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Port Perry Star, 27 Oct 1927, p. 8

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i 10 bs Granulated Sugar ..........%..72¢c. B Sliced Breakfast Bacon # Silver Leaf Pure Lard ..... Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. .. Swansdown Cake Flour .... Hand Picked White Beans ... Bulk Macaroni .. Blue Rose Rice Bulk Rolled Oats . Aylmer Pork and Beans Harvest Pineapple Marmalade, 3's glass bbc. Pure Light Honey Superior Stores Pekoe Tea Superior Stores Orange Pekoe Tea. .1%'s 40¢ 3 Economy Tea Cowan's Cocoa sas re wns civ 1b 200. .3 Ibs for 21c. .4 Ibs for 23c. sae enan Ib 42. .2 for 23c. Crab Meat . 2 bs for 21¢. 2 bs for 21c. «4&2 tins 23c. Gold Soap .. %'s tin 23c. tnisreoll Cream Cheese. ... 'Sheriff's Pure Vanilla, 114 oz. . H. P. Sauce, per bottle ,.......ov.04..29¢ Victory Sweet Mixed Pickles 80 oz. bottle 47¢ Pumpkin, large tin SE Sun Maid Nectar Raisins, 15 02.7.2 Sun Maid Puffed Raisins, 15 oz ..2 for 83c. Fine Cleaned Currants ..... Lemon and Orange Peel .... Magic Baking Powder, ctoh and carry 34c. S. 0.8, Cleaner ;..... Bulk Soap Chips... . Handy Ammonia ...,,. Sunlight Soap . ne Sy rela ..per tin % vais os 2 for 28¢, for 88c. .2 Ibs for 35c¢. ..per 1b 30c. «+ 16ei: DR A eid pkgs for 26¢. Shier sven 3 bars. for 206. JAMES McKEE & SON ; : Superior Store, St. Charles Building, Port Perry. Phone 152 = When the bell an your telephone BP is 3 rings, for you. ¢ someone is making» > thn quien Welch. Offices at Grace Hospital, pra Port Perry. Phone 120 r 3 Dr. J. A Mathers. Physician and Surgeon one Queen Foy Perry. Bell Phone 55 Lr of one yo more phone opera opera- tors. When you are talking with him you are using huni or even thousands of dollars' worth of phone equipment, Yo ts are nw ck Velvet is one of ory. Don The flour for all household needs is Quaker Always the Same Plog Unitoimly excellent results with bread, cakes or pastry. Samples tested in our home kitchen by actual baking every day. Money back if Quaker Flour does not give you utmost satisfaction. O'NEILL--JONES A very pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, Zion, on Tuesday, October 18, 1927, at 12 o'clock noon when their youngest daughter Mary Almeira became the bride of William , M. H. O'Neill, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neill of Greenbank. The bridal party stood under an arch of autumn leaves with large white bells ded i diately over their heads, The house was beautifully decora- ted with white and pink dahlias, white potted plants and other flowers were artistically distributed about the rooms and maple leaves were inter- twined about thé open stairway. The bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father was unattended and looked charming in her wedding gown of pink georgette and carrying a bouquet of pink roses, white car- nations, maiden hair fern; her only ornament being a white gold bar pin, "the gift of the groom. The ceremony was performed by the bride's uncle, Rev, W. W. Jones, D.D., of St. Paul's United Church, Warkworth, The wedding march was beautifully » played by Miss Helen Best. 'the register was being singed, Miss Eliza Dickinson sang very sweetly, "Oh: Promise Me." After the usual congratulations, the guests who numbéred about forty, sat 'down to "the wedding dinner," The 'bride's table was decorated with a beautiful three story cake. The happy couple left for a short honeymoon by motor, amid a shower of confetti and good wishes, for Mon- treal and points east. The bride tra- velling in a tan canton crepe dress with hat and coat to match. The bride was the beautiful and costly gifts, showing the high esteem in which she was held ~--and--on---their return--they-will-reside in Greenbank, Ont. On Friday night previous to the marriage the bride was presented with an address and a beautiful mis- cellaneous shower from her neigh- bors and friends from Zion. Lope MANCHESTER Mrs. Pech of Collingwood with her daughter, Mrs. Jas, Master, recently. While recipient of many, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. A. Crosier on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and family with- Miss 'A. Rees; recently. Miss Lena Spencer spending some time with friends in Picton. Miss Dorothy McKay has returned" io, to her home in Toronto after spending fa couple of weeks with her cousin Mrs. Ed. Barrett, and Miss Aletha, spent one day last week with friends in Oshawa. Mrs. Hayden and family of Coss. Ein area with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Tuesday. Mr. L Foskett, of Goodwood called on his daughter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Moon, of R Rag- lan, called on friends. in the village recently. A masquerade Hallowe'en Party is being given by the' Community Club, on Monday, October 81st, in the town hall, Everybody come masked if possible and have a good time. Games program, community singing, and re- "Adults 26c. Children , ta Mr. Alex. Johns has purchased GREAT CLEARIN ! As it is necessary for us to vacate our | And in order that this equipment may always be ready. for your rsonal use, it is closely watch- checked, of pie velvets it is suitable for ~ W. A. Sangster 3 inches wide, P _ DENTAL SURGEON truck. 30 years experience in ing pianos with Bell and other in Toronto. Apply to J. LeBar, We are eatowing anew Tote fo : fine art silk lined with fine quality wool, m- ed back, mock fashioning, Barrow an sis SNOW APPLES AND VEGE- ope, in's shades. Price ° perp i TABLES FOR SALE =. = Snow apples b0c. 11 qt. . basket. i 'otatoes at market prices, Table Car- rots, 40¢ per 11 gt. basket; and Cab- bage 10¢ each: PROPERTIES FOR SALE 70 acres more or seven roomed water, new Pome 40x70 and 80x30, fe ©: H. Kellett. RR A A hi UTICA Mrs. T. Lakey, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Mths oo Tofoute, A splendid crowd attended the Lakey, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and spent the week end with Rev. ad ! social evening at the home of Mrs, Miss E. Lakey, attended the funeral "Mrs, Denny. °° Russnell on Wednesday evening, The of Mrs. C. Dalton in Scott township * Miss Pearl: Bailey moe 'the wok paper given by. Mrs, Christie was very on Sunday. . with relatives in Barrie and interesting and 'made a good topic ~~ Mr. John Medd won second prize --_ for discussion afterwards, The Aid in sod at the Plowing Match at Picks Miss Jean Scott or -also decided to hold a Bazaar and ering. x Concert on November 80th, = * = Mr. and Mrs. McGregor of Torete. ho Mrs. Russ. Butson and Helen, in with her sister Mrs. Geo, Miller over Oshawa over Sunday. 1 the week end. Miss Ruth Maitland had the mis- Somat fortune to be hit on the head with EPSOM NEWS a rail while at school on Friday and - Rev. and Mrs. E: C. Hunter, of To- sable hen was unconscious for seven hours but ronto: called on Mrs. recently. all descriptions, good water, on main' > Hate Io Sh she Bu Mss and. Mrs, | : 'highway, $1000 eash, balance fine now, : -. Mw ER Skerratt and Walter at Woodville one day last week. A Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam at Miss Blanche Cook oh last week her home on Sunday, =< "with. friends in Toronto. = 'Mr. E. A: Christlg in Oshawa Jas 4 Wednesday. we : Mr. O. Maitland is Holding a sale : - of 'farm stock and furniture on Fri- at Js ) day, of this week. Mr. and Mrs. i Feat ri a sock end Maitland leave at once-for Winnipeg. : We are sorry to lose them Jrom the East half lot 18, Con. 3, being 80 community. acres more or leas all workable. © Mp and Mrs. H. Davis, Mr. and 1H Ben house, frui i H or less, hard au aid eh Good" fi andl two acres Sunday. $ SACL place of business, we are putting on sale gu! : entire dry goods stock at greatly x reduced ices. 'end of Li year. 'we are 'prepared to sell at a at sacri standin i will be offer dise

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