, not for gaudiness; "hut because paint 't last a week the desert. They aré surmounted | i el flagstaff for the royal pen: There are grips on the outside "outriders" in white robes to cling] to, while the King fs 'passing through crowded cities. 'The, harem "¢ars are part of a fleet - of. eight royal vehicles ordered from "the Star Works in Wolverhampton at 'a cost of-$55,000, They include four large touring cars for the King and capable of making 65 miles hy nd two huge open cars of pt type to carry the _ bodyguard of fifty armed men, which will accompany the King and his "wives wherever they go. The whole fleet 1s finished fn polished aluminum. Each ear will be able to carry a "of sixty gallons of gasoline, as Imes have "to miles without passing a Ml- they. haye extra s because of the "ney BOL As a great city develops in ita in: habitants certain fnstincts of alert- ness 'that 'are usually but embryonic in small 'communities, it inculcates vast patience, resignation and fypdif- 'ference. Late one afternoon recently, © at one df the most congested Broad- - way corners in the Times Square dis- trict,' an ul "heap of large, own- i partly shed pasteboard box: es had been deposited 1 nthe middle of the sidewalk nea rthe curb.. There it sprawled. But pedestrians stolidly - detoured; i ntheir home-going hurry, and probably few asked themselves: "In what other town in the land could an obstruction so informal "and so supremely inopportune be encounter- "| ment, help some other Ak oo h Dr. Williams' Pink Pits are sold by all Medjetny fualete ot sent by Blood," - which contains many ugeful health hints, will be sent free an re: quest. Unde Sam's Jo Sam's Best Customer / Figures on inion in the Dovctdent that at the present moment Canada is the largest consumer of American pro- ducts, replacing the United Kingdom in that positions For the first eight months "of 1927 Canadian. purchases. amounted to $544,063,208; those of the United Kingdom were less than $18, 617,389. As Great in has hither. to been the largest single export mar: ket for American goods of all sorts, this means an interesting change in the ecorfomioc situation. 2 Much as this may mean to the United States A perhaps means more to Canada, It would not have beén possible for the Dominiony to buy so much if that country had not been in such 'admirable condition financially. The truth is. that: Canadian business' has "beén healthy and. prosperous and is 'stil climbing. In -agrieuiture, in manufactures and in mining the con- ditions have been such as to warrant sound expansion, The great wheat of 1925 start- ed Canadian hgriculture upon: a mew capeer. of prosperity. It came at a time when world 'prices for grain were satisfactory. ' As those prices continue reasonably good In the world markets there is no reason why this advantage should not continue. Water development has provided cheaper power for the factories, which in turn have been able to employ more 'work: ers and turn out more goods. That this prosperity had been national rath- 'er than local has been made evident through reductions in income taxes. - Automobile ypurchases in the U. 8. for the period covered.by this survey aggregated about $22,000,000 in value. There / were - corresponding purchases of motor trucks and parts for replace- In the same period American exports of cotton goods. to Banada ag- gregated 88,000, 000 pounds, as against {a total 'of 76,000,000 for a- correspond: ing period last year. . If estimates | made by the Department of Agricul | ture. are correct, Canada is now. buy- !ing about two-thirds: of all her foreign goods in the markbts ofthe United 5 Canada {s 'a good: customer of the | United States, so: also; is: the United | customer of Canada. of Commerce at Washington. indicate. - The new air language , naturally enough, a hybrid showing ancestry dm | many quarters! This is what gives | the romantic philologist. his ik cons the sea, for In stance, we 1s owe the designation of a plane as a (ship, referred to as she; the fact that a plane has a cockpit cabin, as the may be; that she has a. rudder and a pilot; that she cruises, leaves a wash, sometimes yaws, finally flies fnto an airport. To the natural inhabitants of ithe element we lave so boldly and suc cessfully invaded we, of ¢ourse,.owe the term wingé and its French cousin, aileron--that auxiliary surface of the wing. which functions in banking 8 'ship for a turn. We come back to earth for words when we talk about smooth, rough or bumpy alr. These are, by 'the way, perfectly serious terms, descriptive "of real conditions, as. a columnist discovered recently when he was corrected for venturing the idea that air travel would have none of the Theonvenienves of riding over ai" unever roadbed. : rowed, vartous other terms from the Franch' for our air vocabulary, The peasant farmer whose hay barns were pre-' empted by wartime forces gave us our hangars. 'Fuselage, by which ws denote the elongated structure to| which are attached the wings and tail unit;% nacelle, which fay shorter than a fusélage and does not carry a tall unit; Isngerons, the fore-and-aft members of the fuselage framing, are words found in French dictionaries as well as in our own. Another is em- pennage which {ncludes the stabilizer, fin, rudder and elevator. Runways and airways are obvious terms; obvious, also, Is the expres- glon "to wreck a plane" Not so "wasl{ ont" or a pilot may be squeez- ed into a forced landing and wash ouf his landing gear on dry land. By the! the air 1s not related to the engine nor comparable to the {inadvertent process cursed in. motor cars. Stall ing in the air refers to the-very dan- Lgerous act of allowing an airplane to fall below the speed necessary to sus- tain controllable flight Other familiar experssions take on new meaning; in the air. Even the rapidly disappearing Puritan: should not quarrel over the "leg" of & night, * nor the purist sniff at "dope," which |' is the official nomenclature for the liquid that is appHed to the cloth of airplane members to increase strength: and produce' tautness, So, too, the old: headline writer who re: members *when a: hop nothing but a Saturday night: dans at a Sum- mer resort, and when a e:off was a4 bit of burlesque or. mimicry" should bé Informed that Jenny is not always a girl's name and that not all crates - carry' oranges; Jennies and crates, to ap terms with au of airplanes, The airmen war appropriated num: bers of. other words from our common nd given © 'meanings whishihas refers to certain 'elevators, refer to either: side of 1 same token, stalllng an airplane in ™& / Bre » + contemptuous FR ---- Independence Abroad This little voyageur Is typical of modern wo) She goes atravelling and returns \ihaccompanied from Paris and London. She is Isobell Duff-Stuart, daughter of Brig-Gen. Duft-Stuart, of Vancouver, and when the cameraman on the Cunard liner Ausonia shouted " 'tention!" she did her military "best--then disembarked at Montreal to. take train for home. V Bn Cen which have [wo or more sets of wings of substantially the same area placed one in fron of 'the other and on about the same level. The , exceptions are the glider, which has no 'power plant; the kite, which is propelled by a towline and relies on the wind moving past its surfaces for support; the helicopter, whose suppert is derived from the vertical . thrust of propellers; . the + ornitbropter, which has flapping wings. 3 Unquestionably th alr age witha specialized _Yoshiulary has | has begun. "Sherlock Holr Holmes" Wins Another Case Sir Arthur = Conan Doyle 'After 18 Years Frees Oscar Slater London. --S8herlock Holmes has won his greatest case--the rescue of a convicted murdered from & term of life imprisonment. In the House of Commons, Sir John Gilmour, secretary of #ate for Scot- land, announced that the government | would release Oscar Slater as soon as + "guitable arrangements could be Crug The announcement Theant Sir Ar- thur Conan Doyle, creator bf the great detective of fiction, had won a years- long fight on Slater's behalf. Fighting definitely to win freedom for Slater; Sir Arthur had investigated the case from every angle, using the methods. of deduction and analysis that, in his stories, had made Sher- Jock Holmes a world-famous char acter; In December, 1908, the aged Miss { Jane Gilchrist, alone in her Glasgow flat, was miirdered and her body was ro obbed. ' Four. -days ator Aa. brooch like hers was recovered from a pawnshop in which Oscar Slater had pledged it. Slater had a bad record and police began a search tor him. He then sail- i "THE ONLY MEDICINE BABY HAS BAD" ! submarine, Mr. {mdded, were "completed fn last 12] - | months. Is What Thousands of Mothers Say of Baby's Oyn Tablets Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she will use nothing else. Experience teaches her that they are without'an equal for re- Nteving baby of any of the many minor ailments which afflfet him at one time or another. The Tablets never fail to be of benefit--they cannot possibly do harm as they are guaranteed to be free from all injurious drugs. ~ Concerning Baby's Own Tablets Mrs. Russell Hill, Norwood, Ont, says:--"I shall always have a good word to say for Baby's Own Tablets. 1 have given them to our baby girl In fact they are the only medicine she has ever had and I am proud to say that she took second prize at our baby show. She is eleven months old and weighs 22 pounds. No mother whose. child 18 peevish or ailing will make a mistake In giving Baby's Own Tab- lets." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----------t--. Sign of the Times The habit of drinking to excess has become unfashionable, even repre- hensible. Jt is likely that, with the passage of years and the growth of | wider interests, mankind will discard the alcohol habit, wil seek stimulation in natural exercise and in wholesomé pleasure.--Melbourne Life. --t Grocer--"Don't you find that a baby brightens up a housebold wonderful | ily?" Woman Customer--"Yes, we, ; have the electric lights going most of | the time now." AND steamer Rensselaer, during-a recent | Prank near! are 80 easy and perfect IF you use the samekind of dyes Profes~ sional Dyers use, Dyes that are | t up in highly concentrated, | : Boely powdered, soluble form. No work to dissolve them. ! Never any shaving, scraping or crumbling them up. They are:-- | DYOLA» DATENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Fres on Request. THE RAMBAY 00. Dept. W, st, Ont. [JYEIN TINTING ed from Liverpool for New York as Otto Sando. No sooner had that been learned than the brooch clue proved false, It had belonged to Slater's: mistress. ButgSlater, once suspicion had fas- tened on him, was unable to shake it. He was extradited from New York and under 'the Scottish system was found guilty of Miss Gilchrist's mur der by a majority Jury verdict of 9 to 6. Since then he has Yoon in Peter- 'Ceiling, visibility, endurance, rigeing; ond jail--18 years. Usually in Great oer Mi level, ol. meas: sticks Britain a lite term prisoner {is re- en' fliers speak o ng they¥jeaged after 15 years. the 'above "earth of - | the: bottom: of the lowest cloud lev, (or flippers) atécquatry was kept advised of Mis find- aT 'cause the yng. ~ The announcement recently | nose: of theiiplane to. 1ife/ whenev * But 8ir Arthur persisted in his fight and he used his knowledge of pub- licity methods to see that the whole was the segucl. Guayaquil, Pouador -- Dispatches es 'Quito, capital of Bcuador, state ] Beuadorean Government bas | ,& contract with =a Swedish jcate granting the mateh mono- poly. in Beuador for'a period of. 26 i 3. note Shes ase dispelle uk world 'mows Aspirin as an effective antidote for nt to know that there is s nlf one ayer is on every tablet, and a ad Frid appears, is s even ir « Aspirin--at any 'drugstore--with ET------ aes An American newspaper corres pondent claims to have discovered the most obliging man in the world, person of -a passenger on the This herg noticed that a let. ter had blown ffom the hands of one of the passengers into the Hudson River With a gentlemanly, "I'll got it for you,' he dived over the side. The lifeboat was lowered ,and when the model of courtesy was returned to the ship he handed over the letter with the comment, "I am afraid it is wet." The report says that he spoke with a Swedish accent, so Europe may take the credit for His upbringing It fs a pretty tale, but one feels that a realig| fo obliging man would 'have offered to dry the letter or to type out a copy neatly on the ship's typewriter. ~Glas- gow Herald. nnn, Minard's Liniment for Distemper. jcommission. Roy Art, "er | West, Montreal, Remarkable, isn't it, what a drink will do for a man? Second Clubman: Yes; but it's still | more ermarkable what a man will do for a drink. First Clubman: i Spend this Christmas overseas with the Old People. You'll never regret it. Don't put off until ny ear, 'Who knows what changes a year may bring? See a steamship agent and make your reservation to-day. Round Trip from $155 up. Children half fare -- every- thing included. Christmas Sailings From HALIFAX Dec. 5--ANTONIA for Plymouth, Havre and London. Dec, 11--ATHENIA for Belfast, Liverpool and Glasgow. Dec. 12--ASCANIA for Plymouth, Havre and London. From ST. JOHN, N.B, - re 10--ATHENIA for Belfast; ¥ inchor Donaldson 0 Liverpool and Glasgow. |, br CO, nord =. ROBERT REFORD LIMITED Cor. it gen (hen nag TORONTO 'on the eniine ; and if it doesn't, spirin. So are colds, and i. neuritis, and rheuma- NFor Your Stock ORS. AND HAR) for Harness Ca tory, 10 Nelson Stree AGENTS WANTED. CTA ree CARDS, ha FRENCH ORY ghuchetiers FOXES, BEFORE PBLTIN Silvers $100 to $1 h grade crosses, $3 sitonen, St. Mar ia Al CALL ot Jig to Sos "ah Onta -L-E-E-R-E-X KILLS em Psoriasis, Erythema, Itch, Pimples, Chilbiaing Works Polson Ivy, ap! magle; rice 806, $1. 0 "and $3.00, ie ra, F. McGregor, 206 Scotia St, $6.50. Winnipeg, Man, a NARE WOL vEe. > Patent Double-lock, guarantee gnawproof~ Sample $1, one dozen Dollar Snaring iY Trapping book fr with order of dozen. Circular. Deal write Bill Hoffman, Harrowby, Man. BOYS "ores $2.00 Given JY ooR Simply sell 50 Bets o dnd Famous Christmas Seals f feb set. When oe Sruat you 'ti sold send us $3. ol"und, 11 Xmas. . Dept. 04 WL, Brooklyn, NY. U Our girls have plenty of latitude in' dress; the trouble seems to be with longitude. FOX, LYN. Banish Pimples By Using Children Like It-- So Will You. At the first lan, of 8 of a Sod, buy "Buc reli th nn ow i and Hae ie cough instan delights the taste. Different from all other remedies for hs, Colds, Bronchitis. Prevents lu, Pneumonia and all Throat, an Lung troubles. Sold everywhere i Wahelsrefunded guarantee, Buckley, Limited, wr ks CL Toronte 2 LL Acs! Hike a flash-- single sip proves it Minard's ie a havdy and effec tive fifirst ald bofa In the stable and barn. SICK AGED EIGHT MONTHS After Taking Lydia E. Pinkhan's Vegetable Compound Could Do All Her Work and Gained ; in Weight Melfort, Saskatehewan. -- "I hall' inward troubles, hei © 5 £ --- Lo g ete. siasdeaniiels g