€ Pare Wool Dress Materials All marked down to less than ~ half regular values RCE s and BASKET CLOTH. 80 to 54 inches wide: Regular, : Anniversary Sale $1.39 00 to S400 per yard. large Cotton Bats one bat sufficient for an : grdimary Comforter. The Cotton market is advancing, be well ad- ; vised, lay lay' in astock now Ext $1.00 value for 69c. E . ---- ON SE Tm AD. R= ee -- a emsemmwe ET / eee eo Een aw : 59c. An exceptional bargain "in Women's Hose for Fall wear, Silk and Newest Shades-- Moonlight | Nude, Champagne and Atmosphere September Men's Hose Men's hose of fancy cashmere and ribbed woel in popular celors. Reg. $1.00 value for 65c. "a Delineator 2 25¢. Fall Butterick Quarterly 25c¢. Soles, 1 Fon Horry son or Isabel Adelaide McK: FOR SALE ree Feeders and ten Heifers (in re good milking strain. Apply to Cecil Phair, Phone 123r2, lot 16, con. 10 Reach. oct 14 err nn PIGS FOR SALE About 50 Yorkshire White Pigs, all ages, eligible for registration. Prices reasonable for quick sale. Phone 122 r 3-3. D. M. Jackson & Son, Seugog, Ont. tf cme) Qn ' FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT Lot 21, Con. 18, Township of Reach, half mile west of Seagrave Station. First class clay loam, good hiproof barn, stone stables, large hog pen and implement shed. Good house, 2 foo wells and a runai stream h the pasture. About 150 acres, 86 under cultivation. Balance in timber and pasture. A real good dairy and grain farm. For particu- lars apply to John H, Brown, 96 Glen- lake Ave., Toronto, (June. 6981W, or W. J. Rogers Sonya. eee (Onn LIMITED NUMBER OF LEGHORNS AT $1.00 EACH This is a splendid opportunity for farmers to purchase a real foundation flock of choice hens. Yearlings are a much better proposition than pullets hatched later than May. The afore- said leghorns have a record produc- tion of 60% from May to Sept. 1st. Apply Cliff Coulter, Port Rerry. 3 COMING! A. J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry, has been fortunate in se- curing the services of F. E. Luke Toronto's able eyesight special- ist to be at his store, Thursday, October 20th. Don't forget the date. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 168-167 Yonge St., Toronto (upstairs opposite Simpson's) 3 The e Creamery is 89¢. 'and 40c. f B paving 36 You ave a and make Jiore Ingney by sena- to the er ra, PERRY CREAMERY 'Goode Bros., Proprietors ee Ors: FOR SALE Sow and nine small pigs. Apply to Star Office. DR. J. A.MURRAY DENTIST Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 98 PORT PERRY ONTARIO eee J. A. HETHERINGTON CHIROPRACTOR In Port Perry on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday, from 8 to 8 p.m. and by appointment. Dr. J. A. Mathers Physician and Surgeon A Coroner in Outarie. Office, Queen St, Port Perry. Bell Phone 17 "W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours--9 a.m. to § p.m. Office over McKeeo's Shoe Store. W. J. COOK Real Estate Box 47, Myrtle Station Property quickly and satis factorily bought, sold and em- changed on reasonable terms. Large list to selest from. Bell Phone 130 r 2 You should order your SUIT See our attractive line of OVERCOATINGS We have spedial lines in blues and greys, also in faney tweeds. We will be pleased to have you call and see our goods. We Do All Our Own Work. Cleaning and Pressing _ Done. W. T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over Tel. Office Port Perry he had examined Robt. nies sheep and found one killed by dogs and he valued same at $18.00. From W. M. Croskery, acknowledging receipt of cheque for $30.00 as donation to Home Competition and County Plowing Match. From County Treasurer en- closing cheque for $4504.87, being Legislative grant to Public Schools in Reach Tp for 1927, From Clerk of the Peace stating the number of Jurors to be returned by Reach Tp for 1928. From G. L. Jackson re execu- tion of agreement to have one Leslie Jessop admitted to Toronto Hospital for Incurables. A committee was ap- pointed to investigate said case, Accounts Passed E. Clements, $6.00, lamb killed by Office upstairs in Leonard Bloek | dogs. W. M. Letcher, $108.00 burial ex- penses re late A. Stevens. Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Agricultural Society, $60. donation to Fair $50.00. Jno. Kay, $7.70 dragging and cur- ting weeds, J. Wilson, $4.00, tile M. Brown, $4.80, gravel R. Vernon, $6.00, cutting weeds. J, Armstrong, $4.80, gravel Bains & David, $40.54, steel for culvert. Thos. Brown, $7.50, trucking W. H.'Walker, $12.00 rep. road 12. Wm, Parrott, $6.00, expenses incur- red putting in pipe, road 18. Wm. Magee, $31.25, ditching and resurfacing. Thos. McConnell, $6.30, gravel. Wm. Parrott, $12.00, to pay for ditching road 16-6 Wm. Parrott, $18.00 to poy for re- pairing culvert road 5 Wm. Tummonds, $49.20, dragging and drawing stone road 8. Wm. Parrott, $114.82, pay for work on culvert road 2. Stanley Ward, $80.00, tractor on road 8-9, Wm. Bowles, work and cedar for bridge road 8. Wm. Parrott, $11.25, to pay for teaming and Tabor road 9. Frank Harris $8.33, dragging and cutting weeds. Wm. Stabback, $97.40, drawing gravel to Prince Albert. E. Clements, $8.40, dragging. Council adjourned until Saturday the 12th day of November, 1927. nen) Q Qe EASTER LILY BULBS FOR SALE Easter Sunday comes on April », 1928. Try growing your own Easter Lilies. Watch them grow. Bulbs 85c each or 8 for $1.00. or already potted at 45c each or 8 for $1.25. Wm. Ettey, Prince Albert. -- 00s FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, good bank barn, fully equipped, very convenient, nice house, hardwood bush, This is an ideal dairy farm, convenient to high and public school. Price and terms reasonable for quick sale. Full pos- session can be given this fall if de- sired. Phone 189 11, Port Perry. ~ Mon. & Tues, Oct. PORT PERRY TOWN HALL ops Children Doors 7.30 p.m, 17 & 18 SYD. CHAPLIN |THE Every Tuesd'y Thurs. 15. | Saturd'y Saturday, October 15th