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Port Perry Star, 5 Apr 1928, p. 7

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had no opposition to state. |% ; might require up" in committee, the : 2 'approved of ita] 'ernment to negotiate.a $50,000, with which to meet its financial obli- gations for the fiscal year ending Oct. 81, 1927. It will be applied to depart- "mental administration and to matur- ing bonds, and represents an increase of $10,000,000 over the loan author-| ized last session, . . There will'be no special committee of the Legislature appointed at the present session to travel throughout the province during the recess to ~~. make a survey of the fish and game "situation, Errors to $38,639,318, were tabled' amount is approximately $6,000,000 than the estimate for the fiscal ¥ ending Oct. 81, 1928, as tabled during last year's session of the 'House: eh 'BY DEPARTMENTS, By departments: the "19: mates are as follows: ' Lieutenant-Governor's Office, $6,- ; Prime Minister's Department, 050 $8,385,600; Legislation, $384,575; At torney-General's' Départment, $2,061,- 416; Insurance Department, $49,625; Education Department, $7,900,180; Lands and Forests Department, $2,- 547, 450; Northern Development De- partment, $499, " es Depart- ment, $360,6 " Department, " De; n J ef n this session's vote Hydro "estimates, year ago, were mors The total vote for 000. Of this last amouNithe system is representéd by $5,7 3 $1,000,000 of which goes to the Niag- ara Falls- St. Thomas line, and $750, 000 for rural extension. For thé Geor- gian Bay system the estimate of i fo" St. Lawrence sys- junder Bay, $325, tario, $620,000; Nip- issing, $427,000; Algoma, $10,000. EDUCATION ESTIMATES. Education Department estimates 6 1 a vote of $2,100,000 for grants rural, public, and separate schools; $100,000 for consolidated = schools; $65,000 for summer schools. ne Imndred and thirty thousand six hun 'dollars is voted for Eng- lish-French training schools, as com- spre with '$148,600 of a year ago pe . of Toronto grant is seb cat $166,900, 'and - Western Unix ' Estimates for the Dept. of High- ways show a slight. increase. For 1929 . they are $575,614, whereas for 1928 i they were set at $562,389. LESS FOR HEALTH, n s a falling off for ness today 1 0 pri- vate DFM ping out of Committee on the five bills remaining, settling the troubles arising out of church union: © Several private and local bills received attention and were passed. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28TH-- A request that the Ontario Govern- 'ment proclaim an Act passed by the Drury Government. in 1922 making provision for co-operative banking in the Province of Ontario, was made during the consideration of the esti- mates for the year by A. Belanger (Lib., Russell What were known as co-operative § were doing busi- vinice, and were armer by giv- he would not get otherwise. 5 seven or eight, he t in existence in the Quebec they were nk: materially aidi h ing him loans have been There .were 8g believed, pr provi 2 [ nun; ; pirating without char- torn@8y-General suggested. | J¥€langer replied; "they a very unsatisfac- the name of trus- will be inquired oi tere « are 8 tory Mn into, Ei Dept of I] Gare gi for the Tnsurance id 6; for the Dept. OWor the Dept. of MA$527,825--a to- 8,680, regulation ' kes Dep Premier 120 TH-- formtand cere- $ of the ce gisuature oved Bxpenditure of on the' affairs of the the fiscal year of 1929. gved in Ontario picture be stamped in a way whether or no able for children. The plan will be ation in a o®, : mikored by A. Belanger, ich would have prohibited at- p of juyptiles, whether in com- fof their parents or not, at the- the Bohrd as fit for children, The.bill fed children from 156 to 16, and J. A. Pinard, in Mr. Belanger's absence, urged that this be enacted, but the Prine Minister thought that it was not worth while putting into legisla- tion. FRIDAY, MARCH 30TH-- THE LAST DAY. The second session of Ontario's Seventeenth Legislature closed, amid the usual bombardment of papers from the Press Gallery. The it church union controversies, The day| was taken up considering and adopt-| 1g the report of the Private Bills! 14: North of the north line of tho should be fiver had another clause which would have]- raised the age limit for unaccompan- The visiting ruler of Afghanista n completed, action will be taken to con- serve the game and fish. Other features of the session were Provincial Treasurer Monteith's an- nouncement of a balanced Budget and a surplus of $359,000 for the figeal year ended, and the forecast of an- other surplus for the curr Government's express strengthening "movie') cens uglations; the House's jection of the principlg of r-by- She Slasels the Hous endorgation © Government's poliey to conduct | think first of Great Britain Canada a puriey of the situation before for- Australia, India, South Africa and mint hg ny» age pensiore scheme; | New Zealand, Unfamiliar places with rs. - Hirt J which the | curious names, seen only once or twice Closers 2 or at e Royal Com-| perhaps over a period of years escape mw 7, i ry in ® Hollinger | general notice. Yet theso also form ® . stout links in the great chain of Em- a ------ pire. News for Plans All Laid and all The vastness and unity of the Brit- ish Empire are two things difficult for the average person to realize, In thinking .of the Empire, most people H t " i se a Sharing in.' Empire un opping Week in Canada, April 21st ers to 28th, for the Executive Commaittoe of Empire Shopping Week have seen to it--that every part of'the British Empire 1s vied 1, gripe in the great effort, AND PURPOSES, one main purpose of ng Week in Canada is i the purchase and sale of mpire produce and manufactures in pada. An ample press coverage on spirational and economic lines is pg arranged and window streamers Here's when and where you may go in Ontario for your deer this fall: 1. In the district south. of the French and Mattawa Rivers--Nov, 5 to Nov. 20,both days inclusive. 2. In the district north of the! French River and south of the Canal adian Pacific Railway, from No Bay to Heron Bay on Lake Supe --Nov. 1 to Nov. 25. 8. the Mattawa River north| of the Lai n-Pacific Railway from y North oa to Heron Bay and south b 3 of the Aine of the Canadian Na-| rof tional Railways, with the exception of | "6% that section from Heron Bay to the bo. - French River--Oct. 20 to'Nov. 26. oun! Produced in Canada is i he Empire. "It is a ga- Empire Shop- 8 products of the h the Week is held a hen the pro- adian tional Rai ducty of other parts of the Empire. It Sama Nov. 25. Railways-fopt rests] therefore, with Individual Can- 5. St. Joseph's Island--Nov. 10 to adian . producers and manufacturers Nov. 26 and producers and manufacturers in i other parts of the Empire to create -------- for themselves--with the willing help Peg Leg Cracked, City Sued [of many local c-ganizations, the best 5 retail and advertising link-up they ttle.--Alleging that a street |can--with the general educational 2 t operated by the city sprayed |and publicity campaign of the Em- whter all over him and caused his peg|pire Shopping Week in Canada. The leg to crack, D. Rastelli has al Executive Committee and local com- $165 claim for damages with the pees welcome ideas and suggestions Council: i ich the Committee can co-oper- hae - ate with individual advertisers, This may" go down as the year of In other places where "Weeks" the great war--between low-priced ve been held, local committees have aS, sudeessfully carried on window dis- CERIMONIAL WHEN KING MEET 8 KING accompanied His Majesty King George in the inspection of the smart guard of honor at Victoria Station, London. The Eastern Potentate appears to be saluting the camera. EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK Classes Behind Drive to "Business Contained' BUY BRITISH 600 Swans Killed in "Ride" Over Niagara Falls | stitution to the valley, the Icipality at a ence city councilmen and other-officlals, did 20 in restoring the valley, but the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce an-| nounced it would propose to the coun | cil a rehabilitation program, based below the lowest estimate of the dam- age. The number of persons left without homes, food or clothing at 768, with relief organizations taking care af that number. Official figures from Ventura County showed 273 homes in the Santa Clara River Valley alone jhad been wiped out, in addition to numberless small homes in the groves immediately below the dam. Hun-! dreds of acres of orange and lemon groves were buried under the silt. The plan of the Chamber of Com- merce for rehabilitation calls for $1, 000,000 being made Immediately avallable in the City Council for re- construction; a commission of Los | Angeles business men to direot the | «| Project, and division of the work into | B "*Emp} three classes--restoration of orchard | oost MPIr€{ang farm regions, rebuilding of busi- ness. Industrial and residence prop- erty and relief of flood sufferers. The work or repairing the highway and railroad throughout the valley is under way, Lakes to Sea Service May 1 Ocean Freighters to Run Between Chicago and West Indies Milwaukee, Wis.--Ocean freighters, plying between the West Indies and Great Lakes ports, including Chicago, Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Michigan cities, are to be placed in operation beginning May 1 by the American Shipping Co. of New York, according to announcement here. The freighters will be of type suit- able to travel through the Great Fakes canals and the St. Lawrence River. of the present and the future genera-| They will be able to carry approxi- tions. All this, it is conceived, is in-| mately 2,000 tons of freight to the timately bound up with the economic | inland ports and nearly double this and business side of 'affars--that play 'tonnage on the return trip after clear- so great a part in the daily lives of ing the fresh waterways. Refriger: so many Canadian citizens, J | ator service will be provided. Get behind the movement--buy| The proposed sailing schedule calls British goods. for boats in and out of the various a AR Great Lakes ports at least once a Long Flights week, it is explained. When business London Dally Telegraph (Cons.):' so warrants the service will be ex- With the coming of spring and better tended to South American ports, weather conditions there will inevita- 8c bly be a recrudescence of attempts by Premier Denies courageous men and women to make P Report ress very long fights, and it cannot be too strongly emphasized that, in the best Ottawa,--The Canadian Premier, W. L. Mackenzie King, denied in the interests of alr travel, those who are inclined to risk their Hyves needlessly for the sake of notoriety should be House of Commons 'the tcaracy of Toreibly restrained from. attempting reports that Canada had threatened to discontinue negotiations with the United States on the St. Lawrence journeys which there is little or no chance of bringing to a successful is waterways project unless several de- mands are met. The reports, printed sue. An incalculable amount of dam- age to the cause of aviation was done last season by a few mi who rites the on and omen in the Toronto Globe, purported to be a summary of the last Canadian note, The newspaper account said that Canada had demanded discussion of advice, on throwing their lives away to satisfy an explicable personal Spice. the desirability of lowering the tariff on certain Canadian products, includ- ing wheat and livestock, the waiving by the United States of all claim to play contests, parades of decorated floats, fancy d:ess balls, and many other special features. = Empire Shoppings Weeks are not a novelty, They have been tried with great success in other parts of the Empire, notably in Australia, British West Indies, and in Great Britain. Imports from foreign countries into Canada rose since 1914 from $298,- 000,000 to, $800,000,000 in 1927--62 per cent. increase in the last five years --thus constituting an excellent im- mediate reason for considering the present movement opportune. The Advisory Council of Empire Shopping Week in Canada holds strongly to the view--that the type of civilization and its promise of de- velopment as shown in countries of the British Empire---is one that Can- adans desire to encourage for the sake was dull. Last year there was the Liquor Control Act to scrap over. This year there was no contentious legis- lation of such dimensions, although the thrice ill-starred Hawkers and Peddlers Fill caused a lot of heated argument before the Pnjvate Bille Committee, even if it got no distance at all in the House proper. " PROVIDED FIREWORKS, One of the main features of the gession was Liberal Leader Sinclair's "wandering ballots" revelation, which éventually had to be taken out-of the hands of the Privileges and Elections om ttee, because of partisan play %8 of that body, and trans- Royal Commission for a Di Vh le this inquiry undoubt- Wyovided the 'most fireworks of] "they 'were swept over the Hots _ frighten them were in vain. Wardens and officers of the Victoria Par {iF they can b Bader f the exportation of power obtained | from he St. Lawrence project, and settlement of the Chicago water di- version controversy, as prior requi- sites to the resumption of negotia- tions. mf TRY TO BLOW UP SHIP THREE TIMES IN VAIN, London.--The third attempt by a moving picture company to blow up the schooner Amy in the English Channel to complete its film story of Britain's famous "Q Ships," which laid traps for the German submarines, failed recently because, according to seafaring men, she is either haunted or has a charmed life, The seamen said that it was vd a bunch of Ft now on view in a Weymouth hotel. "No vessel ever sunk without her figureheady" sald an old salt. ~The Amy was towed to midchannel accompanied by naval vessels. The officers placed a charge in the spot where it was convenient to sink her, but 'trouble began when the electric 4 s: between the ie terres geile shi sefused to hur. A submar- srwards cruised "around he the task of making re- The Mayor, who spoke in behalf of ' t of not say to what length the city would ! Amy and the tug Now York.--The Firestone tions Company has laid out two 000-acre plantations as the first of the crude rubber development in Liberia, according to word which has just been received here from Harvey 8. Fi , Jr., vice-president of the mpany. Mr, Firestone is at present in Lis beria, where he is inspecting the pro erties of the company, whiel. isa 8 sidiary of the Firestone Tire & Rub- ber Company. The company has leas- 1,000,000 acres from the Liberian Government and contemplates an ex- penditure of $100,000,000 in its de velopment. IMPORTANT MOVE. The activities of the Firestone Co, and of Henry Ford are regarded as important {movements in the new ef« forts being made by American manus facturers fo develop their own crude rubber supply. The stone development in Lis in" was undertaken late in 1926. st year 15,000 acres had been planted, and, according to Mr. Fire- stone, the first trees will bear within five years from the time of planting. The potential production of the completed Firestone project is esti- mated at between 150,000 and 200,000 long tons annually, This is approxi. mately half of the crude rubber con- sumed by the United States last year, HUGE FORD PROJECT, The Ford project is even less ad- vanced than the Firestone operations. The Ford concessions, recently obtain- ed from the Brazilian Government, covers approximstely 3,700,000 acres. It lies 675 miles Inland from Para and is said to contain some of the most adaptable land for rubber production in South America. Under the contract with the Bra- zilian Government, at least 8,000 acres will be planted within the next four years. ---- India to Push Foreign 'Trade Commissioners May Be Sent Out to Develop Markets in All Countries Bombay. --The = appointment of trade commissioners or commercial attaches in colonies of the British Empire and in the countries of Eur- ope and America in order to develop Indian trade and commerce with these countries was favorably reported upon in the Council of State, in its session at Delhi. Sir Phiroze Sethna declared that even in the field of curios Japan had beaten India because India did not send out anything new. Considering the class of people who produced those articles it was the duty of Gov- ernment to point out to them the de- fects and explain to them what was wanted by the importing countries. If they had trade commissioners to guide. their dealers there would no doubt be a large and growing trade, even in their curios and hindierafts. The speaker gaid Canada establish- -------_ ed its commercial intelligence service in 1906. Since then there had been an increaso of 540 per cent. in Can- ada's exports and of 360 per cent. in imports. Sir Phiroze Sethna requested the Government to send out men to such countries as Canada, South Afriea, Australia, the United States, and Germany and by degrees to other countries and to throw open the new posts in the first instance to Indians. Sir Geoffrey Corbett, Secretary of the Dept. of Commerce, expressed the acceptance of the resolution on behalf of the Government. He expatiated on the need of participating in exhibi- tions under the auspices of the Em. pire Marketing Board and expressed gratification that the proposal 'to make the Indian Trade Commissioner ship permanent had been approved by the Finance Committee of the Legis. lative Assembly, T ee fem : Income Tax London Evening Standard (Ind Cons): Mr. Churchill sald not only that tie had not the money for an ine come<ax reduction, but also that he 'would not use it for that purpose if he had. . . There does seem to be fms plied In this opinion that Income-tax now stands at a normal level, and is no longer an excessive burden which it should be a first care of the Gove ernment to relieve. That is really & sinister intimation, For it eannot

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