able to sit up till seven{' and when you are eight you can keep awake till eight.' The child gazed thoughtfully, with] & mental arithmetic look at the kind- x face, with its crown of grey hair and remarked, . "Then 1 suppose you) never go to bed at ale? 5 AFTER OCTOBER 1st. Beginning October 1st all vehicles using the highways at night must carry lights and all cars equipped with four-wheel brakes must display in the rear a small trianglar brake sign that has been { We have a Tage assortment of ane are popular. now,