er Lesson Vil--Hosea r es God's Love, km 14, 48. Golden Text--I desir , and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. Hosea 6: 6. ANALYSIS, © L APPEAL AND WARNING, chap 6. 1 THE LOVE AND THE PATIENCE OF Gon, chap. 11. - III EXHORTATION AND PROMISE, chap. 14. INTRODUCTION--Hosea, like fimos hi in the eighth century B.C. messages also were roses the people of the northern kin; Tad Israel, He was somewhat later Amos, and the period of trouble which that prophet foresaw was al, ready beginning when his ipruphetie ges were delivered. ut this this can be seen in several passages as fr example, 4:1-2; 5:2, 13;7:1, lt 12:1). His style is not simple clear like that of Amos, but is broken fragmentary, disjointed, yet it presents here and there passages of great power and beauty, which lend themselves to quotation (see 2:19-20; 4:9, 17; 6:1-3, 4-6; 8:7; 18:14). While the appeal of Amos is based upon the fundamental laws of justice and righteousness, Hosea dwells more upon the love of God which is offended and freed by the sing of his people. In ¢ 1-3, Israel is: compared to an unfaithful wife who abandons her husband and goes after other lovers. But Jehovah follows his people with changeless love and seeks to win them back from their idols to himself. In chap. 11, he is the indulgent Father whose son, tenderly cared for in vhildhood, has forsaken him when grown to be a man. 1. APPEAL AND WARNING, chap. 6. Verses 1-3 are the prophets appeal to his fellow countrymen to join him in penitent confession and return to the Lord. It is a great mistake to treat them, as some recent writers do, #8 the insincere and shallow repent- unce of those who have not taken seriously the prophet's admonition, and have not recognized either the gravity of their offences or the weight of the wrath of God. The words are the prophet's own and are quite sin- cere. He knows the just judgments of God, but he knows also his mercy and his forgiving grace. He who has torn will heal. He who has smitten will bind up the wound, ness is ready for the penitent seeker; it is sure as the rning dawn and as the rain in its season. Compare mos b5:14-16; Isa. 1:18; b55:8-7; salm 51:17, The Christian Fathers and some modern writers understood verse 2 to predict the resurrection of Jesus Christ (c.f. 1 Cor. 15:4), but the context disproves this. In strong contrast the following verses (4-11), present the fickleness and waywardness of Israel (here call- ed by the name of its largest tribe, Ephraim). their sins by the stern teaching of his prophets, and had clearly revealed to Fo his will (read "My judgments," v. 5), showing them that mercy (that is, "kindness" in its widest sense), and the knowledge (or recognition), of God in all the relationships of life, were what God required of them (c.f. 1 8am. 15:22), but they had not pro- fited by that teaching. Judah, too, is to suffer for sins of the same char- acter, but for her there will be res-| toration. Verse 11 is, apparently, added by a later hand. II. THE LOVE AD THE PATIENCE OF Gop, chap, 1 Verses 1-4 may 3 paraphrased as follows, basing a slight corréction of the text on the ancient Greek trans- lations (the LXX): 'When Jerael was young then I loved m, And out of Egypt called my son. 'But i as I called them they went their Way, Turning from me they offered sacrifice to-the Baals, And burnt"incense to idols. Yet it was I taught Ephraim to walk aking them upon mine arms, But they knew not that it was I who cared for them. With cords of human kindness 1 drew them, 'With bonds of love. The prophet thus dwells upon the early years of Israel's life, when the Lord led the people out of Egyptian bondage and established them in the, telligence can be sup, and promised to their fathers, and to action by an ap) yet they had turned from him to Canaanite idols. The latter part of verse 4 is hard to understand. Accord- ing to she Tendering in the English His forgive- | The Lord had rebuked iv ie ren "dered "bars" (v. be "boasters" (as. } Verses 8, 0. reveal the and depth of. the divine can the Lord give over his beloved {and h to destruct as [the cities of the | An (Gen. "chap. 19; Deut. 29:28)? There is now a sud- den change of these, and vs. 10, 11 predict the return of the exiles from Egypt and Assyria. in some brighter | day of the future when the Lord shall go before and prépare the way. Verse to 12 properly belongs to the following | chapter. mr. EXHORTATION AND PROMISE, chap. After the tetfrible doom upon Israel in chap. asl it to understand the: 'words of hope -- promise in this chapter. The proph- ets seem to have regarded their pre- dictions, whether of or evil, as conditional upon the behavior of the people. Theré was always hope sor the penitent man or nation (see Jer. 18:1-12). The. words of confession will be as an acceptable sacrifice upon God's altar, v. 2. No more will Israel rely upon Aséhor (that is, Assyria), or upon Egypt '(whence came the horses). No more will her people seek false gods, but rather him in whom the fatherless findeth msrey, There! follow the gracious promises of God | to the repentant people, of healing, and refreshment, and growth, an nd fruitage. pronounced -- | "Mnto a' nice 'crispy baked crust. has just retired after 23 years with pize. winning bunch of setters and trials at Leedstown, Va. ~w"HE SURE LOVES HIS DOGS" | Fall i§ bere and the birds are up, and Walter Johnson, star pitcher, who the Washington team, leads forth a pointers for the 9 Rappengunok felt #8 Some Famous Recipes I. seem to have acquired 'my own reputation as a. cook with my pump- kin cream ple, The secret of its dif- ference from the commoner varies ties 13 the Tact that I do not bake ft in crust, but cook the filling as I would a custard and pour it when cool I use a cupful and a half: of cooked pumpkin, . a tablespoonful of corn- (starch, two-thirds of a cupful of brown sugar, an eighth teaspoonful each of clnpamon, cloves and nutmeg and a half teaspoonful of salt, a' cup- ful of milk, 'a cupful of ¢ream 'and two eggs. Mix sugar, cornstarch and spices and stir them Into the cooked pumpkin. Add .the eggs, slightly beaten, the milk atid cream, and cook until thick, Then pour fit into the lzpast and pile high with whipped cream, 'sweetened and dusted with cinnamon. Nut Doughniits are re ariother of my specialties. This recipe calls for one and three-quarters ®cupfuls of sugar, four tablespoonfuls of shortening, & cupful and a half of milk, two eggs, four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, | one cupful of chopped nuis, a top spoonful of vanilla, one of salt, ani about four and a half cupfuls of flour. Cream the butter and sugar together, add the eggs, fiavoring and milk, Sift half the flour with the baking powder over the nuts apd add thém, Then odd enough flour tp make them just right :to roll out and fry. | A SMART ¥ ROCK FOR THE. MISS OR SMALL WOMAN, This chic daytime frock has a plait- ed skirt front attached to a bodice I'placed at the top of the hips. closing at the left side and having a' shaped collar and long _dart-fitted | sleeves finithed with pointed cuffs, The back is plain, and a wide 'belt is No. 1648 is for Misses and Small Women, and is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 (86 bust) requires 3% yards 39-inch, or 2% .yards 54-inch mate- rial, and % yard additional 89-inch contrasting for collar and cuffs in View B. Price 20 cent the pattern. "HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c¢ in stamps or" coin (coin preferred; wran it caretully) for each number and. address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 'West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by retr.rn mail, pet ; One of the new marvels of elec tricity is a mechanical man whose in. lied and put in- ication of sound | waves of varying intensity. House: wives learned the value of a sharp tone In getting things done a long time ago. MUTT AND JEFF--By Bud Fisher. MTL, x JUST 60 ON, TELL ME ABOUT IT! , very popular, . Mrs, Trudy's Fruit Pies are always Mrs, Trudy is from the | old Aunt Mandy' taught herto cook. She lines the | plates with a nice. rich crust, then fills them with 'thin layers of green- gage jam and very thick yellow, cream, two layers of each, jam first, South and thefr | then cream, then the jam 'again with | the cream directly under 'the top crust. Susan Ella's Chocolate Roll. To make {t, beat the yolks of six eggs un- til thick, add six tablespoonfuls of cocoa, a pinch of salt, a béaping cup- fu) of confectioners' sugar and a tea- spoonful of vgnilla, en whites of the eggs and bake twenty minutes in a large shallow pan used for jelly roll, No, there is no. flour. Lay a wet towel over the bottom of the pan and turn it oyt onto another dampened towel, Have ready a filling made of two cupfuls of granulated sugar, two tablespoons: fuls 'of flour and a cupful of milk boiled until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Take off the stove, add two squares of chocolate, a good big lump of butter and a teaspoonful of, vanilla. Spread this over the Sus and roll in the towel like a jell 11 It will take a little practice to ge is. cake from the pan. Lemon Prune Pies ds 'mad Aunt Sarah Dixon are a change f the usua lemon pie. Cook toget! cupful and a half of sugar, tablespoonfuls ofcernstarch, and grater rind of two tablespoonful of butter, the yolks of two eggs and a cuptul and a Half of Fold in the beat- boiling water. en this: is thic add a, cupful of' ed and chop pruses. Pour into & baked crust and use the whites of the eggs with two tablespoonfuls of sugar for a merin- gua for the top. Frult Jumbles are another popular specialty in our town. To make] = them, use a sugarjumble recipes 'or any soft rich sugar-cooky recipe.. Cut the dough into" cireles, putting 'a mars row strip around the edges to make a gort of a shell. Bake them and when they are ¢old fill with fced fruit, Use peaches, orange sections, pieces Ein being Wels several draped ar-|s 2 A angeents, With x : of Lah ally og made} of the new turban shapes is used, Se Saat dy Ve word or far ip lids, not especially Tonge of the many pi fashionable. obi the 1 that show with the toque a combina of , ermine, at or any of | the "novelty furs--and lame. These both gos and white, phe £ some {rridescent. material that Yesemble on mother-of-pearl. Work For the Middle-Aged toad: i i should be prac- for first-line service and the older, men for the less strenuous but equal- ly important duties of the seconl line and behind the lines. Germany came very near winning the World War and succeeded in prolonging {it be- of pineapple, strawberries, currants' or cherries) Dip each plece into the ' beaten egg whites, then powdered su-' gar, repeating this until the icing is the desired thickness. A Forgotten Delicacy Pork cake was an old-time favorite, but we seldom see it these days. Our recipe calls for a pound of nice fat salt pork chopped fine, Pour two cup- fuls ot boiling water over ft and al: low it to cool," Then add a cuful/of molagees, two or brown sugar, two oggs, a pound of seeded raisins, a pound of currants, half a pound of citron, one teblespoonful of alspise one of cinnamon, half a teaspoonfu! of cloves, two teaspoonfuls of soda and one of cream of tartar. Measure ont five cupfuls of flour, sift a cupful of it over the fruit, then i gift the rest into the batter: Stir in he floured fruit and bake in two pans, Amother old-time. recipe {is apple pork ple. This is made like any pie, then one dozen tiny bits of pork about | jibe sizo of a pea are sprinkled over the 'apples before the top crust fs put Apple Puffs make a dainty dessert, particularly. when served with lee cream, whipped cream or cottage The foundation is a rich pie I"crust, rolled out thin and cut into circles, half of them having holes in ; the centers, Puta "spoonful "sweetened apple sauce that has been slaved on each whale circle and et he edges with your finger dippe intoscold water. Lady the circles ty the holes over them, pressing the odges 'together and bake crisp and! brown and puffy. * A Lemon: Banana Layer Cake owes its name to {ts novel icing. My next door neighbor brought the recipe Lack from a visit to the city and she always serves it whenever she gives a aprty. We use it at our house as a + substitute for si ake when ber! ries are out of season. make-1t, ! make a meringue of itwo egg' whites and a cup of powdered sugar. Beat together until very light and flavor 'with a little of the grated rind and juice of a lemon; 'Spread on two lay ers of some nice white cake and cov- or "thickly: with 'sliced bananas, Squeeze a little more lemon juice; aver them and sprinkle with the grat-: ed rind. This should be eaten as soon «as it is put' together. § E 4 cause he discov, ed for the wrong principle there would be suicide 4n this | 'election, 4 th 'The Increase, even | _ slight in- {erease, in the number o ly. em- | ployed middle-aged, as shown in the i a wave of every 4 men well on in years is a thing which , many find it hard to understand. There may be force in the argument that young men not only demand less 'pay but work harder and are 'more amenable to discipline, But if that is the casé, 'says The Manchester Guardian, "there must surely be an exceptional earnestness about Ameri. can youth," Probably there fs. Still, it. is doubtful whether. the superior agguessiveness of youth always com- pensates for the steadiness and con. tentment of middle age, class for class. . The dimensions of the problem are not often discugped In precise terms. There would 8 to be no statistical justification for the, popular belief that the problem is 'growing 'more serious with the growing. stress and strains" of modern economic life. It anything, the trend appears to be the | other way. According to the' 1910 yond expectatl by precisely euch use of her middle-aged reserves. Ae "Edith - Filming Cav British Film Should Prove Popular Throughout the pire Brussels. ~The Edith Cavell film which 18 now being made at the ac- tual places" Where the British. nurse worked 1s likely to provoke many con: troversies regarding the events lead- ing up to her trial and execution by the German -Army of Occupation, Interest has been added by the pro- tests of the German press against making the film as tending to cause further friction between the Allies and' the former enemy countries. inion for example is by 'census, the men over 45 engaged in gainful occupations constituted 85:9 per cent. of all men in that age class. In the 1920 census the proportion was 87 per cent. Employment opportuni. tiés fOr the middle-aged are apparent: ly increasing. Incidentally, the 1920 census showed an employment ratio of 97.2 per cent. for men between 25 and 44 years of age and a ratio of 93.8 per cent. for men between 45 and 64 years. The difference of something Hko 8.5 per cent. is not big enough ; to support the theory of modern economists who would send the work- : er to the scrap heap after his first youth is gone. Wo censuses, may be due primarily to the increasing Pole of machinery in It is a commo that to the machine is due the extraordin. | ary inerease in per capita produc tivity noted in recent years, It is a reasonable presumption that as labor- 'saving 'devices replace muscle and brawn. fewer men are compelled to drop out of the 'working ranks for physical causes. New York~has be- fore it the constant demonstration of 'how 'much the machine has 'done to , supplant bodily toil in building and "subway construction. Where the middle-aged worker most 'feels the handicap of/his years is in those occupations where machinery, because of the nature of. things, ale Som: tor io Tel But i . tt wise loyer Ww! ow howto mobilize his young me no means unanimous as to" Nurse Ca- vell's heroism in dying when by adroit denials. she might have es- caped and, what 1s more important in the eyes of the Belgians, .perhaps have allowed a large number of Bel- glans accused of being her accom plices to escape also. The "I-would-not-tell-a-le" attitude assumed by the English nurse Avas a noble stand for principle, but, accord. ing to the view expressed by~many here, was less appreciated by the children who were victims of her re: ~markable honesty. . The film is being made by a British company.. One of the most dramatic scenes will be taken in the cell the 'nurse occupied in the St. Gilles prison until the morning she was shot. . The cell has been set aside as a show place for tourists, and fresh flowers. are always on a little table, the gift | fot warm admirers of the martyr nurse. '| against French cars, for . straight, main members of tubular sec- 'tion. "A third tube contained the car dan shaft and acted as torque tube." The car had neither back nor front axles; the wheels being tly "sprung by 'means of levers operating ofl springs in the tubular members, ted by oil check: Two live , shafts carry the drive to the rear wheels, and the result of all this is to leave 'an extremely clean-cut chassis. One more Frefich car offered a valuable contributfon to the making of «chassis by putting up the engiie block and other parts in aluminum. On this car, as_ on several others shown at the salon, there was a steer ing gear on both of the front whesis, giving a steadier drive to the mar chine, This tendency toward a new sus- pension relieving the body of she car of road shocks was deemed be ex- perts part and parcel of the NWN automobile, although it" would appes that it may be some years beford I. becomes general. With an inde pendently sprung wheel, the effact of a burst tire would scarcely be no- ticed, except for the noise. Front-Wheel Drive, Low Body. Jn threo cases; automobile manu- facturers incorporated this suspen- son with the front-prheel drive. Where the drive was continued through the front wheels, independ- ent steering for each wheel was the rule, The cars with front-wheel drive were low to' the..ground. With the differential. in front of the car, tie builder was allowed more latitude, and the lower-built car adds another factor. for safer motoring. The features described 'ahove are regarded as being still in the experi: "mental 'stage, but marking the course of automobile construction for the immediate future. One observed, however, a very obvious movement toward the lower-hung car, the clossd car in preférgnce to the open, and the 'simcylinder taking the place of the four, slowly, but gradually, ~~ The exhibition 4s primarily fer French makers, but the American sec- tions were mofe full than they have .previousiy been, and one sensel strongly that "American manufac /turers were" increasing their. bid for the European: markets . The tax in co of 45 per cent. ad valorem and - per cent. luxury requirés the Am- erican manufacturer to 'have some- thing rather fine in order to compete example. The Americans appear to be gaining: a foothold, but it 1s expensive work. "Showrooms ~ and advertising cost "| money when there seems little com- | ing Back fiz these initial 'years, to cov- 1alians 'Lead The. Italian fi site & v27100 i ing dn 'the expensive grades.