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Port Perry Star, 27 Oct 1927, p. 4

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Personal Items The medical practice of Drs. Arche: & Archer, is to be continued: by Dr) *D. Archer, in conjunction with Dr. Jeffrey, of Hamilton, and Dr. Stuart, of Toronto, Mr. Allan Goode is in Cleveland this week attending a dairy conven- "tion. ! ~~ We are pleased to see Mr. Alex. Walker out again after his recent ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCaw are leaving next week to spend the winter at St. Petersburg, Florida. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Wagner, who will spend the winter with her son at Warrenton, North Carolina. The latest business change in Port Perry 18 that 'Mr. Clarence Cook has bought the James Ruddy Restaurant. Mr. J. L. Hannah, of the Standard Bank, Belleville, was the guest of Dr. J. B. and Mrs, Lundy, over the week end. HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY SOCIETY FORMED On October 24th, the nomination speeches and elections for the P. P. H. 8. Literary Society took plaee. The nomination speeches were well worth hearing. That of our Presi- dent was especially note worthy. He advocated a High School Concert given by the pupils themselves, . so look for something good in the way of Christmas concert this year from the students of the P. P, H. S. Other speakers advocated the ad- mittance of the people of the com- munity at some of our most import- ant meetings--the forming of a glee club, newspaper reports of the pro- _ ceedings. One and all mentioning the value of co-operation and something of what they hoped that the society would prove to be. Everybody in the P. P. H, 8S. is , doing their best to boost this society. Wort you help us along too? The election resulted as follows: Hon. President--Mrs. W. H. 'Harris. President--Forbes Nasmith. Vice President--Annie Farmer. Secretary--Frances Christy. Treasurer--Tom Harris, Prophetess--Dorothea Nasmith. Historian--Grace McMillan. Pianist--Norma Armstrong. Committee--Form IV--Winnifred Owen, Edwin Mitchell; Form III-- Inez Fralick, George Palmer; Form II---Edith = Lucas, Harley Balfour; Form I--Betty Bland, Eric Nasmith. erm (Ypres YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The regular meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary) of St. John's Presbyterian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Bowerman, on Tuesday, November 1st, at 8 p.m. All young ladies of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. "the Season. Read Our Bill! requirements. i ven Ea a V o = aes AA i The Port Perry Dominion Store Fall Opening Sale is the Money-Saving Event of and BUY NOW, from a good stock at surprisingly low prices. Be sure to see our Fur Coats. Agents for "Tip-Top Tailors" See us about your new suit. Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, Port Seo 'PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister €t. John's Church-- rublic Worship at HM am. and v (vm. Sunday School at 3 pam. 1. r.-8, on Monday, at 8 pm. The Y. ¥. 8. of Sonya are invited to visit us at a Hallowe'en Social Evening. All the young people of the congrega- un are invited. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting on Krioay evening at 7.50 sharp. The paswr will give an exposiuon of the Sunday School Lesson. Choir practice at 8.156 p.m. uur anniversaty services were very successtul in every way, 'Ihe thank- onering, so tar, has been most grati- tying to the otficials. Contributions muy still be placed in the the plate or handed to the 'I'reasurer. preadalbane Cnurch, Utica. Sunday School at 2 p.m. rubtic Worship at 3 'p.m. r. S, Wednesday at 8.30 p.m. ren QO CHURCH OF tHE ASCENSION Sunday, Kvensong and sermon at 7 pm. Sunday School at 8 p.m, Monday-- Young People's Guild at 7.30 p.m. Weanesday--Junior W. A, at 4.16 p.m. Thursday--Evensong at 7.30 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday of each week, Men's Club recently formed will be opened in Parish Hall from 8-10 p.m. All men welcome. Friday--Annual Church Bazaar in Parish Hall. Doors open at 5 p.m Supper at 6 p.m. sien) mini HALLOWE'EN PARTY The I. O. D. E. are holding a Hal- lowe'en Party in the Town Hall, on Monday evening, October 31st. Lofs of fun for everybody. There are still a limited number of tickets on sale at the following stores--I. R. Bentley's, A. J. Davis', and the Superior Store. 'I'he tickets are 50c each. fae ANNUAL RINK MEETING The annual meeting. of the Port Perry Rink Company will be held at the Town Hall, at 8 p.m. on Friday, November 4th. J. F. McClintock, President. A. P. Ingram, Secretary. ere () 0) Osis LOCATED AT PORT PERRY Dr. N. J. Barker, of Toronto, who for some time past has been practis- ing in Northern Ontario, has located in Port Perry, and will carry on the practise of medicine and surgery, with offices at Grace Hospital, Port Perry. His phone number is 129 r 8. te OO Ore BAZAAR FRIDAY. OCTOBER 28th. The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension will hold their an- nual Hallowe'en Bazaar on the even- ing of Friday, October 28th. "NOW ON. Pick out your Visit our store, ee? the previous Wednesday. The var- " ious events were keenly - contested, and altogether the day was a very successful one. The Prinsipal, staff and students wish to 'express their thanks to the following who assisted as starters and judges: Mrs, Geo. Jackson, Mrs. F, W. Brock, Mrs. Farmer, Mr. M. Letcher, Mr, Farmer, Mr. Scott, and Mr, Robt, . Harris. Boys' Events Boys' Events--Senior. 100 yard dash--V. Crosier, Robt. Brown, L. Rundle. 220 yard dash--V. Crosier, Robt. Brown, L. Rundle, = _ Half Mile Race--V. Crosier, Forbes Nasmith, L. Rundle. Mile Race--R. Brown, F. Nasmith. Pole Vault--D. . . Shepherd, R. Palmer, D. Boynton. » Running High Jump--R. Palmer, W. McMillan, E, Mitchell. Running Broad Jump--F. Nasmith, L. Rundle, R. Brown. Standing Broad Jump--F. Nasmith, R. Palmer, R. Brown. Hop, step and jump--R. Brown, R. Palmer, W. McMillan. Junior Boys 100 yard dash--T. 'Harris, 8. Masters, S. Moore. 220 yard dash--T. Harris, 8S. , Masters, H, Balfour. Half Mile Race--T. Harris, Henry Dodd, E. Crosier. Mile Race--T. Harris, H. Dodd, W. Grant, Pole Vault--T. Harris, E. Crosier, M. Black. Running High Jump--T, Harris, M. Williams, S. Beare. Running Broad Jump--T. Harris, M. Black, H. Balfour, Standing Broad Jump--T. Ilarris, H. Balfour, M. Black, Hop, step and jump--T. Harris, S Beare, E. Crosier. Senior Championship--R. Brown. Junior Championship--T. Harris. Form Relay Race--Form III, Form IV, Form II. Form Championship--Form II. Girls' Events--Senior Throwing ball in basket--Alma Clements, A. Farmer, E, Lucas, 100 yard dash--Mary Walker, Flood, J. Switzer. Ball at target--R. Lee, A. Clements, G. McMillan. Running Broad Jump--M. Walker, M. Flood, R. Lee. M.) Switzer, Basket Gch Murray. Running | Broad Jump--I. Nott, Cawker, M. Black, : ; Composition Race--E. D. Balfour, D, Mansy. P of W Hop, step and i Sarg ~M. Mitchell, B. Bland. Throwing the Basket Ball--F. Me- : Millan, I. Cawker, D. Miller, High Jump--I. Cawker, D. Miller, F. MeMillan. Throwing Baseball--F. McMillan, D. Miller, F. Raines. Obstacle Race--I. Cawker, {Dorothy Nasmith, B. Bland. Form Relay--Form III, Form IV, Form IL Basket Ball Relay--Form III, Form 1V, Form IL Senior Championship--Jean Switzer and Mary Walker, equal Junior Championship--Isabel Cawker Form Championship--Form IIL" PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Oct. 80th--11 a.m., Com- munion Service. 3 p.m. Sabbath of School. quet. Thursday evening, October 27th at 7.30 p.m.--Special preparatory ser- vice, Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A. of Blackstock, will preach. Monday evening, Oct. 81st, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Y. P. 8, a special Hallowe'en Party will 7 p.m.~--An interupted Ban- * be held, Both young and old are in- vited. Prince Albert Church-- Sunday School at 2 p.m. Communion service at 3 p.m. Friday evening, Oct. 28th, at 7.30 o'clock, special preparatory service. WE FOUND THIS M. remedy, Mrs. Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis nearly 99% 'success treating Sore Throats, Head Colds, Bronchial Asth- ma, Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and Tonsil Diselises. Results good, or money back. Sold by A. J. Davis. The Cosy Home vs Heater Sein! - Tryit! - Buyit! - "Constance Sutherland, % mile south Apply to Jeff. Whiter, R. R. 2 'Sea: grave, Ont. ~~ : ei (Qe AUCTION SALE Tuesday, November 1927--Farm Stock, Implements, etc, "the property of Geo. D. Watson, lot 2, con 1, Mari- posa, 1% miles north of Seagrave. See large bills for complete list and terms of sale. Sale at 1 o'clock Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. ~ AUCTION SALE y, October 28-0. M. Mail Heaeh 5 miles 8, W. o 9, 4, es . of Port Per, wil his entire outilt Holstein cows and heifers shires, 4 horses, 2 colts, 1 ors sows, 7 yure bred Douset Se Leghorn ets rron strain, _ ed , 40 load hay, 700° bus. mixed hb og, 57) full line machinery, most- oe since 1922, Chevrolet car, "colon oy broader, and housetrold furni- ture of all kinds. Mr. Mattia has 'teased hig farm and is moving to Winnipég and all goods will be sold witho t veserve, 'm. Maw, Auctioneer. See largefbills for particulars, MR = COMBINATION SALE " SATURADY, OCTOBER 29th. to be held at the premises of Mr. A. W. Allin, Lilla St., Port Perry. Per- sons having goods to be sold at this sale are required to have same at Mr. Allin's premises by 10 am. on Saturday, October 20th. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. 000 : Thursday, November 8rd--13 new milkers and springers, 8 registered | Clyde Mares and a full lite of new machinery, the property of Mrs, of Utica. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. Saturday, 'November = bth--Stock, implements and furniture belonging to the estate of the late Jas. Blair, at lot 18, con. 10, Reach, % mile south of Greenbank. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. ! Saturday, November 12th -- Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, etc. the property of Mike & John Fedchishen, lot 18, con. 2, Reach. See large bill for list and terms. Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. Friday, November 1ith -- Farm Stock, Implements, ete, the property of George H. Baird, lot 9, con. 14, 1} mile west of Saintfield. Giving up farming. No reserve, See bill for particulars, Geo. Jackson: & Son Auctioneers. ie OQ FOUND A bar pin. vow] ; by proving property and paying for | advt. Gall at 1. R, Bentleys. - "The Best he Meat 1 Affords 'Cheap for Cash 4 Phone fou Orders for Quick Delivery to Cawker Bros. Se W. GC. W. PYATT Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office 238. "Buy with Confidence" GOOD COAL _It means Comfort and 'Satisfaction We handle all kinds of good coal, ineluding CANNEL COAL. Let us know your requirements. - ooal at $16.60 per ton. - PORT PERRY COAL YARD We can Sapuly you with this. " w

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