Extra Special | for One Week SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON, BY THE PIECE. 21bs. or over . -- 29c. a lb. -- es TOMATO WEEK Tomatoes . TET - oe N BABY BEEF YOUNG PORK Cuts of any size to suit you. CAWKER BROS. Butchers We buy hides. ' Phone 20W ENPLay, 180. oan VEAL ¢ QUALITY COUNp © Body The emblem Wd by Fisher" stands for modern sty safe, substantial construction . . . lasting beauty, & and a score of important contributi to your * Compare the "Bigger and Bet- A Chassis tere hevroiet ¢ Chassis with an any Hue low.price fiel Look at its rugged, oes Sain frame, its sturdy cross members, its I mpelliptic, shock-absorber Seings, its safety y Jao wee Rog tank in rear, its one-piece, njo- rear axle of enormous strength and ready accessibility. Check the four-wheel braking system and the independent set of emergency brakes. Ne of gf the "Bi er and. Bette Engi eter valve-in-head engine ow most powerful he of auto- mobile engine I Jesigned, fully enclosed and pro- tected. Note th e AC Oil Filter, the AC Air Cleaner, Crankcase Breather System, Oil Pump. Notice the new alloy "invar-strut" pistons . . . the new s laminated camshaft gears . . . the high grade elec- trical equipment. c-20-4-280C The GMALC. . . General Motors' own deferred payment plan affords the most convenient and ecopomi- cal way of buying your Chevrolet on time, READY FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Look beneath the stylish PORT PERRY, ONTARIO week end at her home in Bo - Congratulations are due to. Mr. Ne ¥ Maleolm, # former Cartwright bay, om his recent marriage in Lemsford, jf Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin are spending a few days in Cobourg aa] = Peterboro. - : Don't forget the Exhibition otf pie town hall on Friday evening of this week under the auspices of the W. A. | of St, John's Church. : Mrs. AGeo, Nesbitt is improving Curios and program to be held in the | gx¢ favorably after her operati Miss Eva Parr spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Parr. On Saturday last Mr. Olivér Thomp- son, former Manager of the Black- stock Bank, but now at Tamworth, was at his father's, Mr. John Thomp- son, of Prospect, and took the time on a hurried visit to give some of his friends here a call 'on the wires. He was able to assure them that he and Mrs. Thompson were well and enjoy- ing their new home.' We are glad to know that Mrs, Os- car Graham and Master Bobbie Ma- haffy were able to leave the hospital in Port Perry and return to their re- spective homes. = Both are doing well. Wedding bells rang at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Beacock on Saturday, April 21st, when their daughter Margaret was united in marriage to Mr. Fred Tarvis of Col- umbus. On Tuesday evening, May 1, a large number of the bride's friends and neighbors gathered at the home of her parents and presented her and her husband with a miscellaneous shower of gifts and good wishes. On Wednesday evening of last week thirty-five of the Bowmanville A. Y. P. A. motored to Blackstock to spend a social evening with a sister branch, Owing to the almost imp ble con- urday conducted by Rev. P. G. Powell and interment was made in St. John's cemetery. The pall bearers were: Messrs. John McLaughlin, George Hooey, Albert Hooey, S. Jeffrey, w. 4 Venning and Wm. Steele. Mrs. W. VanCamp-and Miss Mar- garet Proutt, were in Toronto on Mon- | day, Mrs. Wm. Barton and Mrs. Thos. Smith spent Monday in Lindsay. + Mrs, Frances Werry and daughter Jean are visiting with the former's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van- Camp, instead of Mrs. Bailey, as re- ported last week. mre (Memeo. FOR SALE A folding kodak with carrying case, 250 egg incubator in good shape, gas- oline engine for motor boat, in good |' order. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Geo. S. White, Port Perry Post Office. -- 0 FOR SALE White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed for sale at $3.00 bushel, Apply to W. F. Walke,r Manchester, phone 163 r 5. Jou what ls wrong. Const us. F. E. LUKE Optometrists 163-167 Yonge St, TORONTO 2 (Oppose. Himpacn'e, upatait) LOUR, FEED, COAL, COKE, SAE sale. price paid for all kinds oghan Carload of hd Just arrived. dition of the roads the young men of the' party spent a great deal of time and energy both coming and go- ing in pushing their cars out of the numerous mire holes. However a very enjoyable evening was spent in songs, recitations, contests and a playlet en- J. A. HETHERINGTON DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER in Port Perry, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 3 to b p.m. and by appointment. OFFICE, IN_PURDY BLOCK .Carload of Millfeed for sale. All kinds of grain for sale. ONTARIO GRAIN COMPANY. Chas. Pilkey, in charge Phone 120 r 6 Myrtle, Ont. SPECIAL 3 bs Jeing Sugar Prunes on Se Eig MOTORS PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITEN Let Us Make Your New SPRING SUIT or OVERCOAT With Spring goods arriving, we are able to offer to the public a nice variety to choose from--blues, grey and fancy w We have a special low price in greys. It will pay you to look at these goods before going elsewhere. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR BLONG BLOCK PORT PERRY | Foro CARS TRUCKS FADA RADIO 2 PHONE 2 t car, now a host of added features make Pontiac Six than ever. To Pontiac's proven dependability have been added the enthralling of new Fubei bodies and new high radiator; new safety and security of positive four-wheel brakes; the new ease and is the slogan this a a irke er 100 countries are to be fo she has bull up an Jrad ~ Buy at home and t yo needs and will supply yo yo. 8 OWL BUY OUR FLOUR mm ROM THE SEER REF A I