'Miss Hazel Coc pointed L n at the Public Lib-: rary in place of Miss Francis Mellow, after ,, Who has gone to Toronto, : We 'Penhall ms spending, aw Oshawa Mrs. T. W. McLean will not receive week. . until 'November. Mr. John Thompson, of Meaford, 18 visiting with friends in this locality. Mr. Elmer Mitchell, of Toronto, , was in town for the week ed. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Christy and Miss Francis Christy spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. 8. Farmer is in Ottawa at- tending the Provincial W. C."T. U. Convention as Ontario County . repre- sentative. The Raymore Mfg. Company had a good exhibit of their products at the Lindsay Fair. Latest reports regarding the condi- tion of Mr. Peter Christie are more favorable. Miss Marion Bradley is in Toronto at present. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jackson, of ' Canton, Ohio, have been visiting with friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Schell, ronto, are visiting in town. Dr. Duncan Campbell, of Stamford, N. Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. D. Campbell. Mrs. M. F. Boudreau, of Montreal, spent a few days with Mrs, F. C. Taggart. of To- (eins . APPLES FOR SALE Fall cooking apples for sale. Apply to Frank Dowson, Hillside Dairy, Phone 282J. Orders taken for winter apples. eer metas W. M. 8. RALLY The W. M. 8S. Rally will be held in the United Church next Wednesday, October 12th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Earle, returned missionary from China will be here to give an account of the work that is being done over there. Mrs. Earle is a sister of Mrs. Langley, who addressed the W. M. S. Rally last year and who was so highly appre- ciated by those who were fortunate enough to hear her. Everybody come and bring a friend with them. nO ---- A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT Mr. E. Edgar, an Indian of Scugog, Island, met with a terrible pecident while assisting at threshing at Mr, Geo. Hood's last week. Edgar was standing "at the front of the grain , mow when a sheaf gave way under his feet and he fell on top of the threshing machine striking his arm and breaking it so that the bone stuck out at the elbow. He then fell farther and broke his pelvic bones. The victim was rushed to Oshawa hospital. Latest reports are that he is doing as well as can be expected, Dm. and Mrs. McLaurin, spent the week end with J. W. Burnham. Hope a few days last week. "Mrs. Geo. Jackson was in Toronto last week. 0. nt ree YO Qe POSTPONED Owing to the very severe storm last Thursday evening, the Confederation Programme which was to have been given by the W.M.S., assisted by the Mission Circle and Mission Band, of the United Church has been postponed until Thursday of this week. il ni PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday Oct. 9th--11 a.m. subject, "A Virile Christianity." '8 p.m. Sun- day School; 7 p.m. subject, "Counting the Cost." Monday evening, Oct. 10th at 8 p.m. The Young People's. Society, all the young people of the United Church are urged to rally to these Monday evening meetings. Prince Albert Church Sunday School at'2 p.m. Preaching .at 8 pm, : Friday evening, Oct. 7th, Chicken Pie Supper and program. - Saini ane TO LET Four beautiful bright warm rooms, electric lights, cistern and sink, good cellar. Apply at Star Office. nen Oia FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Frame house, central location, in good repair, Port Perry, Ont,, Phone 210 et LOST At the Port Perry Fair, in Ladies' Tent, a linen towel, hand embroider- ed in colors. Finder please notify Mabel Somerville, Phone 227, Port Perry. im A) Qieminnimnlt BAZAAR The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold their an nual Hallowe'en Bazaar on the even--- ing 0 of f Fridan, October 28th. i po! operant Real Estate Transfer Mr. Harold Archer has bought the "Willard Block" from Mrs. Chas. A. Rundle. Mr. Archer intends to remodel the building and says that he will make it one of the best garages this side or Toronto. He retains the present place of business, and will carry on there as usual. PORT PERRY. DOMINION STORE New Fall and Winter Goods We wish to announce to the Public that we have a full line of Fall and Winter goods, absolutely first quality, which have been bought very carefully, so that we may be able to sell at reasonable price. It will pay you to call at the Port Perry Dominion Store and see our high quality goods at low prices and save money. Here are a few Bargains Men's Felt Hats, latest style, Men's Good Sweaters Good 'Overalls, only $1.49 Men's Fine Suite, ats Seasonsble price Good Socks at pe! Ladies' Fall Hats, Beautiful shades, only | ham House Dresses . annel, beautiful shades, only Ladies' Crepe de Chene Dresses, to clear at . Ladies® Gi Pure Wool Pig! nice Shoes you will come to our store . . 2b. $2. 95 .. $10.95 $2.85 you will find many bargains. Apply to Ben Bushby, # Era ad pobbly Lo speaks as one having -- or Secretary Tramurer of the Ra; mpany. 1 "wish to emphatically dispute these statements. I acknowledge the fact that some writs were issued 'through some disputes arising over some sceounts which no sane person woud pay, in which we thought them t, however, an agreement was _ reached and these accounts set- tled, therefore there are no judgments " against the Raymore Mfg. Company. 1 therefore wish to say that the Ray-}- more Mfg. Co. is well able financially to handle their business. As to Mr. Hunt running the Raymore Mfg. Co., I wish to say that this is untrue. Mr. Hunt is merely Supt. of the plant. I wish to further state as to his having failed several times is absolutely false. Trusting that this letter will square any doubt in your mind. I am, Yours very truly, . J. J. BLAKE, Sec'y-Treasurer. r--O Orne PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, M Owing to anniversary pi at Utica there wil be no service in St. John's Church on Sunday, Oct. 9. Sunday School at 38 Prayer service on They at 7.80} p.m. Y. P. 8. on Monday, at 8 p.m. Anniversary This. on October rd at 11 am. and 7 pm. Rev. H. W. Hare, of Beaverton, will preach. Breadalbane Church, Utica. Anniversary Sarvices on Oct. 9th. at 11 am. and 7 po conducted by Rev. W. B. Mitchell, of Ashburn. On Tuesday, Oct 11th a supper and con- cert will be held. reese DIED In Manvers Township, on Wednes- day, September 28th, 1927, James Gray, in his 80th, year. pa "At Port Perry, on Thursday, Sept. 20th, 1927, Alexander R. MacDonald, aged 69 years. Mr, MacDonald was a resident of Epsom. Interment was made at Utica Presbyterian Cemetery on Saturday, October 1. L Rzd g ol | 5 RE puny i g 8 : i pazes fi "~~ 32 ste i | Alix" Gilboord, Phone AT, Port Perry [ WANTED--Gir for light house work. severely from exposure. 3 ete Ofrememin Public School Teachers Meet at Port Perry. The South Ontario Teachers' Asso- ciation will meet in convention in the auditorium of the High School on Thursday and Friday, October 18th. and 14th. * An interesting programme of educational topics will be piesent, ed with a representative of the De- partment of Education presenting a part, The public are cordially in- vited to attend these meetings. bcos YP eb = LOST : On Saturday night Goodyear bal- loon tire and rim, size 29x4.40, hear Gerrow's Bakery. Finder please leave at Star Office. 1 lpg PUBLISHED IN OUR NEXT ISSUE The prize list for Port Perry School Fair arrived just as we were getting ready to print, and will be published in our next issue, LE Se CONGRATULATIONS Mr. 'Frederick 'Bamforth, M. A. PhD, son of Rev. R. Bamforth, of Peterboro, has this sunimer completed his Doctorate course in mathematics at the University of Chicago, and has been appointed to the staff of that department. --Peterboro Examiner. ka HIGH SCHOOL NOTES -- Port Perry High School Softball' team played a game with Uxbridge High School team last week. This was the second game with that team. In the first, the score was 9-7 in favor of Uxbridge, and in the second 9-8 in favor of the same team. They were both seven innings games, Port started the game well making good hitting but Uxbridge kept up form till the last with the resultant vic- tories. Haye you heard of the Invincibles, '| the Dreadnaughts and the Flying Eagles? A. B. and C. ...... What? . The big event is our Field Day on October 12th, Then you'll see red and white at their best. What a glorious scrap there will be between McMillan, Rundle, Harris, Nasmith, Palmer, ete. Somebody is going 'to 'win. Watch for the dark: horse. The girls have a lot of stars, too, and will make a great showing in soft ball. Watch our friends from the country. They are in fine form. Uxbridge High School will bring over a girls' and a boys' soft ball team for the occasion. The sport will be run off at the Fair Grounds, and the pub- lic are cordially invited: ;Date--Wed- nesday, October 12, Hour 1.30 p.m. ee" Rev. Mr. Loulace Loulace will occupy the pulpit here on. Sunday next. Mrs. L. Roach and 'Arnold spent| the week end in Whitevale. Mr. Wm. Holtby of London is visit- ing with his sister Mrs. H, 0, Dobson, Miss Edna McKee spent last week with friends in Lindsay. Mrs. Barrett and Miss Alethea, in ; Toronto, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Collins, Mrs. 2 Day, Mr. Lorne Fielding, Port Perry, called on Mr.-and Mrs. T. Barrett, one evening this week. Mrs. A. Wallace visiting with friends in the village last week. ~ ° Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Weeks, of Oshawa, called on Mrs. Ed. Barrett, "her niece, ~~ x CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Matins and sermon at 11 a.m. Sun- day School at.3 pm. Thursday, Evensong at 7.80. Choir practice at 8 pm, Monday--Young-People's Guild at 7.830 pm, Saturday--Y. W. A. at 416 pm, J 8 S| = PROPERTI FOR is is i gf ik 4 i Eg 5 : ih Hat i § i 3 i J ; i t lg ot i h i : oo g g i | or of 53 ac Ee is ii oi reading. If Your Eyes 'are e readin 'have them examine See me 'office in the Leonard Bl THURSDAY, GCTORER W. A. HARE Optometrist OSHAWA: 8 King Street West LIME L WOOD | PORT ERI / YOUR NEXT WINTER'S COAL WILL COST % YOU LESS IF-You ORDER NOW. : "Have you placed your order for your next Winter's STi 5 EE eros Mopar thug to 5 wn. At present wu lave 8 > SCRANTON COAL in STOVE, NUT and PEA sises. SOLVAY COKE, in NUT and FURNACE siseg. _ STEAM COAL--Fresh Carload just received. 3 CEMENT and ih my have Stes well '» a EE known 8 s also 8 now, ; PORT PERRY ue surtene D W. CG. W. PYATT Phones: Yard , Uptown Offies 8