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Port Perry Star, 19 Apr 1928, p. 4

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oo PAGE FOUR COMING--F. E. Luke, Optometrist} at A. J. Davis' drugstore, Thursday, | April 26th. Mrs. R. A. Peel will not receive again this season. Mrs. I. R. Bentley, Regent of the Scugog Chapter, 1. O. D. E, is in Hamilton, attending the annual meet: ing of the Provincial Chapter. Mr. Levis Mel ean, of Biio% College, tracted ines a "vhich deprived Hh of rin Thao! We are pleased to = that Sag been granted his year, as a result of his term standing and extend congratulations. Mr, and Mrs. Morley Campbell have returned . home after spending the winter in Florida. Miss Minnie Parish and Miss 'Real have returned home after ing some months in Toronto. Mr, E. B., Walker, who has been quite ill, is doing nicely. Mrs. Cowan leaves next Tuesday for Edmonton where she will reside with her daughter; Mrs. Jeffrey. Mrs. Robt. Somerville will not re-|' ceive again this season. e-- (mn Appointed - Governor of the |= County Jail. Mr. Hugh Lucas is receiving con- gratulations upon his appointment to the ition of Governor of the Coun- ty Jail at Whitby, succeeding Mr.| Stiner. There were a large number of applicants for the position, Bt But Mr, Lucas was and Another opportunity to get a pair of Glasses [spheric lenses] at the very reason- able price of $6.00 com- plete with case. I. R. BENTLEY Optometrist PORT PERRY ONTARIO THE LATE ROBERT MURRAY greatly shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Robert Murray, on Tues- day, April 10th. On the previous evening he had at- tended the meeting of Warriner Lodge | No. 76, 1.0.0.F., where he suffered a p54 stroke. He was at once re- to his home by his tellow- brothers and medical aid Every possible care and ion was given him, but of no avail, and he passed away inside of twenty-four hours. - Mr. Murray moved here from To- ronto about fifteen years ago, and during that time he has been highly the position admirably. Mr, Lucas has lived in Port Perry all his life, and when he and his family move away from this town in a few days, they will be greatly missed. In the field of sport Mr. Lucas has been a most ardent supporter not only | as a fan; but in every practical way, Only a week or two ago we published) a brief Jistory o of ockey in Sok Perry and Mr. Lu cas spheired Ib it it is baseball, | find Hues somewhere - aroun a at the time of a town celebration he gives hia time freely to help on the good work. For a year he was Secretary of the Agricultural Society, and gave most acceptable service. He has been County Constable for some years, and is familiar with the}. County officers, and the requirements of law enforcement. Mrs. Lucas and the girls have been active and valued workers in the United Church, and will find a place in théir new home. Miss Helen is now in the Head Office of General Motors. Miss Edith will remain in town until the end of the school term. We wish them every success and health ad iness in their new home. ap ng 'we do hope, and that is Py none of our townspeople have to visit Governor Lucas officially. 'W. C. T. U. NOTICE hy Regular meeting of the W. C. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Soin Jackson, on Wednesday, April 2th, » at 8 pm. Everybody welcome. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY The W. M. 8. of the United Church held their annual Easter meeting on Wednesday, April 11th in the base- ment of the church, when a very large membership were present. The pro- gram was irge of Mrs. J. Plo po ter Leaflets were read rs. Richards, Mrs. C. Jeffr Mrs, by Davey and Mrs. J. io vn intock, and a very appropriate solo va ven by Mrs. Richards, On last week a Missionary pi! Friday Atter- noon was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jackson, assisted by Mrs. Hugh Lueas. NA Fire destroys the green standing timber, leaving dead trees to dry out as kindling for the second and third fires which generally follow. Thus young growth doesn't get a chance, Human carelessness accounts for most fires in the woods. Only ecare- fulness will save Canada's remaining forests, BS a] BORN To Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wililams; Port Perry, on Monday, April 9, 1928, a son--William Nelson. ---- I O---- DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 pected by the people of Port Perry, He was a member of the Presbyter- ian Church and the funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Atkinson, and was held at his late residence on Thursday last, and was largely at- 'tended. The burial service at Pine Grove Cemetery was under the auspices of 'the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and conducted by the Officers and members of Warriner Lodge No. 75, isted by Past District Deputy Bro. Tonkin, of Broadview Lodge No. 294, Toronto, of which Bro, Murray has belonged for the past forty years, being one of the charter members. Besides his wife, he leaves one son, Mr. W. R. Murray, of Toronto, to mourn the loss of a husband and father. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved family in their time of sorrow. i-- pees. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. T. Richards, Minister. April 22. 11 a.m.~The Cleansing of the Temple. 3 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--Series on the Inti- mate Companions of Jesus. No. 2-- John, the Evengelist. Monday evening at 8 o'clock, the Young People's Society. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Mid- Week Service for Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. Prince Albert 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 8 p.m.--Worship service. ms Wp irteiieene PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Rev. W. L. Atkinson, Minister St. John's Church, Port Perry. April 22nd--Public worship at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 8 p.m. Y. P. 8. on Monday, at 8 p.m. Prayer Service, Thursday at 7.80 p.m. Breadalbane Church, Utica S. 8. at 1.30 p.m. Public Worship at 2.30 p.m. C. E. on Wednesday, at 8 p.m. Ey CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Sunday, April 22nd, Evensong and Sermon at 7 pm. Rev. T. A, Nind, (the new Rector) will conduct the ser- vice. ------ DIED On Sunday, April 165, 1928, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Diamond, lot 14, con. 1, Reach Tp., Selena Phoebe | Phillips, widow of the late Smith. 'Cochrane, aged 75 years, 5 months. Funeral service was held at the 'Christian Church, Brougham, on Wed- nesday, 18th inst, at 2.30 p.m PORT PERRY ONTARIO : pag The Rite Hat J Showroom in the New . : The citizens of Port Perry were] | Just what Baby Chicks should have -- No wonder baby chicks thrive so heartily on Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. : The ob of this Sark le feed is good pure oatmeal--just the thing for tiny, tender Soha + Combined with the oatmeal are Liver Oil and Cod Liver Meal, ther with essential minerals and valuable ingredients. All thoroughly and accurately mixed! All ready for feeding, just as it comes fom the : HOGG & LYTLE Port Perry, Ont. BUY QUAKER FEEDS IN STRINED SACHS 4 Containing valuable suggestions on with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex. r= 'eproo 4 For Sale By Carnegie Hardware Co. Port Perry, Ont. Hogg Port Perry, Ont. & Lytle, Ltd. - '| Eggs from bred-to-lay Barred Rocks le rei FOR SALE Joraby Cow, due in May, good milk and butter cow. Also 85 bags choice potatoes. Apply to S. Lambkin, Port rr, ye Wanted month. to in? Ray 1 ge Farm, R FOR SALE weet Clover Seed for sale. Hart; R. BR. 4, ishriage, 500 ON SALE Mr. ony Foster and others are sale of household effects: at his' home, Port Perry, on No. 1 Apply to '| Thursday, April 26th. Geo. Jack & Son, Aueti BIEL |v, EGGS FOR HATCHING Bred to lay Barred Rock Eggs for hatching, 241 egg record, combining the strains of Webster and Fowler. :| Price $1.00 Tor 16 eggs. Apply Mrs, E. Jennings, Phone 189 r 3, Port Perry A PEKIN DUCK EGGS FOR SALE Apply to 8. E. Embury, Port Perry at 50c per setting of 15. Apply Mrs. Frank Franklin, Port Perry. 3 a oe Is ma EZ then half you site ecules are éaieed Or, elt at this depagd over your tires. We and embedded] flints; 3 remove cach tig It will mea tire bills. a week anid Tet us Jook tch for bruises, rim cuts it twice a season let us ook for inside fabric break. mileage--and dollars off your will give marvelous A Domin pr 7 ge if you treat it right. See the new Durant Sixes . . . go for a ride in 7 are "Sine and faster" . . , ask him to compare ; Say she. spesiicetiont wii thoss of Highee youd yourself . .. on their merits! WE SELL FOR LESS. ; nable to el am us our goods ky po 50e., 60c., ane.

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