* Surely your money's worth! Mrs. " Jarley's Wax Works 'and the comedy "Mr. Bob" at the Town Hall, Nov. 80. All seats reserved at Davis' Drug|mediate Hockey Team this winter, Store. High School Play and Concert, December 18th and 19th. COMING--Dr. F. E. Luke, Optom- etrist, at A. J. Davis' Drug Store on|'the past season when they cleared Wednesday, December 19th. Mrs. William Meaton and her son Roy, have returned to their home in Toronto, after spending two with Mrs. Geo. Schell, Miss Olive Schell, spent the week end with her sister in Oshawa. -- (QP se Mrs. Braden D. Henry received for the first time since coming to Port Perry, on Saturday, November 17th. Little Patricia Jackson made a charming door attendant, Mrs, I. R. Bentley assisted Mrs. Henry in re- ceiving the many callers who were invited out to tea by Mrs. Emmerson. The tea table was effectively done in bronze chrysamthemums and candles and was in charge of Mrs. Richards, who poured tea and Mrs. Jackson, cut the ices. The guests were ably looked after by Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Jeffrey ana Mrs. Letcher. QO PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, December 2nd-- 11 a.m.--Some Adequate Views of Jesus Christ. 2.30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 pm.--The Men God Calls a Fool. Prince Albert Church 2 p.m.--Sabbath School 8 p.m.--Worship Service. se) niin PORT PERRY RINK COMPANY. Statement of Receipts and Expendi- tures for year ending, August 31, 1926 RECEIPTS Bal. on hand, Aug 81, 1927 General admissions $ 81.25 226.20 High School skating 50.80 | chance on the team. Public School skating 40.26 MO Hockey. ....coivivid $836.71 Th : . 2 , e Family Herald and Weekly e Paid Hockey lu $407.90 42881) ia) of Montreal with its wonderful i proceeds 110.15 improvements has no peer as an agri- oo Yr ar ianres 88.05 | cultural paper on this continent. The musement tax 42.64 pest Canadian farmers know that. Corporation grant 140.04 rr $1108.17 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION EXPENDITURES Rev. Mr. Nind, Rector. Expense and repairs ........ $ 59.98 Sunday, December 2nd-- Bd ae 3100] 11 2m--"Holy Communion; Water, light, and taxes ...... 14h] 2 P-m--Sunday Sehool, Amusement tax, less discount 49.50 a license, 1927-28 ............ 8.00 DIED License, 1928-29 ............ 3.00 CARNEGIE--At his residence, 56 Government report 1927...... 5.00 | Fulton Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, Wages ©... riiraTron 244.00 November 24, 1928, Charles Fincham Treasurer's fee ............. 50.00 | Carnegie, beloved husband of Evelena Insurance premium ,......... 125.00 | Marks and son of Mrs. Jas. Carnegie Inlerest: ©... oocionii.iiuin 44.00 | 2nd the late Jas. Carnegie, Port Perry. Printing and office expenses .. 10.40 Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. Carnival prizes ............. 89.06 Ue POE 42.15 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN Paid on mowtgage .......... 200.00 CHURCH Balance on hand ............ 58.00 The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres -- | byterian Church met at the home of $1108.17 | Mrs. Anderson on Tuesday, November a Port Perry Christmas Fair, Wednesday, December 19th. Mrs, Jarley has been unable to bring her famous wax works to Port Perry for some years, but we are delighted to have her again present them under the auspices of the I. O. D.E. at the Town Hall, Nov. 30th, at 8 pm. Plan at Davis' Drugstore. ee 0 0 Orr ST JOHN'S PRESBTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 2nd. Morning service at 11 a.m., Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. and service at 7 pan. Rev, «J. C. Robinson, of Ux- bridge will conduct the morning and evening services, On Monday, Y.P.S. at 8 p.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on the second Sun- day of December. 0 0 Ones CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. H. Druean and family wish to thank the citizens of Port Perry for the help and contributions given to them after the loss of their home and contents by fire, FEED THIS MASH | Tort Petry SD NEE vl a Ue _ Intermediate O. H. A. Port Perry 'will have an inter- that was the decision reached by the fans at the Hockey Meeting last Thursday night. Ex-President J. O. Seott opened the meeting by briefly speaking on the team's record during | away a deficit of one hundred and eighty-four dollars and put up a fine showing in the group. Mr, Scott took the stand that this year's team should be composed of local talent instead of "importations" and expressed optim- ism as to the results of the coming season. : Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Hon. President--Mr. J. O. Scott. President--Mr. John Tinsley Vice President--Mr. B. Henry Ovportutity 10 4 . Finger Wave ig Hair Cu Sec'y-Treas.--Dr. J. A. Mathers. Manager-Coach--Mr. Bert MacGregor Executive Committee--Messrs. Earl Beare, Ted Jackson and Jas. Boe. On motion a vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mr. James Boe, retiring secretary-treasurer, who has served he club for the past eight years and also to Dr. J. A. Mathers for his generosity in acting as club physician Mr. B. MacGregor told the meeting 'hat he has quite a few new players mn sight as well as some old reliables and expect to put a good team on the ice, Dr, Mathers sprung a pleasant sur- prise when he informed the meeting hat Arnold Roach, star of last year, is sufficiently recovered from his re- cent illness to permit his joining the eam. After definite arrangements for en- tering the team had been completed, 'he meeting adjourned. The Star understands that Uxbridge will not 'be represented in the Inter- mediate this year, but will enter a Junior team. However, Stouffville, Lindsay, Whitby and possibly Can- nington will have Intermediate teams. Any new players shall be given a 20th. The President, Mrs. Malcolm, was in the chair. After the regular business was attended to, the officers for the coming year were elected, the only change being the election of Mrs, Causley as Secretary in place of Mrs. McMaster, who resigned. At the close of the meeting refresh- ments were served and a pleasant time spent in social intercourse. Miss A. Martin sang a solo very pleasingly. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Anderson for her liberal hos- pitality. The Sunday School of St. John's Church will hold its Christmas Con cert on Wednesday, November 19. bt "Patty, you know my 'eart beats beneath this breast for you. I never between us." right idea of handling men--Jenkins at least. Come one, come all and see Patty, Jenkins, Mr. Brown, Kath- arine, Marion, Aunt Becky and Philin in the splendid comedy, put on by the LO.D.E. at the Town Hall, Friday, November 80th, at 8 p.m. . --t--( (}(mir-- Fisherman Wrecked ---- Peter was a fishing, hy winter work here fs a ore than ia" Rafine the fogs his old 6 was workl) Ee . vers now two OPEN EVENING BY ApponTyENT The Rite Bat Shoppe Block thought as 'ow youd let cats come] Patty seems to have the |* | Port Perry Picture House Simurovn in the Nem Arrljer Overcoatings, quote prices. They are right. very low prices. your inspection. are right in price and quality. W. R. WILLAN MERCHANT TAILOR NEW SUITS AND OVERCOATS We have a full range of Fall and Winter Suitings and See these goods for yourself and let us Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a choice range of ready-to-wear Overcoats at We feel that these coats are worthy of We have them because we know they It pays to have your suit dry cleaned. Let us do it. PORT PERRY Many people got their winter supplis of, re goods, Men's, Ladies' and Childrens Bodoy,, at their own prices, with their appreciatit 4, %o good values. We had people buying gory, 2 7 ive 23 miles from Port Perry. The are En, k accommodation and good values. We ha full with goods waiting for your inspectigs and see our good merchandise at low prictne' We also wish to announce*tHathwe-1a Christmas gifts, at sale priceB, and it wi visit our store, We have a Men's, Ladies' and Children's Goloshes, ill pa This week only--$2.49 ALIX GILBOORD : PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST AT COUNTY COUNCIL At the public speaking t t be- silver cup in the girls' contest; and Port Perry School Fair, but was not (part. 'ortunate enough to win a big prize, ier visit, as westants who did not win a prize, and ambulance. Money-Raising Sale is BOW By a full' all line of fresh footw Don't Miss This Bargain--Ladies' Sport Golog| Christmas Tree, Friday, PORT PERRY Dominion Store fi y ¥ Watch our announcement every week and visit our store often. Phone 177 fore the County Council, thirteen girls| A new idea for a charity Vasans was and nine boys, took part. These were |recently asked for, Why not a stall the winners at the County School where for a fee you can park your Fairs, Miss Yvonne Marquis won the 'money in safety until you come out? ER Fred Tomlinson, of Claremont, nl Ambition still may be the main he silver cup for the boys' contest. thing that keeps our people moving, Miss Marian Kight, represented the but the "no parking" sign is doing its { 900 »ut received a neat silver pencil, from} Excursionists do not. find Sunday he County Council, as a souvenir of the day of rest it used to be owing to did the rest of the gon he increasing demands for first ald and Solvay Coke. We can deliver it to your residence if desired. Myrtle Elevator Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station, Ont. Lucile B. Leask A.T.C.M.and A, 0. & Ma Teacher of Piano, Voc and Theory classes now forming Age Fall term. sept 20 Phone 241j Port Perry WANTED Girl for general house work. One who can do plain cooking preferred. | Apply Mrs, E. B. Walker, Port, Perry. GOOD FARM FOR RENT Immediate possession, 100 acres on Scugog Island. Apply to D. M. M. Jack- son, R.R. 8, Port Perry. ' SS Ie A. A "The Creamery ; 40c., and 87e. for r Fat, "You can save labor mwke more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors DR. J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Office upstairs in Leonard Block Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 93 PORT PERRY ONTARIO Arthur W. Lynde TEACHER OF SING..d. Studio at the home of Mrs. H. H. Phone 77 Friday 7) A thereof, 'his wife, Irene IN e City of Oshawa, Province of Ontari¥ ?Mds of adultery. Dated at Oshawa, this 28th August, A.D. 1928. JOSEPH P. MANGAS Solicitor for Applicant. --C) (fn NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Samuel McConnell, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec. 66 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes o 1914, notice is hereby : creditors and others ha against the estate of Sam nell, late of the Townshi OLR the Sounty of On who died on or Rar 1) Haris & Harris, solicitors for Thom: nell, executor of the last "will and Testament of the said deceased, their christian names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, th viculars of their claims, of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Thomas James McConnell wil Proven to distribute He assets of e said deceased amo; e entitled thereto Tavthe Higurd & aii te such claims of which been given as above Jotise sal gi jars the said Thomas James McConnell will Sat. Dec. 1-- "13 Washington A THRILLING MYSTERY CO! | Tues. Dec. 4--Bebe Daniels in fol News." = Square." not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of Whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by Harris & Sarria, at the time of such distribu. Dated at Port ar Onto this 7th day of November A. S & HA Solrs. {i Hi sf st. or c Port. Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, at - ero RTL § A whieh ' an Lyi ( ME STANDARD BANK OF CAWKER BROS. CHOICE QUALITY BEEF, LAMB, rORK, VEAL 15¢. per Can PURE LARD EASIFIRST BACON COTTAGE +220. by, Domestic Shortening HAMS ROLLS 'OOKED MEATS LL PHONE 20w LILE-RQULIRY, =u) HIDES D.L. & W. COAL AGENTS giehana DAL Va, PLVAY CO) TER. Fill up bd stock on hand d Pea sizes. STE. CEME WOOD. : RECEIVE OUR BEST ATTENTION. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. C. W. PYATT Phones: Yard 94. Uptown Office 238. EA ARE Te Sy B BER Sone ALL Bee BUT YOU CANT GET Sh SUCCESS THAT Wal . ARE HERE TO we [Ano MAKE G00D A Safe old erbal