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Port Perry Star, 3 May 1928, p. 5

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a [LAC] RY STAR ween Mr. W. M. lus in the furniture . McDERMOTT JEALER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR TL ---- 100% PUR - A special pro It Pays to use TIN-SENO E PAINT AND VARNISHES for every purpose- for 51 voces W. L. PARRISH Son 1 Fai Port Perry e w N unusually good selling season in the new car A market always reacts to the benefit of the Used Car buyer. That holds true of the present situation « + « On account of the exceptional sales volume of the new Chevrolet, we find ourselves with an extra number of really -used cars on our floor. To reduce our stock wi 4 sacrificing anything of i the reputation won by our new car ings, we fH have all these cars into sound condition and are offering them gt prices that compel public inter- est. Now is the most tageous time to buy 2 food Used Car from a reputable Chevrolet er, t us show you some extra attractive values, th ce Chevrolet Sedan, nearly new--=$575.00. Cheyrolet Coupe, nearly new--=$550.00 4 Coupe. in very good order, $200.00 "with new tires and the engine 0.K.--$175. ar Popularity eyery surface 100% PURE ~ITE| | NEU-TONE Wasoisy 'WO0D-LAC Le . Alot wash- Oilclo%h Worn 7, iit |Ginked] |e 0 r Fons we | saturday. a -- F NOTI TO CREDITORS Of John Bowles, Deceased Purs Sec. 66 of Chapter 121 of t sed Statutes of Ontario, .] 1914,{ notice is hereby given that all brs and others having claims nst the estate of John Bowles, B of the Township of Brock, in the inty of Ontario, Farmer, who died {about the 15th day of January R28, are, on or before the 10th the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said William Bowles will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been iven as above required, and the said 4 Bowles will not be liable for assets or any part thereof, to y or persons of whose claim or ¢laims notice shall not have been received by Messrs. Harris & Harris at the time of such distribution. ted at Port Perry, Ont., this 9th day of April A.D. 1928. HARRIS & HARRIS, Solrs. for Jno. Bowles Estate, Port Perry, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE To he Sold Cheap and on Easy Terms Seven roomed frame-house; beauti= fully situated, one block south of Queen street in central part of town, well decorated, electric light, good cellar, good water, fine garden. Also range and heater at a bargain, Apely to Hugh Lucas or James Lucas, ] ort Perry. s--------rN) reac FOR SALE Home-made Auto-knit Socks, first class quality, Orders taken, phone 189 r 3-1, or Mrs. W. H. Marks, Cas- simer St., Port Perry. 'Greenbank The Jupp Construction- Company are ng preparations to the paving of the Provincial Highway from Manchester to Greenbank The play "Safety First" given in the Community Hall last Wednesday night was much appreciated. The hall was filled. and the order was excellent. i Rev. C. E. Dyerjand Mr. Edgar Cragg attended tl ' of the Lindsay Presbytery hag Thursday. Sorry to report that , Marshall weak heart. | Helen McMillan is making a splen- | did recovery from her operation. © Rev. Clarke B. Lawson, of Estevan, Sask, called to see Mr. Dyer last { cupied the pulpit Sunday afternoon | O'Neill is confined to his bed with a . PRINCE ALBERT : 'Rey, Mr. Brown, of Port Perry, oc- in the absence of our pastor, Rev. Mr. Richards. ' Mr. and Mrs. David Warren, of Osh- awa, spent Sunday with friends in the village. R ; Mrs. Rawlinson was in the city last week visiting relatives. Mrs. Ar ng of Cob visiting her mother Mrs. Bickle. Mrs, Briggs is taking a short holi- day at the home of her sister Mrs. John Warren. Mrs: Geo. Patterson, who has 'spent the winter in Philadelphia has re- turned. We are pleased to have her with us again, y Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Kilpatrick of To- ronto, were in the village last week selling, by private sale, the furniture of the late Mrs. Armstrong. - Miss G. Ettey, of Toronto General Hospital 'is holidaying for a short time at her home here. We are very sorry to see the an- nouncement in last week's Globe of the death of Miss Ruth Woodger. Miss Woodger was our church organ- ist when her father was pastor of the Prince Llbert circuit and was very popular. She was a successful school teacher and the t of her death at the Kingston Hospital came as a shock to her many friends. We also extend our sympathy to Mrs. Pram of Malvern, Ont., formerly Miss Maria Barker, on the loss of her husband, who died some two weeks ago after a lingering illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Warren are visit- ing with Mrs. Pram at present. We are pleased to see the Toronto- Lindsay bus pass through our village this week. Would that it might al- ways "detour" this way. k is i | VETERAN PREACHER DIES IN 85th YEAR Early Sunday morning Rev. Robert McCulloch, passed quietly away at his home 96 Walmsley Boulevard, after a brief illness, He was born in Darling- ton, July 17, 1843. He taught school for a time and then entered the minis- try of the Methodist Church, graduat- ing in theology from Victoria College, Cobourg, in 1867. His wife prede- ceased him four years ago. Rey. Mr. McCulloch spent 45 years in active ministry, holding charges in the Toronto and Bay of Quinte Con- ferences at Merrickville, Melbourne, Sarnia, Cobourg, Woodville, Millbrook, Keene, Lloydtown, Rosemount, Cooks- town, Hampton, Tyrone, Newburgh, Marmora, O and Greenbank. DURANT |: DEMONSTRATION|™: Learn more about how automobiles are built. A descriptive demonstra. tion of Durant Chassis construction, and an il- lustrated moving picture film will be given in the Town Hall, Port Perry, by representatives of the Durant Motors, of Canada, Limited, on Friday, May 4, at 8 p.m. PRIZES will be given to holders of lucky tickets. Ist Prize will be a credit of $50.00 on the pur- chase of a new Durant oar, any medel. Other prizes for both ladies and gentlemen. Everybody Welcome Standard Garage PORT PERRY "It was a delightful sur prise" -- writes a Toronto subscriber -- "to find that 1 could talk to my Mother as far away as Sarnia for only 65 cts, by the Evening Rate. I'm sure few people realize how veyy little it costs to telephohe even to points as far tant as Sarnia, by the Evening Rate, and you L-~ "would do the public a ser vice by emphasizing this point." This is only one of many instances showing that many people do not know how low the Evening Rate on Long Distance is. Call up our Manager and ask him-the Evening Rate to some point you are particu- larly interested in. You, too, will probably be surprised. | { { DR. W. T. WITLEY, D.D. Of Droitwich, England, who has been appointed Minute Clerk to the World Baptist Conference at To ronto in June. He afterwards goer to New Zealand and Australia in | He was president of the Bay of Quinte Conference 1908-09, and three tion with other big confer- ences. ; the Armstrong Construction Co, NEW HOTEL FOR OSHAWA Vork is proceeding rapidly on the "excavation for the proposed hotel on the Borsberry property in Oshawa, by The sidewalk protections have been prae- tically completed, with a housing ar- rangement on the Mary street corner. The last of debris of the Borsberry residence is being taken away. The excavating was started at the south- west corner of the lot. times a delegate to the General Con- ference of the Methodist Church. On retiring he moved to Toronto where he became a member of the Eaton Mem- orial Church, and until recently he was a regular attendant. Rev. Mr. McCulloch is survived by a sister, Mrs. William Gilbert, and a brother, James McCulloch, both of To- ronto. He leaves five children, Mrs. George Deroche, Belleville; Dr. Ed- ward A, Dr. R, J. P,, Dr. A. Ernest and Miss Ella McCulloch, all of To- ronto. -- 0 en SWINE FOR SALE Registered Yorkshire White 0.A.C. strain, bacon type, brood sows, due May and June. Apply T. W. Huston, Downsview P. O., Manager Boake Farms. . vin mi BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Bby chicks 'from bredto-lay Barred for our Splendid BOOTS Port Perry Dominion Store WATCH Spring Stock of Ladies' Dresses, Men's Suits, and General Drygoods. SHOES Watch for our advt. next week ALIX -GILBOORD RUBBERS : - Phone 177 Rocks, Guild and O.A.C. strains. Pedigreed males from over 240 egg hens used. "Barron strain Brown Leghorns, also custom hatching after April 21st. Apply to Phone 189 r 3-1. ion rimimsmens MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE 20 foot motor boat, with 4 cylinder engine, in a-1 condition. Apply at Star Office. Apr. 19 tf ABLACK SERANTON BUSINESS COAL HANDLED | , Agents WW TE Susqtel jane LIME | 0ISTRIBUTORS OF SCRANTON COAL Soft Coal woOD | {LUFEIMOIRE [oor cour STOVE COAL, $15.50 per ton Solvay or Hamilton By-Product WOOD--Body Hardwood. Hardwood Phone us your requirements. "PORT PERRY i W. CG. W. rf Then, Yard 84. ANNOUNCEMENT We beg to advise our customers that we have been granted exclusive agency in Port Perry for genuine SCRANTON D, L. & W. COAL. We will _always have on hand a good supply of this high quality coal. We also wish to announce new low prices on Coal and Coke now in force. NUT COAL $16.00 per ton. Coke, nut size, per ton $12,00, PEA COAL, per ton $12.00 CEMENT--We have just received a fresh carload of St. Mary's Cement. Slabs and Hemlock Slabs--a good supply always in stock Your orders will receive our usual «areful attention. COAL YARD PYATT

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