I. THE RETURN oF ELIJAH, 1-19. II, THE CONTEST AT CARMEL, 20-39, IIL. THE SENDING OF RAIN, 40-46, » 1 UCTION--The death of Sol: AE a vs of ot oF Sol co! establishment of the north- ern of Israel, took place | 984. This kingdom includ- the twel ten of lve of Israel, and covered the whole of eastern Pal- estine and central and northern por- Sons of Jreshgr, Palestine. It was much larger, r and more popu- lous than the of J , in !which the descendants of David con- But its kings had ge of the warm at- tachment and loyalty of their ple, hoa 8s had the kings of Judah who in- herited the great traditions of David and Solomon. The sanctuaries of and Dan, which Jerobo, ur- ished with images of Jehovah in the form of golden bulls, had an evil influ- ence upon minds of the people, while at the temple in Jerusalem the 70 of Jehovah remained com- paratively pure and free from idol- atry. The consistent testimony of the historians is that the kings of Israel Wre not good men, They "did evil in sight of the Lord, and walked in way of Jeroboam and in his sin wherewith he made Israel to sin." Omri, the father of Ahab, came to the Spans of | atl: as she founder of 2 new y about year 'B.C. 887. He appears to have been strong and capable ruler, and left to his son a prosperous kingdom, holding an the Phoenicians. Ahab married a Phoenician [rincess, Jezebel, a daughter of Hthbaal, king of the Zid- onians. This able and energetic wo- man brought her god, the Baal of | and a hy go | Elijah prays (vs. 36-37) that the Lord will vindicate his claim to be a true oEavphet, and will assert his own rightfdl authority as Israel's God, that the heart of the e may be 'turned to him in. "Then the fire lof the Lerd fell" Whether we at- RE a SE A ng, or otherwise, rly | 'to be understood here as a miracle. of | divine er and an answer to the prophet's. prayer. .. The are | convinced, and fall u their faces lin fear and worship, ' ITI, THE SENDING OF RAIN, 40-46. The deed of blood which followed Elijah's victoy cannot be justified , from our Christian point of , but It was characteristic of the people and ; the times, And now the drought was i broken, and there was "abundance of rain." | par > . 'Training Farms { might not prove as popular as her old ways of cooking the bird. Then comes the difficulty of getting tried recipes. Here are a few for her assistance. Hot Chicken Loaf. Clean and disjoint a chicken and simmer it in enough\ water to cover, until the meat is tender but not fall- ing from the bones. Remove from the broth, pick the meat from the 'bones, discarding all skin and gristle, and cut it into pleces not larger than .1an inch across. If this preparation is made the day before the loaf is to be baked, strain two cupfuls of the broth over the meat, cover, and set aside in a cold place so the chicken will not dry out. When ready to , strain oft the broth. 2 Pull the inside of a loaf of bread into coarse crumbs and put a layer of the crumbs into a well-buttered_ bak- ing dish. Dot generously with butter Show Progress Review of British = Work Shows Two Centres Sent Near 900 London--A review of the work of a and cover with a layer of chicken. { Sprinkle. with. salt and pepper, a few gratings of onion and a little minced parsley, using two tablespoonfuls of parsley for the whole dish. Alternate the layers of crumbs and chicken, hav- ing crumbs on top. Bring the chicken broth to a boll, pour over the loaf, i British "training farms reveals appre- | clable progress. At the Brandon and j Claydon farms 000 men have com- | plated their courses and have gone | overseas, with the exception of 12 men, There are 222 now undergoing training. Of the 900 only one or two exceptions failed to give Very satis- and 'bake in a hot oven at least 45 minutes, until the dish is heated { through and the top is golden brown. Chicken Paprika. Digjolnt enough fowl to weigh 3% pounds. Sift together: 1% cupful of flour. % teaspoonful of salt and 1 tea- spoonful of paprika. Roll the pieces Se : : fry fn deep hot A frying basket helps grea serving the shape. Serve hot ; chicken gravy or with a thin white sauce to which: has been ; chopped to sult the t Crumbed and. Baked Chicken,. After the chicken Is cleaned, split| it open at the back and flatten it out. Season inside and out with salt, Fast. 'en wings and legs in place with skew- ers, then the chicken in a bak- ing pan, le down. Pour 1 cupful of hot water into the pan after rub- bing a layer of soft butter over the fowl and sprinkling it with finely-sift- ed' bread crumbs. Brown delicately In a hot oven, then:cover with another pan and let the meat simmer until tender 'in reduced heat. A young chicken will require about % of an hour, but a roasting fowl will take about twice as Jong. The bottom of the pan must be kept covered with water. When the-ghicken ds:done, Hft it out and. add enough water in the pan to make about a cuptul of lguor, Thicken with flour in the usual man. ner, season with salt and pepper and | sorve the'gravy from a. gravy boat. - "Creole Chicken Cook for about § minutes 14 of a shallot, finely chopped, in 4 table- spoonfuls of butter. Lacking a shal lot, % of a small onion may be used. Blend 'with the buter 5 tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until the flour is well: fel has gathers at the shoulders, a vestes and orlloped collar. The long sleeves | are wrist-bands, 4 ed with buttons at the. ronti No. 1 is in sizes 36, 88, 40, 42 and 44 inche bust. If the dress is made of one material only, size. 88° requires; 3% yards 80-inch, or 8% yards bd<inch material. Vi "A and B, size 88; require 8 yards 39-inch, or 2% yarde "Do full details may as yet, it can be the Federal Department will have % display that will comprehensively| show every phase of the agricultural Memon of Canada. 3 on partment means London Reports i k Upward : 40 Cha for Mont to make this show:a past of the Del 7. 30 i stessd for fonts minion: Jubilee Celebsation, marking F a real progress in Canadian agricul: on.--There 18 a strong demand = ture. The Royal of 1927 promises to | this week for grain carrying ships ex- - stand out in history. +. | |Montreal. " Since.last wook upward of: Important Improvement. hal Vesicls have bavh Shiro for ' © The: housing of the Royal Winte| this routs, and in view of the hig crop. Falr, thanky lagely to the Federal] 30 dominution is the demend - o> and Ontario governments, will be on |Pected, as Canada is momen! 2 bw a scale that will astonish those who |001Y rain exporting country of lm- have patronized this national event in | POTtan: a i the past. No longer are the cattle,| Tho rates B10 LulioF, Beit tmlich sheep or swine to be shown fn sur-| and October. Somewhat surp r 8 roundings 'that discourage both the le bulk demand for Jossals for ---- visitor and the breeder. The magnif.| tinental account. The He fob Su oént new buildings are a credit both | WerP an 2 Digan thet che. a to all: Canada and the "Royal" and | a coms higher than t figure. a wii' do much to encourage the ex: ng hibltor of pure bred strains, + - (Also some ghatteing for a 7.508 = Another inauguration of the Royal | Bremen av 17 son pg tor ue Medl- _. | Winter: Fair, and one that should | tervanean for heavy grain at 31 cents. prove popular with the cattlebreeden | a \ Ta Thondociaton, arHved at by the af A "NEW GAME Read This Out to the Children rectorate 'on the suggestion of the Honourable Mr. Motherwell, that only Bits of paper are distributed among the boys and girls, on which you have tested cattle may be shown. This is at once a safeguard to those cattle: written 'the following simple ques. tions: ha 1 men who have taken advantage of the What ts your favorite food? browned. Pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, % of a' cupful each of chicken stock and strained stewed tomatoes. Cook until thickened, then season, With 1 teaspoonful of lemon Juice, 3 of a teaspoonful of salt and % of a teaspoonful of pepper. Cut into small cubes enough cooked chick: en to make 13; cupfuls and turn the meat into"the top of a double boiler. Pour tie sauce over the chicken and leave it to stand at least 15 minutes over hat water So the meat will absorb some of the sauce, -- A Window Arrangement | The writer recently saw at the home of 'a. friend an interesting window. ar- rangement. This friend lives in. an apartment 'and the bedroom is very dark, being next to another tail build. ing, yet the room. itself is. actually aglow with sunlight and color, due to the artistic arrangement of the. drap- ery. The window is the average size, and next to the glass a very neat pattern in net is used, hanging straight from the top, with just a little fullness. The side draperies are of plain yellow Tyre, with her, and Ahab built a faction to the employers In Canada temple and an altar for this Baal In| and Australia. This success encour- dis capltal city of Samaria (16:30- | aged the British Government to at- gathered about her a large riests and prophets of of men being trained from 150 to 250 this new form of wr i popular, But it assumed the exist. | And to shorten the course to nine ence of many gods, and its practices | weeks, glving a substantial increase were often grossly immoral, and|in the yearly output of trainees, while therefore" offensive to the prophets'at Claydon the game ratio of increase of Jehovah, who regarded the God of - would be established, but the longer Israel as the one and only true Gad; term of training retained in order to whom Jian should serve. Elijah, the contrast the two systems. man of 'slead, now appears 88 the] qyeq0 trainees are housed on farms, Shasmpion of Jehovah against Baal. given a pocket money allowance, in h hig ET OE mean, TN | 2ddition to ofdinary out-of-work pay: as in the third year tha ija returried, He had come suddenly an ments under the state insurance fund; Gilead three years before, wearing his hairy mantle like an Arab of the wilderness (2 Kings 1:8)," and had predicted years of drought, evidently 8s a punishment for the false wor- ship of Baal. Then he fled from the anger of Jezebel and her too. pliant husband, taking refuge first in a val- ley in the wilder parts of Gilead, and later in a place on the sea coast, south of Sidon. He now returns to Israel at the call of his God, determined to meet the vacillating king and chal- lenge him to make a bold decision for Jehovah against Baal. Jezebel had in this mixture until all are well coat. ed. In a spider heat 3% of a cupful of butter and carefully fry each piece until nicely browned. Pat the meat into a casserole and add % o fa, tea spoonful of-grated-onfon and 1% cup: fuls of hot rich milk, Simmer slowly on top of the stove, or bake in the oven, closely covered, until the meat is tender--about 2% hours. Pineapple Chicken. Cut up enough fresh pineapple to make % of a cupful sprinkle with 2 tablaspoonfuls of brown sugar and brown' in 3 tablespoontuls of melted butter. If canned 'pineapple is used; only 1. tablespoonful of sugar will be required. Blend smoothly with the butter 4 tablespoonfuls of flour, then slowly turn in 1 cupful of chicken stock, stirring all the while, and sea- J son to tasts with salt. Cook until boil- ing and thickened, add 2 cupfuls of cold diced cooked chicken and sim- mer until the meat is heated through. Have ready slices of hot toast that have had one side quickly dipped into bolling, salted water. - Put the sliges on the plates or on a large platter, wet sides up. Pour over them melt- b4-inch material for the dress, and 1%' yards 89-inch, or % yard 64-inch contrasting, Price 20 cents the pat- tern. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. , Write your name and. address plain. Hy, 'givisg number and size. of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20¢ in' stamps or coin' (coin preferred; wrap it" carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St, Toronte. Patterns sent by return mail. : Smell 1s Removed fiom: Fertilizers & 3 x Washington, = D.C.--A perfumed fertilizer has 'been found for 'the meticulous farmer, It is 'made from the by-products of manufactured cocoa and chocolate, and has the aromatic excellence of both parent elements. Ordinarily the potency of fertilizer is judged by the desire it creates for a gas mask, but the Federal Bureau of Soils has discovered the sweetly odiferous content to possess a conve. nient and suitable plant food. A press-cake of cocoa meal, the de- 'services of the Federal Department of Agriculture Health of Animale Branch and an incentive to those who have taken advantage of the feeling arous- ed by Bijals prediction and the suf- Zezing of" the people from drought and famine to put the blame on the prophets of Jehovah and to persecute them. an f the characteristic of Ahab and Was of the times in which he lived that] he should have regarded the prophet, and not his own: sin, as the troubler of Israel. { w. ° II. Tae EST AT CARMEL, 20-39, So Ahab sent unto all the children of Israel, and a great representative body of people came to Mount Car- mel. It was on some high part of this long rapge, which strikes like a spur nerth-westward from: the cen- tral mountdin chain of western Pal- _ estine, and terniinates in a bold prom- ontory ov ing the sea, that the mltars of Baal and Jehovah were There Elijah ealted upon the people to ¢ between the two. The oo Hae" i>. 21) meals i ng" like a lame man, He them to take a firm stand, and invites the priests of Baal to call 'upon their - he may send fire to con- ein oRsrings Aud the God answereth by fire let him be God. ho room in en, Jacpm- ema : prop! or "of two rel , a worship He lone a cham- Ros 5 mi APPED MY p WELL LOOKING "Did Ted ring?" "Yes--and' then asked for my phone' number." Halloween Song : (Marjorie Barrows in Child Life say anything about a ed. butter, then the chicken mixture. Sprinkle with chipped salted almonds and serve hot." Chicken Timbales. _ Butter .gem pans or other individual molds and fill them 3% full with thin white sauce generously seasoned with chopped green or red pepper. Put through the food chopper sufficient cold cooked chicken to make 1% cup- fuls, Rub the meat to a paste, grad- ually 'adding the yolks of 3 eggs, % cupful of heavy cream 'and 1-3 of a a Magazine.) Three little witches Pranced in the garden, Three little witches Danced from the moon; One wore a wishing hat, One held a pussy-cat, One went a pitty-pat' n And whispered a tune. Who glared at the kitten, Out flew an owl Who stared at the rest, Dancing, with haughty nose, Each on the other's toes, Down past the pumpkin rows Under his nest. Three little witches * Blew on their broomsticks, Three little witches 3 ew to the queen, Over the windy glen 5 Into the night , . . But then DAMES WHO WETZ8 AMONG THE TOURISTS AC TUT'S. Tom Anay: I Gye AB. $3 TH, € ON THe or cupful of rieh chicken stock that has been seasoned highly with chopped 'onion, salt and pepper. Beat the whites of 3 eggs until they are stiff and fold lightly into-the mixture. Fill the molds with this preparation and J set them into a pan ol boiling water. Cover with a buttered paper and bake until firm in a moderate oven. Re- move from the molds to a hot serving dish and garnish each mound with a sprig of parsley. As the timbaleg come from the molds the sauce runs down over them. Veal may be used in this dish Instead of chicken, if de- sired, . Chickén Cutlets, xX Mix together: " 2 cupfuls of cold cooked chicken, cut into dice, 3 table- spoonfuls of chopped mushrooms, 1 '| teaspoonful of salt, %%. teaspoonful of. onfon. juice and 2 tablespoontuls of lemon juice. Melt in a frying ps voile. Across the top of the window; as a balance, is a strip of the pisin yellow probably 18 inches wide, and set on this are 6 or 8 narrow rues of delicate shades of voile, in pink, blue, lavender, yellow, green and peach, and on the bottom of the side drapes of yellow, these hues are used in the same way, making a beautiful effect when the side drapes are drawn back with flower tie-backs cf the came colors. The room is papered in a light tone, most of the colors being introduced in a dainty flower border, This harmony of colors has transform. od an otherwise dark room. into one of loveliness and light which fz well call- ed by its occupant her rainbow room, 'terior. authority ®o that later in life] ¥ [to 100 mi partment of agriculture says, can be made containing about four per cent. of nitrogen, which is the equivalent of 4.9 per cent. of ammonia, oe ne Training the Young La Liberte (Ind): Complaints are sometimes heard of the weakness of charaeter, of the frivolity and unrest of youth; but do parents take suffici- ent troublé in infancy to form the. will and harden the characters of 'the young? Very often they do. not even 'demand an effort of obedience but yield to all the child's demands and |< then expeet that it will not give itself up to dreams and submit to moral rule. It is necessary to teach children when quite small to be submissive to an ex- they may be governed by the call of duty coming from within. = a Ta de Our Wealth La Tribune (Sherbrooke): In 37 years the acreage sewn to wheat In Canada has quadrupled. | Tn 1870 the wheat harvest was 20. million bushels, in 1900 66 mitlion and a half, and to- day it has.pa3sed the 400 million mark, The increase of the harvest of" Has attained the same: proportion as yi and the annual yield of barley fs close not as yet had the opportunity. ree Liked Her Looks, 'Fair Bather--""Will you teach me how 'to swim. . ~~ © © & Guard--"Sure thing! Bat it'll take all summer." © 5 d ign lw i * An eightysthree-year-old Philadelphia woman announces her for short skirts. Hoop la Habitualggheap reading duce cheap thinking and of thought and abliorrence for { milk. 3, Catching What is your favorite drink? . . What Is your favorite amusement? What is-going to be your profession when you grow up? > : The playérs write the answers to these questions, using but two words, and: these words must begin with the. initial letters of his or Ger own rame. For: instance, it a boy's. name fs Charles Brown, then the two words answering : the questions must begin with "C" and "B". The questions" might be answered in this way: 1. Chocolate Buns. 2. Cold Butter: Bears, 4. Charming Pi a Soup. 3. 'Packing Sar "Yon will soon 'hacome Interested nif elightful game, and a whole even. ag a dull rainy day quickly passes in shrieks of laugliter. ee expres: 1