run down as waters, and might stream. of : ctory, Bi not of triumph, v3 ANALYSIS x no safety and no escape 1 AN EXHORTATION, 5: x hose who have sinned against IL a SOLEMN WARNING 5:18-27. i The feast days, jolentn assemblies, HAAN Ny a: Se not a viseNy or INTERCESSIONS "AND A ve in them no content of. S OPPOSITION, chap, 7. |true worship, For the same high NTRODUCTION~--Like he pro- emphasis upon righteousness and jus- of Israel in very age, Amos tice, and upon pure worship, see Isa. d that the mere formalities of re- 1:10-17; Jer. 7:1-15; Hos. 6:6; Micah were not in themselves pleasing 6:6-8. The question of verse 25 seems to God Tie sm a Taael, a7 th to imply hat ouch form worship foreman to or Ao wo Ar 10 {offered t) sacrices at the altars and lod, but that is quite inconceivable, | When the boys, dressed in the con- | the PAIK The crowds expected from| = Many paid their tithes, and who were care. Tho intention seems to be to introduce | ventional costumes of bright silk and | [HeRCOM. Tho CIOWAS expected from | nll i Tul to observe the ancient forms, but a comparison between the simpler and | heavy gold braid, come out at the the & -up toreadors same. ox- |! ol to hin it: was not worship, but rather purer worship of that period, and tse head of their quadrilla for the usual (Cling tricks shown them by. the Blen- © transgression against God. He knew ornate and idélatrous rites of parade around the ting - before the | éndia boys. And the.grown-up tore. the lives which hiss on lived, time (compare Jer: 7:21.24). fight, a stupendous roar of enthusiasm 2dors couldn't deliver. It was a bad : their many acts of injustice, their IIT, VISIONS OF INTERCESSION AND A |greets them. ~ And during the rest Dusiness. So the grown-up t Ebon dig plain. ay cruel conduct 'toward the poor, Tl . PRIEST'S OPPOSITION, chap 7. |of the afternoon, while they are parry. B0t busy, put political machinery to Jie Selor; ot ono e strides. Some Ty on sell indulgsnes | heir | In a series of dream visions Amos | ing the charges of the bulls, first with | Working-and had a law passed prohi- otha Somibiza two or: three. cons J . The to hon and mo prays for the people of Isracl, bes quick, graceful swirls of the cerise-| biting boys under fifteen years of Jsting so) ox oy EA ship bf Zods. "Hie sa doomyieom. Seach the merey 2 fat upon Shia lined capes, and later with the smaller 88 to fight. by : Tod. of: thom a wicked nation and'declared 3 asian of Israel. In the third of | myleta, that sinister little red cloth | After that there was nothing for, : x wah would not turn:it away. Thess, he predicts fhe sail of the Toyal { Which hides the steel sword, the roar them to do birt search for new worlds © ay oe fds the people of the warn- jn Jerohoam IT a pg account of (Of those thirty thousand aficionados to conquer, So they crossed ho hor} _X that h they have had, drought (hose feign will be found in 2 Kings can be heard all over that part of der Into southern Trance; an Aiom Redior knitted veclont plague ry gle 14:38:29. This Jeciaration made 'at, 0¥n, : a a pnt, Nha thelr | You can have a they have not repented. In the grent- Bethel, 2 bio ETRY der loyal pa oe skill and E Sndasity OF the Blan terms absurd, amd refused to have BS Drécisely-as a blouse: that 1s rin er calamity that is coming upon them chief priest, who ordered Amos to FOURS 8 captured M1 anything to do with them, So Papa |ed to your measure. They come they will meet an offended God whose rn once. to his own country of | Mexicans, always receptive to that pio wos Bought a few bulls-on: his different: patterns, some: of them 'unsanitary buildings, or laws of Justice and human kindness judah. The prophets simple defencd | Y/carious thrill which comes to. the | WV ES Ch HE Moat Sod] Woven: with metal threads. A popu-'dition, may: reduce thie bird } they have not obeyed. {of his divine commis: _ [safely protected ringside spectator at: the affair well and atter the startling lar pattern fis striped narrowly with 'to a point where it becomes readily 7 od or Reps Tent of his call to tho prophatic office @ bullight. Manuel and Jose are sticcess of the performance the pro- | Pelge, light brown and rust, ~~ | susceptible to colds. Nd [2 Arise agai; hope. (vs. 1-15), ia Tory Impressive, quick and supple and often foolhardy. : | 0.' yruckled" under. Now the| The cardigan sweator is always Ordinarily, it proper feeding is con- found, hors thie nfhl mane to| '| They do tricks which no mature ., "ceive twelve thousand pesos |WOrn With a siipover underneath it. tinued and the housing conditions fm: horis Il aries Ep 10 fighter would ever think of risking.) oy thousand dollars) _ every time | It 18 generally lain and 'matches'one proved, the affected birds wil recover with God { that they may be forgiven. Thay: look, Jom the Bighot seal in {they fight. From 'this Papa Bien.) Of the colors in'the slip. Very occa-| without treatment; 'howeVer, in very! 1. ADIGE AND A%s EXHORTATION: Bb : ring, e midgets open ?|venida allows them each one peso |Slonally the cardigan is striped or pat-|severe cases, the disease may cause Rie s 02 Shargo ot JOnStrIE -beasts, thoueh | (fifty cents) a day for pocket-money. |terned in some way and the slip-over | the loss of a number of birds, and the Ie ns oy E re Sa i 2% The rest he puts fn the bank. Their 18 plain. loss of egg production over a consider- a Avera oe y ey -- yearly income is about three Hundred able period of time, Ried ol a animale They thousand dollars. EE The skirts worn with the smart Treatment. : 2 . | When the boys fight, Papa Blen:! sweaters are always re to them.| -When colds are valent, the first dart about with lightning speed under, =... "i. stwave. In the ring with Sometimes they, too, are, knitted, and pre t, the. very nose of the infuriated bull; ' effort should be directed towards find- the Fy sandy" gold them, cape in hand, ready to rush to then they match exactly, , When they ing out the faulty condition, bringing | the bullfighting profession, one might innocently think 'that it was some. thing to be exclusively practis full-grown men. But, strange the most' papular bull: tht Mexico to-day are . two little hoys. that | Manuel Blenvenida {3 thifteen and OUSh. And ly 3! : ta 5 b 2 little brother Jose is eleven, On the to the San Seb: epli | i ; days they fight, writesClare Ousley in Amazed person replied: 1 "The. World Traveller," the huge [to buy your sons Mexico City bullring 1s packed to its: the terms, and a full capacity of thirty thousand-- Venida family { ; 1 something it takes the greatest of DPesstas for all. : hing s became so popular that they took all, the patronage y from the older; in a plain: of, 0d Now is i reign of the chry-- santhemum, 'golden flower which art has, coaxe 'wearing many col: ore besides the name one, Y. . Under sunward eaves: of grey farmhouses, | along. the grape Arbours -of village yards, close to boundary fences. ... Suddenly r the marigolds have 'been t "by the first light frost, the little bushes announce an un- counted store of littls itight buds = + which grow and grow through the = The lamnetation, or dirge (v. 1) is The New Skirts. cast in Une form of a verse of poetry (v. 2) with a peculiarly mournful rhythm, which may be imitated in Englisk as follows: "Fallen. no more to rise, the virgin of + Cast down upon Israel; her land, none to lift her up." graze their | braid; they stroll nonchalantly away, ' the red cloth dragging behind them; their assistance their dare-deviltries he is trequently | nomespun, kasha, wool cre forced into action. And because of are fabric they are tweed or a fine or jer- One afternoon 'gey. Or they may be heavy crepe de about the disturbance. The walls of the building should be made tight, the. ventilating system put into order, the long, still, hasy days as If they and the frost were running a race for some unseen goal. . .. There comes they pull the bull's tail; they grab the horns; they kneel, muleta in hand, be- { foré the charge of ge bull, deflecting the angry beast with a slight motion of the cloth and an almest impercepti- ble change of the body to the side; they grimace and gesture to the spec- tators; .. their favorite {rick is the "pass of death," a wickedly danger- ous business which has caused the, death of many ane overly audacious chine, In the latter case they will be fipely pleated all the way. round. In woolens the familar Wraparound is still popular. a day when on in November when the * garden is)again the haunt of perfect loveliness. There are yellow flowers, great, soft yellows, of the color no {other flower ensnares, and a bitter pungency 'dts own." There are pinks, soft, dull pinks with white oF grey inMthelr high lights and copper red In their shadows, There are. = -browns which 'are orangs also, au whites which are greys, and greens. 4d yellows as well. 'Ah what color! What fragrance! "And what abund. ance!~Sarah Andrew Shafer, In "A White-Paper Garden." y Refreshing Courage' Norwegian Sailc" Hero of Blast That Killed Three; Climbed Down Into Burn- + ing 'Wreckage With 'New Yark--A tall Norwegian sail: or, who went to sea to 'build a'bank- roll," is halled as the hero of an ex- plosion which tore the bow off the tanker Beta recently, killing three. of her grew and geverely burning a Jose was tossed by a bull Jose wasn't used to such treatment, and he rush. ed at the bull without cape or sword, ready to grapple with the beast bare. handed. Papa . Bienvenida grabbed{ There are so many sorts of pleated him and saved him from being gore, skirts, from narrow box pleats an but Jose, instead of appreciating this | inch wide to box pleats five or six paternal attention, kicked and 'bit inches wide, There are occordion and furiously in a most unflilal fashion. © | knife pleated. skirts: or skirts 'with Jose insists that he is the best bull merely gne or two inverted pleats in fightér, because he was born In Se-|the front. A small number of very matador raLox Dlay boldly and Fock ville, while Manual was born in Mad: smart new skirts have circulér full- they dre born bull-fighters And the rid, ness in front or just at one side. crowds adore them. i Thees boys come by their art' - - E Eati Re 1 Here 'Amos is anticipating the ca- lamity which he expects to fall upon Israel 88 a punishment for its upon and in his prophetic vision he sees it as already present, and the land fallen » in ruin' and decay. The prophet's messages of warning and of exhorta- tion were spoken as early as B.C. 750, and in 722. 8fter 4 long period of civil strife, and a long sige of the capital city of Samaria by Assyrian armies. the kingdom of Israel came to an end and many of her people were carried away into captivity, see 2 Kings 15: 8-81 and 17:1-28. The prediction of Amos was fulfilled. In v. 3 the vpronhet describes the condition to which the country will be as the result of internal strife and invasion bv foreign enemies. Only one-tenth of the men able to bear arms will be left in the cities of Israel. Nevertheless he believes in the merev-of God 'and vrees repentance and the seeking of his favor, if by any Ineans his anger against them hay be appeased an may 4 liver them. Jehovah is to be sought. A DAINTY NIGHTGOWN. parents were -astonished, = but - they he declares, not in the gorgeous and; The woman who delights in making learned that the boys had been play-! corrupt ritual Bf the great sanctuar- dainty garments will find this, atbrac- ing at bullfighting' tn the parks until at B y Gilgal and Beersheba, tive - nightgown quite simple to fa they had won 'a city-wide reputation. but In Just and Upright Sealing. bY_schion. "The sides of the front and|And, anyway, the bulls would be |' psn. ay thei - oa: ig, rans: back are slightly gathered and joined' small, and«it would mean much money' 12), by loving and doing good and rot to a scalloped yoke effect. which also for the Blenvenidas. So, after much evil. For Jehovah is not only the forms short sleeves, No. 1676 is in' discussion and the setting of a high greet God, the Lord, maker of. the 'sizes 84 to 44 inches bust. Any size|price on the parents' permission, Bigrey heavens and rales of Light and requires 2% yards 86 or 89-inch ma-| "Manuel and Tose fought the is in s ess, 'of sea and land. but_he is al. Price 20c the pattern. the charity corrida, and Seville went able' to read the innermost thoughts | "Transfer Design No. 1040 is' used mad over them, and the fame and for- ot en's hoarse: 2nd Be is the paefender ito trim View A. 'Blue and Yellow. tune = of 'the family wan sssured. : , "® | Price 26c the pattern,-. Continues the writer in "The Wor 8-9. compare 4:13). ¥ The Gate was beth the entrance to Many styles of smart apparel may Traveller.' : ; a walled city and the broad square be found in our Fashion Book. Our|' The day that Manuel and Jose first within: The latter was the market designers originate their patterns in! fought publicly, Mama Bienvenida place and the place of public con- | the heart of the "Style centres, and looked at their younger brother, still course. where the judges of the city; their vereatiohs are those of tested) in pinafores, and made up her mind daily: session. An upright judee pepularity, brought within the means | that he at least would never take up gehuted a Svil-doetgie hated. | of the average woman. Price of the so dangerous a career. ~ But as Prophet pres poor, whe | 20k 10c the copy. enthusiasm for the two boy fighters as feudal Iovdsiover their poorer| HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS, [Increased and as the house.was con: y Write your name and address plain. Stantly full of aficlanades who talked ly, giving number and size of such |of nothing butsbulls and bull-fightin ors, exacting from them: gifts produce of their labor in return ne smallost Son all rally ihes you E 20¢ in | the smallest son of 'ai patterns as you want. Enclose 20¢ in ited to a similar fature: ir hon ze. Who took bib - rverted i "ea particularly ne Or coin { : ne day | ble kind of sinners (vs. 11-12). | 1 riverally) for can: samice Tra2! she doclded that his ambition: must b fay of calamity, and so of wail-| i illd your order to. Pattern Dept. |be squashed once and for all, so she rr or iis surely coming, when | wiyeo" Bublishing Cos 78 West. Ade. tgld Paps Bleavonidy to take the boy RB Heard in treet and imhovay, laide St. Toronto. Patterns sent by| out and let him try to fight, : in and vineyard (vs; 16, 17). | return mail. ling. teciing sure that after te. was turally enough, it seems. Papa Blen- venida was & great matador in Spain' in his day, but a. couple of wounds persuaded him to retire. He went into business, and he didn't dp so well. . One day. the Mayor of Seville called and asked him whether his two sons would be allowed to fight at a coming charity fight, or /corrida. The grad "You've paid a fitting. tribute When you get a receipt from your. tallor." § % who by - oF io dry litter placed in the house, and the general housing 'condition made as comfortable as possible. 3 Every effort should be made birds. In most cases, the birds eat very little fn which case, a wet ma the birds will consume, and any other palatable foods available, should: be consumption: . | 2s : Potassium permanganate, or a simi. kept in the drinking water while the flock 'is suffering from colds, in an 'ef- ] disease through the drinking water. It chickens begin eating their eggs | When individual treatment. is desir-] starch. Purchase bulk Iaundry oughly as possible, Following this ,a- : starch and put it in a dish in the solution of tiventy drops of oil of suca- i ing eggs in this way, and' you will be 'lyptus to one ounce of mineral ofl surprised at the.amount they will eat, should be injected into each nostril, eating. : | valuable birds a twenty per cent. solu- For holding gravel, oyifer shells, tion of argyrol can be injected fnto paing such as, are sold at variety good results. In severe cases of roup, stores for baking angel food cakes. twenty per cent. solution: of argyrol is through the centre-of the pan and in- | cations will 'usually completely re: to the ground. Then fill the pan and move the cankér--J. A. Hannah, © |little/ts wasted. . The pan can be slip- 'ped off the stake for cleaning and re- 18 less waste if it is given in this way than by mixing with the whole feed | Chickens are fond. of uncooked po- tatoe skins and for a winter feed un- An elder] Pt cabbagé, etc, it is wel to chop po- _f~ |ol fumes in Nn clderly man was cycling down tato paring two or: three times a - 5 A "there the road and, getting under the front | Week and feed them al lthey i od : wheel, threw hi: % : ay w him on the ground in coaxed. to 1ay winter eggs and It crowd collected, and' the: dog, excited | better to put them in separate coops by so ma le, od | n A people, rushed found and |," corn. buckwheat, "Did you have an atcident or some. |®ll excellent. Keep' thing?" he ) : & gels follow. "| &ive them the tonics, the green threw myself down 'so: that I could and shells, starch, ; play. with. the dog!" gin n- crease the feed. col r . should. be fed, daily, about 'all thal given in an effort to increase the food lar disinfectant; may be profitably fort to prevent dissemination of the ft 1s usually because they need ed; nostrils should be cleaned as thor- coop when you mistrust you are Ios- "and into the cleft of the roof of the and their starch feast will end egg mouth. In the case of particularly starch, and charcoal, I use tube cake the swelling underneath the eye with Drive a sharpened two foot stake "effective, and two or three appl the fowls can not tip it over and but | x Alling.. I you are giving a tonic there of grain or mash, ' Jess you have plenty of green oats, put out the the street when a dog rushed across J Hens that moult late can never: A sitting position. Immediately a is and feed Yor vitality aud future pro: | round the cyclist, seeming to enjoy it. asked 'one of the audience. |Cerly. moulters by "Oh, no," retorted: the old stimyiste egg production. i i