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Port Perry Star, 13 Dec 1928, p. 5

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_ WINS POLITICAL VICTORY Rt. Hon, Neville Chamberlain, British Health Minister, who, by 'his two-and-a-half hour speech in the House of Commons practical~ assured the success of the Bri- h government's derating scheme whereby industry would be re- lieved of local taxation and local government would be reformed. solve them anyway. | SANTA says: "Only 9 more shopping days "before Christmas, Do Your Shopping Early. 'When in town be sure to visit our Gift Section. help you solve your gift problems. Let us help you to It may Blue or Fawn. Nicely bound PEADBUR] MOTOR CO., pet ce St,, Oshawa, Phone 1160 ~{ ; yr Bi 2 \ an i _-- 8 i EA PRINCE ALBERT Mr. John Foley is we are sorry to report, on the sick list. In Port Perry, on Saturday, Dee. 1st, by the Rev. Mr. Mclver, Miss Mary Wililams, younger daughter of '| Mr. and Mrs. E. Wiliams, was married «to Mr. Lorne Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Thompson, Manchester Station. i 'The annual Christmas concert of * the Prince Albert Sunday School will ----00Oamn HOCKEY TALK Intermediates Commence Training in High School Gym. 4 Under the direction of Dr. Rennie, the local intermediate team have com- menced preliminary training in the High School gym. The gym has been secured for four nights a week, Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. '| Training began last Thursday and there have been fair turnouts every night, This is to continue until the team is able to get on the ice. - LJ * » Ice at the rink is already in the making and if the present cold weather continues "it wont be long now." . : | » - LJ Dr. Rennie, who has consented to act as trainer for the Intermediates is | -- A new scarf for Christmas, Fancy scarfs of Crepe de Chene in many different colors. Long or triangular shapes. Special $1.69, $1.98, $2.98 COAT FLOWERS Smart Flowers for coat or.dress. A good CHECKED WOOL BLANKETS Mother and Sister would appreciate one of these beautiful Blankets. Checks of Rose, SPECIAL $6.50 EACH |!. SCARFS MEN with satin. N an ideal gift. boxed. 50c. to $1.50 Pure wool scarfs for the men. serviceable in Highland checks and stripes. Just what father or brother would like. Give him a necktie, A new assortment just arrived. All nicely 'S SCARFS Warm and 98c¢. to $3.50 ECKTIES : He will appreciate it. SPECIAL 50c. to $1.00 ~- MEN'S SOCKS Silk and wool or pure wool, good service- able qualities in a variety of colors. Special §0c. to $1.00 SUNDERLAND SUTCLIFFE & SONS, 1 PORT PERRY, Phone 246 :: Headquarters Established over Thirty years ago in Lindsay ONTARIO BEAVERTON a former Queens star. Althought un- able to play for the team, Dr. Rennie has declared himself willing to help them as muth as possible. Loeal hockey fans will welcome Dr. Rennie, * * » It is learned that the South Ontario League will bein operation again this year but t i# not probable that Port Perr #l have a team. hy F «1 » . After 2 4 sence of some years the be held in the church on Thursday evening, December 20th n ning's entertain, A eft last week 'o id the winter with her piece in U rid; \ | aR ys : . Mr, Ed. Moles has purchasedihe | wo greatest of all Chevrolets ts Ns ; lumber from the at vir a SHER ; y ' erect an up-to-date poultry b' SSC! Br. and Mrs, Chas. Pilkey Motored to Buffalo for the week cnd. * 'Mr. Roy Thompson has erected a SE Cabri-let $885, The Lande 4933, . garage. 5 hy : ll Yor sia! Jrices 4 Factors: Quhava. Covers. Misses Pauline and Bernice Price CL Clams $695 rye Welk Goverment Toros - spent the week end in Peterboro. €.8.12.200 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graham, of : Brooklin, were Sunday guests at the Ei a i home of W. Graham. _ 3 Sorry to report a number have the flu in the neighborhood. Mr. Norman Hughson and son Lloyd, of Raglan, spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. J. Hughson. Ty youth to take (WW with avidity, and the ideqy The annual meeting of the Ladies' liam ds apt to ; Aid was held' at the home of the we = ia % President last Tuesday afternoon, ham; Vice President, Mrs. 0. H. Downey; Secretary, Mrs. T. R. Price; Assist. Sec., Mrs. R. Thompson; High SgFs"%ave re-entered organ- ized 'Ciihd will have a team in i taro Secondary School "Entry will to some ex- NEWS 1. Irwin and Miss Streetman. and Mrs. F. Ba: of Toronto, son. \ . Mrs. F. Inbram, of Toronto, is spenfiing a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mgs. A. Martyn. Mrs."J. Aldred spent last week end in Toronto. Messrs. Norman and John Grills, of Washburn, visited with their sister 'Mrs. W. Mark, on Sunday. 'Mrs. S. Ferguson, of Cartwright, Mrs. C. L. Fralick is now President of the Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Geo. Jackson having 'resigned. Last year the Aid raised over $400 and hope to do as well this year. We wish Mrs. Fralick success in her new position. The Ladies' Aid held at Mrs. Wm. Jackson. There were over sixty pre- sent for supper. Proceeds $11.00. There are quite & few reported to be on the sick list. We hope they will all soon be on the road to recovery. The Christmas Trees at the three appointments will be held next week. At the Foot, Thursday, 20th; at the Head on Friday, 21st, and at the Centre on Saturday 22nd. A good program is being prepared at each i appointment, Blackstock The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Robt, Ma- hood, on the Thursday Dec. 18th, in- stead of the 8rd Thursda; visited with her sister recently. | sent. The two delegates to the an- nual convention, Mrs. Leslie Graham and Gertrude Henry, then gave excel- lent reports of the convention. The meeting closed with the serving of lunch. The first regular meeting of the Ladies' Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, on Thursday of last week with the Worthy Mistress, Sister Crawford in charge. The High School Concert held in the township hall on Friday evening last was a splendid success; the proceeds amounted to $80.00, being $5.00 more than last year. It was decided to devote $50.00 of the amount to a - | scholarship. The pupils of the Public School and their teacher Miss Kathleen Phoenix spent Sunday with are busy preparing for their concert which is to be held in the town hall on Thursday evening of next week, "¥ Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Dece. 20th, We are pleased to know that Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mrs. Frank Harris are some better after their recent ill- ness. The young people of the United and Anglican churches are busy with their plays "The Country Minister" and "In Cherry Time" which will be | put on two nights during Christmas and New Years week respectively. On Tuesday evening of last week a large number of friends and relatives met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Larmer and preserited their-son Rus- sell and his bride with a miscellaneous shower of beautiful and useful gifts. After speeches by the chairman, Mr. Wannan, the bride and groom, Mr. Jeffrey's was in charge of Mrs. G.| Jas. Larmer and Mr. Jack Smith, the evening was spent in a quiet social time-and brought to a close by the serving of refreshments. Mr. Harold Larmer has gone to Sudbury to spend the winter months in the lumber camp. On Monday evening, Mr. Leslie Lansing had the misfortune to have his car almost deStroyed by fire. The accident occurred while he was get- ting gas at Mr. McNally's bowser. A lighted lantern ignited the gas but prompt action with several fire ex- tinguishers succeeded in putting out the blaze. On Wednesday evening of last week the Young People's League of the United Church held a banquet; the chief speaker of the occasion being Rev. Roy Rickard of Bowmanville. We are plea Osmond Wrigh Bowmanville Hos avorably. amir h spent a very the home of Mr. , on The many friends of Mrs. Alfred Bradburn and Mr. Geo. Medd will be sorry to learn that they have passed , away; the former at her home in Bel- | grave and the latter at his home in ; Brandon. 'Mrs. Bradburn pod Mp both s earlier. part © oa A vicinity of Black: 2 5 leave & number of relatives Navel Oranges SUNKIST, SEEDLESS, SWE ET AND JUICY, Per dozen, 40c., 50c., 60c., and 0c. GRAPE FRUIT, good value GRAPES, Red Emperors, SPANISH ONIONS 3 for 25¢. per Ib 20c. 3 bs for 25c. CALIFORNIA LETTUCE, hard heads. .each 15¢ and 20c. D. CORBMAN Miss Jessie Slute of Bowmanville, spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. A. Rahm, ---- (00 Raglan Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ormiston were guests of Miss H. Ormiston, of Col- umbus, on Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hewson and son Lloyd spent Wednesday in the City. Among those present who attended the party given by Mr. C. Rahm were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hubbard and Miss Marion, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rahm, Mr. and Mrs. A. Slute and Mr. W. Slute. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans motored to Toronto on Wednesday to spend the day with the former's sister Miss E. McKee who is improving from her recent illness. Mr. D. Thompson met with a pain- ful accident last week when he had the misfortune to fall and crack three ribs, At the present time he is under the doctor's care, but we hope he wiil be able to be up and around again. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Knapp and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. Samells of Blackstock on Wednesday of last week. The ladies of the Woman's Mission- ary Society of Columbus have invited the ladies of the Raglan congregation to attend a meeting held in the church on Tuesday to hear an address given by Miss Mitchael on Foreign mission- ary work. Mrs. D. Thompson Miss Jean Miss Tla Wilson and Mr. Lloyd were in the City on Saturday. Glad to report that Mr, Stanley Nottingham is improving nicely from having his tonsils removed at the Port erry Hospital on Tuesday. _ Mr. Baker of Hamilton was survey- 'ng the lots and concessions in East Whitby Township and arranging with 'he farmers to put a long distance Bell Telephone line from Montreal to Sudbury. Work will commence as soon 1s arrangements are completed. Mrs. King, of Toronto, was a gues | of Mrs, J. T. Evans, on Sunday. Mr. Wim. Hodgson has returned | home after 1| latives in O 3 a week with re- Leonard Block Port Perry spending a few days with Miss Susie Bray. Miss H. Ackney and Miss Iva Gil bank spent the week end at their re- spective homes in Epsom and Bow- manville. Mr. John Moore has put his power- ful machine away for the year having completed his round of threshing, Mr. and Mrs. H. Powell and family left for their new home in Oshawa, last week. Mr. Will Slute is taking possession immediately, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapp and family were at J. E. Nottingham's during the week. Mr. Arthur Ormiston was at the home of his father Mr. I. Ormiston, on Sunday. Miss Ethel Bright is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs. Garland of Columbus. A Mr. and Mrs. W. Kellington, Mr. and Mrs, J. Kellington, were guests of Mrs. Roy Brawn, of Oshawa, on Sun- ay. Mrs. T. Thompson is visiting with her daughter Mrs. Jas. Moore of Col- umbus, Owing to light snow fall on Thurs- day night, the roads were very slip- pery for several days. A number from here attended the auction sale of Mr. Denny, on Satur- day. On Monday the Tax Collector was in the vilage. This event was not looked forward to with, much pleasure this year, as the taxes were consider- able higher owing to the extensive road work. : It is 1 to see pl flip- Miss Mildred Wilson, Oshawa, and Mr. Eugene Dearborn, of Columbus, spent Sunday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. STORE ROBBED IN CANNINGTON x being made through r which had been locked ping around in the month of December About $500 worth of . ns Son A

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