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Port Perry Star, 24 Nov 1927, p. 4

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onto, as guests of Mrs. L. T. Jillard. Mrs. Jas. H. Platten has returned to her home after a very pleasant trip to Warren, Mich., and Straiter, Hlinois. . Mrs. Wannamaker has returned to her home on Scugog Island, after 'taken charge of Mrs. Platten's home during her absence. See the Tree Fairy, the Bird Fairy, and Water Fairy, at the Public School Concert on Friday evening at the School Auditorium at 7.80 o'clock. Mr. Albert Orchard has returned home from his hunting trip in the north country. He bad a long stay, but managed to bag his deer as usual. lecture greatly enjoyed it, and should Dr. Horwood ever come to Port Perry again, he will have a much. larger audience. " There was nothing "dry" about Dr. Horwood's presentation of his subject. He Janes in by Siving some ex- ) ay ra amples of the origi idea of music / as held by the Chinese, Who were pro- tested by us. x -- bably the first to riment in this guar i ora They had I else but We 7 ante to Sit you SPECIAL Mrs. Forman and daught Miss Margaret, have returned from their visit with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Camnbell left town on Tuesday to spend the Winter in Orlando, Florida. We are pleased to report that Mrs. R. B. Smallman is recovering from her recent severe illness. Mr. F. W. McIntyre, who has been very ill for some time, is on the mend. BUILDS THE WORLD ANEW For love of women we have builded little houses, Pleasant in the shadow, peaceful in the sun, All the wide world over, there are little houses, Silent in the starlight, shining in the dew, Filled with children's laughter and loving hearts of women, God the mighty builder, builds the world anew. p00 "W.C TL The regular meeting of the local W. C. T. U. will be held in the Presby- terian . Church, on Wednesday, Nov. 30th at 3 p.m. -------- ion ARE YOU LONELY? I have a sweetheart for you. Members worth $5,000 to $50,000. Description free. Write S. James, Drawer C, Hollywood, California. mir para PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister. St. John's Church, Port Perry Nov. 27th--Public Worship at 11 am and 7 pm. Sunday School at 3 pm. Y. P. 8. on Monday, at 8 p.m. Prayer Service and Bible Study on noise--rythm and melody were later devel ts. Another idea brought : out in the examples played on the 1 organ was this--there is little or no for Thursday, Friday, parties. such difference between sacred and secular 8nd Saturday only - aah music except in the matter of time. . i 3 A very sacred piece of music can be . Innerlined frames turned into a waltz by playing it fast Toric g heres ai time, or a waltz may be played to P s Shell frame suit a sacred occasion by playing the piece in slower time. Toric spheres - $2.95 The tragedies and comedies that -- come to the life of the musical com- poser were well illustrated in the - L R BENTLEY story tod by Dr. Horwood regarding ptometrist . the author of the music for that fam- Teeter ------ OCs. ous ragtime song "Yes, We Have No NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND JUST . ARRIVED That fortunate : Robertson Bananas To-day." man took four strains of music from in the estate of Alexander A Small Q 8 ntity of CEMENT. four different pieces, one of which wus MacDonald, Deceased a bar from "The Hallelujah Chorus" Notice is hereby giten pursuant to and another from "I Was Seeing the Statute in that behalf that all Nellie Home." These four strains of persons having any clai inst or music he wove together in the jingle entitled to share in the estate of that has been sung around the world Alexander Robertson MacDonald, late --"Yes, We Have No Bananas To- of Epsom in the Township of Reach | day;" and for himself and his partner in the County of Ontario, Retired he earned the fabulous sum of $760,- Farmer, who died on or about the 29th 000. In contrast to this story is the day of September, A.D. 1927, are re- experience of Schubert, who sold his quired to send same to the under- famous "Marche Militaire" for the, signed the Executors of the estate pitiful sum of 12¢. > duly "verified with particulars of the Many other stories and incidents in securities, if any held by them on or the wonderful development of music before the 19th day of Dx ber, A. were told by Dr. Horwood, and D. 1927, and that after said last throughout the lecture choice selec- named date the Executors will pro- tions of music were played on the ceed to distribute the assets of the organ by Dr. Horwood. "estate among the parties entitled 000 : thereto, having regard only to the SEAGRAVE _claims-or interests of which they then The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Shall have Tx om Mrs. W. tion, = Aid wag held at the ous of Mrs. W. The Toronto General Trusts Corpora- some eighteen members present, Full 'ion, 253 Bay street, Toronto, Ex- de the ecutors. aHjengements were mace oF Malone, Malone, Sedgewick and Mont- bazaar and hot bean supper to be held in the basement of the church on Fri- day evening, Dec. 2nd. Many pretty and useful articles will be offered for sale, also & beautiful quilt. Come and bring your friends as a good time dmission 8b. Thursday, at 7.30 p.m. Choir practi at 8.30. Session will meet on Friday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the basement. 8. 8. Christmas Concert, Dec. 23rd. Breadalbane Church, Utiea. - S. 8. at 2pm. Public Worship at 3 pm. C. E. Society, Wed., at 8.30 p.m. re (OO DIED On Scugog Island, on Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1927, Florence Ellen Fulker, be- loved wife of Robert Tetlow, aged 32 years. ree Open. At lot 10, Con. 8, Mariposa, on Monday, November 21st, 1027, Mary Jane Ginn, widow of the late Samuel Kerr, aged 74 years. ene QQ Oe . The grand patriotic chorus will be a feature.--Friday evening at 7.30. Plan on sale at Davis' store for the + Public School Concert. is expected. A Mr. Geo. Boden of St. Field spent the week end with his friend Mr. Roy Scott. Miss Tripp of Shirley is visiting ut the home of Mr, and Mrs. Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe and family of Whitby were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk, on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Topping of Oshawa, spent the week end wi friends here. ~ Mr. Orval Sharpe and Mr. J. Gibson are back home from the West. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock and daughter Doris, of Uxbridge, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk, on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott accom- panied by Mr. Keen and Mr, L. Scotr, were in Toronto, last week on busi- ness, and saw the big hockey match on Tuesday night. ' Miss Olive Rogers' many friends gomery, Solicitors. Dated at Toronto, this 9th day of November, 1927, OO nist : MYRTLE STATION Mr. Richard Wiles has had his house redecorated, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey, of Oshawa, have moved in. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pilkey to our community. y Mrs, J. Birkett, who has been ill for some weeks was taken to Oshawa Hospital. last Friday for treatment. The annual Christnias Tree and En- tertainment will be held on Thursday evening, December 22nd. x The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Cook, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Wednesday, November 16th at 3 p.m, when their daughter Blanche Adele 'was united in marriage to Frederick Elmer Beadle, of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beadle, Seagrave. bride was unattended and wore a pret- ty period frock of blush pink crepe back-satin and frills of ecru silk lace, 1 E RY COAL YA FI Vas | "Buy with Confidence" We han grades of Coal available--SORANTON C COAL--SOLVAY We can now supply our customers with andle the best COAL--KENTU Fp p-

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