in quality has for years ex outstanding public 'volume has permitted omies p on to buyers in price, far any rival, More than Hudson-Essex this year the greatest the resulss Was: ever again. = more ¢ still -- to of the firet choice "Sixes," proved by cher ais leade hr Ponce st., Ostia, Phone 1160 4 m LA pf ~ Ne LO RaT-- im ie : %-- they tell us --Yyou will not be seriously bot by competition. Long Distance is making 'happy merchants in some towns. Don't overlook its great possibilities. providing room that has long since been required. The layout of the new | building is strictly in accordance with the most modern ideas pertaining to office efficiency. seen) (rere SCUGOG NEWS Mr, A. Sanguine, of Pleasant Point, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hardy. } of Toronto, spent Miss A. Jackag Sunday with §l parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Jacksg | Mr. G. 8 d family spent es of Toronto, re- wn Rennix, had number of 'Scugog people =' attended 'Royal Winter Fair at Toronto lash week. 1 mr Un YOU WILL NEVER GET COLD IF YOU BURN OUR We sell the best-- Lehigh Valley Coal and Solvay Coke. We can deliver it to your dence if desired. | | Myrtle Elevator Phone 120 r 5 Myrtle Station, Ont. a | | HAPPY GATHERINGS 'Friends and neiglibours assembled 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Kellington, on Friday evening last to spend a social evening with the newly ", weds, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kelling-| ton. Games were the order of the evening until nearing time to leave, when Mr. and Mrs. Kellington were brought together in the midst of the gathering and presented with a mis- : cellaneous shower, accompanied with I'the following address which conveyed to them the good wishes of the spon- sal gathéring. To Mr. and Mrs. John Kellington:-- Dear friends--It is with great il sPECIAL PRICES ON | and articles sold rapidly. The auto- formerly owned by Mr. E. Williams. 2M. Arthur Ormiston was home for | to Visit her daughter Mrs. Andrews. L PI Men's ~ LADIES COATS are compelled to cut the prices on our Winter Coats. For this week end we are offering our regular $82.50 coats for SPECIAL PRICES Men's Tweed Overcoats, Lid He heavy quality coat, full Polo Owing to the backward season we yoy quality coat, i wear this is the coat you want. Reg. $22.50 coats Special $16.50 Overcoats at ed to give hard only $26.95 . = Christmas suggestions are plenti- ful in our store, Extra Special Two only Fur Fabric Coats, an ex- ceptionally warm and dressy coat much resembling fur. Reg. $47.50 now 89.50 Men's Gloves Lined Gloves for cold weather. Real Capeskin lined with a pure wool knitted glove, a warm dressy glove. Special $3.75 pair Gift Section Be sure and visit our Gift Section, where hundreds of Gift Suggestions a- wait your Selection. : Warm Caps Warm caps with ear laps, in an assortment of colors, Real good value at $1.60 PORT PERRY, SUNDERLAND 2 Phone 246 :: _ Headquarters Established over Thirty years ago in Lindsay SUTCLIFFE & SONS, 1. ONTARIO BEAVERTON the dance at Columbus on Friday|end with his aunts the Misses Madden. ht. po Iva Gilbank motored home for | Erma, have gone to Stouffville to the week end. Mr. and Mrs, John Bray of Pros-|there. pect were at Mr. Geo. Bray's on| Miss Medd has had her house wired Friday. for electricity. Several others, we The bazaar held in the hall last | believe, intend installing the hydro. Wednesday night, November 28th, was| Mr. and Mrs. Sager of Madoc, have a success. A hot supper was served taken possession of their new home, graph quilt which sold for $6.00 was We are pleased to welcome Mr. and bought by Mr. Wm. Avery. The fish Mrs, Sager to our village. pond was the big attraction for the Mrs. Jas. Warren has gone to Osh- children, also the older folk. The|&Wa to spend the winter with her proceeds amounted to $40.00. husband and children. Miss 'Estella Dring attended a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith are com- ial ing held in Port P on | fortably settled in their new home. Wedngsday EE nr erry Mrs. Reuben Bond went to the city Sunday. Mrs. Patterson, Mrs, Foley and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Avery, Miss and Mrs. L. Bond were in the city Allie, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Avery, [last week. Audrey and Miss Iva Gilbank, attend- ed a viesentution to Mr. and Mrs, | Pitable home last Wednesday for the Frank Wilson, Prospect, last Thurs-| entertainment of the Ladies' Aid for day night. their November meeting. There was Miss B. Dring and Mr. Meredith |? large attendance. After the meet- k end at their | ing the ladies sat down to a most ap- Dring spo the Week eh] ® petizing and delicious supper. All Mr. Wm. Bright is visiting in the | reported having spent a most enjoy- city for a few days. able afternoon. At time of writing Mr. Cecil Hub- -- E w---------- bard is much improved in health. GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs, Porteous and Miss Mrs. Alvin Hunter opened her hos-| Mr. and Mrs. W. Knapp, of Col-| Miss Marjorie Leask returned home umbus, spent Thursday at the home mn of Mr, Melville Knapp. \ Mrs. J. Weatherhogg, of Oshawa, is visiting with her sister Mrs. Robt. Squelch. Many children were delighted in seeing Dear Old Santa in Toyland at Oshawa, on Saturday. Miss Hazel Ackney spent the week end at her home at Epsom. Mrs. Wm. Bright has returned home from spending two weeks in Oshawa. Grading operations are still in pro- press at Claughton's and Bray's hills. last week from South Bend, Ind. where she visited her sister, Mrs. Dr, Petress. spend the winter with their daughter ' Mrs. J. Leask is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Dobson, in Orillia. Rev. Mr, and Mrs. Dyer in Toronto Monday and Tuesday, of last week. Mr. W. Phoenix in Toronto last 'week attending the Beekeepers' Con- vention. Several from here went to a sur- prise party last Wednesday night at John Howsam"s, at Marsh Hill, which was given for Freeman Howsam, who had returned home after being in the West for some time. Mr. and Miss Edna Nugent were in Lindsay on Friday: Rev. J. Geo. Miller, Fort Francis, at W. Phoenix's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moncreif, Mr. and Mrs. Cushnie, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. T. Sharp, on Sunday. Tuesday evening of last week the League of the United Church enter- tained the League of Bethesday. COW FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey Cow, milking. Apply to B. Bickle, Prince Albert, 1 WILL YOU MARRY girl 18, $25,000, will inherit $50,000; widow 40, $78,000. Photos, descrip- tions, free, Club. Mrs. Warn, 8877 W. 4th St, Los Angeles, Cal. dec20. What Shall The road is impassable at the present time owing to so much rain. Warn: ing to all motorists--keep on the highway. When this is completed it will be a big improvement as the road has been made much wider and the hills cut down. The road north from Port Perry is being gravelled and is in fair shape. . Misses Effie and Greta Brawn ved to Toronto on Sunday to Re ACK through the centuries i : toys, the useful things ? We Give? Christmas has always been a time for the giving of presents--big or littl things to delight and gladden the hearts of children and their eldern, © But where are the Christmas presents of other years--the =worn out-~forgotten, Keep alive the spirit of your gift. Let it bring happiness and contentment from year to year--add a Royal Bank to your list of Christmas presenta. Savings Book ET i 2 57 er rT Fr Sas SHR NS SURE So re TERETE eT Fe Re,