a 1% i as h border all 'around, made of e oilcloth, with pretty damask tern. Price each $1.00 Inlaid Linoleum Rugs ents we have real English Tus icloth in the new de- signs and colorings. Price $2.25. "Plain English Broadcloth Shirts in White, Tan, or Blue, with one sep- arate collar. - Price $2.00 Boys' Broadcloth Shirts in Fawn, Blue or White with collar attached. Price $1.45 Men's Tweed Caps $2.00 'Bought from a wholesale clothing house and extra value for the price. reasonable for quick ssale. Full pos- session can be given this fall if de- { sired. Phone 189 11, Port Perry. : Simon "EASTER LILY BULBS FOR BALE Easter Sunday comes on April 5, 1928. Try growing your own Easter Lilies. Watch them grow. Bulbs 8bc each or 8 for $1.0. or already potted at 45¢ each or 8 for $1.25. Wm, Ettey, Prince Albert. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 21, Con. 18, Township of Reach, half mile west of Seagrave Station. First class clay loam, good hiproof barn, stone stables, large hog pel and implement shed. Good house, 2 good wells and a runni stream through the pasture. About 150 acres, 86 under cultivation. Balance in timber and pasture. A real good dairy and grain farm. For particu- lars apply to John H. Brown, 96 Glen- lake Ave., Toronto. (June. 6981W, or W. J. Rogers Sonya. ERATE (4, | SA] LIMITED NUMBER OF LEGHORNS AT $1.00 EACH This is a splendid opportunity for farmers to purchase a real foundation flock of choice hens. Yearlings are a much better proposition than pullets hatched later than May. The afore- said leghorns have a record produec- tion of 60% from May to Sept. 1st. Apply Cliff Coulter, Port Perry. 8 ------)O------ HOUSE FOR SALE The property of the late F. G. Mec- "Clintock, on Perry street, Port Perry, consisting of double lot on which is Oct 20 The League of Nations has adopted hibited and that every pacific means must be employed to settle disputes of every description which may arise between states." It begs the states] which are members of the League to '¢onform to the principles thus enun- ciated. > FOR SALE Sow and nine small pigs. © Apply to Star Office. DR. J. AAMURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Bloek Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 98 PORT PERRY ONTARIO J. A. HETHERINGTON CHIROPRACTOR In Port Perry on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, from 8 Yo 8 p.m. and by appointment. Dr. J. A. Mathers Physician and Surgeon A Coroner in Ountarie. Ofice, Queen Bt, Port Perry. Bell Phone 17 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to 6 pm. Office over McKee's Shee Store. W. J. COOK Real Estate Bex 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis- factorily bought, sold and ex- this resolution "that all wars of ag-| gression are and always shall be pro-| christian dresses the par- ticulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the Rature af 'the securities (if any) held b and that after the . doy Inst by the, the said Stella V. McKee oil proceed to distribute the asets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled theerto having* regard only to such claims of which notice shall I hve been ven as above Taqu uired, and the said tella V. McKee will not be liable for the said assets or any part A to any person or ns of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by Harris & Harris at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this 24th day of Septeutbor AD. 1 1027, ARRIS 8 SARIS, Port Perry, Ontario, Solrs, for John P bid McKee ets, and Isabel Adelaide McKee Est. TROUSERS ARE STOLEN WHILE OWNER SLEEPS Oshawa, Oct. 2<-More than $150.00 in cash and clothing, including a fur coat and other valuable articles, were taken by thieves, who, at an early hour Saturday morning, entered the home of F. E. Cawker, local butcher, and F. H. Babcock, 89 Wilkenson Ave. In both cases entry was made by the dining room windows. At the home of Mr. Cawker the thief or thieves became so daring that they entered the bedroom in which Mr, Cawker was sleeping and took his trousers, which were on a chair near the bed, containing from between $160 and $180 in cash. r-- Ga INDUSTRY FOR UXBRIDGE Uxbridge people are being asked to subscribe $25,000 to induce a company (to be styled the "Rri-Ice Company) to locate in Uxbridge. Five hundred men are said to be required to rum J Lin leum Rugs, the ground- ork lai En d with bg blue effect, 'and fancy inlaid with gre border. - Sizes: 3 x 3%, 3x4. house, garage, stable and hen pen. 0 reasonable terms. | thi + For particulars apply to Frank Hor- Shang 3 select from. this business, top, Port Perry, Phone 190-3. Bell Phone 120 r 2 sept 8 tf. a. You should order your day, October 12. They have secured Miss Fallowdown of Sunderland, elo- NO vv. cutionist and a good play will be put See our attractive on by the young people of Nestleton. li o f ine OVERCOATINGS We have special lines in blues and greys, also in fancy tweeds. We will be pleased to have you Choice of light tweeds. Caps are t lined with satins in suitable shades. Price $2.00 4 ------i rnesenne CHICKEN PIE SUPPER AT SHIRLEY The Shirley Women's Institute will hold a chicken pie supper on Wed Prices: $18. 00 to $2000 | Boys' and Men's Overcoats G i We are now showing our line of ye: ' i men's winter overcoats. This in- - . COMING! Pot i" cludes Tweeds and the popular |§ Per. as been torino in se 81 78 700 50 PONS 0, : Navy Chinchilli and Whitney cloths Toronto's able eyesight special- We Do All Our Own Work. i All sizes and popular | prices. ; $1 50 Ib. Ret ist to be at his store, Thursday, ning and Pressin October 20th. Don't forget the Clea 9 Done. " date. F. E. LUKE HEADS ROYAL COMMISSION Mr, Justice MacLean, president of : the Exchequer Court of Canada, September Delineator 25 Ofiomsuisie W, 3 I. Rodman as em r elineatior C. i 168-167 Yonge St., Toronto erchan allor and report upon all matters relat- Bu son' ing to the fishing industry in the FE I tterick Quarterly 25c. apa Crposiie Si iat Over Tel. Office Port Perry| Masitime Provinces. ¥ TNT gi ] PORT PERRY Every il PICTURE HOUSE | Tuesd'y "TOWN HALL Thurs. Adults 25c. ozo Children 15¢. | Saturd'y Tuesday, Oclober 11th The great character drama A wl RCT a or Ly White for Bread. The aes Ha daily. Our customers are » Try it: be convinced. ntly with the Galt to ave the GEORGE SIDNEY