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Port Perry Star, 6 Dec 1928, p. 7

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- impressive in fording stream. They mews in their clubs. Thus of healthy emulation is aroused in elderly cheses. You is re- captured. Life begins again to surge. © Qomtemporary traffic has produced a marked reduction in the ber of sluggish livers, if for no other rea- on 'than 'that 'most of them are now i. Anti-Fox Hunting | Movement in West of land Gains Impe Land O the as Be nent WesH nounced thi "hunting on 1 example was 10 land owners, and now lish the decision of Christie not to allow 'her estate of 2,000 acres > a letter to the Sou Wilts fox hunt oa after 'denouncing oh she hes a5 "barbarous cruell®, ou or de fenseless ani 8ays, "when your pack becomieS a drag hunt (in which an artificially laid trail is used) 1 will help you all I can and allow you any- where over my land." ~The movement may be regarded gh Animals. The victory of Stephen Coleridge and other members who want the society to work actively . against "blood sports" naturally has led to i d activity their supporters throughout the country. BE a a] School-Leaving Age C. H. P. Mayor ia the Nineteenth Century (London): There are those who strongly advocate the raising of the schoolleaving age: it is difficult to understand why. Already many teachers ze that hundreds of children are kept at schoo) too long as It is; they have acquired all the knowledge the present stage of their bsorb, Cot the realities of, life is now he best teacher for them.) _ Thereare those who can gain knowl- edge only from experience and find ing and classroom work do not .pro- 2 Jidap 'ane while an being & 'dren who have _--e ---- school too long; the one is necessary for § those who are clever fn seing of the otly ~ mecessaty for the szke of 1 did not get any permanent relief | until atter I took Dr. Willams' Pink Pills. The trouble was located mostly. in my shoulders, and at times was so bad that my right arm was almost useless. Of course I suffered much |pain and great inconvenience. My attention was directed to Dr. Willams' " | Pink Pills through an advertisement in our newspaper, and I decided to jtry them. I took the pills according | to directions with the result that the rheumatism has left me, and I have never had a twinge of if since. If this meets the eye of any rheumatic suf- ferer my advice is try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once." : cots in. the parent institution for- youngsters who can be set I w"short time if quickly given com: ospital for Bick Children has now two doors to keep open day and night to every creed. medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents | a box from The Dr. Willams' Medi-| cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Briand Cleared For more than halt a century the Hospital has depended for its very existence upen the public response to its annual appeal which, being in behalf "of children, is | Rumors Spiked by to, pay for Ats new "ot your readers gr Crusade Started oo daughters royal matchmaking. Boris of Bulgaria. . | cusation. an outcome of the recent controversy| It's had over: which threatened to split the Royal|bought it!" Society for Prevention of Cruelty to|-- Ral derclopment, alloys them to in it that stimulus which book learn-|- 'tried a great many remedies, LLOYD GEORGE ELECTIONEERING Leaving Euston Station with his daugbter Megan for Ashton-under-Lyne, to address a mass meeting for W, C. Greunwood, Liberal candidate in a by- election. ie recent wide migration "homes to crowded cities y Se rid that all ol - oin | e exodus rural reaiont. he remier's war i he pi 'was expressed in an article he wrote for Popolo d'Italia, chief Fascist journal. = 'Mussolini asserted the tendency of Italians to abandon country homes and to increase the size of cities until | the housing problem has become acute | was a "sign of decay." He set June 80, 1930, as the date by which Fas- must settle the 'back-to-the-} campaign. y e article, signed by the premier, said the migration since 1922 has re- sulted in the building of "whole cities" almost outright and said that it was absurd to believe the housing prob- lem can be solved as long as such a tendency exists. He said the first half of 1928 found was marked by the migration of 68, 621 persons from rural districts to eight of the larger cities of the na- You can get these pills from any of Match of Francoise Christoplfer . | between Princess Francoise and!the comp Prince Christopher is suppased to daily. <Hmax a trug love affair twenty-six-year-old pri forty-year-old pyince connivance is 3 ; o clbfmatié profusely shows clusters at the window-pane; ; in one er other way, one or other happy hour. find the ineomparable Spray, 6 perfect flower. But not to man the high gods gig A score of lives, ranged side b, That one of many may achiev, Howe'er the others be dented; He has one flower, and one alone, And if the facts a canker send, Or if it fail for lack of sun, It is the end. --J. M. in the London Observer. BR I Canadian Wheat for India Ottawa, Canada--Another market 'for Canadian whedt, the excellence of which is attested by the fact that it has won the world championship at the International Grain and Hay Show 14 times In the last 17 years, has just been opened by a shipment FINANCIAL NEWS A Noranda Querle ¢ In the quarter ended .| 80th, 1928, it cost Utah Copper Co. ef' 6.1 cents to produce a pound .of the red metal, while in the same period it cents per pound. report of Noranda Mines, Ltd.,, which should appear in February will give an idea of how this big new Canadian | Company will perform by way of Paris. --The announcement that Prin- | costs t ever-growing ©eSS Francoise of France, second | smaller producer at present than Utah the Duke do Guise, would of Nevada, 'that it was marry Pzince. Christopher of Greece, past that em cleared Aristide Briand, France's pound, On the other hand, the ayer- Forelgn Minisler, of the charge of age content of Noranda's ore now be- ing produced is 4 to 6 times that of When rumors of the princess's en-| its big contemporaries in copper alone. '| gagement first began to fly, M. Briand | Then there is the higher gold content was accused of having arranged a lof Noranda's ork, which will be velvet. match between the princess and King e He denied the ac-|da's new shops The next annual ng installed towards this end. The net costs will doubtless be, higher, Jossibly that when Noran- 8 completed and the dy is drawn on, smel- II be doubled, giving capacity of 4,800 tons 5, millheads may also The formal announcement | rich "H" oy he | be step publication of the Intimations have been made, ever, that directors "are keeping ews for the report." has taken place this year and what i taking place now, the state- ment should prove a brilliant docu- nual re- |, oo Baby's Own Tablets should be som | ood' | of whi tion. "These figures are not a sign of Sylvanite from $2.30 to $2.57 and Teck-Hughes from $8.61 to $8.81. power as a few imbeciles may be-| Average prices were lower for both | lieve," he said, "but are the surest of the gold copper stocks. Amulet fell | indication of decay. They explain why from $3 to $2.83 and Noranda from | the housing problem cannot be solved $64.65 to $63. | unless the present system is changed." In the silver and miscellaneous| The premier said Italy could not group the average price of Caniagas afford to spend many millions of dol- rose from $2.80 to $3 and Mining Cor-|lars in building in the cities' and must poration from $3.12 to $3.27. find better investments. "The watchword for Italians in all tts ~~ Sure commencing | TARkS of life must be to facilitate the . exodus from cities by all means, in- up production to $500,000 monthly and | that two adidtional tube mills are be-| po abandonment of fields or country side generally." SEP, NESE foundations of these are now sald | to be in process of being poured. It]. is further stated that an adidtional * . filter will be taken in. At the lowest Britain Abandons levels of the mine two. new, almost ® solid, quartz veins are said to have Claim to Islands been discovered. These two breaks . : are reported to bé 40- feet in width. BE 13 | South Atlantic 1 en Toronto Weekly Bank Clearings me | The bank clearings in the city of| Norwegians Free to Develop Toronto for the week ending Nov. 23, « 1928 amounted to $181,786,133, an in- Whaling Near Bouvet crease of $28,616,541 over the corre- and Thompson sponding period last year and am fn-| Islands crease of $66,981,739 as compared with | the previous week of this year. London.--The withdrawal of the Week 1927 1928 British claim to Bouvet and Thomp- Nov. 10th 131,805,827 188,317,589 | son Islands in the south Atlantic Nov. 17th 149,024,661 124,804,383 | leaves the Norwegians free to further' Nov, 24th 153,269,581. 181,786,122 | develop the whaling activities in that region. Apart from two British and one erm A} mee . WHEN YOUR BABY Argentine company; the whole ant- arctic whaling trade is in the hands of Norwegians, and latterly they I CATCHES A COLD earned dividends ranging from nearly 60 per cent. though they ------ only operate some four months In spite of all precautions little ones According to a report to the Leag will take colds--especially during the | of Nations by Dr. Jose Leon Suarez of changeable days of our Fall season. |Buenos Aires, whales are rapidly be- | When the first symptoms appear-- |ing exterminated, some 15 to 20 per | sneezing, redness of the eyes, running | cent. being destroyed yearly. Hitherto the British Government given at once. They will rapidly break | has demanded a royalty on the whale up the cold and prevent more serious |oil produced round Bouvet Island, as complications. it still does on that from the Falk- Mothers who. keep a box of Baby's |land Islands--a practice which Dr. Own Tablets in the home always feel | Suarez described in his report ¢: ment, with some senastional aspects. How will profits work out? What will ore reserves show? Gold copper stock represented by Noranda and Amulet fell from 288.4 Eleven gold stocks rose Among the gold stocks the average weekly prices behaved --Hollinger fell from §9 Melntyre from $20.89 to $19.82, Lake $2064 to $19.02 and Wright-Hargreaves from $2.74. Dome rose from $8.45 to $8.61. to $8.85, $2.63 to safe. In fact they are like having being "very doubtful legally," and a doctor in the house. They are a|'"quite inadequate" {o prevent the e gentle but thorough laxative that|termination of whales by a process | i sweeten the stomach and regulate the | which, he said, was "veritable but- ilet Pre Weighted Index Number of 17 Mining [yp C01" hue driving out constipation Bel ' | To 1 Stocks for 1926 Equals 100. ? e weighted index of 17 mining of the many childhood ailments which computed by the Dominion are the direct result of a clogged con- Buneai, of Statistics on the base 1926 dition of the bowels or sour stomach. 0, was 114.7 for the week They are absolutely safe--being guar-| incident may be somewhat peculiar, ovember 15th, as compared with 116.9 for the week ending No- {and indigestion and relieving the baby ae fe It is reported that one of the fastidi- ous newly-married ladies of this town | kneads bread with her gloves on. This anteed to contain no drug at all harm- | put there are others. The editor of ful to even the youngest babe. They |this paper needs bread with his shoes cannot possibly do harm--they always | on, he needs bread with his shirt on; do good. he needs bread with his pants on; and Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all | ynless the delinquent subscribers pour medicine dealers or will be sent by |yp before long he will need bread mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr.| without a damn thing on. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, o> ont, Let those who bewail the 'decadent youth" of this day ponder that "hot" one written in 1760 by the French jurist and philosopher, Montesquien: "It is not the young people who de- generate; they are not spoiled ti of 286,725 bushels from Vancouver, B.C. to India. This is the first time wheat grown in Canada has been | sent to that country, which is one of | the principal wheat growing coun- tries of the world. Another shipment pt 235,000 bushels leaves Vancouver for Calcutta in December. Canada's agricultural wealth is esti- mated at $7,820,000,000 and the amount of capital invested In agricul- the basic industry of the Do- Lda about $3,800,000,000. Bho rnin those of mature age are already sunk $18-25 OCEAN FARE TO CANADA Wives Families in corruption." EYES ALSO DENOTE THE CONDITION OF YOUR HEALTH Whatever be their color or natural sparkle, their beauty is if they | Yous eyes will eg reflect improved health. | Maid (seeking new post)--'"Yes, I 'go as a general servant b December 1st, Lake Shore will 8teD | 1nding force if necessary, #nd to! COOK, or wash or sew or Ww an shoes, or polish, and 1 must go out as much as possible." Office Official--"But you get a post like that." all you kpow~I have already had five hamper in all ways, including force, | cle Classified Adverts wm | iult POUND UL. END and Full Inforiution Sent ¥ res THE RAMSAY CO. Dept. W. "Children Like It-- At the first sign of a Cold, buy "Buckley's". Th first dose does two things-- relieves the cough instantly and delights the taste. Different from all other remedies for Cough Colds, Bronchitis. Prevents "Flu", Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. Scld everywhere under money-refunded guarantee. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 BUCKLEY sis Acts like a flash-- Ser > aon i parations Delightfully fragrant, hi or eleansing and beautifying the skin 25e. each everywhere -- Samples [ # Box 2616, Montreal, Canada. Winter Sports Winter sportsmen find Min. Novice: And how should I play the 19th hole? . 'made its own bed, in the arifts, and may havé to me time to come. there as elsewhere, f r that conditions Pro; I think you'd- better stick to iced tea! ? BC Spa ck stomachs, sour stomachs and | The largest: proportion. of Canadian |yngigestion usually mean excess acid. | straw production is consumed in | rhe stomach nerves are. over-stimu injon. In addition Canada im-|jated. Too much acid makes the stom- about 8,000,000 Pounds of straw- | goh and Intestines sour, ; | Alkalt dts ald Instantly. "The best form is Ph * Milk of Magnesia because one neutralizes Since Tittle baby learn "I learned two. call me 'mama's little " Take a spoonful in water unhappy condition will pro in five minutes. Then you will know what to do. Crude and harmful prove this for your own sake. It may, gave a great many disagreeable hours. the genuine Phillips' prescribed by physi tasteless dose its volume in |Milk of Magnesia

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