: The - "man 'who | must also get ho gens ee 5 Two small' girls were out Ly, when the doctor, who happened passing, stopped and 4 they were. : be AL don't think we had better tell you," said ono of them, "Why not?" he asked, ~ "Well," she replied; "Daddy told us that when you called the other "week and asked how We were, it cost "him $3." ; O18 Gentleman (in street = car)-- "Has anyone here dropped a roll of bills with a rubber elastic around them?" "Yes, I have," ._once, 4 Gentleman umn = "Well, st picked up the elastic." * My 'wite" said Brow "has a ter rible 'mermory. 'She simply Mtorgets ev a "Well, i" remarked Jones, "mine used to be that way, but I found a way to "eure her." ¥ "How was. that?" a 7 "%f"there is anything I am anxious for: RB to kdow and remember 1 write ft on a card and put the card in my trousers pocket." { > cried a dozen at, -- - Some p60 le hold the key to sue- cess, but are too lazy to turn it. Clothes make: the man, but when it comes to a woman, clothes just serve to show that she is made. 5 By the time He le "pops the ques- "tion" she has already decided what she'll wear at the Wedding. # of yes, I've thought of whe 'I've thought of it a lot, 'Bacause I've though of it so much, "1s just why I have fot. «+ - BT S-------- "Stick 1t out, old man," said the said the excutioner, as he prepared Ae cut off the murderer's head. 2 "mew fall dresses are in no danger of \ doing that. . A flapper who is anxious to be list ed as a high brow refers to her sweat er asa perspirer, : ; "Crazy Quilt: One you can't keep! over your head and feet at the. same a New 'brooms sweep clean; but the# ably sald: "Rogers has 'proven "ite fin * Don't experiment. It may cost: you dearly. Look for the name "Rogers;" 100k for the Rogers A/C Tubes with the top clips and 'be sure then youn have no regrets lnter--Adrt, ont mao Shipment Vm Be Made -~ Direct to Continent, No , Via England Auckland, itary growing for xport is quite: a minor industry in New Zealand, but a good deal of capi: involved, the quality of the pro- 18, high, strenuous 'efforts ? are being made to put the business 'on a better footing. Export is strict: ly controlled by a board, and great pains are taken to insure a high level of quality, and uniformity. "The repert of the Fruit Export Con- trol rd for the season ended May : to the poorness of the season in. England. The only satisfactory feature was that the position of New Zealand fruit on the English market was retained, and though New Zea- land's realizions were poor, those of its competitors were worse. - During the season 449,000 cases were shipped to Britain, and 67,000 to South Amorlea. Sturmer Pippin was the predominating variety of apple sent to Britain, but Delicious 'nccount- ed for more than half the shipments to South 'America. At present trade with European centers is dealt with through English ports, and the board notes the in- creasing Continental demand as a very satisfactory feature, and thinks it may be necessary to ship direct tq persons fruit to friends in England has been a and is idered valuable as a means of advertising the New Zealand product. The industry, however, 1s still work- ing under "a government guarantee, and a result of last sedson's low prices was that the State had tofoot a'heavy bill, It'is believed that there is Mttle or nd likelihood of the State having to pay out this year, but the {industry will not' be in a_ really healthy condition until it is able to do without this government help. - FH aE Ra ad They gay that this football season is full of upsets. . Also, we should say, of setups. wee es . -- * The man 'who Antroduced Mustapha Kemal fory that. six-day. speach prob: "We ve with us' this weeks+" 4 What 174 wrong with the tea? If this/q on is ever asked at Yard Table u may Fo the tea u Haig ir a poor package. etul experiments have on that Aluminum 'is hdr pthe center panel, South Alcan - Flag Dispute _ Now Settled Draft Agreemedt Provides for Continuation of the Use of Union Jack Cape Town.--There is reason to be- leve flag controversy is now practi: cally settled. A provisional agree- ment bas been drafted, and except for one small point is generally approved. The agreement provides that the Union Jack shall always fly officially alongside the na 1 flag and' be re- cognized @s one of South Africa's flags. The proposed new design for, the national flag follows the design | embodied in the Flag Bill, but the shield is removed and in its place the Unlon Jack and the two old republi- can flags are placed side by side in The three minia- tures occupy one-ninth of the whole surface, Tielman Roos, Minister of Justice, says the country is indebted to-Gen. eral Hertzog for the agreementt, though the feeling outside parliament is that'General Smuts and Mr. Roos also deserve much credit. . Since the South African Govern- | | jon a fe ment at the beginning of the special session of Parliament agreed not to proceed with the Flag Bill. until a final effort had been made to reach a'! peaceful settlement, private discus- the leader of the South African Party, have been held daily. The country awaited the result with anxiety, 'the fssue being regarded as of the grav- est importance, proposed that South Africa should have a flag consisting of a red verti cal stripe 'néxt the staff and horizon- tal stripes of green,"yellow and blue, entirely excluding the Union Jack: This proposal was met with opposi- tion from a large portion of the South African population and many - at- tempts have been made to reach an amicable agreement what is a vital question. One proposal made was that the Union Jack should be flown specialOecasions, as an evi dence of the country's connection with: the British Empire;sand that the South African should inchifle the cross of St. George. Then followed another proposal to the. effect the flag should com- bine thé Union Jack with the old re- publican flags in a shield in the mid- dle of the household flag of) the old Dutch House' of Orange. The Senate refused to pass the Flag Bill and A deadlock has continnéd ever since, with an attempt on the part of both leaders, as stated in the above cable, to reach a modus vivend!. i" ate FE |" "I am a man of few words, str." | "Give me your hand, I am married us well."--Der Gemitliche Sachse, Lely: us. it pdt our health by arenier s help to build un should begin at Williams' s' Pink' Pills. 'will soon notice the difference in better appetite and < [the new b liam' Pink Pills stimulates all the organs of the body to healthy activity piri 'so the system gains nourishment and strength. . If you are weak or out of sorts, begin gaining new strength to-day by taking Dr. Willlams' Pink Pills. "I was in & badly run down condition," says _ Mrs.' J. Potter, of Winnifred, er "when I began us- ing Williams' Pink Pills and they fully. restored my health. I strengly recommend this Hadicine to all weak A Dr. Williams" Plok Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Willams' | Medicine Co., Brogkville, Ont. More Russian Bunk Soviet Execeytes'T Three as Spies for Britain; Final Appeals for Ex-Millionaires Fail Moscow ~--Two brothers, Vladimir and Cyril Prove, and their brother-in- law, cM. Korepanoft, once rated as mil- lonaires, with high social connec: tions, and one of them, Cyril, a noted sportsman, went to their death by or- der of the Soviet court. They paid the supreme penalty for alleged es- plonage in behalf' of Great Britain. The Soviet Government moved swiftly, both in the apprehension and execution of those who would betray the secrets of the State, the army and the navy to the Soviet's enemies. The trial of those whose activities are ferreted out by the police is usually concluded with all speed and no time The Flag Bill of the Government' ig lost in caffying out the sentence of the Court, Cyril Prove, weeping bitterly, beg- | ged for mercy. Vladimir tried as best {he might to hold up his "drooping shoulders when: the head of the mill tary tribunal of the Supreme Court the Continent. 'A scheme by which [sions between the Prime Minister, | ended all hope of appeal by declaring in New Zealand eah send | General Hertzog, and Genéral Smuts, that the death sentence would stand. The case, however, was appealed, but the All-Russian Executive reject- ed the plea, declining to grant clem- ency to the convicted "men, who had hoped to benefit. by the amnesty which will come Into effect with the commencement of the tenth dnniver- sary celebration of the founding of the Soyiet Republic. Attorneys of the, men held out hope until the last minute, but their efforts falled. The Executive ruling was that their offense was among the gravest ernment, The two brothers turngd State's evidence, thus hoping their lives would be Spaged, and MM. Korepanoff leaded that he" was not aware of the "@splonage character" of questions put to him by Edward Charnock, First Secretary of the British Mission at Moscow, - At the time, Korepanofr, though counsel to the War Commis- slariat, transacted mainly civil mat- ters and he declared he knew few military secrets. Sorin A A colored man being interviewed by authorities in regard to a shooting affray gave to the world this bit of philosophy: "Ah didn't see nothin' so ah don't know nothin'! You all know, boss, I spends six months of every year 'tendin' mah oWn business. and ah spénds the other six months of the year tryin' to keep from 'tendin' Ligh people's business, so all in all, 56 0 busy man,' Np of all offenses against the Soviet Gov, ick at he starting flight to world fame and be 22,350 milo' tour of the ntry, | Col. Charl饙 A, Lindbergh wel - 2000 'persons, including F. Guggenheim, president of the Guggenheim Fund for the Promo- tion of Aeronautics, under the aus- picés of which "Colonel Lindbergh made his tour. "The Colonel shifted the conversa tion, of interviewers from himself to the merits of the plane that had car ried him through 3566 hours of fying cince he left' San Diego, Callf., pre- vious to his hop to Paris. "The Spirit of St. Louis 1s In fine shape," he as- sorted. "It gives more "revolutions per minute now than when it was new. But this logks like a good time to do it, so I'm golug to have it com- pletely overhauled. - That's' never been done since it was built, you know. . No, it isn't destined for a museum ygt. Eventually, but not now." - He sald the tour had proved the] reliability of 'modern equipment, "Others will have to say whether the tour was successful," he declared. The "others" did. Statements by Mr, - Guggenhefm, Willlam P. Me. Cracken, Jr, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aviation and Harry 8. New, PostmastegGeneral, told how the tour had stimulated interest in flying, in the air mall and in construc- tion of alrports." GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The Fall is the most severe season of the year for colds--one day is warm, the next cold and wet, and un- less the mother is on her guard, the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter, Baby's Own Tablets are mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach, free and sweet. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or If it does come on suddenly their prompt use will relieve the baby. The Tablets are sold by medicine .dealéfs or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medi- cine Co, Brockville, Ont. --te Safety First. Vicar--"Certainly I'll come and see your" daughter it she is so very ill; but what church do you attend?" Caller--"We do net go to church; we're chapel people." "Vicar--"Then why didn't you sond | for your own minister?" Caller--""We couldn't risk him-=it's scarlet fever!" -------- ee . General Obregon says the Mexican revolution is dead, and If it isn't it's only because it could run faster than any .one connected with ft, Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Your grocer kn B RED £08) cs hen vou order OSE ORANGE "area judge ¢ of fine tea, Pirates Kill or Wound 60 | usoaz : * oy Chinese F recbooters Rob Pas- sengers on Ship on the Yangtse Shanghal--Sixty persons were kill- ed or wounded in a pirate attack on the steamer Kianghsin on,the Yang- tse River, says a semi-official Japan. ese statement. The attack the steamer had left Ichang. took place soon after Thirty Chinese pirates traveling as passen- gers, seized the vessel after a flerce with the crew and a dogen fight guards attached to the Governor Kwalchow, . The fight lasted an hour and resulted in a victory for the pir gn ates. - The bodies of those killed in the fight were thrown overboard and the passengers and crew were robbed of their money and belongings. The pirates then left the steamer and made a landing with their booty. . . For all pains--Minard's Liniment. ' Falr Customer: "The color on the pullover will not tade quickly?" Shop- man: "It is as fast as the roses on! your cheeks." Falr Customer: ' "Then you had better show me some- thing else."--Pele Mele, Paris, "You doan stan' no chance in dis fight," sald ono colored boxer to the other. "Ah sure wuz born with de! gloves on." "In jes two minutes you'll | eure die with dem on," said the other. | MUSICAL Urs rr Sones" luton, C a RL A AVSRRES Chie AN START YOU IN P AR ay IN FECTS 'substitute on Aires base greenhouses, henhouses. mation sent. Box 204, » for Samp le, inf Exetor, Pont. ORSES AND HARNESS, RITA Harness Catalogue, The Pos tory, 10 Nelson Street, Toronto, BELLO PLAYERS--MY (VES pocket) 'cello floor grip anchors Ft] Fenowne players: One: dollar som sald rs, One dollar post C. De Jaraine, Port Arthur, ont. ALES Lo EN--STEADY, PROFIT S ABLE mployment, Weekly pay,' selling our oo versally known, arans jeed quality, Trees and Plants. awed d best varieties. There is g00d money an it for you. Hustiated up-to-the inute soulpment Real » ales CO-ODOrae rite H N BERIES, MONTREAL. TRERS NURS. The preacher was talking about people who attend church for no bet. ter reason than to show off their best' clothes. He concluded his homily with this tribute: "I am thankful to see it is obvious nove of you have come here for that reason." BOYS a 4 Jomis $2.00 Given? mply well 50 Sets Fi Christmas Seals for 100 Pu When | Eunos us bd and_keep $2.00. Wa you | 8 . Dept. 604 WL, Iirooklyn, AS "Us rn | ATENTS List of nted Inventions" and Full Tre Sent Free on nel MSAY 0O., D 273 Bank 8%. Ottawa. One NO WON! JUBT ¥ TINTING are 80 eavy and perfect IF you use the same kind of dyes Profes- sional Dyers use. Dyes that are up in highly concentrated, nely powdered, soluble form, No "work to dissolve them. YEING | Never any shaving, scraping or crumbling them up, They are: -- DyoLa- 1) DEALERS AND AGENTS Write for our Free Illustrated Cata- logue. Somplete selection of Sets, Parts, Bpeakers and Eliminators. Lowest prices in Canada. G. C. PAYETTE & Co. | Cuticura Talcum] F or Baby's s Skin Soap, Ointment, Talcum sold everywhere. } \ DEAFNESS HEAD NOISES Relieved by LEONARD EAR OIL is ig "Rub Back of Fars" INSERT IN NOSTRILS 0a All Druggists. Price $1.25 Folder about "DEAFNESS" on request. A 0. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York 180 Bt. Catherine St. West, 2 ElEma itis not! Hirgee pe Sp "The whole word knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for _ pain. But it's Just as important to know that flere is joniy on Aspirin. name Bayer is on every ; and on 4 it's ontine and if it doesn't, ispelled by arith thera} 5 ever neural, neuritis, and rheuma-~ Get fispiri--at any Sruggtore-with So are colds, and Stop Falling Hair Treat your scalp with Minard's four times a week. Prevents dandruff, MINARD'S| Rc oF pur SJ LINIMENT! CARRIED WIFE TO BED: Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable > Compound Minesing, Ontario. -- "I am a race -tical nurse and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound to suffering women. For three months 1 was almost helpless and could q. Dot | sit at the table long he [3 Cv of sea of tea. anys a time Bing huge 'be a iad Then io bad Vin of a woman Wier taking te as % id -- Eapaina soi johe wen! mentum gt Hy 4 J | 7 } drink,